FREAKISH stiles stilinski

By theacey

415K 14.5K 13.9K

"please, just let me help you" "why should i? everyone i know either dies or thinks i'm a total freak show" ... More

act i.
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
act ii.
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
act iii.
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter thirty-nine
chapter forty
chapter forty-one
chapter forty-two
chapter forty-three
chapter forty-four
chapter forty-five
chapter forty-six
act iv.
chapter forty-seven
chapter forty-eight
chapter forty-nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty-one
chapter fifty-two
chapter fifty-three
chapter fifty-four
chapter fifty-five
chapter fifty-six
chapter fifty-seven
the final chapter

chapter twenty-one

6.9K 271 121
By theacey

GEORGIA DID NOT feel ready for the full moon whatsoever. This fact didn't matter, however, because it was already here. That morning, Georgia had an angry scowl her whole ride to school. All she could think about is what would happen later when the moon emerged.

Georgia remembered how Scott got shot by a crossbow his first rodeo and could only hope she wouldn't suffer a similar fate. Georgia wasn't sure what exactly the plan would be, only knowing that Stiles would be there to help her and Scott through it.

"Georgia!" Allison Argent called out for her, heading towards the school entrance with Lydia by her side. Lydia was dressed in a tight dark purple dress, her hair curled flawlessly.

"Yo," Georgia nodded, merging to walk with them, Lydia in the middle.

"You really don't remember anything?" Allison asked Lydia, continuing the conversation they were having.

"They called it a fugue state, which is basically a way of saying 'We have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days'. But personally, I don't care," Lydia sent then a grin, gesturing to her figure, "I lost nine pounds."

Georgia hummed, glancing Lydia over, "Sure, nothing like a little trauma as long as you come out the other end lighter."

"Are you ready for this?" Allison was still worried about how Lydia would readjust.

"Please, it's not like my aunt's a serial killer," Lydia said smugly before entering the building. Georgia patted Allison on the back before they went after Lydia.

Just as expected, everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at them. Of course they did—those three girls were the talk of the school. Georgia was a medical mystery, Lydia took an extended hike while naked, and Allison's aunt had killed nearly a dozen people.

"Keep staring and I'm gonna start busting knee caps," Georgia snapped loud enough for everyone to hear. This set them all in motion, starting to move about again.

"Maybe it's the nine pounds," Allison uttered to Lydia.

Regaining her confidence, Lydia swept her hair behind her shoulder and began strutting down the hallway. Georgia sent Allison a tight lipped smile, "There's our queen bee."

While Allison went with Lydia, Georgia veered off to the lacrosse field. She meant to meet up with her boys before morning practice, but ended up arriving late. Instead, Scott was already in goal by the time she arrived.

Georgia situated herself on the bleachers, catching Stiles' eye. He waved enthusiastically at her, earning himself a smile and small wave back.

The next boy in line went running to try and score a goal when Scott suddenly charged him, throwing him to the ground. Georgia's brows furrowed, watching Scott quickly sniff the guy's body down.

"McCall!" Coach screamed from the side lines, "The position's goal keeper, not goal abandoner!"

"Sorry, Coach," Scott jogged back to his position.

Georgia briefly checked her surroundings before whispering to him, "What the hell are you doing, Scott?"

"Someone on the team's a werewolf," Scott said quietly, knowing she'd be able to hear him. Georgia sighed, running a hand through her hair. That was just what they needed on the day of a full moon.

Colton was next in line, already kinda expecting to get tackled. Once again, Scott knocked him to the ground and tried to see if he smelled like a werewolf or not.

"Stillinski, what the hell is wrong with your friend?" Coach pulled Stiles' head closer by his helmet.

"Uh, he's failing two classes, he's a little socially awkward, and if you look close enough his jawline's kinda uneven," Stiles rambled, none of his listings really answering what he was doing.

Still, Coach was pacified, "Interesting. Let's fire it up!"

This time it was Danny that Scott floored. Danny blinked, noticing that Scott was smelling him, "It's Armani."

"Huh?" Scott halted, caught in the act.

"My aftershave," Danny replied, "Armani."

"Oh," Scott sent him a dorky smile, "It's nice."

"McCall!" Coach bellowed, making the two boys break apart, "You come out of that goal one more time and you'll be doing suicide runs till you die! It'll be the first ever suicide run that actually ends in a suicide. Got it?"

"Yes Coach," Scott blatantly knew he'd only disobey again. Jackson was quick to get out of line, saying his shoulder hurt.

Georgia's eyes widened slightly as she looked at who was next up. Number fourteen, Isaac Lahey. Georgia could hear low snarls coming from him. It didn't take a genius to realize this was the werewolf on the team.

Coach threw the ball, and both Isaac and Scott went running after each other. Upon clashing against each other, they landed face to face on their hands and knees.

Georgia's brows raised at the interaction, her and Stiles locking eyes for a few seconds.

"Don't tell them," Isaac was suddenly pleading. Turning her gaze, Georgia spotted a few police approaching the field, "Please don't tell them."

Shortly after they called Isaac over, Georgia, Scott, and Stiles met up. Only Georgia and Scott were able to hear them conversing with Isaac.

"His father's dead, they think he was murdered," Scott relayed the information back to Stiles. Georgia crossed her arms, brows pursed in worry for Isaac.

"Are they saying he's a suspect?" Stiles asked. Georgia instantly caught on, her shoulders slumping.

"Son of a bitch," Georgia grumbled.

"I'm not sure, why?" Scott didn't pick up on what was wrong.

"Because they can lock him in a holding cell for twenty four hours," Stiles explained.

"Like, overnight?" Scott came to the same revelation they already did.

Georgia nodded her head.

"As in sun down, full moon up."

This would not be good for the newly turned werewolf.

* * * * *

The trio of friends were once again in the dreaded class of Chemistry. Georgia was sat beside Stiles as usual, Scott pulling up a chair to sit beside her so they could continue talking about Isaac while Mr Harris taught.

"Why would Derek choose Isaac?" Scott whispered to them.

"He's a shy kid, maybe this was some sort of ego boost ordeal," Georgia shrugged, her leg bobbing up and down.

"Peter told me that if the bite doesn't turn you it could kill you—maybe teenagers have a better chance of surviving," Stiles theorized.

"Doesn't being a teenager mean your dad can't hold him?" Scott tried to look for anything that could help Isaac out.

"If they've got the right evidence, Isaac's old enough," Georgia shrugged.

"Or a witness," Stiles added before suddenly turning around, "Wait. Danny," he called out for the boy, gesturing to the empty seat beside Danny, "Where's Jackson?"

"In the principal's office talking to your dad," Danny said, the same hint of annoyance evident that he always had with Stiles.

"What's he doing there?" Georgia blurted out, although she had a feeling she didn't want to know.

"He lives across the street from Isaac," Danny told it like it was obvious.

"Witness," Scott regained their attention.

"We gotta get to the principal's office," Stiles finalized.

"How?" Scott was too innocent to come up with anything.

Stiles ripped a sheet of paper out, going to crumple it up. Georgia placed her hand over his, stopping him with a head shake, "Think bigger," she said plainly before grabbing Scott's plastic water ball. Within seconds she launched it towards Harris' head.

"Everyone please turn to page 73–" Harris halted when the bottle thunked him in the head. He whipped around, his glare trailing along his class of giggly students, "Who in the hell did that?"

Georgia was quick to point at Scott, who in turn pointed at Stiles, who finally pointed at Georgia. Just as planned, they were all ordered to go to the principal's office.

The three of them plopped down into chairs right outside, Georgia in the middle. Her and Scott listened in as the Sheriff talked to Jackson.

Georgia felt a wave of anger wash over her as she heard Jackson explain that he knew Isaac's dad was abusing his son. Jackson claimed it wasn't his problem.

"Isaac's dad was abusing him and Jackson didn't do shit about it," Georgia grit out to Stiles, "I swear to god that smug piece of shit is high on my kill list."

"Alright," Stiles pursed his lips, reaching out to wrap his hand around Georgia's balled up fist, "Let's not think about murder, okay?"

Georgia only relaxed slightly as she held Stiles' hand back, still ready to kick the shit out of Jackson Whittemore.

Soon the door opened and Sheriff Stillinski walked out. Stiles panicked, quickly holding a magazine over his face with one hand as if it'd be a good cover.

Noah witnessed the reaction, his face scrunching in slight confusion. He played along, nodding at the other two, "Hi, Scott, Georgia," he said as he walked by. Noah had to fight off a smile when he spotted Georgia's fingers interlocked with Stiles'.

"Boys and girl, come on in."

Georgia nearly rolled her eyes when she saw the one and only Gerard Argent. How he became their principal was unknown, but not all that surprising.

The three of them filed into his office, taking their seats in the three chairs opposite of his desk. Georgia had an annoyed scowl as she sat there, both her legs and arms crossed.

"Scott McCall," Gerard read from his file, "Academically not the most accomplished, but I see you have become quite the star athlete."

Scott awkwardly shifted in his seat, clearly uncomfortable.

"Georgia Ray," he moved on to the girl. She raised a brow, waiting to here his spiel, "Grades seem to be in quite the turmoil, along with multiple citations over behavior or disruptions in class," he frowned over at her, "You should probably work on that, I'd hate to see you get held back."

Georgia huffed out a humorless chuckle, "Trust me, I don't wanna be stuck here with you any longer than I have to be either."

"She's kidding," Stiles was quick to intervene with a nervous chuckle.

"Mr. Stilinski," Gerard decided to simply ignore her words, "Perfect grades but little to no extracurriculars. Maybe you should try lacrosse."

"Oh, actually I'm already—"

"Hold on," Gerard cut him off, his stare falling upon Scott, "McCall. You're the Scott that was dating my granddaughter."

"We were dating but not anymore. Not dating, not seeing any of each other or doing anything with each other—at all," Scott covered up horribly.

"Relax, Scott, you look like you're about to crack a cyanide pill with your teeth," Gerard joked.

Georgia clacked her tongue off the roof of her mouth, "Yeah? Well I bet I could snap those littl—" Stiles slapped his hand over her mouth before she could talk about cracking his fragile old man shoulders.

"Just a hard breakup," Scott still wasn't very good at explaining his behavior.

"Oh, that's too bad. You seem like a pretty nice kid to me," Gerard said before going back to the matter at hand, "Now listen, guys. Yes, I am the principal, but I really don't want you to think of me as the enemy."

"Heh, is that so?" Stiles muttered sassily.

"However, this being my first day, I do need to support my teachers. So unfortunately someone is going to have to take the fall and stay behind for detention," Gerard held his hands together, looking between the students before him.

Both Scott and Georgia instantly turned to Stiles. He caught their looks and realized he was the unfortunate soul that'd be held accountable. Sighing, he slowly nodded.

It wasn't much later that Scott and Georgia were rushing towards the exit of the school while Stiles stayed back for detention.

"Scott, I need to go home," Georgia said to him, running a hand through her hair, "I need to get ready for the full moon if I'm gonna be by myself."

"What do you mean?" Scott looked her way, "Stiles will be there to help you once he gets out."

Georgia scoffed, "Harris isn't gonna let him out for a while—he hates Stiles. Besides, Isaac needs you both more right now. Just focus on getting him out."

"Are you sure?" Scott double checked, "How will you stay safe?"

"I can get some chains," Georgia explained vaguely as they exited the building, "Just make sure you save Isaac."

"We will," Scott assured her just as Derek whipped into the parking lot.

Georgia made her way over to the bike rack, flipping Derek off when she passed his car. She aggressively pulled her bike out, mounting it and peddling away. She was irritated the whole way home, uncertain on how the night would go.

Luckily for her, Nate was working until late that night. She tossed her bike in the yard before visiting her neighbor, Charlie. Despite creeping Georgia out thoroughly, she had a feeling he'd have what she needed.

Just as suspected, Georgia was given a handful of chains and padlocks while only being mildly disturbed. She tried not to question it as she went back home without thanking him.

Georgia sighed as she locked the door to her room, tossing the heavy chains aside. She also had Nate's laptop with her. She fired it up and went to Netflix, putting on Glee.

It took Georgia about twenty minutes to chain herself up to her chair, kicking the keys under her bed so she wouldn't be able to get them while all contained. A low sigh escaped her lips as she sat back and began watching her show.

It was about to be a very long and stressful night.

* * * * *

Stiles parked a bit away from Georgia's trailer, spotting Nate's cop car out front signifying he was home. The scrawny teen walked almost silently all the way to her window in the dark, peering in.

Georgia was still chained to her chair that was now tipped over, squishing her against the floor while Glee could faintly be heard playing in the background.

Stiles carefully slid up her window, forcing himself up and through. He clashed against her bedside table, nearly knocking it over as he flopped to the floor.

"Jesus Christ, Stillinski," Georgia was jerked awake from her sleep, groaning at the uncomfortable position she was in. It was well past three am by then.

"Sorry," Stiles whispered, standing up quickly. He grabbed the chair, struggling only slightly when he pulled it upright. Georgia blew her hair out of her face, glaring at him, "How are you feeling, Georgia?"

"I only spent like an hour screaming for someone to let me out," Georgia said blandly.

"Are you good now?" Stiles asked, eyeing over the various loops of chains around her.

"Well I don't feel the urge to rip your jugular out of your throat," Georgia shrugged, "So yeah, I think I'm good to be set free. The keys are under my bed."

Stiles raised his brows before dropping to the floor, reaching under and grabbing the cold metal objects. From there, he started to let Georgia out piece by piece, "Where'd you get all this stuff?"

"My pervy older neighbor who has a crush on me," Georgia explained dully.

"Fantastic," he replied sarcastically, moving to sit on her bed. Georgia left the chains on her floor, going to shut off Nate's computer.

"How's Isaac?" Georgia asked, sitting beside him and pulling her knees to her chest. She still felt the weird tightness in her chest from the full moon. It was painful to experience such a strong urge to cause bodily harm.

"One of the Argent's hunters went to the station to try and kill him but we got him out okay," Stiles went over the night's events, "He's with Derek now."

"And a fugitive?" Georgia questioned.

"Yep," Stiles confirmed. Georgia sighed, feeling sorry for him, "Oh, and it gets weirder. Scott locked himself in a freezer for the full moon and some weird thing showed up."

"Some weird thing?" Georgia repeated, not knowing what he meant.

"He said it looked like a giant lizard," Stiles shrugged his shoulders, "We have no idea what it could be. It didn't attack him or Allison, though."

"Just what we needed—another supernatural mystery when we're already dealing with Lydia and a new wave of hunters," Georgia ran a hand through her hair yet again, stressed by everything that was going on lately.

"We'll figure it out," Stiles comforted her, hesitantly wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Georgia was surprised by how much she enjoyed it, resting her head against him, "I'm proud of you for how good you did tonight."

Georgia smiled faintly, "It was a bit easier than I expected. Next time I'm definitely not watching Glee, though, Rachel Berry pisses me off too much."

Stiles chuckled, shaking his head. Georgia felt more at peace in his embrace than she did all night. She didn't know what exactly she felt for the boy. Georgia most certainly didn't want a boyfriend, especially not after just becoming a werewolf.

Still, she knew that it was the thought of Stiles that got her through the night.


hey y'all so i know i kinda skipped showing georgia's struggle with the full moon entirely but it's just not relevant to the plot at the moment but i'll show it more later

plus everybody was too busy in this chapter with isaac so 😌

ALSO i'm so excited for y'all to see her relationship with isaac!!!

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