One With Wolves

By onceuponanregal

64 2 0

Regina's mother Cora, wants Regina to marry the King, but she dosnt have any feelings towards him. Her mother... More

Run Away
Merry Man and the Wolf Pack
The Reason why

Save or Grave?

15 1 0
By onceuponanregal

Earlier after Regina's escape:

The guard walked up and down the halls, barley awake, more like he was sleep walking. He couldnt control himself cause his body just went where ever and did what ever, but he knew where he was. He was standing in front of the Princess' door, and without thinking, he just opened the door. Even through his half-ish opened eyes, he could she the Princess was no where. His eyes grew big, and he ran out the room, and ran straight to the Queen's room.

When he reached there, he knocked on the door and said,''Your Majesty?'' then he knocked harder. ''Your Majesty!'' 

Cora got up and opened the door, and looked at the guard. ''What is the meaning of this?'' she hissed at him.

The guard shook a bit, then said,''Sorry...but the Princess isnt in her room, in fact,  the room seems to be bare.'' 

The Queen looked wild eyed at the guard and said,''What?!''

The guard asked,''Do you wish for us to look for her?''

''WHAT DO YOU THINK? OF COURSE!'' the Queen snapped and the guard ran off. 

Soon the place was buzzing with metal clanking and guards running like head-less chickens, trying to find the Princess.

After an hour or 2 of not finding her, the guards outside looking around the castle. The Queen walked out and looked at the forest. 

She's not dumb enough to run in the forest, is she? The Queen thought. Well, considering that she is gonna have to marry the King in 6 days, i think she would try to run there. 

The Queen called the guards, and asked them to stand in front of her. 

''You will look through the forest to see if you can find her. I'll have 20 men looking in the forest, the rest, look at the village, and quietly. Once day comes, where gonna ask the people if they seen her, is that understood?'' The Queen asked.

''Yes My Queen.'' The guards said.

20 men stood in a group and the Queen looked at the rest of the guards. 10 guards stood together. 

''Perfect, the ten of you, run along the village and look.'' The Queen said with a wave of her hand, and all the guards went to where they were going to look. 

The Queen walked back into the castle, and looked in her daughter's room. She went back to her room, and slept a little more.

With Regina:

Regina stopped after a while, and felt hungry. She reached into her bag, and pulled out a can of tuna, and a pocket-knife and stabbed the metal top, and place the knife safely in her bag, and used her nails, to open the side. Before she got to the end, she placed the can away from her, and squeezed out the water inside it and then popes open the can, and grabbed a fork, and ate quickly. 

When she was done, she looked around for a garbage can then she remembered she was in the forest and looked at her bag. She places the can on the ground and opens the bag. 

Dose this thing have another pouch?

She saw another opening and threw in her can, and looked up at the night sky. Dawn was coming, but where she was in the forest, it was dark as night. She walked so far. She didnt know what she was gonna do, she just needed to get away, and not marry the King. She couldnt imagine her mother's face when she see her again, if she dose. She was lost in her thinking until she heard a twig snap. She turned around and saw the Black Wolf again. This time, the wolf seemed to be closer then it was before. Regina sat down on the ground with one knee, and she held out her hand. She didnt feel afraid, and she didnt know why. The wolf titled her head a bit, then slowly walked up to her. Then it sniffed Regina's hand gently, and licked her hand. Regina got to excited and mover her hand up top of the wolf's head, and the wolf jerked back and stepped away. Regina gasped. 

''I'm so sorry.'' Regina said. 

The wolf looked at her, and walked back to her slowly. Regina held her hand out again. 

Dose this wolf understand me? Regina thought.

 The wolf sniffed her hand again, and this time Regina waited. The wolf looked in Regina's cocoa eyes, and then rubbed it's head on Regina's arm.

 ''Awww arent you a cutie?'' Regina said. The wolf made a noise Regina never heard from a wolf, more like a chirp. Then something yelled into Regina's head that the wolf was happy, and chirped. Regina smiled and looked at the wolf's neck. She didnt see the little necklace on the wolf before. It wrote: Anubis. ''Anubis? Is that you?'' Regina asked, looking onto the wolf's face.  The wolf chirped, and Regina took that as a yes. 

Then they both heard a twig snap. They both turned around and heard metal clanking and Regina saw guards in the distance, got up and started to run away from them. Anubis followed Regina and ran next to her. A guard hear them run, and ran after them, and threw himself at her, and pull her down to the ground. Regina gasped and tasted dirt under her, and saw the guard on her. 

''I GOT HER!'' the guard on top of her yelled, trying to warn the others, but it seemed as they didnt hear him. Regina tried to wiggle herself off on him, and started to push him away. She looked straight and saw Anubis looking at her in the shadows, and saw her teeth fare in the dark. 

''GET OFF ME!'' Regina said to the guard on her. The guard didnt, so Regina started to use her nails and dug them into the guards skin, and he yelled. Then they both heard something growl loudly, and they both stopped fighting, and looked at the bushes in front of them. Regina could see that Anubis crouched down, and snarled her snout and bared her teeth out. She looked at the guard on top of her, and he looked around trying to see the animal, but couldnt cause it was so dark. Then a second later, Regina felt the guard fling on her, and she heard him scream. To this, the other guards ran to where they heard screaming, Regina looked behind her and saw Anubis on top of the guard and she stood up and ran away in the forest. Once Anubis didnt feel the guard move under her, she followed Regina and ran next to her. Both of them zipped through the dark, hearing the guards behind them. 

After couple mins of running, Regina stopped and gasped for air. Anubis stopped next to her, and Regina looked at the Wolf. ''Thank you.'' Regina said weakly as she breathed. The wolf chirped and rubbed her head on Regina's hand, and licked it. Regina sat down, and petted the Wolf.  Regina pulled out her water and was bout to drink when Anubis whined a bit. Regina looked down at her, opened the bottle, and held it to Anubis' mouth, poured water into her mouth. Anubis jumped up and down, and drank the water. She pulled away after a while, and Regina air-drank the rest of the water. ''Were gonna have to find another lake, and soon.'' Regina told Anubis. Anubis turned around, and growled, then 3 guards showed up and ran to Regina. Regina stood up and ran away. 

''HELP ME WITH THIS BEAST!!!'' a guard shouted, trying to fight Anubis, and the guards stopped chasing Regina and tried to fight the Wolf. Regina threw herself into the bushes, while looking at the man trying to fight her Wolf. Anubis snapped her teeth on the man that was under her, and snapped his neck whole. she turned and fought off the guards on her. The guards got off her, and stood couple steps away from Anubis. Anubis threw her head back and howled loudly, before growling again. The guards struggled to get an arrow in the cross bow, and before they can get it in, Regina ran towards the guards, and threw herself at one guard, and brought him down with her, and tried to take away the arrow.

 Anubis faced the other guard, and snarled at him, crouching, getting ready to attack him. Regina  grabbed the crossbow, and punched the guard with her other hand, and got up, making sure the guard was down. she took the chance to shoot the other guard. She heard her guard moan, and she kicked him down as hard as she could. She looked at Anubis and saw she was gonna jump. Anubis turned to look at Regina and saw that she held up the crossbow, and growled at Regina. 

The guard was so close to Anubis, Regina had to make sure she didnt hit her Wolf. She took a deep breath in, took her aim, and breath out and fired the arrow. The guard looked at Regina, and the arrow stabbed him, and he fell to the ground. 

The guard close to Regina grabbed Regina's leg, and Regina gasped and tried to kick him. The guard had a good grip on her, and dug his nails in her leg, and Regina screamed quietly, trying to hold it in. She felt blood drip down, and she threw the cross bow on the guard's head, and took her chance to get away from him. She stood above him, and looked at him. She heard other guards come, and she ran away from them. Anubis was behind her, and Regina ran until she tripped on a big branch and fell face first on the ground. She opened her eyes and saw a thin branch in front of her and she tried to stand up. She left the branch snap and she saw a twig hang down, and she tried to pull it off her face, but it was stuck on her upper left lip. She yanked more at it, and yelled as it came off, and blood fell on the ground. Regina breathed heavily and touched her upper lip and gasped. Anubis nudged her leg that didnt bleed, and Regina ran into the forest again. 

How many guards did Mother sent to find me?

Regina thought while she ran. She couldnt stand the pain in her leg, so she fell down on the ground. Anubis nudge her over and over. 

''I can't.'' Regina said. 

Guards showed up and Anubis stood in front of Regina growling. The guards came close, and one fell, and Regina saw a grey wolf attack him. She looked behind the man and saw other wolves fighting off the men. Anubis stood by Regina, getting protective and not letting any man come close to her. After all the men were down, the wolves looked at Regina. Some growled and Anubis growled at them and they stopped. Anubis started to lick Regina's blood off her leg. A little grey wolf cub came forward and rubbed its head on Anubis. Anubis nudged her pup to Regina, and Regina held out her hand, and the little cub licked her, and sat on her leg, trying to get to her face, to lick the blood away. Soon later, Regina fell down and breathed hard. She was so tired, and she was in pain. She let her whole body shut down, and she slept.

Ok. heres part 2! its a bit longer, and i hope its ok. Thanks for reading.

Next part will come soon

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