The Violent.《Z.M》

By The_Monster_MK

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"You will keep struggling but at the end you will always be in my firm hold." All right reserved 2016©The_Mon... More

Chapter 1. South Part ?
Chapter 3. of course I know you.
Chapter 4. Going to be sold soon.
Chapter 5. Mother Natural decided to come.
Chapter 6. take a look.
Chapter 7. A soul should be set free.
Chapter 8. Blood.
Chapter 9. His Violent side.
Chapter 10. Good girls are bad girls.
Chapter 11. Nice shoes.
Chapter 12. Hateful thoughts.
Chapter 13. Unknown Past.
Chapter 14. Rough.
Chapter 15. It's Liam.
Chapter 16. Smoke.
Chapter 17. When Hell freezes over.
Chapter 18. Blind.
Chapter 19. Panic.
Chapter 20. Remember me?
Chapter 21. Even salt looks like sugar.
Chapter 22. Missed me?
Chapter 23. Welcome back.
Chapter 24. I need you.
Chapter 25. Eager enough.
Chapter 26. Him.
Chapter 27. What a coincidence.
Chapter 28. Courage.
Chapter 29. Numb.
T R A I L E R.
Chapter 30. Hitched.
Am actually alive
Chapter 31. Fool's paradise.
Chapter 32. Vexed.
Chapter 33. Lost.
Chapter 34. Cigarettes.
Chapter 35. Comfortable silence.

Chapter 2 . Surprise !

7.8K 231 55
By The_Monster_MK

I stare at his eyes, I never saw like this eyes. Well i never saw such a pretty eye.

I am out of my mind . I thought .

"Excuse me." He said, He has a thick british accent. And his voice , god his voice.

"Are you alright?" I think he asked, i looked away .

"Y-yeah." i stutter, he slowly put his hand on my waist.For a seconed i forgot about every thing, About this town and how we live .

"I have never saw a beautiful girl like you in this part." he whisper, getting closer, I can feel his hot breath against my skin.

That's because this part is for men. My subconscious remark.

Suddenly I realise what is going on, This is so wrong.

"Get your hands off of me." I hiss, i don't like the way he is touching me.

Suddenly he squeezed my bottom and i gasped and before i even blink, i slaped him hard in his beautiful face. what am I thinking? , he didn't flinch or even get his hand off. And his face isn't beautiful ! .

"Fuck you!" i shout, Anger boiling inside me, i have never been touched like that and i will never let any one touch me like that.

"Oh, babe i can fuck you hard..." My eyes widen . He got to be kidding me ! Before I could respond...

"What's going on here?!" I hear Miss. Lisa rushing towards us . Thank god , i pushed him away .

" H-he was .. and i-i.." i stutter , my mind can't collect any words right now . i looked at him he was smirking at me , and then i looked at Miss. lisa . she gave me a glare and i know i am in a trouble right now .

" Get into the building Anabelle " she said , what did i do ? " Now " she said again , i didn't realize i was staring at him , way to go Anabelle .

" Nice name " he winked , God i want to punch him . i storm off into the building , where should i go now ? i suddenly felt a hand on my arm grapping me , i scream .

" shh , are you crazy ? " Miss. lisa whisper , i sigh in relief .

" S-sorry " i feel my cheeks turning red .

" What did i say about , not to leave the group ? " she asked , we were walking into along hall , All the colors of the building are grey , even the photos , the clocks are grey .

" Where are we going? " I asked , this building is creepy . And there's no human in the building .

"Oh ,you have a biology test! Did you forget?" She looked at me confused , what's wrong with every body today ! Of course I didn't, why would I be here.

" No , so.. where's the group ? " I asked quickly ,

" we are going to the test room" she said .

" test room ? "

" yeah , it's like a computer room , since we don't have new technology thing , you would see big screens that dissappear in the air just if you clap your hand twice " Wow. Well.. I have a smart phone and that is enough for me .

" Alright? " I motion to her to continue .

" and that's where the group are, having the test right now! " she said and suddenly she stopped walking .

" What did happen there ?" She asked me , first I was confused but of course she wouldn't let go of the subject .

" There ? " I fake a confuse look , but she didn't buy it .

" Anabelle " she looked at me That look that says "you better say or you gonna be in a big trouble ".

" Sorry.. but I am missing the bio test right now ! " I tried to flip the table here but I am not that smart .

" you are not going to have the test unless you tell me what happened there ! " she started to raise her voice .

She is getting on my nerve , Like why should I tell her ? She isn't going to do anything about it is she ?

"Look with all my respect , I don't want to be rude." yes I want ," but why do you care ? "

" I am responsible about your safety young lady! And he was holding your waist , and it's important not to lose your vir..." she suddenly stopped, her eyes widening .

What . The . Hell ?

She wasn't going to say something about me being a virgin and losing it .

" What are you talking about ? " I asked immediately , my mind keep asking questions that I want the answer , keep calm Anabelle , don't freak out I kept telling my self .

It's okay if you freak out my mind mock me .

" just forget it , let's go to the test room . " she said walking away from me , ignoring my question, I know there's something wrong here ! And we aren't safe in this part .

We walk through a big door and I immediately saw jennifer sitting and glaring at the paper infront of her , she seems in a deep thought.

" here's your test , go sit beside your room mate and good luck " Miss. Lisa hand me the test I looked at her and she is smiling nervously at me .

" we are not done yet " i said referring to the conversation we had . She turn around and sit on her desk , I walked to where I should sit and I caught Elena smirking at me . Still bitch . I thought .

Jennifer is still glaring at the paper , when I sat beside her .

" What's wrong ? " I asked , a bit too loud .

" Shh... No talking , you have less than one hour to finish " The teacher inform me , well ...

" This test is like shit ! It's like all of this question isn't in the biology book " Jennifer said , her voice above a whisper but I hear it . And then I looked at the paper in my hand , oh shit .

First question , I stare at it trying to find the answer but nothing came to my mind , I will leave it to the end .

Second question , Wait I know that question ! I started to write the answer but my mind were somewhere else , why would he say that he never saw a beautiful girl like me before? Does that mean that there aren't any girls in south?

Of course there are girls in this part of town you idiot ! My mind mocked me can you just shut up ? I am trying to focus here ! I told my mind .
You aren't even solving anything , you are just thinking of him . Again she wouldn't shut up , but it's true .

I shake my head trying to get rid of those thoughts .

" Time is Up " the teacher begins to grap all the papers from the girls , oh no no no no no no .

I tried quickly to write but it's too late .

" better next time Anna " she smirked at me .

" but I didn't had enough time " I looked at her like I am about to cry . I studied hard for this, I can't get an F . " yes you did , but all you were doing is smiling at the paper like an idiot ." She smirked again , if she wasn't my mother's age I would punch her right in her fake face .

" That was the worst test in my whole life ! " Jennifer laughed .

" in that you are right ! " I said , when I look up , I saw Elena walking towards me still smirking .

" I saw you " saw me ? What is she talking about?

" what ? " I asked , alittle confused .

" with ya know , a boy " she said , smirking.

" huh , so what is the matter? " I scoff , no one said that we can't talk to Men .

" Nothing, just to tell you stay away from that boy ! Because he kissed me and god he is a good kisse-"

" okay , okay enough I don't care if he even fucked you and why you are telling me this ? " I asked , she just rolled her eyes .

" I saw him holding your waist this afternoon and I can see you like him " she smiled devilishly .

" Uh... Excuse me ? " I said looking around the room , searching for someone that she is talking to but apparently it's me " you sure I am the one who likes him ? " it's clear that she does like him but I am sure from his look not else probably she wants to be his slave I smirked at the thought .

" Well.. if it's not then , I am just warning ya and I gotta go Annawhore see ya " she smiled and turned around , she always call me Anawhore not Anabelle . But I don't care because the truth here that she is a whore !

" What was that ? " Jennifer asked , I tottaly forgot that she was here .

" Don't know "

" okay, Whatever . Did you know the happy news ? " before I could reply she kept going " you weren't here when we enter the class , but we are going to stay here for two days ,in the south part " she smiled happily , I smiled back at her .. Wait what ?!

" Why ? " I frown . They told us that we will have the test and go back safely to our part , this is no good .

" Well I am not sure why , but don't you feel happy? " she asked, Happy? I am far from happy .

" No, how could I be happy ? This part isn-"

" Don't start it Anna " she said , walking away , I quickly followed her .

" Start what ? Jen ! Look at me " I grap her arm , and finally she did .

" I am just worry , you know . Something is telling me that something wrong will happen to us " I said honestly .

" So avoid it " what ?! " See , you are my bestfriend and I don't want to hurt you. But for the tenth time , we aren't going to change the way they treat us , or change the government , we were born and this world is a mess, we have to live it even if they are beating us to the death . And now we have a chance to live alittle So why don't we grap it ? '' A tear slightly fall from her cheek , she is totally right . But how could we live a little ? And we are victims in this part of town .


A/N : No cliffhangers !

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