Restricted// Anakin Skywalker...

By intergalacticwh0re

362K 6.5K 3.8K

"Don't do this." !currently under heavy editing! • this is the first book I've written since I was like 12 so... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Thank you all. So much.

Chapter 36

3.5K 68 16
By intergalacticwh0re

The sunlight hit my eyelids, making me squint them open. Closing my eyes again, I heard faint snoring. Registering what I heard, I shot my head up and looked around my room. I stopped when I saw Anakin sleeping on the chair with his first holding his head up.

He looks so peaceful. He was wearing his robe and boots still, which made me feel a little bad. Laying back down, I flipped onto my side and pulled the covers up to my chin.

For what seemed like minutes but turned out to be hours, I stayed still on my side. My eyes were open and I repositioned my arms and legs occasionally. Laying on my side, I zoned out. I couldn't comprehend yesterday.

Anakin groaned from the chair. Hearing him get up and go into the bathroom, I stayed still. I wanted to move, but I couldn't. I was stuck. Anakin walked out after awhile and noticed my eyes were open.

"Y/n?" Anakin walked to the side of the bed. I didn't reply. I couldn't. "Y/n, what's wrong?" He reaches out his arm towards me, but pulled away, probably remembering yesterday. "Y/n, talk to me. What do you need? Is there anything I can do?"

A noise came from my throat, as if I was crying. Anakin questioned my response, "What?" Finally able to get something out, I weakly requested, "Come in bed."

Anakin looked surprised, then happy. He tried to hide his happiness, but I saw through his cover up. Anakin took off his boots and got into bed next to me. He sat up against the headboard and looked at me, in the same spot facing him.

There was a few inches between us. "Are you okay to leave today?" He asked. I nodded, "Yes, but I don't have clothes." Anakin replied, "Ahsoka bought them before leaving. I can get them for you if you want." I shook my head, "Not right now."

Anakin stared outside the window ahead of us, "How long did you sleep?" Moving my arms, I replied, "I don't know." Anakin sighed, "Do you want to talk about it?" Not thinking my decision through, I nodded.

"So, who goes first?" He asked. "You." Anakin took in a breath and placed his hands on his lower stomach. "I don't even know why I did it. I was weak and resorted to Padmé, which was wrong. Horribly wrong. I don't even like Padmé like that, I was just frustrated at us for pushing our wedding back and the council, the order. All I want to do is live a long, happy, peaceful life with you, y/n. But we have to live in secret, so we might not be able to have that life. Our lives already are chaotic even though Jedi are supposed to be tranquil. We're restricted from loving each other, but I can't stop loving you. When I first found out I was in love with you, I tried to ignore my feelings. To push them out of my mind and hope they go away, but that hasn't happened. I cannot stop loving you. I've said it before and I'll say it a million times more. I love you y/n, and I am extremely sorry for hurting you like I did and for your loss."

Processing what he said, my lips quivered slightly. I was going to cry, but I held back my tears. I've cried enough.

"I want to get married today." I stated. Anakin shot his head at me. "Y/n, did you hear what you just said?" I nodded and sat up, "I forgive you Anakin. I know Padmé is just a friend, but I don't want to see that ever again." Anakin nodded in agreement. "I want to live a peaceful life with you, and maybe someday we can, we just need to be patient. But my love for you is strong, and although it's restricted, I want to marry you. You are my soulmate Anakin Skywalker, and I love you. I will always love you."

Anakin formed a big grin. "I love you too y/n y/l/n." He grabbed my face gently and kissed me. Breaking away to breathe, I placed my forehead against his. We sat still, embracing each other. "Tell me about Minx. If you don't want to, I completely understand."

I let out a chuckle, "She would kill me if I didn't talk about her." Anakin smiled and we pulled our heads apart. Laying my head on his shoulder, I started. "Minx and I met when we were four. The first time we met, we were in Bear Clan. Yoda was telling us to pick partners and everyone already had one except for us. Minx and I got closer and ended up sharing a room together when we were older. She was an outstanding student and teacher. She was carefree and elegant, but didn't mind getting her hands dirty. Minx was also very beautiful. She had long black, silky hair and blue eyes. Her cheek bones were high and her nose was sculpted beautifully, but she hated it. She would always say that 'it's too small.' It was her only insecurity. Her connection with the force was strong for a child, and she could use it easily. All she did was let go, which is what she taught me."

I smiled, "The day before we tested to become padawans, I was very stressed. She told me to 'relaaax'." I dragged the 'a', "Minx told me to stop overthinking and to listen to my instincts, to let go. And sure enough, I listened to my instincts and passed my padawan test, thanks to her. We both ended up getting Master Shaak Ti, which was very rare. Master Shaak Ti claimed that we were a dyad in the force."

Anakin sounded amazed, "She sounds amazing. I wish I could've met her." I sighed, "I should've introduced you two to each other." Anakin rubbed my arm lightly. "A dyad in the force.. those are rare." I nodded, "The council told us that it would be a secret to prevent any unnecessary publicity, so we kept quiet."

Anakin said, "She sounded like a great person." I smiled up at him, "She was. She truly was." I began to remember the parts that stuck with me; her laugh, her smile, her eyes, her disappointment, her pain, her fear. Her cries for help when Dooku slashed her back, paralyzing her from the chest down. Her being confined to life support. I felt as if I was letting go. Letting Minx go.

Thank you for everything, my dear friend. You are one with the force now. I will always love you Minx Sternell. 

A tear dropped down my cheek as I said a goodbye. Anakin saw and wiped the tear away with his thumb. Something appeared behind Anakin, in the bathroom doorway. Turning my attention to my left, I saw Minx standing straight  and smiling at us.

Smiling at her, Anakin turned his head around to the doorway. She smiled at him and I could feel his smile. Minx nodded at us and we nodded back. Anakin turned back to me and said, "She truly is wonderful." Smiling, I replied as I watched my best friend disappear into the force, "Yes she is."

Goodbye, Minx Sternell. Thank you, I will always love you.

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