Intertwined By Time: Maleread...

By SSJ_Warrior

33.5K 553 382

You're the adopted child of James Amber but found he hid it from you. So you left to find your real mom and n... More

The Time Reversal
The Approaching Storm
The Supernatural
The Superhero
The Splish Splash
The Discovery
The Timeline Trouble
The Open Case
The End of the World
The Closed Case
The Moral Construct
Out of Time, Farewell Friends

The Time Paradox

1.3K 25 14
By SSJ_Warrior

You see something a vision of the Dark Room

Max: Y/N!

Y/N: Max! MAX!

Max: Help me!

She starts to scream as the vision fades away


Then you see the storm destroying all of Arcadia Bay in its path as people all scream and cry out for help but mother nature doesn't listen to their demands, you can't get the screams out of you r head they just won't stop


And then its just gone all of it as you start to slowly get up forgetting where you and your head aches

Y/N: Uh what happened... wait Chloe!

You crawl near the lifeless body

Y/N: No dammit Chloe not you fucking too, god no!

You look around the area forgetting all of it until you see Max's journal lying on the ground then it all comes back to yoy

Y/N: MAX! where's she at dammit it was that creep Jefferson, I knew he was off af that party, David was right never trust guys with fucking Goatees... FUUCCCCKKKKK! FUCKING FUCK!

You fall to the ground completely broken

Y/N: Why dammit just why... Chloe no, shes dead... I couldn't stop it Rachel is dead and Chloe's dead too and I did shit to stop that

Y/N: Officers you've gotta listen this crazy man he kidnapped my friend please

Cop: Woah just calm down... and tell me what happened

Y/N: The teacher... Mark Jefferson, he-

You stop looking at the sky as it it looks like Max was right the world truly is ending

Y/N: What the hell... oh fammit Max where is she at, all I remember is that douche Jefferson dosed her I thought I got shot or.... what happened

You stand up looking at Chloe one last time

Y/N: It, it... it was a hella awesome ride Price... I'll save our super Max for you, and I'll avenge you and Rachel

You start to walk away out of the junkyard until you feel a weird liquid rolling down your face you touch it looking very close at i

Y/N: That, that's blood... holy hell he did shoot me... man I'm hella lucky it must have only grazed me

You walk around a corner of trash and see Chloes truck or what's left of it

Y/N: He douced it in gasoline... DAMMIT!

You starts walking towards civilization and arrive almost an hour later to see a police cruiser


You run over to the front of it waving your hands as he rolls down the window

Cop: Hey calm down and step away from the car

Y/N: Please officer I need help now he's got, he's going to kill her we have to do something!

Cop: Woah woah woah low your roll there I can't hear you if you talk that fast... now what happened

Y/N: He kidnapped my friend, please help!

Cop: You said that your friend was kidnapped... okay okay I'm listening just breath in and out for me I need to hear you just clearly if you want me to help you and your friend

You starts huffing your sentences out almost completely out of breath

Y/N: The teacher he did... he did it, Jefferson

Cop: Woah Mark Jefferson the famous photographer from Blackwell... he was your kidnapped friend really... man, because nothing like that ever happens down here in the Bay

Y/N: WHAT NO! He kidnapped my friend he's fucking crazy...

Cop: Really Mark Jefferson kidnapped your friend

Y/N: Yes you have to help me he has her now!

Cop: Your actings not bad it almost makes me want to help you, but I got stuff to do not time to play stupid games with you teenagers, next time you try and lie to me I'm taking you down to the station kid

Y/N: PLEASE! Officer this is not a game he killed my friend and shot me!

Cop: Woah that's a very high accusation... wait is that blood on you


Cop: That's it back away from the car now hands behind your hand now!

He steps out as he pulls out a taster

Y/N: WAIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING! It wasn't me it's Jefferson, HE DID HE KILLED HER!

Cop: Why don't you tell that to the judge you sicko

Y/N: Officer look he's over there BEHIND YOU PLEASE!

He turns around as you grab his gun from his belt


Cop: Look you don't have to do this kid please I'v got a family here

Y/N: I'm not gonna kill you dammit I need help he's going to kill her DAMMIT LISTEN ME TO ME!

Cop : We'll get you the help you need just calm down kid... you're gonna get in a lot of trouble for this were talking prison time

Y/N: I don't need the help your talking about... just give me the keys NOW!

Cop: Just take the car and leave me alone please

Y/N: Give me your walkie talkie, I don't want 30 squad cars on my ass

He gives you it as you jump in the car starting it up

Y/N: I'm sorry I have to save her

Cop: You need to save your self you just committed grand theft auto and held me at gun point

Y/N: As long as she's okay I don't care

You start driving away

Y/N: FUCK! FUCCCKKKKK! my lifes over now dammit!

You slam your head into the steer wheel in complete frustration knowing you completely fucked yourself

Y/N: But Max your life sure as hell won't be... not on my watch

You start speeding down to the Prescotts barn as the storm starts to intensify

Y/N: Don't worry Max I won't let you die, I love you... I'm not losing another loved one... holy shit I love Max, I'm in fucking love!

You start pushing the pedal to the metal as much as the pedal will go down towards The Dark Room

Y/N: She has to be there... that's the only answer I have, I know that dream meant something...

After a lot of almost head on collisions and near death experiences you finally arrive at the Prescott's estate, and set your head on the wheel as you talk to yourself

Y/N: Damn... this beyond the most craziest fucking thing in my life... not to say there hasn't been other crazy shit but this sure as hell steals the cake... if only there was someone else I could fucking trust so if I die here tonight Max will be safe she has to be please Chloe and Rachel look out for me tonight your the only other one's I trust... maybe I could contact

You pull out your phone texting an address to somebody then set it on the dash as you cock the gun back

Y/N: Here goes... another ride or die moment heh

You slam the door open and shut it as you run over to the side of the barn throwing the steal sheet away and walking inside ans running straight to the hatch using all of your willpower to throw it open jump inside and see the idiot left the coded door open you walk throw it bringing back bad memories with it but you stay focused on the task at hand until someone screams

Max: Look out he's gotta a weapon!

As you near the corner as something comes flying at you as shoot gun off missing him by a longshot as he swings again at you knocking you to the ground as Max kicks a wheeled table at Jefferson you get back on you feet face as you hit him in the face barley facing him at all

Jefferson: No gun... no balls

Y/N: I could say the same to you creep

Jefferson: You're not going to stop, you wanna be hipster!

Y/N: You're the middle aged hipster here ya douche!

He runs to the cabinet to grab something as you kick the table at him as he falls to the ground and you rush at him punching him in the face only for him to grab your shirt headbutting you as fall on you ass and he jump on you punching you in the face hard with right fist and goes again with his left fist then right as he starts beating you completely down until your completely bloodied by him barley able to stand

Jefferson: Any last words Amber... you'll see your punk friend and your sister real soon...

You spit out some blood from your mouth defeated

Y/N: Yeah... what's the capital of Thailand

Jefferson: I'll never understand you stupid kids and you and your selfies... goodbye

With the rest of your energy you scream one final last thing out


You kick him as hard as possible right in his family joules as he falls to the ground wheezing in pain as you crawl over to his gun trying to stand up but falling on the coach instead with his own gun pointed at himself

Jefferson: You win... you got me so do it Y/N shoot me... kill me and live with it

Y/N: NOO! God knows I want to, but you don't get to destroy who I am! You will go to prison and live the rest of your miserable life in a cage knowing you'll never see your disgusting art again that we rejected you... that I BEAT YOU! because its not what she would have wanted for me, Rachel didn't want me to spend my life in cage... and you can say hi to your fellow co-worker Mr. Madsen, who's on his way... you're done Jefferson it over for you, you're going spend the rest of your life behind bars


You run over to him kicking him in the face knocking him out as you then stumble over to Max untying her as she falls into your arms, you grab her face kissing her right on the lips never wanting to separate again

Y/N: I'm so sorry Max, I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner... hope I didn't get an blood on you

Max: Its okay Y/N its okay... we're alive now

Y/N: Did he hurt you

Max: No not a lot

Y/N: Are you sure

Max: Yeah, let's get out of here, I don't wanna be here any longer

You both walk out of there leaving something heavy on that hatch door so he can't escape the dark room and so David can finally catch him

Max: Why is there a police cruiser here

Y/N: Oh you know me I'm a nice guy

Max: They're here to get Jefferson

Y/N: Oh about that uh no... I kind of hijacked his car


Y/N: I had to Max, I couldn't let what happened to Rachel or Chloe happen again...

Max: Chloe...

Y/N: Max I need to tell you something very important I just realized when I thought you died

Max: There isn't time right now the storms getting way too crazy

Max gets in drivers seat as you jump in the passenger side

Y/N: This hurts a lot... I've never bled this much before, and I don't plan tp again

Max: I know it will be okay though

She starts the car and drived away from there

Y/N: Where are we heading Max

Max: My journal it must of been left behind it wasn't there... we need it to tell Chloe we have to save her

Y/N: Dammit I forgot I saw it but I didn't grab it... why am I so damn stupid Christ

Max: It's okay we'll get it we have to

Max looks at her phone it says she has one new message on it and she plays it

!?: Max, it's... it's Nathan

Y/N: Prescott

Nathan- I just wanted to say... I'm sorry... I didn't want to hurt Kate or Rachel or, I didn't want to hurt anybody... eveeybody used me... Mr. Jefferson is coming for me now, all this shit will be over soon... watch out Max, he wants to hurt you next... sorry

Y/N: Maybe I could of been nicer to him... but I wasn't I just fell into the league of everyone else... because we thought he was a freak I called him Twitch because he used to have a Twitch... maybe I was the real bully, maybe he wouldn't have done what he did if I treated him like a human being... I guess now I'll never know

You look to the ground sad until you get a ding on your phone from David saying thanks

Y/N: He got him... I did the right thing

You both sit back as you head to the junkyard and arrive after twenty minutes or so and get out

Max: I'll get just stay here

Y/N: No Max I got

Max: You're barley in any conditions to walk

Y/N: I'll be fine... you shouldn't have to see her Max... you shouldn't

You get out of the car stumbling towards the area where you last saw it, and grab it but collapse on the ground

Y/N: I told you Price... a promise is a promise I got our super Max back... now it's your turn, I'm sorry I couldn't save you like the last Chloe but I'll save the next one

You get up stumbling back to your feet as you suffle back to the car throwing Max the journal

Y/N: I got it let's go back now Max

Max: Wait, no!

Y/N: What is it!

Max: My journal it's completely soaking wet it's destroyed now we'll never be able to save Chloe, dammit!

Y/N: Shit that's just great!

You hit the dash in anger as a thought comes straight to your mind

Y/N: Wait Juliet she took a picture with me in that drunken trance

Max: But how are we supposed to get it, this storm is insane

Y/N: I have an idea

You grab your phone and look at her Instagram and see it the photo

Y/N: She posted it... she posted the picture online Max... we've won, we're in the endgame now

Max: Yes! Chloe

She grabs your phone as she starts focussing on the picture and next thing you know the storm's completely gone and your both outside of the Vortex Club Party again

Chloe: Come on we got no time for this shit

Max runs over to her hugging

Max: Chloe!

Y/N: Holy shit it worked... Price!

Chloe: Jesus dude what is up with you both

Max: I'm just glad were here together

Y/N: I can second that this is hella awesome

Chloe: I'm glad were all here with eachother, what's going on here guys, we have to find Nathan right now... he's going to fucking pay for what he did to Rachel, let's go now

Max: Chloe wait listen

Chloe: I can walk and listen, okay

Y/N: Price stop!

Max: Stop and listen for once!

She grabs Chloe

Chloe: Fine I'm listening

Max: Chloe you can't go in that party, you're gonna... you're gonna die if you do

Y/N: She's right... I saw it happen

Chloe: You both used your powers, right and you both fucked around with time, and I died

Y/N: It's not like that

Chloe: Look you're both supposed to back me up, so there's no way that punk-ass Nathan Prescott is taking me down

Max: You're right he won't

Y/N: He's not in there Price...

Max: Mark Jefferson killed you... along with others

Chloe: Jefferson, the art teacher, that's bullshit Nathan is the fucking serial killer

Y/N: Dammit Price, I almost fucking died multiple times tonight got shot, and almost beaten to death by him, hell I even committed grand theft fucking auto on a police cruiser and stole his gun because he didn't believe what Jefferson did

Chloe: I have to kill him Nathan is fucking dead

Max: Look Nathan is dead... and you're in danger

Chloe: That fucker is already dead, how do you know that,

Max: Because I was there

Chloe: Will you both please tell me exactly what happened, please

Max: Chloe Jefferson, he drugged and kidnapped me

You look at the ground in shame as she says that

Max: I was tied up in his bunker, you have no idea what hell I went through what hell we went through to get back here... but I couldn't, we couldn't let you die... you brought me back here, and I can't lose you again, I won't!

Chloe: Oh Max... I'm... I'm so sorry, I was the one who dragged you into all this shit, nobody especially you should have to go through that

Y/N: I saved Max from that bastard... he nearly murdered me inside there... he beat me up so much, I actually  thought I might die

Chloe: Now we have to stop Jefferson... with one bullet

Y/N: Dammit Price that is not the way... I tried I wanted to even, but that's not me I'm not doing that

Max: Chloe, we can't keep firing everything, if all we're gonna do is break it, over and over again... I know how this is gonna turn out, I'm afraid I'm fucking up this alternate reality thing

Chloe: Alternate reality, what do you mean Max, what did you both do

Max: I fucked up Chloe I wanted to make things right, but everything turned out wrong

Chloe: What are you talking about

Max: I was able to go back in time, to the last day William was alive... I stopped him from leaving, but... but you ended up in a car crash instead

Chloe: You both saw my dad

Max: You're were completely paralyzed, and you were in pain, you were slowly dying and you... you

Y/N: You told us to end it for you... your parents we're suffering in debt barley able to pay for medical bills... you wanted us to put you to sleep Chloe... Iwas too much of a coward to do it though Max had to do it for me...

Max: I didn't want you to suffer in any other timeline or reality... I couldn't bear the thought of you in anymore pain

Chloe: God... That must have been... that must have been so awful for you two... I'm so sorry I had to ask you both that

Y/N: I think it was worse for you

Max: I had no idea, what would happen, and... as usual I messed everything up, and... I never want to hurt you again ever... you have to believe us

Chloe: Of course I do, do you think I would even know how to handle that situation, nobody would... the important thing is that we're together again

You smile to yourself

Y/N: Finally Price you get it

Max: Yeah so that's why you should come with us so we can stay together... and stay alive

Chloe: I hear you both but do you think we should let Jefferson get away with torture and murder

Y/N: No Price of course not... but maybe if we tell David he'll listen to us and he can finally stop him

Chloe: Him what the hell is Sergeant Pepper gonna do to help the situation

Y/N: Before I saved Max from Jefferson I texted him anonymously, as a back up if I were to die in there... he got Jefferson and tied the rat bastard up

Chloe: Okay fine then what's the plan

Max: We'll tell him eveything, even that Victoria's in danger

Chloe: Okay, you've been through so much... I believe in you Wonder Twins... and I'm still your faithful companion and sidekick

Y/N: Yes we're the real Three Musketeers... or the wonder squad

Max: Yeah... look in a few minutes, we won't know any of this happened... nothing, we have to absolutely stay in your room and do nothing, then we explain to David, and we finally let him do his job, you'll have to tell me exactly what I did and said just now

Y/N: Especially me I'll be really stubborn after Rachel... so tell me my real power is visions like I can see into the future then I'll believe you

Max: And explain that we traveled through time using the photo

Chloe: Will you both believe me

Y/N: We didn't tell you about the photo before so... we'd have to otherwise we're crazy

Max: Will always believe you Chloe

You feel your face and it's completely fine

Y/N: I forgot about that

It all fades away as you both create another timeline... and then your snapped back to reality

Y/N: Woah the storm, it's back... Price

Max: Oh Chloe!

Chloe: I see that the real wonder twins our back, so how was your trip dudes

Y/N: Oh you know, not exactly the first class stay like I expected but we survived Price

Max: Shut up, oh you're alive! You're alive... all of us! we did so much to bring you back Chloe... and it worked, it actually worked You're with us agai

Chloe: It looks like even fate doesn't want us all apart

Y/N: We determine our own fate now moving forward nothing will ever hold us all apart again

Chloe: You two travelled through multiple realities just to... save my ungrateful ass over an over... I hope it was worth it, I don't blame you both for wanting me out of your life, after all my drama

Max: Come on, I'm the official drama king and queen of Arcadia Bay this week, just look at what my powers have caused in... just a short time, I mean... I'm nobody

Chloe: You're Max-Fucking-Caulfield Time Warrior... even if you weren't, you're kind and caring, nobody could have a better best friend... nobody

Y/N: Maximus you gave my life purpose again, after I came back here I had no one... and then you came into my life and that all fucking changed, you even humoured my stupid jokes... you saw me for who I really was not just a class clown

Chloe: You need to accept how awesome you are

Max: Maybe I willed it subconsciously... I always wanted my life to be special... an adventure... but not without you... both of you, and it didn't happen until I moved back here, so... without you my powers wouldn't even exist

Y/N: My wouldn't either

Chloe: Then for whatever scientific, mystical reason, that we'll obviously never figure out... we we're all meant to be here together in this exact moment in history, I have to think that Rachel was somewhere behind the scenes, fighting for our justice

Y/N: Of course she was Price

Max: We all owe Rachel Amber, now tell us everything that happened you remember right

Chloe: Well, we... we left the party and made sure Jefferson couldn't find us, for once I was glad we lived in an actual fortress, then the storm got hella crazy and, and you said we would be safe at the lighthouse

Y/N: That storm is seriously insane

Max: It's getting bigger now, it's coming closer, I can't even believe this is real it's happening because of me

Y/N: It's not our faults how could we know this would happen no one could know nobody

Chloe: He's right we've both paid our dues on that... oh god look at that, look at that monster

Y/N: I could have lived anywhere but I chose here of course

Chloe: Who knows... this could be Rachel's revenge... our revenge.... the lighthouses is out of the way of the tornado come on!

Max: Oh... wait Chloe Y/N


She falls in Chloe's arm's

Y/N: Dammit Price we have to get her up there

You both grab each of her shoulder around your backs as you bring her up to the lighthouse

Ten Minute Later

Y/N: Shit Price what are we going to do that storm is getting closer and were still not at the lighthouse yet

Chloe: Just keep pushing... come on Max, were almost there!

Y/N: Maximus come on!

Chloe: Please Wake Up!

Y/N: Max were almost there wake up now dammit!

Chloe: Max, come on now!

Y/N: The storm!

Chloe: Don't worry we'll be okay

You both drop Max as you finally get to the lighthouse and she wakes up

Chloe: Max! Max can you hear us! Please say something

Max: Chloe, Y/N... I must have passed out... sorry

Y/N: Maximus you're back!

Chloe: Oh thank god, don't you ever do that again, okay

Max: I swear... but that nightmare was so real... it was so horrible

You all stand back up looking at all the Chaos that the storm is causing

Max: This is my storm... I caused this... I caused all of this, I changed fate and destiny so much that... I actually did alter the course of everything, and all I really created was just death and destruction!

Y/N: None of us asked for this Max it was just given to us there doesn't always have to be a reason for everything and if anyone is to blame here it's mother nature... maybe we can change our fates yes but we can't change everyone else's fate

Chloe: He's right you never asked for this power, it was given to you and you both saved me, which had to happen, all of this did... except for what happened to Rachel, without your power we wouldn't of found her, okay so you're not the Time Master, but you're Maxine Caulfield... and you're amazing

Y/N: Wouldn't of said it better myself Price

Max just looks at the storm completely distraught

Chloe: Max, this is the only way

Y/N: Price what do you mean by that, the only way what

She hands Max the photo she took in the bathroom of the butterfly

Max: I feel like I took this shot a thousand years ago

Y/N: In the bathroom with Prescott

Chloe: You... you could use that photo to change everything right back to when you took that picture, all that would take is for me to... to

Max: Fuck that! No... no way! You're both my number one priority now, you're both all that matters to me

Y/N: That's insane Price we can't do that

Chloe: Look I know you both care a lot about me you proved that over and over again... even though I don't deserve it, I'm so selfish... not like my mom... look what she had to give up and live through, and she did, she deserves so much more than to be killed by a storm in a fucking diner, even my step... step father deserves her alive, there's so many more people in Arcadia Bay who should live... way more than me

Y/N: That's not true this town is full of pieces of shit

Max: Don't say it, we won't trade you

Chloe: You're not trading me, maybe you've just been delaying my real destiny, look at how many times I've almost died or actually died around you both, look at what's happening in Arcadia Bay ever since you first saved me, I know I've been selfish but for once I think I should accept my fate... our fate... Max you've finally came back to me this week, both of you, and you did nothing but show me your love and friendship, you both made me smile and laugh, like I haven't done in years, wherever I end up after this... in whatever reality, all those moments between all of us were real, and they'll always be ours, no matter what you choose, I know you'll make the right decision

Y/N: No we don't trade lives Chloe we can't do this

Max: Yeah Chloe, we can't make this choice, I can't make it

Chloe: No Max, you're the only one who can

You look at Max

Y/N: Come on Max I don't need to see Chloe die for a third time it will break me this time like seriously I could probably have PTSD at this point speaking now, you can't do this again we can't let her die

Max: I don't wanna choose

Chloe: You're the only one who can choose Max... and I know you'll do the right thing, which ever choice you pick

I guess you can't ever truly escape fate. Sacrifice Chloe or Sacrifice Arcadia Bay the choice lines in your hands comment down below...

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