A Surreptitious Love

By kkimberr

108 1 4

"Charlotte, admit it. You have a thing for me," he smirked confidently. "I'd rather chew off my own toe than... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

61 1 4
By kkimberr

Hi there ('; Thanks for actually taking your time to open the first chapter of my new story! I really appreciate you giving it a chance and hopefully, it can live up to your expectations or cater to your Wattpad 'teen fiction romance' needs ! <3 Enjoy!


"So, you're the new student?" she asked, circling around me like I was a fresh piece of meat. "Hm, you're not that pretty."

I scoffed, feeling like she had just shot a dart at my chest. I've been here for a month already, jerk. I don't think I'm considered as a new student anymore. 

"Well, my self esteem just went down to negative 10..." I muttered under my breath.

I crossed my arms over my chest, holding tightly onto my bag strap that was hoisted over my shoulder. The sooner I got out of this situation, the better. 

"Can you go away now? I feel like my eyes are going to bleed," I exclaimed, frustrated. I sent her a glare, scrutinising her caked face.

"Learn to see my surprise visits as a blessing, newbie," she shrieked, clearly irritated. Kylie placed her hands on her hips, sending back a similar glare.

"How are your visits a surprise? I could smell your tacky perfume from the other end of the hall," I murmured, before pushing my way past her and her group of nasty friends.

"You know I heard that!" she yelled down the hall, before turning in the other direction with her friends.

"Good!" I screamed back before sprinting off.

Once I turned the corner, I breathed a sigh of relief. Thank goodness she didn't punch me right then and there. Regaining my composure and patting down my hair, I continued to walk. Where was Sara when I needed her?

After a while of just stalking around, I decided to send her a quick text.

Where are you?  - Charlotte

A minute later, the text tone played from my phone. I hastily whipped it out and checked the message.

Rooftop! - Sara

I quickly made my way to the door and checked to see if it was unlocked. It was. Thank you, Sara. Before making my way up, I scanned left and right, hoping no one would see. Taking a breath, I opened the door and stealthily slipped myself in. The climb up the stairs was tiring to be honest. Definitely the most exercise I've gotten the whole entire week.

Once I reached the top, I scanned the area for her. Was she behind the shed? Maybe. Doesn't hurt to check. I started heading over.

When I took a peek behind, I nearly choked on my saliva. Guess how surprised I was to see my best friend sitting on the lap of her boyfriend kissing him while his hand was up her shirt.

"Guys! Get a freaking room!" I cried, covering my eyes in disgust and shock.

They both seperated quicker than similar poles of a magnet after realising that someone saw them.

"Charlotte! Sorry that you had to see that!" Sara exclaimed, scrambling to her feet. She placed her hands on my shoulders, shaking me back and forth to try and rid me of the sights I had just seen. 

"Why would you tell me you were here, when your ass of a boyfriend was groping you?!" I cried, resting my head on her shoulder, ashamed.

"Hey! I'm not an ass! At least my personality isn't as sour as yours," Logan teased playfully. I sent him a glare before resting my head on Sara's shoulder again.

"Anyways, hands off her, she belongs to me," he murmured, acting all possessive and shit. 

Sara giggled before scooting away from me and slinging an arm over my shoulder.

"Shouldn't you be going back to Christopher now? He's gonna start getting suspicious when his right hand man is not there..." Sara said, darting her eyes away from him in disappointment.

"Yeah, I should," he said, before standing up from his sitting position and picking up his bag. "He's probably starting to think I have constipation since I've apparently gone to the toilet for 20 minutes already."

He walked over to Sara and planted a quick kiss on her cheek. "Sorry that we have to keep this whole thing a secret, babe," he apologised sincerely. "I'll make it up to you one day, I swear."

Sara turned her head away from him, trying to hide her disappointment. "Yeah, I know. It's so that I can be safe and shit from the monsters down there who want your balls."

"Good to know that you understand," he smiled before heading to the exit.

"Take care of her, Dale," he yelled back, sending me a pointed look before opening the door.

"Yeah whatever, you big ape," I sent back playfully. "Now go away, I came up here to make out with her not see your disgusting face!"

"Hey!" I heard him scream from the stairs. 

Once we both knew he was gone, Sara and I both sat down on the floor next to eachother.

"So... how do you feel about this?" I questioned as I rummaged in my bag to find my sandwich. Hm, barbecued chicken. Good enough.

"About the whole secretly dating thing?" she confirmed, hands waving in the air to emphasise her point. I nodded hesitantly. "I hate it, extremely hate it. But I know he's thinking of what's best for me and all that shit."

Sara and Logan had started 'secretly' dating a week after I entered the school. He was one of the most popular guys in the school and if word got out that he was off the market, the female population would've definitely emptied their tearbags and went on a manhunt for his girlfriend. Mainly why they were secretly dating.

"I still wish we were public, y'know?" she continued, while looking down at her lap in defeat. "Then I would be able to hold his hand in the hallway, sit with him in the cafeteria, kiss him whenever I wanted, make out against the lo-"

"Okay! I got the point!" I cried, covering my eyes once more.

She let out a laugh and rested her head on my shoulder like before. "Why the heck are you covering your eyes? I'm not naked and shaking my ass in your face or something!"

I frowned at her before uncovering my eyes and patting her blonde head with affection.

"You guys will be able to do all of that soon," I assured her after we both had calmed down from our hysterics. "Just be patient," I smiled.

"Yeah yeah," she waved off. "Anyways, why were you so late?"

"I got stopped by Kylie and her plastic minions."

"Ohhh," she replied, not asking anymore questions.


How was Sara after I left? - Logan

I was in English when I felt the harsh vibration of my phone in my pocket. Keeping an eye on the teacher, I slipped my phone out and hid it on my lap, blindly unlocking it with my fingers. Please don't look. Please don't look at me. 

When the teacher turned to face the board, I quickly peeked down to check the message from Logan before hastily typing a response.

Please don't look at me. Seriously, you menace to the school population, don't turn around.

I had a fun make-out session with her *wink wink* but she's alright and she understa-

"Charlotte Dale, drop the phone," the teacher's voice sounded as it rang out through the class.

In defeat, I dramatically dropped my phone on top of my open book. Great. Juuuuust great. I was caught.

"Now, who could you have been messaging that caused you to take your mind off of my acclaimed teaching?" 

I gave her an 'are you serious' look, before folding my arms across my chest.

"I expect an answer Charlotte, or you're getting afternoon detention."

"I was texting your dad," I replied in a clipped voice. She strutted over to where my phone lay on my desk and picked it up with her manicured nails. I'm so dead."And who were you texting about?"

"Your mum."

"I doubt you'd be making out with my mum, Charlotte," she scoffed, dropping my phone back on the book after reading my half-written text message. Laughter sounded from everyone in the classroom. "Detention, after school for an hour. Don't come and I'll extend it to a week." She proceeded to hand me a detention slip.

I groaned into my palms.


The moment I stepped out of my torturous English classroom, I breathed in a deep whiff of the clean air which was free of my devil of a teacher's horrid voice. Stretching both my arms in the air, I started to head down the hall in search of Sara's classroom, before I was attacked by a push on both my shoulders.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, pushing other people's shoulders like that you frea-!" I screamed as I turned around, fuming. I stopped once I realised it was Logan who had catapulted his arms against my shoulders. "What the hell, Logan?!" I fumed, frustrated. 'I could've popped my shoulders!"

"I'm pretending to hurt you, you freak. That way, no one's suspicious," he meanly smiled and sighed. "Anyways, I'm here to apologise," he whispered firmly, his beaming expression long gone. "Sorry for texting you during class. I know that's why you got detention. Sorry!"

Smirking, I decided to bathe in the rare occasion of Logan freaking Humphreys sincerely apologising to my face. "Oh, Logan. h-how could you do that to me?!" I cried dramatically, placing a hand on my chest in distraught.

I swear I could see his face scrunch up in annoyance and confusion.

"How could you just ruin our perfect date last night like that?!" I huffed dramatically. I was enjoying this way to much.

"W-What did I do?!" Logan questioned confusingly.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Sara peering out from the door of her locker. We were starting to attract a crowd. I quickly sent her a wink, which she smiled to, and returned to my superstar act. 

"What did you do? You know perfectly what you did!" I screamed, raising my arms in the air. Logan started to look confused and worried. 

"How could you even have the nerve to ask your mother to join in on our... activities?" I demanded, purposely making my voice loud and clear for everyone in the hall to hear. "And you couldn't even get your little pickle to shoot up!"

Immediately after I said that, multiple gasps and incessant chatter sounded from the crowd.

"Good job, Charlotte" Logan whispered acknowledgingly, slowly understanding my intentions. I internally laughed before turning around and heading to Sara.

"Maybe my 'little pickle' just couldn't get up because you were just bad," he casually said, his voice slightly raised so everyone could here. That's when everyone in the hall burst out in giggles. I scowled at him before quickly grabbing Sara's forearm and hastily ushering her down the hallway.

"Your boyfriend's a jerk, you know that?" I muttered as we both power-walked.

"He's my jerk," she sighed lovingly.

"Ew." I turned my head away from her, pretending to puke.


"Have fun in detention," Sara said, giving me a tight hug. "Now, I have to go meet Logan! See ya!"

I waved her off and headed back into school. Great. A detention on a Friday. This is amazing. 

Looking down at my detention slip, I headed to the assigned room. Room 42.

I hesitantly opened the door and was welcomed with the sight of the school's laziest teacher perched on the teacher's desk.

"You must be Kylie?" he inquired, raising his eyes to me from his seat. What, why would he think I was that annoying bottle?

"Uh, no. I'm Charlotte? Charlotte Dale?" I remarked, walking forward to give him my slip. 

"Oh," he replied, his eyes skimming the sheet. "Okay, go hurry and take a seat," he dictated before returning to his phone.

I shrugged and chose a nice seat in the back.

Wait a minute. If he thought I was Kylie then... are you freaking messing with me? She's coming to detention? I could feel my veins popping as I sunk into my seat. This can't be happening. An hour with the bottle? She freaking hates me!

"Sorry that I'm late, sir!" a too familiar voice chirped as the door swung open, colliding loudly with the wall behind it. I lifted my head up to gawk at her all too familiar appearance. 

"You both were late by a few minutes only. Quickly take a seat," he spoke. Wait. Both? As soon as I thought this, my thoughts were answered.

Kylie came rushing in with her hand permanently fixated on the wrist of Christopher freaking Adams. I groaned. What did I do to deserve this? I never did anything wrong. Was this payback for what happened after English? Heck, Logan was a part of it too. Why wasn't he here? I groaned again. 

Let me present to you... Christopher Adams. He's the most popular guy in our school, considered the most good-looking and is best friends with Logan Humphreys, yes, Sara's boyfriend. Even though he's my best friend's boyfriend's best friend, I've never had a proper conversation with him, and hopefully it stays that way because I do NOT want to get involved with him. Kylie and her plastic minions can keep him. 

Apparently, he goes through girls quicker than underwear. That's what Sara told me. 

Even though he's like this, you'd expect him to be incredibly unintelligent, but no, it's the complete opposite. He's top of all his classes and finishes all his homework on time. That doesn't mean he has a clean record though, proven through the fact that he's here, in detention.

"Oh look, Christopher. It's the new student," Kylie sang, her hand still dragging Christopher along. I saw him look at me in observation before turning his head away with disgust. Wow, nice seeing you too, you prick. "Fancy seeing you in detention! Why are you here? For being too ugly?"

"No," I replied. "Obviously for sharing the same air as you." 

I choked down my laughter as I saw her face contort in anger. 

"Go pull out your intestines, Charlotte Dale," she hissed, turning to walk away with Christopher still in tow.

"No thank you," I responded. "I'd gladly pull out yours though."

I heard her shriek in anger as Christopher tried to suppress a laugh.

"You guys, behave. I'm just going to go get a cup of coffee," the teacher ordered, before quickly exiting the room.

"He's finally gone, baby," Kylie tried to seductively say to Christopher. "Now let's continue from where we left off."

And that's when Kylie decided to put her tongue down Christopher's throat and suck off his face, right next to me. 

"This is gonna be the worst one-hour of my life ever," I muttered under my breath, cradling my head in my palms. "Someone, save me."


So that was the first chapter of A Surreptitious Love! ('; I really hope you liked it, and there will definitely be more Christopher in the next chapter c;

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