When Love Happens

By InbaAchari

525 131 67

Sparkle Morris The most convicted bachelorette in India. People are waiting for her dates and she has so many... More

The Wedding Day
That Big Fat Ugly House
The Wedding Plan
The Wedding Dress
The Wedding Dress (Continued)
The Unexpected Visitor
Walking Down The Aisle
London Here I Come
Meet And Greet
I Brought You Roses
About The Gala Night
The Gala Night
I'll Tame Him.

One Kiss Is All It Takes

36 10 8
By InbaAchari

When me and my dad was ready to walk out Mr Maximus can in and said "Oh I caught you on the right time. Before going sign these papers please." I took the papers from him and asked " What are these?" He smiled at me and said "Divorce Papers."
Wow. Its not even half a day I said about it and so soon he even got the papers. "Two mins I need to read them." I said.
"Of course take you time." He said and sat on the chair near the dressing table.
I sat on the dressing table and was going through the papers.
All are fine but one sentence caught my attention. It says

Should stay married for one year.

Hell no. One year is too much.
"Why one year?" I asked him still looking at the papers. He cleared his throat and said "We have quite a reputation in our country. What will the paparazzi's say about my family? They are waiting for some news. If they know that the bride ran away, they are gonna tear my family's reputation in to pieces which took decades for me to build it."
"Fine but still one year is bit long. Can you change it to six months?" I asked him.
He thought for a minute and then said "Humm okay. Six months is it. I will change it but sign the papers now. Later I will change it." He said.
I smiled at him and sighed the papers.

Sparkle Morris.

Finally. He took the papers from me and said " I'm damn sure you don't need the divorce. My son will take good care of you." He said with pride. I simply smiled at him and "Let's see."
He walked away. Me and my dad both were looking at him walking away. He stopped at the door turned towards me and said
"You look gorgeous my new daughter in law."  He didn't even wait for me to reply he left.
I looked at my father. He sighed heavily and said "Hope I don't regret this. I know you agreed to marry him just because I asked you to. But Sparkle your gonna live a different life now. No more late night, no more favourite daughter and no more get whatever you want. You have to adjust to the people around you. Listen to people. Just be yourself. But don't tolerate toxic people. Stand up for yourself. Be friendly with everyone okay. Your a amazing kid. I'm so happy and proud to get you as my daughter." He smiled at me proudly and pat my head.
I sighed and said " Well dad I am everything what you just said. Now let's go before people decide even I ran away."

The little flower girls walked first. Then the bridesmaids. And then it was time for me to walk with my dad.
Im Yours – By Jason Mraz
Was played.
I walked with my dad arm in arm. Everyone was staring at me. I didn't look at anyone because I know what their expression will be.

What the hell? Is she the bride? Is that Sparkle? Why is she wearing this dress? This must be a joke. What the hell is happening here? Finally she is getting married.

Yeah exactly that will be their expression. I searched my family. Lucky they were still there. All of them looked sad. Joel was fuming. I know nobody will talk to me after this. But they are still my family. They will come around or I will make them come around me. I'll do anything for my family. I know they will not be mad at me forever.
I stood next to the groom. I dare look at him because I was scared.
My dad shook his hand and kissed my cheek and walked away. Now it was me him and the Father.
Father Elijah.
Oh My God. Of all the person in the world why did they choose him? Jeez this is so awkward.
He looked at to me and was shocked to see me.
" My god am I dreaming?" He said clearly shocked. God please help me. " Sparkle , the girl who said will never getting married is now standing in front of me with her to be husband." He said faking a mini heart attack.
" In flesh and blood" I said annoyed. He laughed and said
" I told you child nobody can escape this. You should've become a sister when to told you wanted to."
Ugh. I was 8 year old when I said that. "Father if you don't mind I will definitely become one now if you don't  finish the wedding first and later you can embarrasse me." I said.
He smiled at me. He read few thing I swear I never heard it before.
After a few minutes of talking he finally asked the question.
Raphael Maximus. Will you take Sparkle as your beloved wife.?
He composed himself. Took a deep breath and said. "Yes."
Raphael .Okay not bad. Nice name ... Nice voice. Hope he has a nice face with good heart as well.
Father Elijah cleared his throat and said.
" Sparkle my favourite kid." I rolled my eyes. He continued " Are you sure you wanna get married."
" Father stop... " I said. I heard a chuckle. It was from Raphael.
"Okay okay. Now for real.
"Sparkle will you take Raphael as your beloved husband?."
I don't know what to say. This is my last chance. I can either run away or get married. The choice is mine.
Is it? Nah. Of course it's not mine. I took a deep breath and said " I do."
Father smiled at me.
"Exchange the rings." He said.
I didn't even look at Raphael. I just looked at his hand and slide the ring into his finger. And then he slide the ring into my finger. The ring looked gorgeous. Just like how I imagined it should be. Its a perfect wedding ring. I loved it.
I was pulled back from my thoughts by Father Elijah.
" Now you may kiss the bride." He said. I was still looking down. I am so nervous now. I was fidgeting my dress .
Raphael moved the veil of my face. I took a deep breath and looked at him.

What the fuck ...?
Is it... Is it him...? The guy... The same guy who I was crushing on for ages ...What is happening here..
Am I dreaming....What the hell....
I looked into his hazel eyes. He is just the same like how he was when I saw him 6 years ago... I just can't believe it.. Is this real. Or am I about to wake up from my dream.
I felt his hands cupping my face.
Does he even remember me? Does he even remember what happened the day we met? My god... I'm speechless ... I don't know how to react... Uhh why is this happening to me... Now? Why Me....??I feel like the world is spinning.
He looked into my eye. Then his gaze fell on my lips. He slowly leaned towards me. I closed my eyes so thight. When I taught he would kiss, but I didn't feel anything so I opened my eyes. He was smiling at me. I blinked at him.
And then it happened. He kissed me.
He Is Kissing Me....
Oh my god. I have been dreaming about this since the day I met.
His lips are so soft. Suddenly I'm kissing him back. Of course I would. He pulled me closer and deepens the kiss. I pulled him by his coat.
Everybody was cheering us.
I heard many whoossss.. go get a room and so cute...
I couldn't breath so I pulled back. He let me go. He was smiling at me like a kid who got his favourite candy. I was breathing heavily. So was he. But still he was smiling so bad that even I smiled back at him. And then he pulled me towards him and hugged me so hard and kissed my forehead. Whooo I did not expect that. And what he said next was not expected either " I'm so happy to get married to you."
Hmmm.. That makes two of us. Looks like I'm in love.
Wait. Did I just say that? Maybe I don't know. But I want to know few things. Things like.
Is he saying this because he remembers me or he said this because finally he is getting married. He pulled away and before we could walk away, " Take care of my favourite kid son." Father Elijah said.
Raphael smiled at him and said "I will with my whole heart."
Again didn't except that. He smiled at me and gestured me to walk with him. All our guests were cheering us. We both exit the place hand in hand.

There is still time for the reception. Raphael and I were sitting in a room. I was still shocked by what happened and he was looking at me like he wanted as something. Or am I imagining it? Whatever. All that I remember is the kiss.
The best kiss of my life... Its not that I have kissed a lot of people before. Its just my ex. But we don't do that often because we were never serious and he even know about me have a crush on Raphael. Luckily he was okay with it.
As I was thinking about so many things for god know how many hours I heard a voice.
I turned to see Raphael looking at me. " I'm sorry what?" I said. He laughed but suddenly he looked serious. "Are you not happy with this marriage?"
Am I ? Or am I not? I don't know what to say. I don't know what to think. I don't know how to respond to that question. But one thing  I know is that I'm so happy to see him again.
" Why would you ask that?" I asked him fanning my self because I was sweating so bad. He stood you from his chair and walked to the switch board and oned the fan. I smiled at him.
" You looked so ... I don't know how to say." He said running his fingers in his hair.
" Relax I'm just feeling hot that's it." I said. Honestly I don't know why I said that. But it made him smile. He came to me and stood in front of me and said "You look so gorgeous. Just like the girl in my dreams." Really? Girl in his dreams?
He took my hands into his. He didn't stop smiling at all. " I never thought..." But when he was about to say something, somebody knocked at the door.
At the look of his face it was clear that he didn't like the intruption. He put my hands down and opened the door. I stood up to see who it was. A girl in a elegant dress walked past him , practically pushing him came to me and hugged me and said "I'm so happy to get you as my sister in law. My father told so many things about you." She said. I didn't wanna be rude so I hugged her back and said " Hope all good things." She pulled back and said " Of course good things. Oh how rude of me. I'm Abigail. The ..." I intrupted her
" The bridesmaid." I said. She smiled at me and said " My god I already like her. And I am his sister as well."
As soon as she said I immediately hugged her. I don't even know why I did that. " I'm so sorry I didn't know." I said as I pulled back. She smiled at me and said. " Oh don't be sorry of course you didn't know. You didn't even know Raf. How will  I  expect you to know me."
Only if she knew that I was crushing on her brother for ages.
I smiled at her and said " You look beautiful in this dress. I'll make sure I toss those flowers straight to you." I said winking at her.
Her smile widened. She turned to Raphael who was standing next to her and  said "Now she is my favourite." She clapped and looked so excited. I chuckled at her.
" Well if Isabella hears that she is gonna kill you." He said.
Now who is Isabella. I looked confused at both of them. Before either of them could answer, a voice came from the door.
"And why would I kill her?" She said.
We looked at the woman standing next to the door arms crossed. Suddenly Abigail looked lil scared. She stood their silently. The woman came towards me and hugged me and which I got used to now because all that is happening today is hugging and greeting. I hugged her back. She pulled back and said.
" I'm Isabella the first daughter in law." Something in her voice gave me chills. Looks like she is marking her territory. I looked at Raphael. He stood next to me and pulled me towards him and put his arms around my shoulder and said
" Be nice to my wife Isa."
My wife... It's so nice to hear that. Especially from him. I felt something new. Like pride. I don't know what exactly it is. But it's nice.
I looked at Isabella. She was smiling at us. "You both look so cute together." She said.
Okay not bad. But I still feel a bit awkward. Raphael was blushing.
"Awe... Look who is blushing." Abigail said. I just smiled.

"She looks far better than the previous one." Isabella said.
"Previous one?" Raphael asked.
"Yeah.. what's her name...?... Ummm Anjali I guess." She said.
Really. Anjali is also a good person.
Speaking of where is she now. Is she safe. Will she be okay? I have to talk to her after all this. But first thing first. " Anjali is an amazing girl. I hope she found her happiness." I said. Raphael smiled at. Isabella looked annoyed.  "Whatever. Hey be ready in 5 mins okay." She said and left.
I looked at Abigail who was now relaxed and asked her "Is she always like this? Rude ,bossy? And she didn't like Anjali but to be honest she leaving this wedding is best for her. No offense." I said.
" Well good for me. I got a smart and gorgeous wife." He said and kissed my cheeks. I was blushing now. And then we heard someone clear their throat.
I look at the door it was Raghu.
He walked towards me and said "Finally I'm gonna use my speech. Time for a few space in my pocket." He said. "Duh." I said rolling my eyes and sat on the chair.  Raphael sat next to me.
" Monkey I'm so happy that you got married." He said.
I have to say this to everyone. Everyone that disagreed with marriage that I got married to my crush. So I politely excused my self  and pulled Raghu outside. I saw Joel coming towards me. He looked super annoyed. Before he could say anything I said " It's him."
"Whom?" Joel asked crossing his arms.
I took a deep and contained my excitement and said " My Crush. It's him."
"Him as in?" Raghu asked.
I huffed and said " It's Raphael. It's him. I was searching him for so many years. If I know he was from London I would've done something  earlier."
"Are you serious?" Joel said. He put both his hand on my shoulder and said " Look you don't have to say this to make us feel better. Just don't do that. If your happy then it's fine but you don't have to lie." He said.
" What? Why would I lie about this? Joel I swear it's the same guy." I said. But still he look at me in disbelief. And then I remembered something. " Raghu give me my phone." I said. He gave it to me. And I was searching for a image.
" Remember one day I said I'll draw him and show you how handsome he was." I said Joel nod. I showed him the picture I drew after few days I saw him. Joel took the phone from my hand and zoomed in the picture to see it clearly. Raghu joined him. He looked past me to see Raphael who was talking to him sister.
" No... Oh my god..." Joel said and hugged me.
" I'm so happy that you finally got to marry him. But the question is , is he happy to get married to you?" He asked.
" I don't know. But he did say that he was so happy to get married to me. I don't know if that's the truth." I said.
" Yeaaa... Happy ending." Raghu said. Joel pulled back.
" It's just a beginning." I said.
Joel pat my checks and said " I'll go inform our family about this." He turned to leave but I pulled him back.
I gave him my best puppy dog face and said " Are you still made at me?"
He booped my nose and said
" How can I  be mad at my favourite sister huh. Look Roo. You are very important to me. I know your father is the most important person in your life and you will never say no to him. But just don't regret whatever you do from him. You are the best daughter anybody could get." He said and kissed my forehead. Before he could go I filled him about what happened between me and Chole. " I can't believe that just happened. You and Chole . Really? And she was your friend just because of me. Oh my god I'm so sorry Roo. I didn't know.." he said. " Hey don't be sorry. It's not your mistake. Of course how will you know , I myself didn't know that she was such a fakester. But just be careful with her okay." I said.
He sighed and left to talk to my family. I turned to see Raghu holding a paper in his hand.
" Now you go get ready I'll go prepare my little speech." He said.
I smiled and waved at him and he left.
I walked back to the room and immediately Raphael looked me and asked  " Is everything okay?" I smiled at him and said "Yep Everything is  fine." I said and walked up to the dressing table and did my makeup. Abigail came stood next to me.  I looked at her in the mirror and said
" I think you can use some Abi"
I said. She smiled at me. I immediately asked " I didn't mean to call you that." She intrupted me and said
"Oh Abi is perfectly fine."
She smiled at me and walked to Rafael and hugged and whispered something to him.
" See you outside." she said and walked away.
I sat next to Rafael.
" Earlier you were saying something." I said. I think I caught him off guard. He cleared his throat and said " Umm it's nothing important. Let's go. Everyone will be waiting for us." He said standing up and extended his hand to me. I took his hand and stood up. I helped him set his coat and tie. He smiled at me lovingly , kissed me on my check and said "Shall me my wife."
I just smiled at him and we walked together hand in hand.

We both were standing on the stage and guest were already seated. I searched for my family and all of them were seating in the front row. All of them were smiling to me. It's such a relief. I'm happy that they are okay now. I looked at Joel and he gave me a thumbs ups and I winked at him. " This decorations are amazing. It looks just like a dream destination. Wow... Nice work. Really amazing. Such a talented designer. We should pay them extra." Raphael said. Only if he know it was designed by me. I just smiled at him because I didn't want to answer him.
One by one guest can up to us and took pictures with me and Raphael. All this time he was smiling at me.
He looked so cute. Hope he remembers me and accepts me even after I said I need a divorce. Oh god how am I even going to say that to him. Thinking about that alone make me sweat so bad. Okay Spark now is not the time for this. Let's think about it later. I took a deep breath.
I smiled at ever picture and posed as per the guests request. One of the guest told " Oh my god Sparkle you look amazing. I know you will design your wedding like a movie. After all you are a wedding planner. And by the way you both look so cute." She said and left.
Raphael looked at me. I looked away.
He slowly leaned down and whispered in my ears " Let's talk about this later." I just nod at him

And now cames the great Maximus Family.
Mr Maximus with a stunning women in his hand followed by Isabella and a man and a small boy , and behind them was Abigail and another guy. I smiled at all of them.
" Sparkle Maximus. Welcome to our family." Mr Maximus said.
" Thank Sir." I said.
" Oh please it's Alfred for you Darling . After all we all are family now." The woman said and hugged me. I hugged her back.
" I'm Blossom, Raphael's mother." She said. Hmm now I know where he got all his charm from.
" Nice to meet you Mam." I said
" Uh- Hu. Its Blossom dear." She said. I smiled shyly. But something in me is saying that she is not so happy about me being her daughter in law. I just let it slide for now.
Then comes Isabella. She smiled at me and pulled me for a hug and I hugged her back.
" Welcome to the family Sparkle." The man said and hugged me.
" He is Aaron. My older brother. And that is the favourite nephew of the family Noah." Raphael said. I smiled at Aaron and said "The honour is mine." He smiled at me. He hugged Rafael and whispered something in his ears. Isabella stood next to me and said "All the best."
Why is she saying that? Isn't one supposed to say Congratulations to the newly weds? Well that didn't make sense to me. For now I'll just ignore her. I don't wanna create problems now especially in my wedding.  Then I bend down to the small boy and said " Hello. How are you?" He smiled at me and said " I have seen you before."
What? When? Where? How?
Before I could ask him anything he came up to me and kissed my checks. I was surprised by his act but he was so cute. I kissed him on his check. He walked to Raphael and tugged at his coat. Raphael bend down to his level. The small boy said " It's her right?"
What does that mean? Her as in? Raphael picked him up. I stood straight now. Raphael kissed his check and said "Yes Noah. It is her."
Okay whatever it is I have to know. But it has to wait. I can't ask him right away. I just smiled at both of them. Raphael looked so cute with kids. They both turned towards me  and smiled at me.
" I'm Noah. Nice to finally meet you." The small boy said.
" Oh Noah it's lovely to meet the most handsome guy here. You look so cute in this suit." I said. He blushed and told Raphael to put him down. As soon as he was put down , he said " I like you." And run to his father.
Finally comes my sister in law.
She hugged me and said " You are so cute. Oh and Welcome to the family. " She said and pulled back.
She gestured to the guy and said "This is my twin brother Austin."
He was hugging Raphael. After that he came to me and said " Finally , the face and the name to the face." He said.
Hmm what? I am confused.
He smiled at me and said "Nice to meet you Sparkle and welcome to the family. It's such an honour for us to get a sister in law like you." I laughed at him. He quickly hugged me.
" Thank you Austin you don't have to say that." I said. He smiled at me. And stood next to Raphael.
Abigail stood next to me followed by Isabella and Raphael's mother.
Besides Raphael stood Austin , Aaron and then his father.
We posed for our family photo.
Before leaving Alfred asked me "You have your passport in hand right? Because we are leaving tomorrow."
What tomorrow is to early. What do I do with my company now that Chole is not there. I have to take care of it. I'll talk about this to Joel later. I smiled at him and said " I have my passport but isn't tomorrow early?"
"The sooner the better." Raphael said smiling at me. I sighed and said "Okay but it's in my home. I have to get it from there."
"Don't worry the you don't need a passport to fly with us but just in case you know. And the flight is by tomorrow afternoon so you can grab whatever you want from your home." Alfred said. I nod at him and he left. After two photos with two more families , finally my family came up.
Here comes my baby Nick and then Henry and Olivia. Then comes Anastasia and her husband Connor. Then comes my favourite brother Joel with Mama and Papa. And at last my Dad.
I smiled at everyone. They rushed towards me. All of them hugged me at the same time.
" I need Oxygen" I yelled. All of them pulled away and laughed.
Henry was the first to talk. He whispered to me asking " Is it true? Is it really him?" I whispered back
"Yes it is him."
"Finally I thought he was just a man in your dreams." Connor said teasingly.  I smacked his arms. Ana came up to me and said " I'm happy but not so happy. All this is so sudden. I'm letting it go just because your happy. If anything happens I swear you know what I will do." I hugged her and said "Thank you for understanding Ana, I assure you nothing wrong will happen." She smiled at me. Then nick can running to me with his arms wide open. I lift him up. He kissed my check and said " Where were you Sparky I missed you" and he hugged me... Aww how cute. I hugged him back and said "I missed you too baby."
I turned towards my family. I saw Papa talking to Raphael. They both looked serious. Raphael turned to see me and smiled at me.
" Oh someone is love struck." Olivia said looking at me. I blushed.
Nick was still in my arms. " Finally Sparky. Finally. I remember those days where you used to talk about that day and about him so much. I'm so glad that you got him now. So all you have to do now is to live a happy life." She said. I sighed and said " I'm not sure Via. I don't think he remembers me. I have to talk to him about this." Joel hugged me and said "Of course he will remember. Even if he doesn't he will definitely fall in love with you now. Because you are my sister and you are such an amazing person annoying but cute. He will definitely not leave you."
" But I asked for a divorce to marry him how will I even say that to him." I said making sure nobody else heard it.
" Well, give it some time when you think you are comfortable enough with him you can smoothly talk about this to him and cancel the divorce. Or you can divorce him." Connor said. Everyone glared at Connor. Ana elbowed him and scowled at him. He put his hands up and said " Okay okay relax."
" Nobody is getting divorce. Look Roo. Talk to him. I'm sure he would take it in a good way. You have a good reason Roo. You wouldn't have asked for a divorce if you know it was him right? So relax and go with the flow." Henry said.
I facepalmed and said " A doctor is talking like a lawyer and a lawyer is talking like a doctor. My family is such a mess."
" Not messier that you." Mama said. We all turned towards her. She came up to me and pinched my cheeks and said " Why do you do this always. Huh. Don't you care about me and your Papa. Huh? Your Papa nearly got an heart attack when he heard that you are getting married." She said.
I rubbed my check and said
" Mama dad asked me to marry him. And you know about me." I said shrugging. She facepalmed herself and said. " Jesus help me with this girl." Then she smiled at me and hugged me. Finally uff. I hugged her back. " Roo. You are going to live with your new family so behave. Don't be the same irresponsible girl who always forgets to eat her food, forgets her things. Okay. Be respectful and responsible." She said. Duh again Mother India mood.
" You don't have to worry about her mam I'll take care of her." Raphael said pulling into his arms. When did he come here.
Papa was standing next to Mama.
I smiled at him but he didn't smile back. Guess he is not that happy about me getting married now.
He hugged me and said "I trust you. And hope you are happy."
I hugged him back tightly and said " I love you Papa."
" I love you too Roo." He said.
Then came my Dad. He said nothing to me. He hugged Raphael and told him to take care of me.
And the he hugged me and said "Take care my baby girl. I'll miss you." He said. " Me too dad." I said.

After the photoshoot, the dinner had started. Everyone was enjoying the food. Many complimented the food and the selection. Raphael was shocked by my food selection. He said all of them were his favourite too.
It was evening now and it was time for toast. Speech I suppose.

The first speech was given by Abigail.

" Attention everyone.
Today on this precious ocation I would love to introduce the new addition to the Maximus family.
Sparkle Maximus.
My father never really is impressed that easily. I don't know what you did , he didn't stop talk about you and how perfect you would fit in our family. I welcome you with my whole heart. I already have a feeling that we both are gonna be best friends.

And coming to the point.
Never in my dreams I thought that the great Raphael Maximus will get married. 7 years ago if anyone would have said that he would get married  today he would have beat the shit out of them. He literally used to say I will never get married like never, every time he used to say the same time to everyone who asked about his marriage.
But today he got married to a smart gorgeous and a wonderful woman. I'm so happy that you are happy. I have never seen you this happy , like ever. Finally someone has come to tolerate your bullshit and put you in place. And to love you cherish you and make you feel happy and worth living for.
I hope all the happiness comes to you both. Love you both.
Oh and you both look so cute together."

With that she finished her speech. I'm sure she is drunk because she was laughing at some point on her own speech.

Then comes my favourite brother Joel Morris.

" I never expected a day like this would come. Today is literally like a roller coaster. Mainly to Sparkle.
For all who I wondering who am I.
I am Joel Morris, Sparkle's brother.

When she was 8 years old she told to our church father Elijah that she doesn't believe in marriage and she will become a sister.  Father laughed at her and said. If you feel the same way even after 10 years come back to me. I'm so happy that she didn't feel that same way after these many years.
(Laughter behind)
" After her college when we asked her what are you gonna do.
She had many options like work with my father, or with me or with my sister. But she choosed to start her own company. I'm so proud to say that my sister is one of the best wedding planner in India.
( Claps behind)

She is a dreamer. She always achieve what she wants. No matter what. She will do anything for her family's and friend's happiness.
That is why she is the favourite daughter , favourite sister and favourite aunt.
I admire her a lot. I have never seen a person especially a woman so clear minded in my life. She knows exactly what she want and she knows exactly how to get it. That is the main reason behind her success. Trust me she never came up to us for help. She will always handle things on her own.

Raphael I'm so happy that you are a part of my family now. I hope you'll take care of my sister and I know she will take care of you. You don't have to worry about anything. Life with her will just be like a Rom Com.
Happy married life both of you.
Hope you both live a happy life.
I don't know what else to say.
And Raphael welcome to our family."

With that he left. I know he was super nervous and didn't know what to talk. And him being himself started talking about me.

Last but not the least comes out Godzilla Raghu.

"During my college days, once I was sitting with my friends in the auditorium she came in wearing a black and white striped crop top and black Jeans and her newly brought Nike shoes.
Audition for singing was going on. My first impression on her was, she came her just to bunk the classes and spend her time here, but later when she performed all of them in the hall were so impressed. She is such an amazing singer. She became famous. Even though she had lot of fan, not even once she was rude to others. She is such a sweetheart always encourages others to achieve their dreams. I am her senior.
We used to cross path sometimes.
She used to always smile at me.
Not to mention she was to most naughtiest kid in our college.
Anyone wants the lecturer to do anything, we used to run to Sparkle for help. She was the ray of our college. And then I completed my degree. She was still studying.
I was jobless. I was never serious about my life.
After 1 she also graduated.
One day I meet her in a coffee shop, and when I told her that I was still searching for a job she immediately offers to work with her. Not work for her. She doesn't have may employees in her company, but she never treats them as employee. All of them are friends.
She changed my whole life. I was jobless she gave me a job, I was homeless he gave me a place to life, I was hopeless but she believed in me. Not even my family gave this much support in my whole life but she did. I'm just her senior I never talked to her much. But she did all this and never expected anything in return.
And when I told that I have a girlfriend and I wanna get married , she went to my girlfriend's home and spoke to her parents and convenced them to accept me. Trust me they literally accepted anything and everything  she said.
She even planned my wedding. It was a magical day.
She is my life changer. Even if I had a sister , she would have never done these things for me, but Sparkle did. I'm so happy that we crossed path , after my wife it is Sparkle that is more important to me in my life.
I never said this to you before, so I'm saying this now thank you so much for saving me from myself and helping me realize that others opinions doesn't matter and we should live our lives the way we want.
Thank you so much.
I'm gonna miss you monkey."

Oh my god. I don't even remember what I did in college. This Godzilla remembers everything. I'm happy that Raghu is happy. Because he deserves it. My god I'm emotional right now. Raphael kissed my forehead and hugged me.

It was time for dance.
Our first dance.

Perfect by Ed Sheeran was played.

Raphael guided me to the dance floor. He held me so close. I loved it. I love the was we moved , the waltz and the dip., It was amazing.
Then my father cut in.
"I'm so happy Sparkle. I know yours mother would also be." He said.
" I'm also happy dad." I said dancing along the song.
" I know that it's him , you brother told me. I hope you don't hate me anymore for getting you married." He said.
" Dad I never said I hate you. I'm thankful you made me do this. Or else I would have never met him. Thank you dad." I said and kissed him on his check.
Later the day went fast and as I promised I tossed the bouquet right to Abigail. She was so happy.

And next we cut the cake.
We fed each other at the same time. I'm not at all surprised because Anjali choosed the cake and of course she choosed my favourite flavour Lemon Velvet Cake.
" It's my favourite flavour."Raphael said. From the past few hours I have observed  that  Raphael and I have so much in common. Even the food we like is same.
At least we have something in common it will help me to take the relationship to the next step.

And So soon it was time for us to leave. It was our farewell.
All my family and his family gathered together our send off.
My family told me to be in touch with them. Mama told me to call her regularly and my sweet brothers annoying sister gave me their best wishes. I was happy that finally they are okay with my marriage and they are still by my side.
Told ya.. that I'll make my family come around me.
You have to trust me when I say something that I'll do.
I never saw Chole later our conversation I think she left. I told Raghu to look after my company until I come up with some other plan.
After our good byes we got into the car and left to the hotel room booked for us.

Hey guys I'm not familiar with the wedding procedure. So don't hate me if anything is wrong.
And also forgive me for the grammatical mistakes because Google is not helping me right now.
Thank you for reading my book and supporting me. Love you all
Hope I get more love and support.

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