By PandamoniumJ

73.1K 1.9K 1K

Sequel to OUT OF SIGHT || NUMBER 5 x OC || BK. 1! [COMPLETED SEASON 2] "I'm just glad that at least we don't... More

27. LOVE


3.3K 72 30
By PandamoniumJ

In the end, Elaina's tears did finally stop as she laid in her bed with her head on Five's chest, listening to his heart beat as they soaked in each other's presence. She hasn't felt peace like this in such a long time, it was just what she needed. It was something that only Five could provide her with. Five's hand stroked through the girl's hair lovingly, feeling the silkiness of it. If only this moment could last forever. If only they didn't have ten days to make it happen. Five looked down to see the peaceful look on Elaina's face and sighed -- he had no choice but to let her know what was going to happen.

"How long have you been here?" asked Five, breaking the silence between them as his fingers continued to caress her hair. "Your hair has grown significantly." he said, eye the ends as he played with them.

"That's what happens when you're here for almost a year," she said looking up at him. "I got here Christmas eve of '62. Landed in an alley by Commerce and Knox."

"Almost a year?" he repeated with an ashamed expression. "I'm so sorry, hon. I had no clue what was going to happen when we jumped through the vortex."

Elaina gave him a small smile and shrugged. "We all knew it was jump in the dark, you couldn't have known." she said softly as he just sighed. "Besides, I lucked out with the Mendoza's. They've been very generous letting me stay here with them."

"Mendoza's? Would that curly-haired woman be one of them?" asked Five.

Elaina chuckled softly and nodded. "That's Birdie. Super loving, possibly the sweetest woman I've ever met. Yeah, it's just her and her son, Tony."

"And that's that brown-haired teenager," pieced together Five. "The one that was on stage with you."

Elaina hummed. "Mhmm. That's Tony. Sweet kid, really."

"Yeah, from what I saw it seems he's pretty sweet on you." said Five, an unintentional edge to his voice that made Elaina raise a brow.

"Sorry, was that jealousy I heard there?" asked Elaina with an amused smirk.

"Of a kid? Never." Five scoffed dismissively, though his eyes averted hers, making Elaina shake her head.

Why were guys such liars?

"Okay, babe. Whatever you say." she giggled, making Five groan. "So how about you, huh? When did you get here?"

"I got here this morning, same place. It seems like that's where we all appeared."

"This morning? You got here pretty late." she said, her fingers toying with the edge of his blazer before her eyes narrowed. "What do you mean, 'we all appeared'? You know where the others are?" she asked hopefully, only to see Five shake his head dispiritedly.

"It's just a theory. So far, I've only found you and Diego." he admitted, causing Elaina to scoff.

"You're off to a better start then me. I've been here 11 months and just recently found Diego, you found us both in a day. I should turn in my detective badge." she joked. "Unless he told you where I was, then that's cheating."

He chuckled at her last comment. "Actually, no. He decided not to tell me that piece of information. Elliot found that menu you dropped the last time you were in the alley, it led me here."

Elaina lifted her head to look at him. "Who's Elliot?"

"A conspiracy theorist that owns the TV & Radio store behind the alley. Apparently he's been keeping track of each of your arrivals. With me here, we're a complete set." informed Five.

"Wait," Elaina's eyes narrowed. "So you're telling me all I had to do was go into that damn store and I would've had all the answers? Shit!" she hissed in frustration. "I knew I felt somebody watching me every time I went to that alley. I figured it was just the racists giving me the stink eye." she murmured, looking away to the side as she cursed to herself.

"Hey," Five's finger hooked under her chin so she looked at him. "It's alright. You found Diego by yourself, that's an impressive feat. How'd you do it anyways?"

She looked at him and shrugged. "An old newspaper. His mugshot was a big give away."

"Page 16?"

Elaina raised her brows at the boy. "The very same. I went to visit him at Holbrook, but that kinda went sideways..."

Five looked at her, his own eyes narrowing as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. "By chance, that wasn't you that broke in, was it?"

Elaina scratched her head as she pulled away to sit up as well. "Possibly," this earned a deadpanned look from the boy. "To my defense, I tried doing it the proper way, but people of this time don't like helping people that look like me. They only like helping those that look like you, so I did what I had too to see my brother, okay?" she snapped, reliving the day she went to find Diego.

"Are you telling me that you were discriminated against?" asked Five lowly, feeling the anger bubble in the pit of his stomach.

Elaina sighed, giving him a look. "I'm just a Mexican to these people, Five," she said softly, noticing his hands ball into fists as he clenched his jaw. "Don't worry about it. It's normal at this point, I don't want you getting bent out of shape about it."

He shook his head. "It's wrong." he hissed.

"It's 1963, love. It's ain't wrong, yet." she said softly, before leaning in and kissing his cheek to sooth him. "It's okay, it's going to take more than some ignorant assholes to break me. Besides," she gave him a crooked smile. "You're the only white boy whose opinion means anything to me."

He eyed her carefully. "I suppose. But let anyone try that shit in front of me. I'll rip their tongues out and shove it down their throats." his eyes flashed dangerously in the light.

Elaina gave him an amused smile. "That may be the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me." she giggled. "I'm just glad that at least we don't have to deal with the world ending for another 60 years. We can actually spend time together like a couple," she smiled at him happily.

Five clear his throat and pressed his lips together in a fine line, turning his face away from her, unsure how to break the news to her. "About that..."

Elaina's smile dropped instantly, sensing his hesitation. "What?"

"See, when we came here, we sort of brought the end of the world with us..." he explained carefully.

The girl blinked a few times. "Excuse me, what?"

Five sighed as he looked Elaina in the eyes. "Somehow, us being here, is going to bring about a nuclear war. Doomsday. We have ten days to stop it." he informed her as calmly as he could.

Elaina just stared at him at him motionlessly, processing his words. Once again, they were caught up in another ploy to save the word, not from the Moon this time, but from nuclear war. Five just looked at her in concern, she was far too quiet for his liking, but his concern grew even larger when he saw the corners of her lips turn upward as she fought the laughter that was caught in her throat. Before he knew it, she broke out in full-blown hysterics.

"Of course!" she threw her hands up in the air as she stood up, practically crying from the laughter. "Silly me! To think we actually beat the freaking end of the world! Thank God I live above a bar!" she went to put her hand on the chair in front of her desk, but it slipped, making her fall to the ground. "Whoops!" the laughter continued.

Five's eyes widened. "Elaina!" he reached down to help her up. "Hon?" he was starting to get very worried at this point.

She started to shake her head as she accepted his hand, the fits of laughter slowly easing up. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Whoo! I haven't laughed like that in such a long time. Thanks for that, babe."

Five's expression was a cautious one, almost like he was afraid that she was about to shatter at any moment. "Elaina... Are you sure you're okay?"

Elaina started to nod her head. "Yup, I'm great. Superb. Thirsty actually, want a drink?" she stood up straight, turning towards the door. "Birdie makes the best Mexican coffee, you'll love it."

Five grabbed her arm as she turned away, her back still turned towards him as she stood still. "Elaina. Stop it. You're really starting to worry me."

Elaina dropped her head. "It's just... Why? Why now? Why again? Why can't we just live in a world that doesn't end?" she questioned with a scoff as she looked back at him. "Just, why?"

Five lips were pressed in a tight line as he wracked his head for the answer to her questions. "I honestly wish I knew. All that's been on my mind for the past 42 years was ways to stop the last apocalypse, and now I have 10 days to figure this one out. It's just... shit luck. Pure, irrational, shit luck."

Elaina gave a humorless chuckle. "You're not wrong there," she sighed. "Ten days to find everyone, huh?"

He nodded his head. "Yes. We need the full force of the Umbrella Academy if we're going to stop this thing."

"Is it Vanya?" she asked suddenly.

Five paused and rocked his head in thought. "Not sure, but it's in the realm of possibilities."

Elaina exhaled. "Well at least ten is better than eight days." shrugged the girl. "Do you think we'll actually be able to do it this time?" she asked him with a serious expression.

"We have no choice." he responded grimly.

"Well," the girl sighed again. "We may have a little bit of luck then," said Elaina, earning a raised brow from the boy in front of her. "I have a hunch where we can possibly find Luther."

Five's raised his brow, an impressed look crossing his face. "You do?"

"It's a maybe, but I was lurking around town and overhead that there was a big white boy involved in some underground fighting at the Carousel Club," informed Elaina as she took a seat at her desk, running her fingers through her hair like a brush. "His nickname is 'King Kong', and if that doesn't sound like our part-spatian brother, then I don't know what does. I planned on checking it out tonight actually."

"Luther certainly does fit the M.O." Five nodded his head. "We should go now before it gets later." he said as he walked over and kissed her head. "Great work, hon."

Elaina felt her face heat up slightly as she smiled at him. "Thanks," her smiled dropped slightly as she thought of something. "We should be careful though," Five narrowed his eyes in question. "There's this trio of white-haired assholes that cornered me and shot me down a few weeks back. I don't know if they were after me specifically, but I have a feeling they might be looking for all of us if everyone's here." Elaina got up from her seat and walked over to her closet. "Maybe I should change, just in case."

Five walked over to her and grabbed her shoulder, turning her to look at his bewildered face. "They shot you?"

Elaina shrugged nonchalantly. "It was nothing, you know I recover super fast. Though I'm pretty sure they think I'm dead. I was always good at playing possum." she turned back around to look through her closet. "Why, are they friends of yours?"

"I wouldn't call them friends," said Five as he took a seat back on Elaina's bed while she held up a red shirt and a plaid blue shirt up against herself in comparison. "I'm pretty sure they work for the Commission. I ran into them this morning when I arrived. I managed to get away, though Hazel wasn't so lucky..."

"Hazel?" asked Elaina as she looked over with furrowed brows. "Like Hazel and Cha-Cha, Hazel?"

The boy nodded. "Yeah, him. He's the one that showed me the upcoming Doomsday. Those three shot him down in the middle of town."

Elaina hummed and looked down sadly. "He was a good guy. Too good for the Commission," Elaina decided on the red sleeveless shirt and some dark blue capris as she draped it over her arm. "I really hate those albino bastards. Speaking of," Elaina walked over to Five and moved his legs, making him look at her oddly as she got on her knees.


She looked up and gave him a look before rolling her eyes. "Get your mind out of the gutter," she said as she lifted up the blanket so she could look underneath the bed and pulled out the blood-splattered dress. "I have to get rid of something."

"Is that...?" questioned Five as he looked at the stained yellow dress in her hand.

She nodded. "Yup. I wore this that night."

Five stood and gently took it from her hands as he opened it, cringing at the amount of blood that coated the front and holes that showed where the bullet impaled her. From his experience, it was a damn near point-blank shot. He was grateful that they decided not to aim higher, but seeing the aftermath and the state it left her dress made him feel sick.

"A great loss if you ask me. Such a nice dress..." she sighed, looking over his shoulder at look at the ruined dress. "So I'm not taking any chances at ruining any other ones." she said as she turned her back to Five and pointed to the zipper. "If you don't mind?"

Five carefully folded the dress, holding in over his arm as he brought his hand up to the zipper, slowly zipping it down, watching the exposed skin of her back as he undid the dress. Elaina held the front part up as she turned around and smiled at him in appreciation.


Five cleared his throat, trying his best to keep his face straight. "Anytime."

Elaina looked at him as she nudged her head towards the door. "I'm going to change now, so unless you want to stay and watch the show..."

"Oh! Of course, sorry." Five quickly handed her the yellow dress and passed Elaina as he exited the door. "I'll, uh, wait for you down at the bar." he nodded as he closed the door behind him.

Elaina giggled to herself. "For an old man, he can be such a child sometimes."


Five climbed down the stairs and found his way back into the lively atmosphere of the bar. He made his way to the counter as he took a seat at one of the stools. He took a deep breath and exhaled, looking back to the direction of the back room that led up to Elaina's room.

"She does that on purpose." he mumbled to himself, still feeling the shivers going down his spine as he pictured her exposed back.

"Els? Yeah, I'm convinced she gets a sick satisfaction at making people squirm." came a voice from the other side of the counter, making Five look up to its owner. "Then again, what do I know?

Tony was leaning against the wall of liquor as he eyed the boy that was diagonal from him, his eyes flashed with an indistinguishable emotion as he smirked at the uniformed boy.

Five straightened up as he eyed the teenager back. "Exactly, what do you know."

Tony shrugged nonchalantly. "Absolutely nothing," he got up from against the wall and walked over to where Five was. "You must be starboy. My name is Antonio Mendoza, Tony for short. Els has been staying with us while she's looked for you."

Five jerked his head back slightly. "Starboy?" he repeated the name distastefully. "My name is Five, not starboy, whatever the hell that is. And yes, she's told me about you," said Five, twisting his lip at his next words. "I appreciate all that you and your mother have done for Elaina." Five emphasised the girl's name, catching on to the apparent nickname the teenager gave her.

Tony snickered a bit. "Five? Like the number? You got a funny name there, güero. You sure you don't want me to keep calling you starboy?"

Five narrowed his eyes. "Positive. Look I don't have time to entertain you, kid. If you want to be useful, how about pouring me up a glass of cognac, will ya?" said Five, giving Tony a tight smile.

"Kid?" scoffed Tony, grabbing a glass from behind the counter. "You two don't understand your ages, huh?" said Tony as he grabbed the bottle of cognac.

Five arched his eyebrows at the teen. "Hmm. So it appears she hasn't told you then."

Tony paused as he was about to pour the brown liquor into the glass in front of him. "Told me what?"

Five looked at him before a fake smile crossed his face. "Oh, nothing."

Tony narrowed his eyes back at the boy before looking over Five's shoulder and smiling instantly. "Hola, estrellita."

"Hey boys," greeted Elaina as she took the empty stool besides Five, sporting her red sleeveless shirt and capris, her hair now tied in a messy bun with a bag by her side. She saw Tony preparing to pour the cognac in the glass in front of him. "That's for me?"

Tony's eyes darted from her to Five and smirked. "Well, it was going to be mine, but you can have it." he responded, pouring the drink and sliding it to the girl.

Five scoffed and crossed his arms. "So you like to intoxicate minors? What kind of a place is this?"

Elaina elbowed him. "Quiet you, it's rare that he's this easy with the drinks." she said, finishing the glass of cognac before sliding back over to Tony.

"Besides," said Tony with a shrug. "We're celebrating, no? Elaina finally found her family. What's not to drink too?" said Tony as he filled the glass that Elaina passed him and drank it himself. "And it's not like I'm giving you a drink, shorty."

The look Five was giving Tony could've frightened the toughest of men, though Tony seemed to take it with a grain of salt as he simply smiled at the boy, unfazed, his eyes however, seemed to reflect the same hostility.

Elaina just looked between the two and rolled her eyes. "Okay you two, knock it off."

"Knock what off?" they both replied in unison, something they weren't too happy about either.

Elaina sighed as she looked over to Tony. "Look, Ton. Five and I are stepping out for the night. We might have an idea where to find one of our brothers. Let Birdie know so she doesn't worry."

Tony blinked. "'Our brother'? Wait, are you guys related?"

Five and Elaina paused, hesitating to answer the complicated question.

Elaina rocked her head from side-to-side. "No? We're not biologically related, more like raised together in the same boarding school. We just happen to call the same man Dad because he adopted us."

Tony blinked a few more times. "That's weird."

Five glared at the teen. "Well, no one asked you," he stood up and lightly grabbed Elaina's arm. "Let's go, hon. We don't have much time."

Elaina nodded. "Right," she looked back to Tony and smiled. "See you later, I'll try and call if anything." she said as Five stared to pull her along.

Tony stared at her for a moment as she walked away, waving back at him, before a small smile formed on his face. "I'll be waiting, Els."


"You know, sometimes you can be a little... too much." stated Elaina as they neared the Carousel Club. They managed to find a dumpster nearby and disposed of her yellow dress.

Five strolled beside her, his hands in his pocket as he looked over at her with furrowed brows. "What do you mean?"

"How should I put this..." murmured Elaina as he cupped her chin in thought. "The two of you were acting like dogs fighting over a pissed-on territory."

Five scoffed. "Is that so?"

"Yup," nodded Elaina, popping the 'p'. "Entertaining, but yeah, straight pissing contest."

"That kid is too arrogant for his own good."

Elaina hummed as she looked at Five. "He isn't the only one." this earned a glare from Five, making Elaina fold her arms behind her head as she walked ahead of him. "Don't look at me like that."

Five rolled his eyes. "We're here," he noted as they stopped in front of the big building.

The place was booming as there was a line waiting outside of the club, the front entrance had two bulky men ushering in a certain amount of people as they also watched out for any trouble.

"So we are," she looked over to him with her hand out. "Mind getting us in?"

Five grabbed her hand and jumped, landing them from the outside of the club to the inside of it, causing some nearby men to push away their drinks, obviously feeling like they drank too much vodka gimlets and were starting to seeing things.

Elaina felt her stomach turn slightly. "I guess it's been a while since I last jumped with you," she held her stomach lightly.

Five gave her a sympathetic look. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Elaina shook her head to level herself out. "I'm fine," she started to look around at the small round tables and the howling men. She noticed the show girl on stage with a red sequined two-piece and a large feathery fan. "I take it, this is the 60's version of a strip club, huh?"

"That it is," nodded Five as he took in the scenes as well. "We should hurry and find somewhere to sit, we're starting to draw attention." said Five as he noticed some of the men with narrowed eyes staring at the pair.

"Good idea," said Elaina as she looked at the girl on stage and noticed the empty table near her. "Ooh, there's an opening up front, let's grab it." she said as she grabbed his hand made their way through the sea of men and sat down at the vacant table.

"You don't seem nervous to have your significant other in a strip club," Five eyed Elaina with a slight crooked grin. "Especially where were sitting." he said, looking at the stage.

Elaina scoffed with a smirk. "Puh-lease. You call this a strip club?" she pointed up to the dancing girl on stage. "She's cute, but she's wearing a bathing suit. If we were at the clubs Klaus and I used to go to..." she chuckled at the thought. "I might be a bit concerned. God, I miss him..." she sighed before looking over to Five. "Just enjoy the show, babe."

Five gave her a stunned look, the crooked grin still on his face as he spluttered a little. He was about to speak before a blonde girl with a sheer bedazzled top came over, holding a tray of drinks.

"Now how did y'all get in here?" she asked, her voice was sweet, tinged with a southern drawl, yet curious. "Minors aren't allowed."

Elaina looked at her and shrugged, tilting her head. "I suppose our IDs checked out, out front, sweetheart."

The girl looked down at Elaina, her lips twisted to the side in amusement. "Well, you two still shouldn't be in here."

"We just wanted to enjoy the show," chimed in Five, a charming smile grazing his face. "We'll be out of your hair soon enough. Now," he leaned into her. "What time do you get off of work?" he asked smoothly, earning a raised brow from both females in his vicinity.

"Aren't you the little charmer," she giggled softly, before looking around and crouching slightly so they could hear her better. "Alright, but not for too long, ya hear?"

The pair nodded as the girl smiled and walked away.

Elaina cleared her throat with a quirked brow, putting a hand on her hip. "You're feeling quite bold now, aren't you, little charmer?"

Five shrugged. "She seemed like a simple girl, things like that usually work. Why, was that jealousy I heard?" he asked with a smirk.

She raised both her brows in astonishment. "Oh, so he's petty now. Okay Number Five." she sucked her teeth and nodded, earning a chuckle from the boy as he reached out and grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze to which she rolled her eyes playfully.

Suddenly a looming presence made the hairs on the back of Elaina's neck stand as Luther crept behind the pair. "I still think she's too young for you." he stated, looking between Five and Elaina.

Elaina immediately looked at the blonde and smiled at him slyly. "Right?"

Five shook his head and smirked. "Nice to see you too, Luther."

"I've missed your boyish-charm, you great ape," said Elaina jokingly to her brother.

Luther gave her a slightly irked expression, before giving her a small smile and placing a hand on her small shoulder, giving it a squeeze before looking over to Five. "What do you want?"

"For you to stop hovering like an ambitious stripper and to sit down with us." responded Five, motioning to the vacant seat beside him.

Luther rolled his eyes as he took the seat.

Elaina leaned over Five to look at Luther. "How long have you been here, big guy?"

"A year," he looked over to Five and glared. "Thanks to you."

"Hey, we all knew the risks--" started to defend Elaina before Five calmly put his hand up.

He looked over to Luther and offered a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry, Luther. I know that couldn't have been easy."

"I thought everybody was dead." snapped the big man.

"If it makes you feel any better, I've been here for nearly a year too," Elaina responded, making Luther give her a stunned expression. "I hoped that no one was dead."

Luther was at a loss of words as he looked at his sister's empathetic face before looking over to see Five's ashamed one. Luther sighed as he was about to respond before seeing his boss starting to get irritated with some drunk half-wit.

"I gotta go," was all he said as he stood to leave.

Five quickly grabbed his arm. "Luther, wait. Look, I get it, okay?" said Five, his voice beginning to soften. "I know what it's like to be stuck in time. Thinking this is how you're gonna live out the rest of your life. On the run, and not knowing if you're ever gonna see the people you love again," at this he turned over to look at Elaina, she gave him a sad encouraging smile as she found his hand. "And to be in an unfamiliar world."

"But Luther, you're not alone," cut in Elaina, offering him the same smile. "Not anymore."

Five turned his gaze from the girl beside him to Luther. "We have to find the others because the world ends again in ten days. I have no idea how to stop it."

Luther narrowed his eyes as he took in Five's words, looking over to Elaina as she grimaced and nodded, confirming that what the boy next to her was telling the truth.

Luther sighed as he looked Five dead in the eyes. "I don't give a shit." he said plainly before walking away, leaving behind the flabbergasted teens.

Elained leaned back in her chair, blowing air out through pursed lips. "Well, I didn't see that coming."

"So the monkey grew some balls," mused Five, standing up, chasing after Luther as Elaina followed. "The hell is wrong with you?" snapped Five as he grabbed Luther's arm, stopping the man in his tracks. "I just told you the world ends in ten days."

"Yeah, well, you're always saying that," reasoned Luther lamely as he tried to go around the pair.

"And so far, he's been right," stated Elaina as she looked up to the man as Five held him in place.

"Look, you two want to go and save the world? Knock yourselves out. Alright? I already got a job."

Five scrunched up his face. "Wait, you work in this shithole?" he asked as Elaina tilted her head.

"Yeah. Well, my boss owns the place." explained Luther as the teens just stared up at him. "I'm his body man."

"What's that? Like a masseuse or something?" questioned Five, half-seriously.

Elaina rocked her head from side-to-side, picturing it. "Well, he has the muscles for it."

"Okay, you can make fun all you want, but I take good care of Mr. Ruby." Luther defended.

"Wait, Ruby. The Jack Ruby, the gangster who shot Oswald." realized Five.

"So that's what they meant by 'Ruby's boy'." muttered Elaina, rubbing her temple. "Jesus, Luther."

"Yeah, the one and only." beamed Luther, proud of the man he served.

"Well, it finally happened," said Five. "That gorilla DNA has taken over your mind." Elaina nodded beside him in agreement.

"Hey, watch it, alright? Jack's a good friend."

"And you're Number One."

"Número Uno. Remember?" chimed in Elaina, holding up her pointer finger.

"There is no Number One," said Luther softly. "Not anymore. Not in 1963," Luther raised his voice. "Look, I've been stranded here alone for a year. What did you expect?"

"I get it, alright?" evened Five. "You watched Pogo die, the world exploded, and I marooned your big dumbass in time. I'm sorry, okay?" apologized Five as he sighed. "But I'm asking for your help, Luther."

"Come on, Luther," said Elaina softly, making the man look at her. "We need you. The Umbrella Academy needs you." she tried to reason, knowing that academy meant everything to her brother.

Luther looked at her and scoffed lightly. "It doesn't need me. It never did."

The sweet blonde girl from earlier came up to the trio. "Luther, honey, Jack's about to lose it on some half-wit." she asked, making Five and Elaina sigh as they took a seat at the bar. "A little help?"

"Ah, shit." muttered Luther, immediately starting to make his way to the issue at hand.

"Luther, wait." Five tried one more time to go after his brother.

"Listen," turned Luther around aggressively. "You're the genius who said we should jump. Right? You're the one who got us stuck here. And you're the one who brought Vanya. So if there is a doomsday coming, she's probably the cause."

"Realm of possibilities," pipped in Elaina as she leaned back in her bar stool, a tiny black straw between her lips as she sipped on the vodka gimlet she somehow managed to get, earning a look from both the males.

Luther shook his head and brought his attention back to Five. "And if I was gonna do something about it, it sure as hell is not gonna be with you." he snapped before storming away.

"Don't worry about him, my love," said Elaina as she held a glass out to the boy. "You know Luther, that big oaf is big because of all the emotion he carries, not the muscle. He'll come around eventually."

Five sighed. "Yeah, I guess you're right," he said as he took the glass from her hand and sat next to her. "I don't get why he has to be so damn stubborn."

"I think Dad made us all stubborn," shrugged the girl. "At least we know where he and Diego are at. Now to find everyone else."

"Come on buddy, let's go,"

The pair looked back to see Luther towering over a clearly inebriated man as he stared up at their brother, the latter putting a warning hand on the guy's shoulder.

"Get your hands off me," slurred the man, attempting to swing at Luther, only to end up spinning in place, earning laughter from the men around him.

"Buddy needs to go," murmured Elaina as she finished up her glass.

Luther caught him as Jack Ruby told him to get the man out. Luther nodded and dragged the man, passing the two at the bar.

Five shook his head. "Dad should've left him on the moon." he concluded.

"The daddy issues were always strong in that one," tacked on Elaina as Five finished his drink as well.

"We better start going," he said, starting to get up from the stool, getting a nod from the girl in agreement.

As they both stood, Five's blazer got caught on something, both of them hearing a tearing sound coming from it. He felt something in his blazer's pocket as he reached in and pulled out a yellow square item.

Elaina looked down with narrowed eyes. "What is it? A tape?"

"Not sure," he murmured as he flipped it over. "Frankel Footage?" he read off.

"That date..." Elaina's eyes widened as she instantly recognized it. "Kennedy..." she said softly.

"Hazel wanted me to see this," he thought out loud before looking back up to Elaina. "We need to get to Elliot."

"Time to meet this creep." she nodded as they both headed out of the Carousel Club.


Yay, new chapter! Finally got passed episode one, onward we go!

I would like to thank everyone that has commented and voted, you guys are the bomb! I'll and get the next chapter out soon, so look out for it.

Please excuse any grammical errors, I didn't fully proof read this one -- but I will and fix them :)

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(Number Five x Female OC) Highest Rankings: #1 #numbereight #1 #numberfive #1 #benhargreeves #1 #aidangallagher #1 #allisonhargreeves After one of...
25.4K 677 34
• • • • • • • "𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞!" "𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐟 𝐧𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐢𝐭." • • • • • •...