Our Experiment

By Kwenxaku

5.1K 56 11

Johnny DiMarco has been living quite a reserved life since transferring to Degrassi after Lakehurst burned do... More

1: Peter Stone
2: Johnny
3: More Than Friends
4: Petra
5: Take A Break
6: The Truth
7: Mrs. DiMarco
8: Freddie
9: Decisions, Decisions
11: Therapy
12: Rumor Has It

10: We Need To Talk, Dad

205 3 0
By Kwenxaku

Justice typed her way through her formatting assignment. For once, since returning to Degrassi, her mind was at ease and free of any thoughts that involved teen parenting, chaotic love, and even Johnny. Writing, in the form of typing (specifically) was very therapeutic for the high school senior.

Unfortunately, her mental peace was, quickly, disturbed by the ever-growing clicking sound of high heels. Without a second thought, her eyes flitted to the classroom door just as Alli Bhandari sauntered overly happily into the room. Their eyes meet just before Justice can look away. She manages to tear her eyes from Alli's, her heart sinking into the pit of her stomach as the freshman makes a beeline for the introverted senior and plops right down next to her at Connor's desk. 

"Hi, Justice." she says, gingerly, a bright smile spread across her pudgy face.

"Alli." Justice says pointedly as she focuses intently on her computer screen. Inwardly praying that the ninth grader would sense the tension and leave to her own area.

Alli's eyes flicker from Justice to the computer screen and back. "What are you doing?" She asks, clearly not actually interested in the senior's work.

"Isn't it obvious." Justice says shortly.

Alli shifts in her seat, clearly having something up her sleeve. "Tonight, Justice." She says. "What are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing." Justice says, and eyes Alli, curiously. "Why?"

Alli shrugs, nonchalantly. "Just wondering if your night will be as eventful as mine." 

Justice looks away without responding. Completely uninterested in how a freshman would be spending their evening. It had nothing to do with her and she couldn't care less about it.

Unfortunately, Alli is far too eager to tell the news, even at the signs of Justice's clear disinterest. "You know how I've been complaining about needing help in English?"

Justice nods and mumbles, "We all do."

Alli flinches, but hides her annoyance at being insinuated as a pest and continues, "Well, guess who's coming over tonight to help me?"

Clearly annoyed, but half listening and half focusing on her assignment, she plays along, "Who, Alli?"


Justice's heart slams into her chest at Alli's exclamation. Alli now had her undivided attention. However, Justice quickly covers any signs of distress with a nonchalant demeanor. Something she was always good at. It was clear that Alli wanted to get a rise out of her. And, although her mind was now racing a mile a minute, she would not give Alli the satisfaction of knowing it bugged her. 

"Sure he's the best candidate for the job?" she asks, cooly.

Alli, knowing full well that she has gotten under Justice's skin, grins widely to herself. "There's no better man for the job."

Justice's blood boils to no end at the lascivious drip to Alli's words. Noticing her own hesitation, she thinks of a quick retort. "Good for you, Alli." She looks at Alli with an award winning smile. "Maybe this is your chance to win him back."

Alli's gloating smile vanishes quickly as she does not receive the response she was hoping for. However, before she can respond, Connor appears behind her, demanding his seat. She looks at Justice who is now staring, intently, on her own computer screen again and then leaves in a huff.

Justice's heart is racing a mile a minute. Although her fingers are moving, she is no longer focused on her assignment. If what Alli said was true, and they were meeting that night to "study for english" it could ruin everything. There was no way they would be alone together and nothing happen. Justice wouldn't believe that for a second. Should she be this hurt? Should she be this bothered by the situation? Her and Johnny hadn't talked about a rekindling. Did she want a family with Johnny? Did she see a future with Johnny? 

What if Alli and Johnny slept together that night?

Justice, quickly, pushed that thought from her mind. She refused to think about that. . .for now.

* * *

White candles burned in the center of the coffee table as the television played quietly in the background. Justice was perched ever so comfortably on the couch with a mug of steaming hot Chai tea with just a single packet of french vanilla sweetener to taste. Her father wasn't home yet. She figured he would be in late again that night. Even though she should have been asleep, there were so many things running through her mind. There were a few matters she needed to discuss with her father and she would wait up all night if she had to.

The rain began to pour, heavily, around midnight. Just an hour later, her father walked through the door, soaked to the core from the rain.

Justice, every bit wide awake, sat in silence as her father trekked through the living room. Mr. A nearly leapt through his own skin when he laid eyes on his daughter. 

"Justice!" he exclaimed, heart racing. "What are you doing up so late?"

Cool and collect, she responded, "We need to talk, dad." She sipped her tea for emphasis.

Exhausted, Mr. A kicked off his muddy shoes, "You have school in the morning. Put those candles out and go to bed."

Justice did not budge. "It's important."

"It can't wait until the morning?" He asked, every nerve ending in his body ready to shut down from exhaustion.

Justice remained silent. Realizing his stubborn daughter was not going to let up, he sighed, defeated. "I'll be back." With a turn, he headed upstairs.

Half an hour later, Mr. A returned, in a set of dry clothes and a towel around his neck to dry his damp hair. As he entered the room, he started to open his mouth to protest, but closed it again. Knowing his daughter all too well, he knew that no matter what he said, his stubborn child would not let up until she got her way or at least plead her case. Heaving a sigh, he sat in the recliner and leaned forward as if ready to get up and leave at any moment.

He look at his daughter, "So, Justice, what is this all about?"

"It's about Johnny and I." she answered.

Mr. A  sighed once again. "I figured."

"We want to see our baby." she said.

Mr. A was silent for a moment, processing this ever so slowly. Noticing her father's hesitation, Justice spoke up. "We are the parents, dad. Johnny really wants to meet our baby which I think is a huge step." She set her mug down. "That alone proves to me that he isn't willing to run from his responsibilities. They're just as much his responsibility as mine. And I don't see why it would be that big of a deal."

Mr. A shook his head. "I'm not going to deny your request, Justice." he said looking at her. "We can't just jump and go. Arrangements must be made because I wouldn't expect that either of you would want to leave as soon as we got there." Mr. A was mental planning as he spoke. "We would have to make sure your mother is informed and prepared and that it does not interfere with school."

A broad smile broke across Justice's face. Mr. A quirked an eye brow at her. "Did you think I would say no?"

Justice shook her head. "I don't know what I thought, dad. Everything has just been so unexpected for me. It's like a whirlwind at this point. I thought it would be much more gradual."

Mr. A nodded. "Welcome to adulthood, Justice."

Overwhelmed by her emotions, Justice got up and hugged her father, burying her face in his shoulder. Mr. A rubbed her hair comfortingly as she let a few tears fall.

Moments later, Mr. A went to bed first, while Justice used a dampened cloth to put out the candles. As she passed her father's room to her own, she heard him speaking quietly on the phone to her mother. He was explaining what Justice had said to him and making arrangements for a future departure. Justice felt a sudden fluttering in her stomach as she closed the door to her room and sat onto her bed. She contemplated texting Johnny to let him know of the good news, but decided against it as she thought it would be best to tell him in person. Tucking herself away in her bed, Justice drifted off into a deep sleep.

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