Meine Liedtexte

By retro_porcelain_doll

2.3K 369 128

In diesem Buch zeige ich euch alle Lieder die ich selber geschrieben habe. Außerdem sind das sehr persönliche... More

Lonely Earth
Einsame Erde
Porcelain Doll
Nostalgia Tears
Fantasy Man
Fantasie Mann


250 37 15
By retro_porcelain_doll

I look different than everybody else
I dress differently than everybody else
I behave differently than everybody else
That's why people tease me at school
But I'm too shy and anxious to fight back

So I have the feeling that I don't belong to this world
Because I feel like I'm an alien that just randomly has fallen on this earth

Yes I'm quirky
Cause I'm stupid and ugly
Cause I'm weird and mentally ill
That's what kids at school always tell me
So my self-confidence is destroyed forever before it could even exist

I was teased since I go to school
And over the years it got worse and worse
So home is the only safe place for me
And the internet cause there I can hide two things of myself
Which is my weirdness and ugliness

So I have the feeling that I don't belong to this world
Because I feel like I'm an alien that just randomly has fallen on this earth

Yes I'm quirky
Cause I'm stupid and ugly
Cause I'm weird and mentally ill
That's what kids at school always tell me
So my self-confidence is destroyed forever before it could even exist

But you know what?
I love being different
Because being like everybody else is boring for me
So I like to be a glittery rainbow among grey clouds
But sadly I get teased for that so.....

Yes I'm quirky
Cause I'm stupid and ugly
Cause I'm weird and mentally ill
That's what kids at school always tell me
So my self-confidence is destroyed forever before it could even exist

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