One-Night Stand [TechnoXKeng...

By KookieCutieStories

34.3K 806 127

Techno accidentally had a one night stand with his brother's friend, will techno accept what happened or will... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six (18+)
Part Seven
Part Eight (18+)
Part Ten
Part Elleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen (18+)
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Personal Update/Going off Hiatus
Part Sixteen

Part Nine

1.8K 38 3
By KookieCutieStories

Techno's POV

~A couple weeks later~

Techno's POV

Nothing much happened after our second time being together. Most days of the week We just went to cafes and sometimes he came to watch me at soccer practice, then we would go get shaved ice or some food. At the same time I was feeling nervous since it was the annual senior mentorship camping trip.

All the seniors that owned the senior university clubs gathered together for the yearly "Future Freshy" trip

It was a trip that the seniors organized each year for juniors and seniors in high school that were interested in being admitted to the college but only kids with a GPA above 3.5 could participate, the trip was 2~3 days long and we had to organize activities for it. I also found out that kengkla applied for it without me knowing so I was anxious because of it.

Type: "What should we do this year?"

Senior 1: "How about going to the beach?"

Type: "The seniors last year and the year before that did it, let's do something new"

Senior 2: "How about we go camping. There's a camping site not too far from the city, people rent it for events"

Techno: "The school gave us a budget of 70,000 baht and we're gonna have to feed the kids and staff, buy materials for the activities, and also provide tents"

Senior 2: "I already got the food part covered, the restaurant near campus agreed to make 550 lunchboxes for around 14,000 baht, we're gonna have around 50 kids and the rest is gonna be for us and the staff, it'll be enough for the 3 days we're actually there"

Techno: "How much is it to rent the whole camping site??"

Senior 2: "I called and they said 16,000 baht a night so it'll be 48,000 baht for 3 days but the place is also connected to the lake, and includes first aid kit and materials, it even has tents included apart from the 4 main cabins, so around 20 kids will sleep outside"

Type: "So we have 8,000 baht left for planning the activities"

Techno: "Sounds good, let's stick to this plan and start ordering everything, there's only a couple days left"

Type: "Okay, that concludes our meeting. Let's meet again tomorrow just to plan the activities"

With that, everyone left and headed towards the gate, I had to get a book from my locker so I told type to go ahead without me

Techno: "Hey, I'm getting something from my locker so you can go"

Type: "Okay then see you tomorrow" I waved goodbye and continued looking through my stack of books

Just then I felt someone hovering over behind me then I felt arms quickly wrap around my waist

I looked back and realized it was kengkla

Kengkla: "Surprise"

Techno: "Kengkla! You can't be in here, If someone sees then we'll both get in trouble"

Kengkla: "It's fine, I'll just say I'm a student here"

Techno: "You really think they'll believe you when you literally have your school uniform on??"

Kengkla: "it's worth a try" kengkla shrugged

Techno: "Just wait for me outside, I'll be right there soon"

Kengkla: "Hmp fine" He pouted and walked towards the exit

Techno: "I was sure it was here......maybe I left it in the class?" I thought I left it in my locker but it wasn't there so I went to check in the classroom

I opened the door and saw my teacher

Ms.Min: "Oh, Techno is there anything you need?"

Techno: "I think I left my book in here may I check if it is?"

Ms.Min: "sure, go ahead"

I walked over to where I sit and found the book inside the desk

Ms.Min: "Found it?"

Techno: "Yes, I'll see you tomorrow Ms.Min" I waved goodbye and closed the door behind me

I walked down the stairs to the exit but saw a familiar shadow

San: "I like him but I don't know that to do"

Can: "I'd say be honest with your feeling, although you may get hurt"

San: "I wish I could take care of him but he's dating someone already"

'Hm? He has a crush on someone'

Can: "Just tell him how you feel, you never know what might happen"

San: "True, I'll confess to him today then"

They began walking away but I couldn't help but wonder who he was talking about

Kengkla: "techno! Let's go" I nodded and we walked outside

Kengkla: "Where do you want to go today?"

Techno: "Maybe.....The honey cafe?"

Kengkla: "Okay"

After we ate at the cafe we went home to hang out a bit

We were watching movies when suddenly I got a text from san

6:34pm San: Can you come out for a bit?

6:34pm Techno: Sure

Kengkla: "Who is it?"

Techno: "Don't worry I'll be quick" kengkla nodded

I walked outside and saw San sitting in the porch

Techno: "So what's up?"

San: "Well.....can you sit next to me?"

Techno: "uh sure, is everything okay?"

San: "Kinda" I was confused at the way he was acting

San: "I......I have a crush on someone"

Techno: "Oh that!" San looked startled at me

Techno: "I know"

San: "Wait, you do?" San widened his eyes

Techno: "I accidentally overheard you and can talking after school"

Techno: "Don't worry, even if he doesn't accept it's fine you can always find someone else" I patted his back

San: "but....that guy is you"

Techno: "Wait what?" I was oblivious to the fact that the guy he liked could've been me

Techno: "But- I mean- I already have someone"

San: "I know that's why I didn't want to tell you"

Techno: "I don't know what to say"

San: "I promise I'll treat you good, just give me one chance"

Techno: "I'm sorry, I just can't. I've only thought of you as a friend" Suddenly his attitude changed

San: "Is it because of him?" he pointed behind me and I knew it was kengkla

Kenklga: "It is because of me. He doesn't like you so get lost" San ignored him and directed his attention towards me

San: "Can, he doesn't deserve you, I'm better than him in many ways" Kengkla got infront of me and I could tell he was mad

Kengkla: "Even if you do believe in that, he still won't love you, he doesn't like bastards like you"

San: "You're calling me a bastard?"

Kengkla: "Yeah, I am. What are you gonna do about it?" Kengkla slightly pushed san and it was enough to cause a fight

San punched kengkla in the face but he quickl got up and returned the favor

Techno: "Stop! Don't do this" I looked at kengkla

Kengkla: "He's the one that started it, he knows you're mine yet he's trying to ask you out"

Techno: "Just please go inside, please" kengkla rolled his eyes at san and hesitated but went inside

Kengkla: "I'm only leaving because I trust you"

When he went inside I walked to san

Techno: "Are you okay?" San nodded

San: "It's okay, it's best if I just go home'

San: "Sorry for causing trouble"

Techno: "Don't worry about it, but.....I just need you to know that this isn't possible, we can't be together, I don't want to hurt you but I just can't"

San: "Yeah...I know..." He turned around and walked towards the gate

I sighed and went back inside

I saw kengkla in the kitchen so I went upstairs and got a first aid kit

Techno: "Why does he always get in so much trouble?" I walked downstairs with the kit and sat his down in the living room with me

Techno: "Kengkla, why are you always on the defensive with everyone?" I took some alcohol and cleaned his wound

Kengkla: "I just don't like people getting close to you"

Techno: "We already talked about this, you said you would change" I looked at him disappointed

Kengkla: "He crossed the line by asking you out knowing your with me"

Techno: "I know but punches aren't going to solve anything" I looked down

Kengkla: "Look I'll stop getting into fights if it's what you want"

Techno: "It's just that I hate seeing you get hurt" I applied some ointment on his cut and then put a small bandaid over it

Techno: "Just promise me you'll try to avoid conflict as much as possible"

Kengkla: "I promise" He planted a small gentle kiss on my lips

Kengkla: "I should get going, it's already 7pm"

Techno: "Want me to walk you?"

Kengkla: "No, It's too dangerous if someone steals you from me then it'll be my fault" I laughed

Techno: "No one is gonna do anything, I'm a grown guy. I'm more concerned about you since you're younger"

Kengkla: "I'll be fine, I'll send you a message when I get home"

Techno: "Okay. See you tomorrow!"

Kengkla: "Bye" with that he walked away and headed towards his house

After he left I walked upstairs and got ready for bed

~A couple days later~

After I finished all my classes I went to lunch with Type and Can

Can: "have you guys finished planning the future freshy trip?"

Techno: "Yeah, we already have everything set, we're actually leaving tomorrow morning"

Techno: "But.....I'm kinda nervous"

Can: "Why?"

Type: "Because kengkla is going, also talking about him, you have to make sure he stays in check and doesn't cause problems"

Techno: "He won't"

Type: "How are you so sure? Just stick near him because he's not going to listen to the other seniors"

Techno: "I was already planning on it"

Type: "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then, don't be late!" I nodded and went to my afternoon classes

Next day

I quickly woke up after hearing my alarm

Techno: "I'm so tired" I stood up to turn my lights on

I then walked to my bed stand and picked up my phone

Techno: "It's already 5am, I should probably call him"

Techno: Goodmorning, are you almost ready?
Kengkla: Yeah I already packed everything and I'm just looking for a couple things, also I had a question
Techno: what is it?
Kengkla: Can we go together?
Techno: umm....I don't think it's a good idea
Kengkla: Why not~
Techno: Because-
Kengkla: Pretty please~
Techno: Fine, but just don't make it too obvious that we're dating
Kengkla: Okay, I'll go by your house soon
Techno: Ok, bye
Kengkla: Byee

I was hungry so I made 2 sandwiches

As I was eating I heard the doorbell

Techno: "I'm coming!" I walked towards the door and opened it

Kengkla came in with a smile, and hugged me

Techno: "Hm? Why are you in such a good mood?" Kengkla looked at me with tender eyes

Kengkla: "I'm just happy to have you as a boyfriend"

Techno: "Me too" I hugged him back tightly

Technic: "You two love birds ready to go?" I looked back and saw my brother

Techno: "Yeah, let me go get my bags"

We got all out things and made our way to the college

Senior 1: "Who are these kids? You know them?"

Techno: "Yeah, he's my brother and this is my- my brother's friend" I caught myself before I accidentally introduced him as my boyfriend

???: "Well he's pretty cute if you ask me" I turn around and realized it was one of the seniors named tao

I've honestly never really liked him, he acted stuck up and was two-faced. He usually acted friendly if he had a motive towards that person, but once he got what he wanted he acted cold and harsh towards them

Senior 1: "Yeah, he does resemble techno"

Tao: "No. Not him, well he's cute too, but I'm talking about him" He specifically put emphasis on the word 'him'

He got closer to kengkla and asked for his name, kengkla glared at him

Kengkla: "None of your business"

Tao: "Hm, so you're feisty" suddenly and overbearing feeling came over me, I wasn't sure why I felt this way but I just knew I needed to get kengkla away from him

Techno: "Anyways, It's getting late, we should really go" I instinctively pulled kengkla to my side and began to walk into the bus after my brother went in

I walked in with kengkla and we sat together, I looked out the window and then looked at kengkla

Kengkla: "You're still holding my hand" I looked down and noticed I hadn't let go of him

Techno: "Oh sorry, I was just thinking of something"

Kengkla: "it's okay, I actually like it when you're protective of me"

Techno: "Protective?"

Kengkla: "Yeah, You were jealous right? That's why you moved me away from him"

Techno: "what? Not at all, It was just getting late" I didn't want to admit it but I knew that something about tao being close to kengkla irked me

Kengkla: "Are you sure~" I nodded

Techno: "here, just eat this. I made it for you" I gave him one of the sandwiches I made earlier and tried to move the conversation away from tao

Kengkla: "Thanks! I love you~" He happily ate the sandwich

Kengkla's POV

2 hours later we arrived at the camping site, Techno was fast asleep next to me but I decided to let him sleep a bit more, everyone was leaving at their own pace so I grabbed techno's stuff and walked outside

Kengkla: "Here take it, I'm gonna go wake up techno" I gave our luggage to technic and went to wake up techno but as I turned around I found someone standing across from me just staring at me

The senior from before was staring at me dirtyly, it almost gave me goosebumps along with a sick feeling

As I looked at him he winked at me and signaled for me to go by him

I simply rolled my eyes and went back into the bus

I walked towards techno and hesitated in waking him, he looked so angelic, His long eyelashes, his baby pink colored lips, his dewy skin along with his soft expression being kissed by the sun made me want to admire him some more but I knew I needed to wake him up

Kengkla: "Baby~ wake up" I shook him gently so he wouldn't get startled

He woke up and looked around, even while waking up he was handsome to me

Techno: "Are we already here?"

Kengkla: "Yeah, come on almost everyone already went to the main area"

Techno: "Okay, let's go then"

Techno: "Wait, before we go. I need you to remember that we need to keep our relationship secret, I don't know what the seniors would say if they knew I had a highschooler as a boyfriend"

Kengkla: "Don't worry, I promise I won't do anything to jeopardize them knowing"

We got out the bus and headed to the main area

Everyone gathered and after a presentation and introducing ourselves it was time to adjust where we would sleep

Senior 1: "Since there's many of the students, there's gonna be 3 seniors per cabin that'll stay with 25 kids in each cabin. The rest of the seniors and kids can sleep as 4 per tent. Let's meet up at around 1pm to start the activities, for now you guys can call your parents and let them know we've arrived or talk with friends"

Technic: "Bro do you wanna sleep with us?"

Techno: "Yeah" We chose a tent and put our stuff inside

While standing back up I felt someone behind me

Tao: "got room for 1 more?" I was gonna curse him out but techno got infront of me

Techno: "Actually I think it'll better if you stay with some other kids and supervise them" The senior forced a smile

Tao: "Hm, okay" He then looked at me

Tao: "See you around"

Authors note: Hey guys! I struggled while writing this chapter because I wasn't sure how to incorporate techno's jealousy and a new character to make him jealous. I'm not that happy with this chapter but I tried to write thinking about future chapters. I'm gonna start writing part 10 after I publish this so wish me luck! I'll have that uploaded in 5-8days! Thanks for reading, stay safe and don't get sick please! Wear a mask when going to places and make sure to keep your space clean! Love y'all💚

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