Intertwined By Time: Maleread...

By SSJ_Warrior

33.5K 553 382

You're the adopted child of James Amber but found he hid it from you. So you left to find your real mom and n... More

The Time Reversal
The Approaching Storm
The Supernatural
The Superhero
The Splish Splash
The Discovery
The Timeline Trouble
The Open Case
The Time Paradox
The Closed Case
The Moral Construct
Out of Time, Farewell Friends

The End of the World

1.5K 30 3
By SSJ_Warrior

You all chilling in Chloe's room with the music on

Max: Chloe are you okay 

Y/N: Yeah Price you've been a little quiet as of lately

Chloe: I'm glad things worked out with Frank its nice to have one less enemy in Arcadia Bay

Y/N: Yeah I'd like to second that 

Max: True Amen to that 

Y/N: So lets crack this case wide open as you like to say

You both walk over to the board

Max: But what do codes names mean in his account book

Y/N: Look at the code names it's right  here... oh I'm a Border Collie, Chloe you're a Bulldog, heh Justin's a Beagle

Max: And Nathan is rott for Rottweiler, it does fit Nathan

Y/N: Or poodle... he's more like a little dog trying to act big and tuff to me when he really isn't big and tuff

Max: Look at this

Y/N: It's a note to Frank from Rachel

Max: Looks like she dumped Frank, but I doubt he hurt Rachel though

Y/N: I doubt that he probably just showed her his winning personality 

Max: I think I've got it this should go here with over with that

Y/N: And that with that, huh it starting to make much more sense now

15 Minute Later

Max: Wait this has to be Nathans estate

Y/N: That old run down barn 

Max: Yes here Chloe, Y/N this definitely has to be the place 

Chloe: Let me dig up some more clues here... nope nothing Max, just some shitty old barn

Y/N: Okay but who owns this barn, their has to be more information to go off here then just that

Chloe: Fine, I'm on this, hold on... somebody named Harry Aaron Prescott

Max: I'm shocked

Y/N: As am I

Max: Should we call the police 

Y/N: We can't trust them sadly 

Chloe: Yeah the police here are like Nathans private security 

Max: That's so messed up

Y/N: Half the world is, what else is new

Chloe: Just like this whole town is messed, we can't trust anybody, except each other... so we have to go out to that farm house ourselves 

Y/N: As it usually is just ourselves, its to risky to get anyone else involved in our affairs 

Chloe: Its just the three of us, nobody else... you two wonder twins have the power here whats to be afraid of, I feel like were so close to finding Rachel 

Max: We will but remember our power isn't infinite, we still have to be careful Chloe

Chloe: Yes sir

Y/N: Well what are we waiting for lets go!

You three hop in Chloe's truck and down to the Prescott's barn

Y/N: Woah this place isn't sketch at all 

Max: Holy shit yeah this place is scary

Chloe: I know but were here, lets go find a way inside

Y/N: Look just an FYI if Leather Face comes running out of here with a chainsaw its every person for themselves 

Max: You're not gonna save me 

Y/N: You can rewind time Max, I'm not a cat I only one life and Chloe she has two guns 

Max: Uh woah guys check this out fresh tracks 

Y/N: Explore a creepy abandoned barn they said, it'd be fun they said

Chloe: Dude calm down this isn't Scooby Doo

Y/N: Well it sure feels like the adult version, where the gang doesn't save the day buts gets chopped up instead

Chloe: Those tire tracks means somebody was just here

Y/N: Wow you really know how to put a person at ease Price

Max: This isn't time for games we need to get into that barn 

Y/N: Fine... I know I'll regret this though

You and Max both walk towards the side of the barn checking for a way inside 

Max: Chloe is so damn fearless... where does she get it from 

Y/N: Definitely not me 

Max: Or me either for that matter

Y/N: What are you talking about Max you've been way more kick ass in this week then you entire life 

Max: Well as Chloe's said its been a cray week

Y/N: Wait, look at that big metal sheet laying over against the barn 

Max: A secret way inside

Y/N: Or just stoners being stoners of course

Max: Chloe! we found the front door! Come on!

Chloe: Oh yes Maximus rules 

Y/N: And your friendly neighborhood Y/N

You all walk inside

Max: God this is way too Blair Witch... I have Goosebumps 

Y/N: Or way too Cannibal Holocaust... what it came out first, Warren made me watch it

Max: Glad I stuck away from that one 

Chloe: Come on Wonder Twins 

You hear the barn start creaking 

Y/N: That always freaked me out as a kid 

Chloe: Hey! Check out this cool chest 

Y/N: Please don't get your pirate on well I'm here Price

She throws it open

Max: A little louder Chloe

Y/N: Okay... BONSAI!

Max: Y/N shut up, you're gonna get us caught 

Y/N: You said a little louder

Max: That was sarcasm

Y/N: I know I just don't care

Chloe: Well jackpot it's old shit

Max: Jeez, that is ancient 

Y/N: Wait... look in closer

Chloe: Harry Aaron Prescott and family donate new library to Arcadia Bay, Prescott industries celebrate grand opening, the Prescott's bring bomb shelter boom to town

Max: Nice scrapbook you search for more clues well Y/N and I scope out the area

You start looking around 

Y/N: They got a pulley but I bet this hasn't even been used since the seventeenth century... what is all this for I'm book smart not farm smart 

Max: Oh those hooks are used to pick up hay 

Y/N: Oh uh cool, and you know this why

Max: I saw it in a "Friday the 13th" movie

Y/N: I guess it looks somewhat familiar but I doubt those hooks were used much for hay in that movie if you catch my drift

You keep walking around until the ground makes a weird noise

Y/N: Is it just me or does the ground usually sound metallic like Maxisimos

You both start digging up the hay on the floor to reveal a metal hatch

Max: Wowsers, what is that

Y/N: Wowsers indeed Maximus... wowsers indeed 

Max: Chloe, we found some kind of hatch, but its locked... we got this I think

Y/N: We think (Does quotation marks wity fingers)

Max walks over to some platform 

Max: Y/N can you give me a hand

Y/N: I've got you Maximus silver hammer 

You boost her on top of the platform

Max: I like having minions 

Y/N: And I like you...

After a few minutes Max calls down to you

Max: Hey can one of you attach the hook to the pad lock

Y/N: I hear you loud and clear Ms. Silver Hammer

You take the hook and put in on the padlock

Y/N: Okay let it rip

Max: Then you better step away from that hatch first

Y/N: Oh yeah uh good idea Mad Max

She drops it and the lock comes flying off

Y/N: Damn that was a mighty fine show

You grab the hatch and pull up

Y/N: Well this definitely isn't light one bit, I knew I shouldn't have skipped leg day... little help here Maximus Of steel

They grab as you throw open the hatch

Chloe: What... is this

Y/N: You just asked the century old question Price... get it because this place is a century old

Max: Jackpot

Y/N: Well another mans trash is another mans treasure 

Max: Do I even need to say how weird this is

Y/N: No I think it speaks for itself... there better not be dead bodies down here or that would ruin the rest of the year for me

Chloe: Who builds this kind of place 

Max: A Prescott, of course

You all walk down the stairs inside

Y/N: Woah that door looks like it could take the entire Cuban Missile Crisis

Max: I think were gonna need a code to open that

Y/N: No busting the door down this time... you have any three numbered codes from the evidence 

Max: I think I might remember one

She enters it in and it works because plot says so

Max: Woah I thought that only worked in the movies 

Y/N: Who's to say we aren't in one 

Max opens the door 

Max: Open sesame

Y/N: That's my Maximus for us 

You all walk inside 

Y/N: This looks like the room in the first "Saw" Movie

Chloe: Besides all the food, they're are stocked and ready for the apocalypse, this most cost a fortune

Y/N: My life savings couldn't even cover half of this 

Chloe: Come on

You all walk into the room deeper

Y/N: Woah this place isn't creepy at all

Max: All these panting I mean talk about tortured

Y/N: Wait is that Nathans jacket, he has to of been here recently... and those tracks

You keep looking and find some cabinet and throw it open to see binders full of peoples names on the side

Y/N: Max check this out... all these names

Max: Kate, Rachel... Victoria

Y/N: And a lot of other names as well

Chloe walks over to you as Max sets the three binders down on a table

Y/N: This is completely beyond weird now

Max: You're telling me

Y/N: The first folder named Victoria's empty

Chloe: Look the next one says Kate

Max: Oh no Kate!

Chloe: God I should have killed that bastard back there

Y/N: I'm glad I did what I did to Nathan now... and you we're right
Max I'm nothing like him

Max: I know... Kate's not the first all those other binders are full of victims

Y/N: This begs the question, are we dealing with a murderer because Kate's fine or are we dealing with a serial rapist, I don't know what this is, Vicky's was empty

Max: Victoria's next, Nathan must be planning to dose her tonight at the Vortex Club party

She opens the last folder

Chloe: Rachel

Y/N: Oh my god it's...

Chloe: This can't be real... these are all, these are all posed shots, right, right

Y/N: Yeah, yeah of, of course, she, she's a model of course she loves to pose

Max: Guys look at her face, she's... out of it

Y/N: She's fine, you're just making a big deal out of nothing, look she's okay Max

Chloe: Yeah uh yeah yeah, maybe Nathan paid her a shitload of cash to do this, she probably would have

Y/N: Yeah yeah that makes sense Rachel was like friends with him

Max: I don't think so, why is he putting her in the ground like that, where


Chloe: Wait that's the junkyard, we have to find that spot, now! Then we see what he did...

Y/N: There's nothing Chloe it's fucking nothing she is okay... he paid her and she ditched this hellhole that's it

Chloe: We have to there's no way she's dead, no way!

Y/N: She's right its posed has to be, has to be

Chloe: I know she did, let's go!

You both run up to Chloe truck as she drives off frantically to the junkyard


Chloe: I know exactly where I'm going!

Y/N: She's fine has to be!

Chloe: Look, this is it!

You two both drop to the ground and dig

Chloe: Are you going to help us Max!

You all starts digging as rapidly as possible

Max: Wait stop look!

Chloe: Please, no!

Y/N: Someone just threw trash out here that's a trash bag and the dirt must of just covered it up over time dammit!

Max: Ugh! That smell!

Chloe: Rachel! Oh no please not her!

Y/N: No, no no, no no no NO! not her... not my baby sister Rachel no no no...

You fall on the ground defeated as everything just goes silent and your body goes numb

Y/N: Hey Rache where do ya think your going... wait Price

Rachel: It's none or your business Y/N

Y/N: Look I gotta look out for you that's what families for

Rachel: We're just skipping class

Y/N: Well count me in

Rachel: Ugh you're such a buzz kill...

Y/N: I'm the delinquent here in the family... man my sister and best friend going on an adventure together

Chloe: Friend is a strong word

Y/N: Okay comrade let's go!

Rachel: I know he's kind of out there sometimes

Chloe: Yeah trust me I've seen my fair share of it

Y/N: I'm right here 

Rachel: Oh I know we just don't care

You think of the crazy awesome times you all had 

Y/N: It was my job... my job to protect her as her... it was job, my job oh Jesus it was my fucking job... I failed, I failed you Rachel, oh goddammit why, not her why her... god is dead

You sit there on ground just sobbing then it all fades away as you all sit out of The End of the World Party

Chloe: I hope Nathan enjoys his last party

Y/N: I don't...

Max: Look guys we can go right to the cops, we have proof

Y/N: Like they've done anything nice for me ever

Chloe: Fuck the police... Rachel wanted us to find her, so we can get real justice... and revenge,  the Prescott's had this coming for a hundred of years, and nobody is gonna get in our way, especially with your help... right

Max: I'm with you two to the end you know that

You all get out of her truck 

Dude: Oh shit, this is like that eclipse

Girl: Yeah you're right look at that outline

Max: Woah Jesus what is that  Y/N, Chloe look up at the sky

Chloe: Beautiful, I don't give a shit... the worlds ending, cool

Y/N: I see it too, I know but I don't care... who the fuck cares anymore

Max: No you're both not listening! Something major is going down!

Y/N: The worlds gone down! Its all gone down I was just too naive to see then 

Chloe: Its gone down that's right but Nathan's sure as hell going down with it

You see a drunken Juliet stumble out of the party

Juliet: Y/N hey what are you doing here

Y/N: Nothing I don't have time to babysit your drunk ass I've have things to do dammit!

Juliet: I'm sorry I just wanted to say that it was rude to just break it off with you... you're just hard to be around


The others go on without you

Juliet: I'm sorry let's just take a picture to show we've moved past that all

Y/N: Juliet!

Juliet: It will just take a second

She snaps it and you run off right after

Y/N: That took up to much fucking time

Stella: Hey do you have a pass

Y/N: Fuck passes, I'm going in with or with-goddamn-out one

Guy: Yo it's Y/N what's up dude, we've all been missing you man

Y/N: Then you can miss me some fucking more!

Guy: Woah chill out I was just saying hi, wanted to hear a joke or you to say something funny like always

Y/N: I say god is dead!

He just walks away confused

Y/N: God this music is just off... if only Paint it Black was on, but these kids don't know real music

You walk over to Brooke and Daniel  

Brooke: Oh uh hi Y/N I thought you wouldn't show up you skipped most of the week

Y/N: Yeah I know, look I gotta find Twitch... I mean Nathan

Brooke: No, I haven't seen him, and I'm not looking for him, so I most likely won't tonight, I just hate that scrub... and his club

Y/N: Likewise... I wish someone would just burn all this crap down and be down with it

Brooke: Then I don't have to pretend like I care anymore... also your friend Max just came through here earlier asking about Nathan 

Y/N: Thanks

Brooke: I don't know what she wants from him, doesn't seem like her type especially when Warrens all over her

Y/N: Wait, he's into Max

Brooke: Yeah I thought everyone knew besides those two

Y/N: Actually shes already seeing someone, me... she hates Nathan

Brooke: Oh well good for you two then

Y/N: Warrens all yours...

You look over to Daniel

Y/N: Hey buddy have you seen Nathan around here at all 

Daniel: No. I've been hanging with Brooke since I got here... uh are you okay you look like your on a mission too

Y/N: No, not really good... but I'm about to be for Rachel's sake

Daniel: You need a Blackwell break I'm-

Y/N: Actually can you hold that thought I've got to much on my plate chat later Daniel

Daniel: Okay adios then Y/N

You walk away towards Luke 

Y/N: Ah hey can I ask you a question

Luke: Woah, Y/N I heard what happened with Nathan, word is you whooped his ass

Y/N: Well its going to be why worse net time we meet, speaking of have you seen him 

Luke: Uh why are you looking for him to say sorry or something 

Y/N: Actually I was thinking of making him apologize to me instead for blooding my fists with his face... he's dangerous kids a loose cannon, he did something real bad this time

Luke: Actually I did see Nathan today nursing a busted face you gave him... I never said this before but I had dreams somebody finally kicked his ass you're a legend... now all we have to do is drive all these Prescott vampires out of town 

Y/N: Oh I have a feeling you'll get that wish soon Luke... sorry I gotta get going it was real

Luke: No, thank you and Max, for helping Kate and keeping it real, peace out

You walk away and see some asshole hit Alyssa with a noddle knocking her in the water 

Y/N: Hey jackass

You knee him right in the family joules as you throw him in the water 

Y/N: Now go swim the otters dipshit

Other guy looks at you until you get in his face

Y/N: What we got a problem here!

Guy: You're fucking crazy man

Y/N: Yeah run away be scared!

You walk towards the VIP section

Girl: Sorry this is the VIP section member only mmm-kay

Y/N: Go fuck yourself mmm-kay

You sucker punch the guy in the face and throw him in the water

Y/N: Better see if he's knocked out otherwise he may drown

Girl: You're fucking crazy

Y/N: I know I just don't care!

You throw open the curtain and walk in 

Y/N: Welcome Vortex Fucks

You walk over to Hayden

Y/N: Hey Hayden have you seen Nathan

Hayden: I just vaped some dank OG bug, so I can barely see you... or these hotties next to me... you want a hit

Y/N: I wish... but no I can't too much has happened.... so Nathan

Hayden: Come on dude you've been totally out of it this whole week get that stick out of your ass and smoke that bud

Y/N: I can't dammit... now I asked you a fucking question its common and courtesy to answer it!

Hayden: I guess you'll have to go ask everyone here... or chill out sit down and take a quick hit

Y/N: Next you plays games with me I'll break that dick and balls bong over your head

You walk towards Victoria

Y/N: Dammit...

Victoria: Oh Y/N... sorry but you know this is vortex club members only right

Y/N: Look I don't two fucking shits what this is Vicky all I care about is one thing where is Nathan Prescott

Victoria: Oh god like I'd tell you after you went fucking ape shit on him

Y/N: Shut the fuck up already you damn bitch, let's get one thing right I'm not perfect but compared to you yes I am, Kate Marsh tried to kill herself infront of you and the entire damn school and now you're here fucking partying like all is okay

Victoria: That's not my fault, Y/N don't you even try to darn blame me

Y/N: Oh I fucking will... did I make her feel worthless like nothing mattered no, I tried to help her I saved her damn life well you hoped she didn't jump just so you won't get charged with man slaughter... I know law you would face jail time if she died

Victoria: Look I'm not perfect I'm a teenager at an art school

Y/N: You're a fucking adult now, not a child you need to fucking act like it dammit

Victoria: Look I'm only here to become a photographer and get famous

Y/N: I'm not an artist but I can gladly say you're picture fucking suck... you make fun of Max because you don't know what art truly is

Victoria: I bet you won't be on her side when you see Max choke, when I win the contest

Y/N: Yeah that's because you have no competition, no one else but you entered... oh and speaking of I remember last night when I saw you try to blackmail Jefferson... "Oh Mark wouldn't it be great even we both went together" your damn pathetic

Victoria: Uh... no creeper

Y/N: Creeper oh that's funny actually I was headed to break in the school thank you very much but you and your Mark got in the way of that

Victoria: Oh my god your the one who broke into the pool, I'm so using that as blackmail

Y/N: I don't care anymore do what ypu damn well please... I'm done with this damn town and school

You think about telling her but honesty could care less

Y/N: By the way you give shitty head... no teeth, your the real poser I remembered when you tried to dose Rachel adios bitch

You storm off before she can get a sentence out, and see Max talking to Chloe as you walk towards them

Y/N: I don't think Twitch is here

Max: Yeah I know nobody has seen him tonight

Chloe: Has definitely not upstairs or in the lockers

Max: Maybe he's hiding in his dorm

Y/N: That is the last spot we saw the little shit

Chloe: Then let's bail, Nathan can't hide anymore

Mr. Jefferson: So you made it!

Max: Oh, hey Mr. Jefferson

Mr. Jefferson: Are you three okay, you all look like you're on a mission

You look at him and see his eyes start to dilate, as hear him laugh rather fakely as his body language changes a bit

Max: I was just looking for-

Y/N: We we're looking for Warren... haven't seen him all night just got really worried

Mr. Jefferson: Oh sorry I haven't seen him since this afternoon... I don't know him personally... uh let's talk later, Max' I have to announce the winner of the contest, I do wish you would have entered, you have to build up that resume and portfolio but I know you will

Max: Thanks I hope so

Mr. Jefferson: Okay excuse me In almost on

Chloe: Let's get the hell out of here

You all walk away until Max stops

Y/N: Max we have to go you know the results Victoria's the only person who entered

Mr. Jefferson: Oh my what a shocker Victoria Chase

Max: I can't believe it she blackmailed Jefferson

Y/N: Max this isn't the time

Max: Sorry let's go check out the dormitories

Y/N: This all seems so off I don't know if Nathan even did this anymore... he's gone missing maybe it was Sean Prescott this was the thing he wanted to pass onto Nathan he's a psychotic serial killer and wants Nathan to be so

Max: I don't know that just sounds so  weird...

Y/N: Unless that's what they want us to think

Max: Why did you say Warren to
Mr. Jefferson Y/N

Y/N: I don't know he just seemed real off at that moment... I just had this hunch it wasn't a good idea I mean we're not exactly shaking hands with him when we meet... if he we're to ya know... die, we're the first suspects

Chloe: Oh Christ guys Nathan just texted me, he says "There won't be any evidence left after he's done"

Y/N: Wait the fuck is going on anymore this is so damn weird none of this makes sense

Max: Doesn't matter, we have to go to the junkyard right now!

You all run to Chloe's truck and jump in as she speeds off towards the junkyard

Chloe: Who cares, it's doesn't matter he did it, Rachel is still fucking dead, And I want Nathan's punk ass... now!

Y/N: Chloe hear me nobody wants to ring out his neck as much as me... But we're basically walking into a trap here... you have to know that

Chloe: He won't know anything when we hit him!

Y/N: Why would he tell us what he's doing unless he's gone completely brain dead we could show these texts to the Fbi... and he'd go away for life probably

Chloe: Just shut up it makes senses he's an idiot and we're gonna get his punk ass

You finally arrive and jump out of the truck as Chloe stomps right through there

Max: Stop stomping around, Chloe

Y/N: He could have more than one gun and if he doesn't I bet he'll still jump us with some weapon

Chloe: Yeah I know so just get ready to use your rewind power if Nathan tries to jump us Max

You all walk through the junkyard being able to barley see anything

Chloe: Come on, come on Nathan needs to die now

Max: Look, we can't track Nathan if you're not going to be cool Chloe

Y/N: She's right your going to get us caught or better yet killed

You continue walking until your head starts to hurt as you fall to the ground, you see something the dark room again you hear a laugh is sounds familiar almost like a fake laugh you just heard then you see him stand over all of you Mark Jefferson with a gun then you wake up

Max: Y/N get up this isn't time to pass out on us

Chloe: Max she's still here!

Y/N: Ahh my head, it's like I had a vision from before but not the storm, about Jefferson... wait, MAX CHLOE!

As soon as you say that Max gets stabbed in the back of the neck by a syringe

Y/N: Shit Max... Chloe look out!

You all hear a gun shot ring out through your ears as Chloe fall to the ground lifeless

Max: Chloe...


You run at him grabbing the gun as you both struggle for

Y/N: I knew this seemed fucking fishy, that look you gave me

He headbutts you as you stumble back away from him

Y/N: Ahh...

He raises his arm as he starts to point the gun towards you, and you start running back away from him

Y/N: I'm sorry Rache, Maximu-

A shot rings then it all goes black

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter honestly I think this is the most death I wrote in any chapter for any story for that matter, also I would like to say thank you for getting this story in the number 6th rating for maxcaulfield and 10th place for chloeprice, the next chapter should be out by this weekend, the word counts 4766.

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