Something Other Than Secrets...

By kittyloveme12

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What happened to Julia Roberto and Hunter James? After breaking up with her crazy ex, Julia was met with all... More

New Character Features
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Twenty Three

121 9 0
By kittyloveme12

Julia's POV:

(About a week later: The day of the wedding)

I lean my head against the door where I have been sitting for the last fifteen minutes. It is my best friend's wedding, yet here I am being the dramatic one. I sit up from the bathroom floor and take a glance in the mirror, cringing at the mess. My hair is still messy from waking up just a few minutes ago and there is bags under my eyes.

It is a few minutes past six, the wedding starts at ten. Stephanie hasn't seen Tyler for 24 hours, and last night is just a blurry daze. I still have a terrible hang over. Stephanie left Gabby at Bianca's, since she was pregnant she backed out of the bachelorette party. I didn't mind her not coming, we are still not on speaking terms. Neither am I and Hunter. 

I rinse my face and the cold water seems to sharpen my headache. I groan out in misery and close the tap, grabbing the fluffy face towel from the hook and drying my face. A knock on the door catches my attention and I groan out a reply. Stephanie pokes her head around the door, looking just a teeny tiny bit better than I do. Her face is a mess with the make up she wore last night. "Here, take these for the headache." She pushes a closed hand out and I reach mine out. Two white tablets is dropped in my hand and I smile thankfully.

She emerges from the bathroom, closing the door again and I swallow the pills down with some water from the sink. I turn to shower and discard my clothing before hopping into the steaming water. I rise my face so that the droplets land on my eyelids and lips. I am pretty sure I made out with a few strangers. I can't remember much, but I do remember dancing with a guy who offered to buy me a drink multiple times. I declined, of course, because I don't trust guys at clubs. At least I still had my smart brain, even when drunk.

I get out of the shower after scrubbing myself and washing my hair to get rid of the greasy feeling. I hate the aftermath of being drunk and having a fun night. The sweaty smell clinging on you, the grimy feeling and the terrible headache. If that wasn't there the next morning, I would gladly party more often. Why did the party have to happen on the night right before the wedding though?

I wrap a towel around me and head back in the room. Stephanie left my dress on the bed, in a bag, and the shoes next to the bed. I dry myself off and grab another fresh towel for my wet hair, tying them up on my head. I reach for the bag and open it, exposing the beautiful blue dress. Should I dress in it now? I never had a wedding to attend to before, so this is all very weird to me. 

Why else would she leave the dress on the bed?

I decide to put it on, struggling at first, but hoisting it over my breasts and zipping it up in a few seconds. I turn to face myself in the full view mirror and a satisfied smile makes it way on my lips. I remember feeling this pretty the last time I wore a dress. I head out to Stephanie's room and knock on it twice. When no answer comes out, I enter the room. Stephanie is sitting on her bed, crying.

"Hey, hey?" I head over to her and sit down next to her, pulling her into a hug, "What's wrong?" She sniffles, but doesn't answer me. We just sit for a few minutes before she pulls away, wiping the tears away from her now clean face. "I guess it is just cold feet." She huffs out a laugh and play with the strap of the gown she is wearing. "I can't believe the day I marrying the love of my life is finally here," She smiles brightly and her eyes travel down to my dress.

She gasps before standing up and pulling me up, "You'll wrinkle it!" She exclaims and I stand up, trying to look behind me for wrinkles. "There isn't any," She sighs in relief and gives me a pointed look, "Yet." I just laugh and give her a hug. "I thought you were about to regret getting married." I tell her honestly and she laughs, "No, never," I laugh along with her and she pulls away to face me. "Help me with my dress, we need to get to hair appointment." I smile as I nod, following her to the bathroom.

After another half an hour of struggling to get into a dress, searching for our shoes and grabbing our extra clothes for when we need to get out of the itchy dresses, we are sitting in the car that is driving us around for the day. "Thank you, Jeff." Stephanie thanks him and he nods with a smile, "No problem, Steph."

Our hair and make-up appointments went by rather fast and Gabby has been waiting for her mother there. I didn't talk to Bianca, but Stephanie made sure that there wasn't any negative vibes due to her excitement for the day. "Hey!" I turn to face Melody who's already in her dress with her make-up and hair done. "Hey." I smile. "I'm sorry about last time-" I shake my head, holding up my palm. "No, it's fine." She smiles, but it is a tight smile. I don't want to talk about that. After I found the ring in Hunter's car, I tried to avoid the topic as much as possible. 

We all start to head out to get in the car, but someone grabs my wrist and pulls me back. I turn to face Bianca and my face hardens. "Julia-" I cut her off, "Never grab me again. The last person who did that ended with a broken nose." The threat is said emotionless, the way I feel about her. Her eyes shows saddens within them, but I just stare at her with a blank expression. "Hunter told me you saw the ring." She starts and I raise a brow. "You guys are talking?" The question holds a little disappointed, the only emotion resurfacing. "We weren't until then," She admits, her eyes trying to read me.

"Hunter never told me about the ring, he wanted to propose but I screwed it up." She says, looking over my shoulder before looking at me again. "Julia, Hunter is in a lot of trouble. He called me for help, but I can't do much." I can feel my heart hammer against my rib cage. "A threat was sent out to the both of us. They are targetting him. We don't know when, but all I can do is protect Stephanie, Tyler and Gabby." She looks lost and broken, "Ivan is here to help me, Hunter knows, but he didn't want you to know." I stare at her in confusion.

"Why?" She shrugs and her face falls in to that of sorrow, "He wants to protect you." I grit my teeth and glare at her, the anger finally submerging. "Clearly I am not the one who needs protection." Before either of us can say anything else, Melody pops her head around the door. "Are you coming?" A frown evident on her face. I nod and turn to walk, but Bianca stops me yet again. "What are you going to do?" She asks.

"Something I might regret."

Author's Note:

Two updates for the one I missed!

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