Deviation (bwwm) *Mature* Com...

By Thewastelands

262K 13.6K 7.1K

When Tania Roberts' father passes, she is left with the responsibility of renting out the land that's been in... More

Important Information
Face Claims


10.5K 562 449
By Thewastelands

Heavy footsteps woke Tania from her slumber. The room was still dark but she could tell from the loudly chirping birds that it was morning.

"Didn't mean to wake yah." Flint spoke softly as he approached her side of the bed. He had on his work pants and boots but his torso remained bare. Leaning over, he kissed her forehead and stroked the side of her face.

"It's okay." She mumbled as she sat up. Raising her hands, she stretched out her body- the feeling waking her up more.

"You don't have to get up. I'm just going down to check on the animals and I'll be right back. Lay down." He gently pushed her back in bed with a smile.

"I want to help." A pout set itself on her face and she pushed against his arms. Flint stared down at her, contemplation clear on his face before he let out a sigh and allowed her to get up.

"But only with the chickens." He slipped in before slapping her ass and continuing to the closet to finish getting dressed.

Tania didn't care considering she was excited to help out. It wasn't in her character to sit around while others worked. Being mindful of what may happen, she placed on her old sweats and one of Flint's t-shirts. Once in the bathroom she washed her face, brushed her teeth, and slicked her hair back.

"Ready?" Flint questioned once she'd made it back into the room. He walked better on his own but she always found herself hovering.

"Yup. Let me just grab my phone." Once she had the device, they walked downstairs and each made themselves something quick to eat. Tania made sure to slip two waters in her pockets in case they got thirsty later.

"Wait." Flint pulled her hand to stop her from stepping out the front door.

"What?" Turning to him, she knew it wasn't serious from the goofy smile on his face.

"Can I have a kiss? You know one of those good luck at work ones."

"I'm going out with you." She laughed as he pulled her into his chest.

"So you give me one and I'll give you one." He tilted his head and dipped down until his lips brushed her own. "What do yah say?"

"You're a cornball." Tania couldn't fight the wide smile on her face or the nervous butterflies that zoomed inside her stomach. Closing the space, a content sigh left them both as their lips melded into one. Her head leaned back to give him more access to her mouth and he wasted no time in devouring her. Her body cried out for him with each caress of his tongue against her own.

"We should stop." Her words came out breathy as they finally broke away.

"I still have to give you your kiss." There was an arrogant tone to his words. "I want you to have good luck while we work."

"Mmhhh." She hummed with doubt as she pulled her head away from his approaching lips.

"This is a very serious matter." The look of faux seriousness of his face was quickly broken with a smile as he pulled her closer. It almost felt surreal to be standing in his arms as the birds chirped loudly and the sun began to peak over the horizon.

"Just one." She gave in, her sentence hardly escaping her lips before Flint slanted his own against hers. Wrapping his arm around her shoulder, he held her firmly against his body as his lips conveyed their own message.

A heat settled in her stomach and she tried clenching her thighs to extinguish it. The sun hadn't even fully risen yet here she was ready to be pounded. She could feel his erection pressing into her stomach and was relieved to know she wasn't the only one getting heated.

"What time is it?" He spoke as he pulled from her lips to trail kisses down her neck. Tania managed to get her body to function again and pulled her phone out.

"It's 6:20." Tania was surprised to see it was so early. She'd thought it was closer to 7 than that.

"Perfect. Come on." He tugged her back inside before she could process what was happening.

"I thought we were taking care of the animals?" His long legs proved an advantage as he led her to a door a few feet from the kitchen. Tania had to double step in order to keep up.

"We are, but I'm gonna take care of you first."

"You're so beautiful." Flint spoke against her lips as he slowly pumped into her. Her hands tangled in his hair as she took each thrust- his hips pushing deeply within her before slowly pulling back.

"Fuuck..." she trailed off as she allowed the pleasure to swallow her. Even with a broken rib, Flint managed to please her unlike any partner she'd ever had.

"Say my name, darlin." The baritone whisper turned her on even more. Everything about Flint seemed so perfect that she considered if she'd been hallucinating the whole thing. Her contemplations were quickly shut down as he shifted his position and touched so deeply it almost hurt.

"Flint!" She cried out as he thrust against her g-spot. "Right there."

"Here?" He questioned as he hit her spot once more.

"Yes! Yes!" Granting her wish, he stayed right where he was. Tania felt her legs shake as he sped up slightly to push her over the edge. She could only moan his name as he worked to get them both to cum.

"I'm cumming!" Her cry was silence as he placed his lips to hers. Unable to handle his continued pumping into her, she harshly clawed at his back. Chopped moans fell from him as he sloppily pumped to finish himself off. Leaning back, he pushed himself until he could go no further then stilled inside her.

"Shit." He exhaled as he threw his head back. Tania's body still tightly clenched around him making it impossible to pull out.

"I'll get you a plan b." He chuckled as he pushed his hair back. Staring up at him, Tania couldn't believe a man like Flint had fucked her multiple times. His sharp features and bright eyes paired with silky black hair made him a specimen. Add in his charm, good spirit, and honesty and it all seems to good to be true.

"If I get pregnant, I'm going to skin you alive." Scowling at him, she pointed a finger into his chest.

"Our baby would be cute though." Pushing her hand from his chest, he leaned back over to hover over her.

"That baby's going straight to heaven, sweetheart, I hate to break it to you." She laughed as he rolled his eyes. Slowly pulling out of her, he rolled over to lay beside her.

"Do you want children?" He questioned after a moment of silence. The sun had finally risen, casting a glowing halo around the pair.

"Not really. Never liked the idea." Tania had never seen the appeal of children. She didn't mind being a childless woman despite the many screams she'd received for holding that opinion. "What about you?"

"Yeah, I want a house full. I love kids and I want to carry on my name." Turning to face her, he swept his eyes over her features before looking her in the eyes. A slight smile pulled at his lips before he turned to face the ceiling.

"We should get going." She jumped from the bed before they dived further into the topic. If she did decide to stay with him, kids were something they'd have to compromise on. She wouldn't be able to risk her life for a child.

"Yeah..." he muttered as he rolled out of the bed to get dressed as well.

"You come back here, mister." Tania huffed as she chased one of the chickens that'd gotten out of its area. The small bird quickly ran across the field and Tania tried her best to catch the thing.

Flint had left her alone to go tend to the cows about a mile North. Tania could feel the sweat rolling down her back and neck as she tried to keep up with the chicken. As if to mock her, the chicken doubled back towards her but quickly ducked right when she tried to grab him.

"I hope you know you're getting fried first!" She called to the chicken as she once more trailed behind it. The sound of tires approaching distracted them both as they froze in place to see where the noise was coming from.

"You get your butt back in your enclosure before they run you over." As if the chicken could understand her, he turned around and headed back into the large space for all Flint's chickens. She let out a relieved sigh as she closed the gate back. Using her shirt, she pulled the collar up to wipe the sweat rolling down her face.

"Tania, was it?" She jumped slightly as she hurriedly pulled the shirt away from her face to see who it was.

"Yeah, that's me. Nice to meet you, again." She laughed lightly once she realized it was Trey. He smiled brightly as he shielded his face from the sun. The white t-shirt stuck to his body with sweat and she could see the black ink beneath it.

"You as well." He chuckled lightly. "Glad to keep my head this time."

"Haha, yeah." She trailed off unsure of what else to say. The noisy chickens watched on silently and she mentally cursed them for choosing now to be quiet. "I should get back to feeding them."

"I could help you. I'm sure you've never done this before." He approached her quickly and Tania stepped back. It was annoying when people coddled her as if she were helpless.

"I'm sure I can manage, but thanks." The smile she sent him was tight lipped and clearly forced. Despite her attitude, he continued into her personal space and grabbed the feed from her hands.

"No, it's fine. I know you're more of a city girl so this might be a bit different. Let me show you." Trey stuck his hand in the bag and threw the food inside the enclosure. The chickens scrambled to get some, their feathers ruffling together, some even fought.

"Thanks for the demonstration. I think I got it now." Tania tried to remain polite but her patience was quickly wearing thin.

"Yeah, no problem." He passed her back the bag before putting his hands on his hips to watch her. Ignoring him, she stepped inside the enclosure as Flint instructed her and placed the food into the designated feeding spot he'd showed her. The chickens patiently waited for her to finish before lining up to eat.

"That's good." She once more jumped at the closeness of his voice. Tripping over one of the chickens, she stumbled over to prevent killing it which sent her body to the side and into a large trout of water.

"You mothe-" she cut herself off to take a deep breath. The last thing she needed was to get into with one of the farm hands.

"See, if you'd have let me help you this wouldn't have happened. You city girls think you're so independent." Trey shook his head before leaning over to give her a hand up. Tania smacked his hand away and stood on her own.

"Motherfucker none of this would have happened had you backed the fuck up. I told you I already knew what I was supposed to be fucking doing. You need to get the fuck out of my face." She fumed as she pushed past him and out of the enclosure.

"You've got a filthy mouth." There was clear disgust in his voice.

"Nigga, fuck you. Get the fuck away from me." Putting the tie back on the bag, she hurriedly walked around the enclosure to put it back in its place. The sound of his footsteps let her know he was still trailing behind her.

"No, I need to make sure you don't mess up anything else." Tania turned around so fast his face remained a blur for a moment.

"So I don't fuck up anything else? I didn't fuck up anything! If you weren't sticking your nose in my asshole then I wouldn't have tripped." Trey crossed his arms over his chest, a harsh stare pointed directly at her. Tania couldn't control herself as she wildly waved her arms and stuck her finger in his face.

"I was just watching."

"You know what," she chuckled to herself as she felt her temper rise, "I'm only going to ask you one more time to get out of my face."

"I'm not in your face. This is in your face." He stepped so close his chest brushed her own. Before she could step back, he grabbed her arm.

"You need to be more careful. There are a lot of-" before he could finish his monologue, Tania began roughly pulling herself away from him.

"Get the fuck off me!" Mushing her hand in his face, she kicked against his thigh to push his body away. He was stronger than she thought so he easily dragged her body with him and Tania cried out as she felt her shoulder pop.

"I'm trying to explain the rules to you and you're putting your hands on me." Trey scolded as if she were a child.

"Just let me go!" She cried out as she began pulling away once more. Panic quickly worked it's way up her throat as she tried to get him off her. His words were replaced with a loud ringing and tears flew down her face as she kicked and pulled.

"Flint! Flint!" Her voice screamed as her body went into overdrive. Sheer terror ripped through her as Trey pulled her body to the ground.

"Shut up!" He roughly shook her shoulders. Tania clawed at his face while kicking any part of his body she could reach. Her screams caused the chickens to go mad, their own chirps mixing in.

Her hands flew around wilding trying to punch or slap him before they finally connected. Due to her blurred vision she couldn't make out where his face was so she simply threw punches wherever she felt movement. When his hands lifted from her shoulders, she quickly rolled to the left ignoring the pain in her shoulder and chest. Her body tripped over itself as she stumbled to her feet and began running.

"Get back here!" She heard Trey scream behind her. It pushed her to run faster and she screamed for help as she neared a stable.

Multiple people emerged from the stable, their curious looks replaced with horror as they took in the sight before them. Just before she could make it to the gravel path, Trey's large body tackled her to the ground.

"Hey! Get off of her!"

Multiple people called out to him just as he punched her in the face. His heavy blow causing her head to spin and blood to pour from her nose. Before he could land another hit, he was tackled off of her and wrestled to the ground by two men.

"Come on, sweetheart." Mabel suddenly appeared before her and helped her to her feet. Tania felt her head spin as soon as she moved but found relief as another man came to pick her up.

An ice pack was given to her and she sat on a bench regaining her breath. Her heart finally calmed down and she was able to see and think clearly.

"So... who's going to tell Flint?" Mabel questioned the group. All eyes seemed to downcast in fear before they all turned to Tania.

"I guess that makes sense, huh."


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