You're the one I .... adore...


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THAT MOMENT IN TIME......... a moment in life can change your life for ever..... it changed mine....] you dec... Еще

You're the one I .... adore??.....
A wedding night........
Little Princess
lily.... wife..
My sister's secrets
across the balustrade
Reality or .......
I Hate Myself!!
A soldier's wife...............

Sam and Me!

663 15 5

Sorry for all the delays.....

But I promise to upload more often now

I think this is a little short.... But I kinda wanted to develop it more....

Please do leave your comments on it..... what do you think about it...

love you amazing people!!

Damn!! Of All the times possible, my darling sister chose this one moment! I was still deep inside my girl. But Amy's voice broke our little world and both of us jumped. "Girl, chill get dressed and snuggle in okay. Seem as if you have been crying. Please don't look like a kitten who got her cream." I begged and she shook with suppressed laughter. "But Hubby, I got my cream" she winked saucily and I groaned, I was still inside her and growing hard again and if she kept this up... God help us!

"Liam?? Open the damn door! DOn't you anger my girl anymore" Yelled Amy from outside, positively banging on the door now. "Shit!" I pulled out, jumped off the bed and began dressing, making myself presentable. I passed Lily her stupid tight jeans and looked around thinking of how best to hide the crumpled bed and our honry evidence?

On one corner of the room was an open shelf, filled with unopened presents, loads and loads of them, from the top shelf to the bottom one. "What are those? I asked frowning, I had a shrewed idea but I really wanted to be wrong. "They are the gifts you sent to me and the ones I bought for you." She whispered quietly as she now snuggled under her duvet and tried to calm the rose tint of her blushing cheeks. "Why did you not open them love?" I whispered as I ran to the shelf and picked a handful of them, running back I dumped them onto the bed to hide the messy state and proof of our love making on the bed.

She starred at me, hurt and anger sparkled in those amazing eyes, "Open the door Liam, Mom wants to come in." She said with a slightly steely edge to her voice. Mutely, I ran to pull Amy in and "Amy?" I whispered, looking as striken as I felt, "Why did she never open those gift?" I whispered as both Amy and I walked to Lily who now lay huddled under her duvet, as far as possible from those blasted gifts. I had robbed her of her smile in just about a second, her pain radiated from her and made me feel like a devil, born only to give her pain and suffering and loss.

"Lily, baby are you okay?" Amy cooed over her little one as she sat next to Lily and pulled her into a tight hug, her eyes never leaving mine and if I read them correctly, they were all ready to kill me for hurting her little girl. I gulped and prayed, I didn't know what to do, how to? She nodded at me and then at the door, "Leave" she mouthed and that's exactly what I did, I left. Again. I left leaving my Lily in pain, again.

Lily's POV:

Mom snuggled me a little more and then pushed my further into my duvet, "You rest my love, don't thing too much, everything will be alright soon." She kissed the top of my head and began to remove those blasted gifts off my bed. I sighed and shut my eyes tight. Pain and guilt burned through me. 

How would I face mom and dad? I had practically married my uncle, slept with him! Hell I had sex with him not ten minutes ago in this very bed! What kind of daughter did that make me?How had I repaid my family for their protection and love? What about Peter? Oh God!

Those thoughts whirled in my head and I don't know when sleep took over...


Sam's POV:

I waited for what seemed like an eternity for Liam to come down. Lily had us all worried but I had to take care of the other kids as well. Now that they were calm and busy, with the exception of Peter who feared for his sister and rightly so. He sat in front of me, with a chess set between us. Neither of us had been playing, but this pretence was necessary, for some semblance of sanity. When Amy came down to say that Liam wanted to talk with Lily, my fears intensified ten-fold, I knew about Liam's work and Jak'es as well, I also knew the possible reasons of their death, and now Liam's sudden arrival had had me wondering. All I cared for at this moment was the possible questions he would as Lily, I didn't want her hurt any more, all I wanted for my little girl was happiness and peace and both had some how alluded my darling.


I looked up to see Liam sit next to Peter, his nice never leaving mine, his look sad and pained. "I wanted her safe. All I wanted her was to be happy, but I hurt her, over and over again. I feel like a monster Sam. Little Bits didn't deserve this.." He whispered.

"Peter, go and ask Albert to fetch us some whisky son," I nodded for him to leave. I know Peter didn't but 15 was no age to face the harsh realities of life. When he finally did leave, I bent closer to Liam and began,"Son, we both wanted Lily to be safe, if for her to be alive and happy, she has to face the pain of leaving you, I don;t mind. I know that sounds hard hearted for a father, but unlike her mother, I can and I have to be tough, no matter the cost to me, my sole aim is to keep all my children safe and make them tough individuals to go out and face the world. If for that I had to keep her away from you, so be it and if I have to continue doing so, don't think I would hesitate." I warned. I hated it, but I knew I had no choice.

He looked at me and nodded,"We made our choices years back didn't we?" He whispered and I nodded. I know he had the toughest time this past decade, I know how many battles he had to fight just to stay alive, but this is what we do, this is how we live. Duty always came first.

"Liam, I have brought up 5 kids, you being the eldest, and I hope you understand that. I had to be tough on you, keep you away from your family, heck stay away from you, but I did it, so that you remain strong, so that you become the best of them. You make me proud today. " I whispered, unable to sound like a preening father, Heck I was. Who wouldn't be proud of a son like Liam.

"Thank you Sam." He whispered. He looked ragged, sad and tired. "Go rest son. You need good sleep." I said, still trying to sound tough, knowing he knew it was merely a pretense. "Sam, I wish to retire. I have completed all that I set out to complete. I simply have to tie up some loose ends and then I wish to retire, I cannot go on like this, there are times when the loneliness kills me." He whispered and my heart went out to this poor guy. He had seen so much, gone through hell and back and I knew loneliness, Amara had given me a second lease of life, I still thanked her a for that.

"Do you wish to get married and have a family?" I asked, suddenly understanding him. He blanced at me. " Married?" 

"Liam!" I couldn't help but laugh. "Marriage isn't all that bad you know. It's a life time of companionship buddy." He mutely nodded. "Why not find yourself a nice girl and get married, give me and Amy a brood full of niece and nephews to pamper?" I asked laughing at the poor guy's discomfort. 

'Me? Marry? Give you grand kids?" He asked, almost whispering the grand kids..

"Whoa boy! Niece and nephews are fair enough ! Not grand kids man!"

I had never seen Liam go as white as snow as he did now.......

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