Happy New Year

By Nicole9714

175K 7.4K 933

New Years, the celebrations of new beginnings, People starting diets, homes, careers the list goes on. For Se... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 (Last Chapter)
Note From Author

Chapter 12

4.6K 238 14
By Nicole9714


" Mama ?"

" why are women so hard"

" boy what are you talking about"

After the situation between me and Sierra.

We are too much of odds. What woman goes to another man while she pregnant by another man.

That shit don't add up. It's trifling if you ask me.

" nothing Mama" I said regretting this conversation.

" let me guess it's about that pregnant girl"

I just stayed quiet not even correcting her.

" what happened" she said giving me a serious look.

That black mama look you wouldn't dare look away from.

I quickly cleared my throat.

" some things happen she got mad and basically told me the babies weren't mine and now I don't know what to believe"

" Now I know my son, boy what did you say to that girl"

" mama what are you saying" I said raising my eyebrow.

" She is pregnant for God sake, her hormones are on 10, you say or do anything she is bound to go off on you. Pregnant women are like delicate flowers you have to be careful around them. now I'm not gone ask you again what did you say"

I let out a sigh thinking of what happen two days ago.

" I kind of told her that everything was a mistake which in fact it was"

" hm a mistake that you help cause. Son what gives you the right to say that to her"

" would you have been okay with your father telling me that you was mistake ?"

I couldn't even say nothing.

" Exactly, if you truthfully feel like these are not your babies then ask her for a test" My mother said.

" what if she don't want to ?"

" well you may have bigger fish to fry"

" But if those results come back, then what Ju ?"

" Imma man up"

" I hate to say this but I honestly don't know if I believe that."

" Mama I'm serious, I'm just want us the to be on same page"

" mhmn"

" you can't just keep having these lashes out on her when you two get in a argument"

" okay mama" I said throughly listening to her.


It was quiet

Just the way I like it.

" So Sierra how does your mother feel that you slept with a married man"

I guess I spoke to soon.

" for the uptenth time I did not know he was married, we were both drunk"

" So your were being careless, Sierra I thought I have taught you better than that"

"Let's face it dad she learn from her mother"

All he could do is put his head down. Yes I hope he feels like shit

" Well you do know the saying it's takes two to tango" I said with a smirk.

" Sierra, watch it"

" Excuse me watch what exactly"

I was tired of the shade and the downright disrespect from them.

I quickly put the fork down from the food I was barley eating.

It was unseasoned anyway.

" you know what I don't need this, and for the record . . . Dad. You don't ever have to worry about seeing me or my babies anymore. This is it.

" Destiny you have my number"

" and she will not be calling you, don't need none of your influence rubbing off on her"

" Mom" she said

" Hush Destiny"

" Fine then"

I walked out the Dinning area with my head held high. I was tired of everything.

From Julian and his doubts, to Claire running her mouth and her stupid ass parents.

It felt like no one was in my circle besides my mom, Ices, and Mal.

The hot tears stain my face. I honestly start to feel my heart getting heavy like I couldn't breathe.

So much hurt sooo much pain.

I don't think I ever want to have kids after this.

As a little girl I use to have a fairytale that I would be married the man I of my dreams and have a nice job and 3 kids.

I only just got 1/3 of the portion.

I rubbed my belly feeling them move around just a little.

" Mommy loves you guys no matter what"

At this point I needed space a whole lot of it.

A stress free vacation.

A month later

* POW * * POW *POW*

" So you haven't spoken to her ?"

I shook my head as I loaded the gun.

Me and Brandon where at the gun range just to kill time.

Especially for me as I prepare for this big case.

It's a domestic violence. That can either go left or right.

" Man you are hell" he said chuckling.

" Man I don't even know if  it's ..... well "they" are mine"

" I don't know what to tell you" he said firing off his gun.

" shiiitttt ion know either" I said shrugging my shoulders.

I know the shit sounds dis-heartening but it's the truth woman flocked themselves to me on the daily basis and I know they are ready to trap a nigga.

This time I just so happen to get too carried  away.

" You know Ju I look to you as a brother, I don't want you out here dipping off on your kids, if she is carrying your seeds. You know we both come from a fatherless home."

" mannn I hate when you do this."

I check the time seeing it was still early.

" aight man I'll go to her" I said safely unloading the guns.

" That's my boy. Ion need you taking no advice from Ant stupid ass"

I laugh hard as hell cause his ass be talking reckless.

45 minutes later

I finally made it to Sierra side of town seeing her car.

I quickly parked beside it killing my engine.

Taking a deep breath I got out the car. I walked up the two steps giving her door two knocks.

The sound of her soft voice could be heard on the other side.

Soon as she opened up the door the look on her face said it all. I knew she regretted it by the look on her face.

" look I'm pretty sure I'm the last person you want to see. However I want to settle this once for all"

" I w-"

" okay, let's do it now" She said before I could finish my sentence.

" are you sure" I said skeptically. I was shocked that she took up the offer so quickly.

" yep" she said popping the p

" ok well you can g-"

" I'll follow you there lemme just get my keys" she said before closing her door in my face.

Yea she definitely not up for my shit.

At the hospital

We were finally able to see the doctors for the paternity test.

" So these are not going to harm my babies" she said as she protectively rubbing her stomach.

" No ma'am it's just going to be a simple procedure"

" how long will it take for the results"

" about 2-4 days"

I nodded my head being okay with it.

" you guys ready"

We both shook our heads yes.

I watched as she took blood from Sierra then swobbed my mouth.

It didn't take long at all, I honestly didn't know what to expect.

After everything was complete we were finally able to leave.

There was a long hallway towards the exit.

The quietness made me uneasy. I try to steal a look at her.

But I couldn't read the motion on her face.

" Sierra can I talk to you for a sec"

" there is nothing to talk about"

" com'on I'm trying with you"

She finally stopped walking.

" what for ? for almost a month I've been doing good without you and when these results come back . . ."

" I don't want to hear nothing from you. If I have to I will file police restraining order on you, I don't care if you think Im crazy or not but I refuse to lose myself or my babies because of you Julian"

" I'm tired of constantly repeating myself and listening to the bullshit you tell others"

" call me harsh but this is honestly h-how I feel, see look at this, I'm tired of crying because of you"

I watched her emotions were constantly changing as she sat in the nearest chair.

My heart instantly pounded thinking the worse.

" Are you okay"

" don't worry about me .  .  . just go" she said breathing heavily.

" Sierra I don't care how you feel about me right now, something is wrong and I want to help"

She didn't say nothing after that but continue to breath heavily.

Panic start to take over me as I searched for the nearest nurse.

Luckily one was coming in.

She notice Sierra and I and ran over.

" Ma'am is anything hurting"

" My stomach, everything" she cried out.

At this moment I just wanted to make her feel better. Let all the pain she is having go away.

I looked down as the nurse as she checked her blood pressure.

The look on her face I knew something was wrong.

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