What's at Stake

By JordanLynde

409K 26.7K 19.7K

After failing as a vampire hunter, 17-year-old Cleo is sent to an academy full of vampires as a false peace t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
BONUS: Kaz vs. Felix Vs. One Bed Trope
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Author's Note

Chapter Five

9.2K 614 470
By JordanLynde

While I was relieved my father hadn't sent me on a wild goose chase, the task continued to be daunting. Claude's hostility didn't only likely confirm the existence of a secret successor but also rendered the idea of befriending him and wheedling information out of him futile. He didn't trust me, and would never trust me. He'd made that clear.

I couldn't blame him.

I considered what he'd said about playing his part. It hadn't occurred to me that he'd been roped into this unwillingly, too. Or rather, that he was expected to take an active part in it. What had he been told to do? To reciprocate my friendship? Something else?

The memory of our first, second, and third meeting entered my mind. I grimaced. If that were true, he wasn't trying very hard. Not until we were in public, but even then, he still whispered his threats.

I'd take a feigned friendship over nothing though. I had my role as well and I planned to cooperate to my best capability. The futures of both the vampire and the human world could be changed with this treaty. Peace could come about. Maybe no one would think a vampire hunter would want peace with vampires, but if I didn't stand by what I believed in just because no one believed me, what changes would ever come about? What would I coming here be for?

I would be friendly to Claude in public while silently betraying him behind his back.

The back I currently walked behind, broad and clad in a dark blouson jacket. Students scattered as he moved through the halls, footsteps echoing in the fallen silence. I kept my gaze straight ahead, avoiding any unnecessary eye contact. Kaz kept at my side, not batting an eyelash at the way the students parted like the Red Sea for Claude.

It was strange, yet beneficial for me. Because being near Claude kept everyone from coming near me. Which was making my first day much less stressful than I'd imagined it to be. No threats to my life so far. I did feel slightly disgruntled that no one told me I'd be sharing every class with Claude though. Part of a plot to make us become close, no doubt. A warning would have been nice, but judging by the little smile popping up on Kaz's face now and then, he'd planned it to be a surprise.

I could make use of it. Claude seemed to let his guard down around Kaz, Adora, and San. Who knew what information might slip? If I stuck close to them, I was bound to find something out. Maybe if I could prove myself trustworthy to those three, Claude would eventually consider me that way, too.

I flattened my lips. How hypocritical. I wanted him to trust me and yet I planned to sneak around and gather information about him.

My father always knew how to make my life difficult. What would he even do with that information when I found it? Kill the hidden heir? I didn't see how he would be able to get his hands on someone like that. The heir would be well protected and kept out of sight. Not only that, but my father could never cross the magical boundary without permission. He had no reason to be here, so it would never be granted.

It was for that fact and that fact only that I would give him any information I found. The thought of punishment was unnerving, yes, but I could take it if it prevented a war. But there were other things my father could do if I failed to provide him with what he wanted. Offering him a name wasn't a death sentence. But it would keep me alive and my father content.

"What are you thinking about?" Kaz asked. "You're making all kinds of faces."

His voice jolted me from my thoughts. "Oh, uh, what's for dinner."

"Dinner? It's only 10:00 AM."

"I didn't eat breakfast."

"I have some snacks if you want them," he offered. "Our lunch break isn't for another two hours. It must be a big difference compared to being homeschooled where you can eat when you want."

"Yeah, but the food is much better here. My father keeps my sister and me on strict diets. Even just the thought of eating egg whites in the morning makes me nauseous now."

Kaz frowned down at me. "Why does your father have you on a diet?"

"To stay fit," I said with a shrug. I never questioned it. Questioning my father about anything never led to good results.

"That's..." He furrowed his eyebrows before letting out a soft breath. "Well, no one here will dictate your autonomy. Eat whatever you feel like whenever you feel like it, okay?"

I blinked at him. "Okay."

His face wrinkled as he turned away, guiding me into the stairwell that led to our next class.

As we entered the room, several heads turned up at us. Beady eyes glanced between Claude and I and the effect was almost instantaneous. A flurry of papers being scuffled together, books being closed and shoved into bags, chairs shrieking as the students pushed back. They kept their heads down, whispering to each other as they fled the room. Claude didn't react, heading to the back of the classroom and dropping into a seat. I thought about taking a seat in the front, but Kaz guessed my intentions and steered me up and next to Claude. I looked around the room and saw that three other students remained. They tried to subtly peek at us, but I could feel it every time someone did. Were they not aware of the sensation they gave off?

Another person entered the classroom and came to a halt as he stared up at Claude. It took me a moment to realize it was Lietz. He hunched his shoulders and moved to the mahogany desk at the front of the room, dropping his briefcase on it. "As a teacher, I should be happy you're suddenly willing to attend your classes, Claude, but also a teacher it is unfortunate that when you do the entire class goes missing."

Claude stared at him with a stony face.

"Do you really need to come to class?"

Lietz looked as if the whole world turned against him just because Claude was here. Was it okay for him to talk to Claude like that? And was it even Claude's fault if the other students chose to leave? Why would he put the blame on Claude like that?

Claude leaned forward, propping up his elbow and resting his chin on his hand. "Since you're a teacher, it should be a great pleasure to hear that I will be attending class regularly from now on."

Lietz's face crumpled. "Oh, no."

"If the other students are too craven to attend the same class as me, then that is not my problem," Claude continued. "You are still being compensated. Instruct as normal."

"Well... at least some of you stayed this time. I can't ask for much more than that." Lietz muttered something unintelligible, running a hand through his hair. "I will speak to the other students. They can have the option to transfer."

Transfer? Was it really that bad to attend the same class as Claude? What went on during the past few weeks? Had Claude just not attended? Would it be like this for every class? Nobody even had to interact with him. Why did the students treat him like a social pariah?

Lietz began the class, going over vocabulary in the chapter unit. Kaz shared his book with me again, but I didn't need it. I'd already finished my psychology courses in home school. Sleep and sleep stages were some of the first chapters I studied. I didn't think it would be much different just because this was for vampires, either. We had the same sleeping habits.

I wasn't sure why I had to take these classes. History? Sure. I would see a different side of the war. Psychology and English? Not so much, but maybe the point of taking these classes was to show that there weren't many differences between humans and vampires. We studied the same, we slept the same. They had been expecting a student who hated vampires. They probably wanted to show the similarities between us to help bridge the gap.

It made my chest hurt a little. It seemed that they were actually trying. Hoping the peace treaty could end the hostility between us. Unlike my father, who sent me here to get info. Perhaps he's the one who should have attended.

I cringed at the thought. No. There would be a blood bath. He would murder Claude for looking at him the wrong way.

I glanced at the man in question. He had his eyes closed, neck craned back as if he had fallen asleep, paying no attention to the lecture at all. The sayings in all the books were right. Hostile people looked very much less intimidating when sleeping.

But what was the point in attending if you were just going to sleep? Especially when you scared away more than half the students?

He remained that way to the end of class. Once Lietz announced it was over, Claude was gone before I could even stand from my seat. I blinked after him as his form disappeared through the door.

Kaz stretched and yawned, picking up his backpack. "Ready for lunch?"

"Claude isn't joining us?"

"Hmm? Did he pique your interest after all?"

I gave him a flat look. "No. I just assumed it was part of the charade for him to eat with us."

"Nah, Mondays he only attends the morning classes. He'll be back tomorrow though."

"He's gone all night? Where did he go?"

Kaz lifted a shoulder and dropped it. "Not sure. He disappears for days at a time sometimes. Mondays specifically though."

I didn't respond, following Kaz down to the cafeteria. So, Claude was gone on Monday afternoons? That meant I could easily access the library without having to worry about him breathing down my neck. Or snoop around the campus more.

Or better yet... I could try to break into his room and steal my necklace back.

My heart rate picked up at the thought. Wouldn't now be the best time to do so? Would he expect me to immediately break into his room? I didn't think so. And even if it wasn't sitting out in the open, he probably didn't hide it that thoroughly. If Kaz was telling the truth and Claude wouldn't be returning tonight, it would be worth trying.

I sat in the common room, pretending to type on my laptop as I waited to see if Claude would come or not. It was nearing midnight and there was no sign of him. He hadn't attended any classes after lunch, true to what Kaz said. I thought his lack of presence meant the other students would return to class, but rumors must have spread and it was only me and Kaz and a handful of other students for our last two classes. I would say my first day went smoothly.

Hopefully, this would go just as smoothly.

Once the clock hit midnight, one of the guards retired. I waited a few more moments to see if another one would replace him, but no one did. Good. Only one guard made this easier. Not that I planned on sneaking through the inside doors, though. I let out a loud yawn and closed my laptop, rubbing my eyes for added effect.

"Goodnight," I said to the remaining guard.

She jerked as if surprised I spoke to her. "Rest well," she said after a moment.

I entered the hall were our rooms were and she stayed at the stairwell. Also good for me. I didn't know how Claude's room was set up. The further away she was the less noise she would hear. I crept to the double doors and pressed my ear against it, listening for any disturbance. I needed to be completely sure he was gone before I attempted to get in.

Satisfied, I hurried into my room. I tossed my laptop onto my bed and headed for my balcony. I knew Claude had a balcony too, only it was out of sight from mine. The way the roof curved meant I could easily climb onto it and across it though. Looking down at the ground made my stomach twist, but it didn't scare me out of my plans. I'd climbed higher and in more perilous conditions before. This would be fine.

Clouds covered the moon as if on my side. Encouraged by the shadows over me, I placed my hands on the gritty tiles of the roof, hoisting myself up. I tested the grip of my shoes on the slate. Decent. Staying low, I crawled over the slanted roof, heading to the north side of the building. I'd seen Claude's balcony from the ground and it looked to be at the same height as mine, so I figured I'd be able to jump easily down to it.

I only hoped he left his windows open. Or the door, but my luck was never that good.

My foot slipped on some built-up dirt and I choked out a gasp as I slid a few inches toward the ledge. The spires on the roof below looked much more menacing from above than below. Being impaled on one didn't sound like a fun way to go out. Recovering, I moved more carefully until I came to the other side of the roof.

Peering down, I smiled. As I'd thought, the balcony was right below. I sat and swung my feet over the ledge, silently dropping down. I didn't move for a minute, taking in my surroundings. Claude's balcony was larger than mine and his entire back wall was entirely made of glass. One giant window, unlike mine that had multiple. Which meant it had to be the door or nothing. I scrunched up my face.

Dark curtains covered the window making it impossible to see inside. I would just have to risk it... if the door was even unlocked. Not expecting much, I walked up to it and twisted the handle.

With a pop, it opened.

I froze.

This is a setup, my mind screamed.

It was too late to worry about that. If Claude was inside, the noise would have already alerted him. Steeling myself, I pushed it the rest of the way open. Nothing in the poorly lit room stirred. I slipped inside, closing the door behind me.

If this was a horror movie, I'd definitely be the first one dead.

Although considering the facts, my life right now kind of was like a horror movie. Oh well.

Unwilling to turn the overhead light on, I turned on my phone's flashlight and shined it around the room, waiting for Claude to jump out at me. He never did. The room was empty. Did Claude just always leave his door unlocked? Was that safe?

"Clearly not," I whispered to myself, seeing as I managed to get inside. Still believed this could be a setup, but it was too late now.

The room was meant for a prince. Spacious, decorated with elegant furniture. Similar to the style of my room, but with much more. It was hard to make out details and I couldn't spend too much time gawking anyway. I went over to an armoire almost taller than me, running my hand along the smooth wood on top, shining the light on it. Then I pulled open the top drawer, pointing my phone at it.

I resisted the urge to close it when I realized it was Claude's underwear drawer. I had to search it. Turning my head slightly to the side, I did a quick scan of it. Trailing my fingers along the edges, trying to feel anything that wasn't fabric. Would he hide it in his underwear drawer? Wouldn't that be too obvious?

I was relieved to move onto the next drawer, careful not to disrupt anything in a noticeable way. The rest of the armoire yielded nothing and I walked over to his bedside table opening to check in there. A phone charger, change, notebooks... no pendant. I squatted down and peeked under the bed. Exceptionally clean, but no necklaces.

I stood back up, moving around the bed to his closet. I fidgeted with my phone for a minute. This was a serious invasion of privacy. But it was too late to feel like that. Feeling awkward was better than feeling whatever pain my father decided was a fitting punishment for losing it.

Claude's closet didn't have much. It held his uniforms, some shoes, jackets, everyday clothes. Nothing too interesting. I frowned as I abandoned it and walked around the perimeter of the room. Not in any of the obvious places. Maybe he had decided to hide it well. All surfaces in his room were spotless and void of any kind of personal items. Actually, most of the room was. Not very lived in at all.

Annoyed, I searched under his pillows. I touched something that felt like a piece of paper. Pulling it out, I flipped it over to find an aging polaroid photo. I could make out Claude instantly. Much younger, but with the same curly black hair and golden eyes. Beside him though... someone was scratched out.

I tried to wipe at the marker obstructing the view, but it didn't work. I couldn't make out anything about the second person besides they were shorter than Claude. That didn't discern any information, though. Could this be of the hidden heir?

I went to take a photo of it when a creak came from beyond the double doors and made my heart bottomed out. I crouched down by the bed again, shoving the photo back into place and holding my breath and listening hard. Moments passed without the door opening and I closed my eyes, trying to calm my pulse. Maybe it was time to get out. I was lucky I hadn't been caught so far.

I slunk back to the door that led to the balcony. I should have known it would've been too easy to get it back like that. Who knew what he had done with it? At least I knew it wasn't too hard to sneak in if I ever had to go back for any reason.

Exiting the room, I hoisted myself back onto the roof. I made quick work of crossing back to my balcony, dropping back onto the iron unceremoniously. I stood out in the cool breeze for a moment wracking my thoughts. It was possible the pendant was on Claude's person. How would I go about getting it, then? Sneak it while he was sleeping?

No... I couldn't do that. That went beyond an invasion of privacy. Even if he stole from me. I'd have to figure out another way. I still had time.

My limbs felt heavy as I dragged myself back into my own room. I locked the door behind me. I didn't feel brave enough to leave it unlocked like Claude. Not when there were people like me out there.

I looked up at the pale moon as it peeked out from the clouds. "Now what?" I asked it.

"Now what indeed."

I involuntarily let out a startled shout as I twisted around toward the sound of the voice that'd spoken. A figure lay sprawled out on my bed, back reclining on my headboard, legs crossed at the ankle. Claude's golden eyes glittered in the moonlight as they met mine.

I stayed rooted to my spot, rendered speechless at his casual appearance.

"Don't feel self-conscious. Most people are deprived of speech when I'm in their bed."

"How did you get in here?"

He tilted his head back, baring his throat to me. His right hand snuck up to the nape of his neck and he dragged his fingertips along his skin, over his Adam's apple, and down to the collar of his silk shirt where he began to unclasp the buttons.

A shiver crept along my skin. "What are you—"

When the fourth button came undone, I fell silent. My pendant. It rested against his exposed chest.

"Well?" he murmured. "Aren't you going to come get it?"

I swallowed, finding my mouth dry. He knew. He knew I'd been in his room. Why hadn't he confronted me there? I gauged the situation. What was he planning by getting me closer to him? He couldn't harm me. Could I move fast enough to rip it off his neck?

His hand abandoned his unbuttoned shirt and he swiped it through his hair, pushing the dark locks up and out of his forehead. He beckoned me toward him with a crooked finger. I stepped forward cautiously, trying to figure out his game. Sweat beaded at my forehead at the sudden heat overtaking my body.

He was so attractive but so wicked.

I bit the inside of my cheek, getting myself to focus. If I moved swift enough I could reclaim my pendant. But then what? Would he really just let me take it?

I'd just have to find out.

The moment I came within arm's distance, I lunged. I went straight for his throat, my fingers curling around the leather cord. His reaction time was impeccable. He caught my wrist in an instant, yanking on it hard and throwing me off balance. I fell on top of him, my free hand going for the dagger on my hip. Pushing myself up with my knees, I straddled his waist, placing the point of my dagger at the hollow of his throat.

"Don't move," I warned.

"Mm, I do love this position."

I pressed my blade harder into his skin, the stainless steel breaking the fragile surface. His eyes flashed and in one whirlwind movement, he switched our positions, my captured arm now pinned behind my back. My dagger fell to the floor as he wrestled it out of my grasp. His hair fell into his face as he hovered above me, shirt flapping down around us.

"Although I prefer this," he said, easily holding me down as I tried to buck him off me. "A prince is always on top."

"What do you want?"

"What could you ever mean?"

"Why are you in my room?"

"As an intruder was in my own room, I had nowhere else to go."

"I only wanted my pendant back."

"Did I not tell you to take it from me?"

I jerked my hand, but he held it fast. "Don't you think this is a little unfair? You're stronger than me. I don't have any chance."

"Do you feel like I'm intruding on your personal space?"

"This is different," I grit out.

"Is it? And what did you plan to do to me when I returned to my room? Stab that shoddy dagger into my heart? Drag me back to your family and carve my bones into your next fashion statement?"

A knot formed in my throat. He knew. He knew. I wasn't safe. No one would let that slide.

A scowl formed on his face and he let go of my right hand. I thought he was going to let me go, but when his hand headed toward my throat, my fight or flight kicked in.

I screamed. I used my now free hand to punch him in the throat. I arched my back with enough force to get him off me and I twisted to the side, bringing my elbow up into his stomach. He let go of my other hand and I shoved my hands into the mattress and pushed myself out from under him and off of the bed. Landing on the floor, I grabbed my dagger and leaped to my feet, making a break for the door.

"Stop," he growled.

Pressure sent me crumbling to the ground. I landed on my knees hard, my arms catching myself before I slumped all the way. I tried to fight against it, urged my body to get up and run away, but I couldn't fight off the Sway.

I'm the prince. I can do whatever I wish.

My breathing came out loud and heavy. He would kill me. Dizziness washed over me. I really was useless. Incapable. Not only a shame to my family but the human race. Nothing would change. I would be blamed for it.

Fingers gripped my jaw, turning my head up. I stared at Claude, wide-eyed, and unblinking.

He crouched down so we were almost face-to-face. "I won't kill you."

I didn't believe him.

"Yet," he amended. "Not unless you give me more of a reason to. I will give you a warning, though. It is a crime to harm royalty. A crime punishable by death."

I zeroed in on the nick right below his Adam's apple. A pin drop size of blood had formed.

He released my jaw. "I will let this go as I might have taken my retaliation too far. Do not raise that dagger against me again. And do not enter my room without my permission. Do that, and I will respect your privacy as well."

A knock came from my door and the Sway disappeared. Claude walked over to the door and opened it. Kaz appeared and opened his mouth to speak, but Claude brushed by him without giving him a chance to.

Kaz turned to me. "What— what happened in here?"

I hated the surge of fear that went through me as Kaz approached me. Yes, this was the feeling the fueled the wars. Vampires were stronger. Vampires were faster. Vampires were superior.

I had to reassess my plans.


Hello... I missed a week again. I'm sorry! I find I get writer's block when I don't want to write something (i.e description) and then I struggled over it until I remember I can just throw a paragraph divider in and move on. And that's what I did and whipped out the rest of this chapter in not time lol.

If you don't know this is my first time trying to write a bad boy. I want to write what makes them popular but make them less abusive / toxic. Claude is a hard one because he kinda has a point that Cleo wants to kill him and Cleo also kind of has a point because people want to kill her. So it's a struggle to keep them in character while also trying to do the tropes readers like LOL.

Thanks for reading! I hope everyone is well!

Here is more Claude and Cleo art by LainCora on Deviantart!

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