
By lizard-on-a-bike

221 12 2

This is where my commissioned stories will go. Thank you to everyone and anyone who helps me <3 More

today, tomorrow, and every day after

221 12 2
By lizard-on-a-bike

thank you to @syriacus my first comm, and perhaps the sweetest person around. This is fluff, which, as you might know, is not my typical type of story, but I hope this is cute anyway. Heads up for pregnancy (I know that's not everyone's thing lol).

the fifth year after

She's beautiful, you thought with sunshine in your eyes as you watched your daughter run in the tall grass. Victoria (affectionately called Tori) was your first child, so you and Eli had applied ample sunscreen and bug spray so she could play safely. The three of you were picnicking in the afternoon sun with the smell of soft autumn playing in the air. Leaves danced with your daughter in the most idyllic way. Honestly? Luck had rained down upon you in droves, good energies and the happiest of days sat all around you in this perfect world you had created with Eli.

the third year after

He was reading to her again, which was adorable. She would only go to sleep when she heard his voice, which was really sweet, but admittedly made you a little jealous. She clearly liked you both, but her dad was her main comfort.

You were glad Eli wasn't a shitty dad—thats always a possibility—finding out that the man you married isn't as into parenting as he thought he was.

Eli was so loving, both to you and to Tori.

the day of

It was an intense indescribable pain, but maybe it was worth it. Maybe if you looked into the eyes of your daughter—the first living, breathing, human proof of your love—it was worth it. Was it wrong to project a little? You saw in her a better childhood than what you had. You saw everything you've been through—all the pain all the healing. You worked so hard and now she was here, warm in your arms, wrapped in a blanket. Eli stood beside you, crying more than the baby. You giggled a little at his sentimentalism, but you felt it, too. you were crying, just like him.

She was beautiful, and she'd be happy. You'd make sure of it.

two months before

You cried and cried and cried. You knew it was too much, but you were sobbing.

Just the slight raise of tone in Eli's voice horrified you. You weren't sure how to explain your fear to him—the way he just yelled echoing back to times you'd faced long before you ever met him.

He didn't mean to scare you, but he did. The two of you were arguing about something truly stupid, and then he... yelled. And it was over for you. You didn't want to say you were 'triggered,' but that was absolutely what you were. You were freaking out when you didn't need to. Eli would never ever hurt you like the people in your past did, but despite knowing that you felt a surge of concern for you and the baby inside of you.

"...hey," he sat down beside you, keeping his distance as to not overwhelm you. When you said nothing, but lifted your head to look at him, he continued, "That wasn't okay for me to do. I'm sorry."

You nodded. You felt the usual 'it's okay' comment sitting in your throat, but it wasn't okay. You didn't feel okay.

So you just said, "Thank you for apologizing." It felt petty to say that, but you kept your tone in check, despite your cracked wavering voice.

"Of course," he nodded, looking at his knees. "I really—I'm not sure how to make this better, but I can give you some space if you need it. The argument was dumb... we both know that. I'll do my best to never let that happen again."

He was kinda perfect, despite his flaws. You were relieved to hear this—and you believed he meant what he said.

You stuck your pinkie out and replied, "promise?"

"promise," he agreed, wrapping his pinkie in yours and chuckling a little.

four months before

"What do you think about Riley?"

"Ew, no. That's such a softball-playin girl name."

"So what if she plays softball," Eli pouted.

"Sorry, but no way," you shook your head. "There are plenty other gender neutral names."

The two of you wanted to give your daughter the option and freedom to choose her gender, whatever that may be, so you both figured it'd be easiest to give her a gender neutral name. The only problem was that you two couldn't agree on anything. It was honestly silly.

"How about Sam?" you suggested.

"Noooooo if she becomes an uncle one day, that'd be a problem. No child of mine will become Uncle Sam. Not on my watch."

You laughed a little, "Okay okay. What about ... Victoria?"

"I like it, but it's not exactly gender neutral."

"Yeah, but we could easily switch to Victor or Vic if she wanted us to."

"I suppose you have a good point," he nodded. "Yeah, Victoria sounds good to me."

"Then it's settled, you smiled, imagining your little baby Vic.

seven months before

God you felt AWFUL. It was like your body wouldn't be satisfied with anything, so you ate too much—but you felt sick, too. Eli has been kind to bring you any food you desired, but none of it was enough.

"I don't want to go to work todayyy," you whined.

"I think you should take the day off," Eli shook his head, bringing you your requested corn dogs. You didn't even like corn dogs until now, but now you needed them.

"Maybe they'd let me work from home?"

"They should," he shrugged. "Then you can slack off."

"Yeah... I'll call in," you agreed.

"Fuck yeah I'm gonna get the Netflix ready then," He cheered before running to the livingroom.

He was pretty cute, you had to give him credit.

9 months before

"I think I'm ready for a baby now," you said casually to your husband as you made your morning coffe.

"Really?" he said, his mouth cartoonishly full of bagel. His eyes were wide and his eyebrows shot up.

The two you of you had been talking about it for a while, and you had finally gotten to a place where you felt ready.

"Yeah. What do you think?"

"I think I don't have anything to do today but you," he tried to be smooth, but his dorky smile and pink cheeks gave him away.

"Oh my god you did not just say that," you laughed. "Your gross, I change my mind. No baby."

"No baby?!" He said, over dramatically.

"I'm kidding," you blepped. "Just let me at least drink this coffee first."

"Aye-aye captain!" he saluted. This man was awful but you loved him because if it.

A year before

"Sweetie... don't you want to make it official, though?" your mother's voice dripped with concern as she brushed your hair.

"It is official," you laughed. "I don't need to get the state involved. The two of you were getting married, sure, but you weren't signing any documents. Why would you? It just made everything complicated and unnecessarily government oriented. The two of you could love each other just as easily without signing a paper.

"What about... taxes though?"

"Neither of us make enough for it to matter," you laughed again. "Listen mom, relax. Any problem we have, we'll work through, okay? We're happy, even if it's a little unconventional."

".... okay," she conceded, unconvinced.

You had a lot of bitterness for your mother in your childhood, mostly because she neglected you for most of it, and partially because she married a man (your father) that was abusive.

You had healed from it, though, with a lot of therapy and personal growth. You could still find anger cropping up from time to time, but you forgave your mother by learning that she was a victim of her life. While she shouldn't have done the things she did, you understood. You would do better than her, and be happier, too. You wished healing on your mother.

Today, though? Today was about you and Eli. You smiled and felt a few tears spring in your eyes from happiness.


"And do you, Eli, take this woman as your unlawfully wedded wife?" You snorted at the word choice. ok, funny, haha.

"I do," he looked into your eyes, smiling but also full on crying. my sentimental dork. He kept speaking, just like you did just moments before. "I take (y/n) to be my wife, my equal, my partner in crime. (y/n), I marry you because I never believed in divinity until I met you, because I didn't believe in soul mates until I met you, and because I love you... so so much. I'll love you today, tomorrow, and every day after, because I must and because I believe you will do the same."

holy fuck, you thought as you began crying a little, too. You saw Eli's best man flash him a thumbs up as the two of you joined in a kiss that was sloppy from tears and smiles. People in the audience began clapping, but you couldn't hear that. You could only hear your heart screaming in happiness as you separated from Eli and looked into his eyes.

A year and 6 months before



"I want to marry you."

"Huh?" great, real eloquent, you thought as your brain froze. Marriage? Really?

"I'm serious," he said, leaning his head on your shoulder. "I love you. I want to commit my life to you. I want... to stay with you forever."

"Me?" you spoke, still confused.

"Who else?" he laughed. "We don't have to if you don't want to, just know I'm ready if you are."

"I thought you didn't believe in marriage."

"I don't," he agreed, sitting up and looking you in your eyes. "But I believe in love and I... believe in you. I still don't want to make it government official, but... I'd be happy to make that vow."

"You're serious?"


"Oh my gosh... Yes, I— Yes I want to marry you too!" you agreed, holding his face and pulling him close in a kiss. Marriage? Who would've thought you could ever be so happy?

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

two years before

"I'm glad I met you," you admitted, leaning your head on his shoulder.

"I'm glad I met you too, silly," Eli replied, kissing your head. He was always so sweet like this—like you had always wanted. No one one you had been with was ever as caring.

Maybe people had cared as much, but no one showed it like him. No one made you believe like him.

He made it make sense—he made you believe that you were worth it. And... you were really starting to believe it, somehow.

"I just want you to know," you began, already regretting speaking, "that you... have changed my life. That might be dramatic, but I mean it when I say that my world is so much better with you in it." You despised being sappy, but you also hated hiding love. You didn't want it to be a secret.

"(y/n)..." he looked back at you, words obviously caught in his throat. You were both kinda bad at this, huh? You smiled at the thought. "I'm so happy to hear that. I want to make you as happy as you make me, so... thank you."

"Thank you ya dork," you replied playfully, hitting his shoulder. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

Three years before

"Hey, can I say something crazy?" Eli asked, making eye contact with you. He seemed somehow both relaxed and jumpy.

You had been dating this guy for about 6 months, so you supposed it was serious now. Like, now if you guys broke up it would be a big deal. You liked him, though. He had been a great guy so far.

"Sure," you nodded. "Spill." You shoveled another french fry in your mouth as you waited.

"I think I'm in love with you."

The french fry fell out of your mouth, "Me?"

"You," he confirmed, looking like a deer in headlights

"I'm love— I am— in love with you too!" you said in a fast jumble as you grinned.

He let out a breathless chuckle as both of his hands grabbed yours "I'm so happy I—I can see a future with you."

The two of you had been saying 'I love you' for a few months already but 'I love you' and 'I'm in love with you' are two very different things.

"Honestly I've been wanting to tell you for two weeks," he admitted, looking away for a moment.

"I'm glad you're telling me now," you smiled gently, drawing circles on his hand with your thumb.

3 years and 6 months before

"A-a second date?!" said the man in front of you, his face dusted pink.

"Yeah," you laughed a little. "Do you want to?"

"Yes!—I mean, sure... that sounds lovely," he finished with a small smile. You thought this guy was pretty cute, and he didn't seem intimidating or scary. He was a writer, which was cool, and he wrote children's books which was adorable. You definitely wanted to learn more about him.

"Awesome! Let's get you out of this library, yeah?"

"Only for a little bit," he smiled. "Anything in mind?"

"Thought we could take a picnic if you're down?"

"So down! I can cook for you!" He grew excited again.

"So you can cook?"

"Some things, yeah. I'm excited. This weekend?"

"Sounds good to me," you said with a smile.

3 years, 6 months, and a week ago

"How often are you in this library?" you laughed, bumping into the same guy again. He seemed to constantly be here any time you popped in, and he had at least a dozen books on the table.

"Today, tomorrow, and ever day after!" he replied, taking a glance at you with a smile. You sat across from him, hoping it wasn't rude.

"Watcha reading?" you asked, setting your head in your palm.

"Oh not much," he said, with obvious sarcasm. "Mostly shit about writing, honestly. A couple history books for fun, and a few fictional books for inspiration."

"Wow," you raised an eyebrow. "That's a lot."

"It's all I want to do," he shrugged.

"Today, tomorrow, and everyday after?" you asked, grinning to yourself. He snorted in response.

"Something like that, yeah. Hey, I'm ready to grab a coffee. Wanna come with?"

"Sounds great," you smiled, pleased with where this was going.

You had a feeling this guy was special.

Tada~ not horror!! are you guys proud ? lol <3 I hope writing backwards isn't disorienting. i just think it's cute

I could still use some commissions, pls lmk if you are interested!

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