Dancing in the Sky

By GodTheAttackEyebrows

85 11 6

Freya Winona Tate. Nothing about her made any sense. She could hear different men talking but none of these m... More

Author's Note

Chapter One: The First Month In England Is Already Shit

47 6 6
By GodTheAttackEyebrows

Hello and welcome to the first real chapter! Freya, as stated before, is an OC of Nova's. Hanna and Shona belong to Vanessa (me lol). The aliens in this chapter also belong to me. We do not own Doctor Who. All credit to BBC for anyone and anything mentioned from there <3


I stepped off the plane with a soft yawn, my black combat boots making a soft clicking noise when I hopped off. My long black and blue hair whipped my face as I grabbed my dog carrier and walked down the runway to the entrance to the airport. Once I walked in and was free from the winds, I moved my hair behind my ear and straightened my black hipster glasses.

I looked around in awe. Moving to England was always a dream of mine and now its finally happening! I get to live in a new world and meet new people! I couldn't contain my excitement no matter how hard I tried.

I grabbed my luggage and looked out at the bustling crowd waiting for their family and friends. Towards the south exit I found a sign saying FREYA TATE. A grin spread on my face as I met the eyes of my long-time best friend, Hanna. We hadn't met in person yet and now was the time! I grabbed my dog carrier and other luggage and walked over to Hanna with a grin on my face.

"Hanna!" I exclaimed when I got over to my best friend. Hanna was an inch shorter than me, making her five foot even. Her dark brown hair was in a messy bun and her brown eyes lit up in excitement when her eyes connected with the bright blue of mine.

"Oh my gosh, you actually made it! Come on, our other roommate is waiting in the car." Hanna hugged me. "God it's so good to see you in person!"

We both walked outside the airport to Hanna's black Prius. I put my luggage in the trunk and placed the dog carrier on the ground before opening it. A large Tamaskan stepped out of the carrier and stood on his back paws to place the front ones on my shoulders. I let him stay there for a bit before making him get down and opened the driver side door and letting my dog in.

There was a girl around Hanna and I's age in the front seat who turned to look at me and our other companion. "Is that a Tamaskan?"

"Yep! His name is Artemis and I'm Freya, nice to meet you!" I held my hand out to shake the girl's, a wide smile on my face.

"I'm Shona, nice to meet you too." She shook my hand as Hanna got in the car and began driving to our shared apartment. All three of us were going to the same university so we all decided to stay in the same place.

The three of us talked and got to know each other a lot better as we drove off to my new home.


"The past few weeks have been fantastic, Tom! I've gotten a job at the local bookstore. My classes are going great so far and I've made a few new friends. Me and Hanna get along super well, but Shona is a bit weary of me. But that's alright! I'm the new girl, it's normal." I sighed and sat down as I shifted the phone to my other ear. "I wish you would pick up, Tom. I'm very worried about you. I get that you're really busy and all but..." I bit my lip before continuing, "just text me alright? Let me know you're okay. Love you."

I hung up and put my head against the wall. My friend from across seas is still not answering me. Is he alright? Did something happen?

I shook my head to rid myself of those thoughts. After all, I have more important matters. Like the man I keep hearing.

I have to do this alone, Rose. If she is out there, I need to find her. I'll be back in a few days. I just need to be sure. No, I heard her. She said that one. Really? S'ppose I'll walk then.

What is this man and Rose talking about? Is this the same Rose from the last man?

I looked at my alarm clock and widened my eyes. I only had three minutes to get to class. I grabbed a blue crop top with roses on it, dark wash skinny jeans, my usual black boots and my grey cap before quickly shoving it all on. On the way out I grabbed my apartment keys, wallet, bookbag, flute and a black windbreaker.

I ran down the street to the building with my first class and hurriedly walked down the hallways to Astronomy 101. I made it just as the clock struck ten o'clock and walked to my seat, placing all of my stuff down.

"Alright, class," my eyes snapped up and I looked at the man standing at the front of the room. My blood ran cold immediately as I sat frozen in my seat. "I'm Doctor John Smith, I'll be your substitute until further notice."

Doctor Smith was quite handsome, although I hardly took notice. What I did notice was his voice. How it resonated not just in the classroom, but in my head as well. He's the new man I hear.

"Please say present when I call your name. Taylor Adams."


He listed off different names, each word making my heart race. I never thought the men were real people. But to meet one of them is astounding in itself.

"Freya Tate?"

I pulled my hand away from my lip piercing. A nervous habit of mine: playing with the small ring. I tried to speak but couldn't find it in myself to do so. I hardly speak in class anyway. I don't think I ever have unless it's to the professor after class ends.

"No Freya today?" Doctor Smith raised an eyebrow as he looked around the classroom. I lifted my hand tentatively, causing his eyes to snap to mine. "Why didn't you say anything when I called your name the first time?"

I still couldn't speak. Dammit! Think of something clever, Freya!

I began signing, but then quickly realized I didn't know British Sign. I continued anyways in hopes that he would know ASL.

'Lost my voice.'

He nodded. "Alright. So Freya Tate is here." He checked off my name and continued with the rest of the names. "Right, okay. I didn't really set up an agenda for today as I was called in last minute so talk amongst yourselves. You do have homework tonight. Create your own planet and give it a name." With that, all of the students began talking and I grabbed a piece of graphing paper to start my project. "Freya could I speak to you?"

I looked up at him and let out a small breath. Of course he would want to talk to me. I stood and walked up to his desk but he just stood and walked out of the room, wanting me to follow.

"Where are you from, Freya?"

The question caught me off guard, making me forget that I lied and said I lost my voice. "I'm from Pennsylvania. Why?"

A small smile with a hint of shock covered his face before he went neutral again. "I thought you lost your voice. Did you lie to me, Freya?"

Shit! Think of something!

"Oh, hey, um, look at that! My voice is back." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. Good job, Freya. Now he knows you lied.

Can you hear me?

"'Course I can. You're right in front of me, Doctor." I looked at him weirdly until realization came to me. He had said it under his breath so I shouldn't have heard. "Wait... could you tell me what's going on with me? Why I can hear all of these men? Including you?"

"We'll talk about that later. I just had to be sure that it is you."

"No! Sir, this has been going on all my life. I've had six different men in my head and I need to know why. Why is this happening? I've gone to so many different people, I've been trying to ignore it but all of these men... even you!... have said things that I dont think anyone should know. They've done things that no body would ever believe. The man before last-"

"Stop. Freya, just stop. Meet me in your professor's usual office during office hours. Back in class you go, Freya." Doctor Smith seemed bothered especially after the mention of that man so I decided that I should listen. Besides, he's the man with answers.

"Yes, sir." I nodded respectfully and placed my hand on the doorknob but pulled away quick when I got a small shock from it. "Weird... that didn't feel like your regular static electricity..." I mumbled to myself but walked back into the classroom anyways.

Doctor Smith followed me and sat at his desk while I went to mine. I grabbed my headphones and put them on, plugging it into my phone and blasting Shinedown. I pulled the hood on my windbreaker up and got to work on my homework.

I had my music down low enough to where I could hear if anyone called my name but high enough so I could still hear it. But I couldn't focus on anything. I kept looking down at my hand that touched the doorknob and noticed a small pattern on it. There were small squiggles that looked like drawings of gusts of wind.

I suddenly felt nauseous but figured it would pass. It was hardly anything yet. Just a small twinge. However, not long later my ears were ringing and I felt extremely lightheaded. I took off my jacket and hat, pulling my headphones out as well but it didn't help anything. I couldn't contain myself. I absolute had to get out of there.

I stood abruptly and ran out of the room, causing many eyes to follow me. I made it to the restroom and hurried into a stall before emptying my stomach. Even when I had nothing else, I was still dry heaving.

After a little while I stopped and reached up to flush the toilet. Something blue caught my eye however and I looked at my hand with a gasp. The beautiful swirls were glowing a light blue. As soon as I saw it, I heard a hissing noise.

"What the fu-" before I turned around, my vision went black and all I felt was pain in the back of my head.

The Doctor's POV

Freya had just run from my classroom, looking a little green. Everyone watched as she ran out, curious as to why she would do something so abrupt. From what I had heard, she was quiet and shy, never doing anything to catch the attention of others.

After the left, the students all began whispering about Freya. Trying to figure out what was going on. Some of their theories were downright ridiculous.

What the fu-.

What was that? My hearts began racing and my mind went a million miles per second. Is Freya okay? Did something happen to her?

"Taylor, would you do me a favor?" I asked, looking over at a female student.

"Of course, sir. What is it?"

"Could you go check on Freya?" I queried. Taylor looked a little put down but nodded and left to check on her fellow classmate.

I heard a scream not too long later and ran out of the room towards the bathrooms, finding Taylor looking pale in the hallway with her hands over her mouth. "What did you see? Taylor, what was it? What's in there?"

She looked up at me with terror in her eyes and just whispered one word that made my blood run cold. "Blood."

I ran into the bathroom and my stomach dropped. There was blood. A lot of it. I took my sonic screwdriver out of my pocket and scanned it, getting results I did not want.

Human blood. Alien DNA detected.

I ran back out and noticed the girl outside was missing. Just like Freya. My head started swimming and I began losing my balance so I placed my hand on the nearby lockers to keep myself steady, barely registering the shock that hit my skin. Freya has to be okay, she must be!

I ran out of the school towards the Powell Estate. I'll need Rose for this.

Freya's POV


My whole body hurt. It was a pain I had never felt before and it scared me. My eyes slowly opened and took a while to adjust. As looked around my surroundings, I noticed I was strapped down to a table in nothing but my bra and underwear. Talk about embarrassing...

Around the room were tools that looked like fancy scientific instruments. I think one was a scalpel, I cant be sure though.

"Freya Winona Tate. The Witch." A raspy voice said over an intercom.

"You've got the wrong girl, let me go." I whimpered, struggling against the restraints. I heard a gasp resonate in my mind, making me perk up a little.

"No, darling." The voice seemed to be in the same room as me now and all I could do was search with my eyes. I couldn't turn my head to look for the source of the voice so I could see them. "You're the Witch. Freya." A giant snake-like creature with beautiful green-yellow eyes appeared before me, making me gasp.

"Has anyone told you that you look like Kaa from the Jungle Book?" I asked, looking the snake's form up and down. She hissed and wrapped herself around me, producing arms from within her skin, making me cringe. "Gross. And I was just trying to give a compliment. Please back off of me, love. I know a few weaknesses on snakes."

"I'm not going anywhere, pretty." The snake showed her fangs, making me wince. They were deadly large. One bite and I'd bleed out. She reached over to the table next to me and grabbed a scalpel. "How about we skip to the fun part?"

"This isn't the fun part? Guess that means you dont like talking with me, then. And I thought we could be friends." I fake-pouted but then frowned in confusion. "Hold on, the Witch? Is that what you called me?"

The snake creature dug the scalpel into my shoulder, making me scream out in pain. "Fucking hell, Kaa!"

"My name is not Kaa! It is Krataria!" She dragged the scalpel down my arm, causing me to scream out and struggle even more against the restraints. She didn't stop until she reached my elbow.

She's in pain. It's unbearable, please help me find her! She's being tortured. Freya if you can hear me, tell me what's going on. What's happening? Be stealthy. Dont let them know you're talking to me.

"Krataria, please if its information you want, I'll try my best. Just please, please... stop slicing my arm open. Stop torturing me!" I screamed and cried, clenching my eyes shut.

She stopped for a moment and gave a devilish smile. She unwound herself from around me and slithered her way out, making me let out a sigh of relief.

"Doctor Smith?" I whispered as quiet as possible. "Can you hear me?"

Yes! Freya, are you alright? Of course not, they're torturing you. Just hold tight and describe them to me. Maybe I can track you.

"Sir... they're aliens. Alien snakes. Snakes from space." I whispered. "Krataria, I think she's the leader. She looks like a boa constrictor but HUGE." I gasped softly when i heard footsteps. "Someone's coming."

Just stay calm, I'll be there when i figure out where you are. Okay?

"Hello, Witchling." A man who looked human other than the fact that he had green skin. Three other green men followed him into the room, making me eye them each wearily.

"What do you want?" I growled out, glaring hard at them.

One of the men undid the strap holding my head down and choked me. "Behave, human." I nodded frantically as I gasped for air, tears in my eyes. "Lock the door, Sigg."

The man let go of me once the sound of the lock clicking into place reached our ears. They began untying me, starting with my legs and then my hands. Once I was free, I tried my best to fight them but one of them grabbed both of my hands in one of his.

"Let me go! Let me go, you green slimeballs!" I screamed, trying to kick at them all. My head was jerking back to hit the man holding me but I kept missing. One man with tattoos, the tallest and biggest of the group, rolled up his sleeves as he stepped towards me. "Don't hurt me, please! Please, I'm useless, why do you want to hurt me?"

The man began punching me, not answering my questions. Punch after punch, hit after hit. I was certain I would have some broken bones. I dont know when, but I collapsed on the ground at some point and all four men began beating me until I was a sobbing and broken mess of blood and tears. My head had banged against the floor plenty of times and my body had so many cuts and bruises.

One man picked me up by the throat and pushed me against the wall where I had a clear shot of the window. There I saw Alpha Centauri, my favorite two stars.

"A-Alpha Centauri..." I whispered, hoping Doctor Smith would hear me.

The man threw me into the other wall across from the one he had me pinned to, making my head pound.

I laid there, limp and unable to move. Everything hurt. My ears rang and I knew I wouldn't last much longer.

I heard a strange whooshing sound. A sound that gave me peace and sounded like the epitome of hope. In the corner of the torture room, a big blue police box randomly appeared. The door opened as the men's attention drew to the box and out walked a man with brown sticky-uppy hair, a brown pinstripe suit and white converse. I couldn't see him clearly though due to the tears blurring everything.

What I could tell is that he looked like Doctor Smith.

"Its the Doctor! Sound the alarm!" The big guy who hit me first commanded.

"You wonder," the man from the box began calmly as he walked forward, "why they call me the Oncoming Storm. You wonder why, dont you? You're going to find out. Rose, get Freya into the TARDIS."

A blond girl walked out of the box and walked straight up to me, making me cower in fear. "D-Dont hurt me, please! Where's Doctor Smith? Where is he?" I began shaking hard and my breathing came out in pants.

"Hey, it's alright. The Doctor is handling everything. I'm his friend." Rose smiled gently at me, holding her hand out to help me up. I gingerly placed my hand in hers and she tried her best to help me up without putting me through too much pain. She put one arm under mine and I limped along with her to the blue box.

"The Doctor will be here soon, Freya. Just stay calm-"

"Calm? Rose... I was abducted by gigantic snakes and beaten by scaley green men. Now I'm in a box that has a whole nother dimension inside of it and you want me to be calm?"

Freya, please. For me.

My shoulders sagged a little as I calmed down from his voice, which only confused me more. I decided to just blame it on the pain I'm in.

Tell Rose to take you to the Med-Bay. I'll meet you both there.

"Why? Where are you right now, sir?" I questioned. I placed my hand on my head, feeling a sticky substance. I suddenly became extremely light headed as I pulled my hand away and saw a lot of my blood on my hand.

That's when I dropped like a stone, my vision going black once again.

A Few Hours Later

Why cant I move? Why am I in so much pain? I tried to open my eyes but found it to be impossible.

"She'll be okay, won't she, Doctor?" A feminine voice asked.

"Of course. I know she will." I felt a sudden pressure on my hand like someone grabbed it. It was very comforting until my mind went hazy again.

Some time Later

Freya, can you hear me? I need to perform a psychic link with you, bring you back to me. To safety.

I felt a small comforting presence in my mind and suddenly I was in a dream.

There were doors everywhere, each one leading to an old memory of mine. I saw one door that was sort of rusted and had a keep out sign. I walked over to the door and tried to open it, but it took a lot of strength. When it opened just a peak, I saw why it was hard to move. This was a memory I had buried and never wanted to remember.

A few tears slipped out of my eyes but I couldn't move. I needed to get away, I couldn't watch! But no matter how hard I tried to move my feet, it wouldn't work.

I screamed and pulled hard at my hair as the buried memory continued. As it got to the worst part, the door was suddenly slammed shut and I suddenly found myself able to move.

I sniffled and my whole body was shaking as I turned around and saw that Doctor Smith was the man who shut the door for me.

"Its time to come back, Freya. Follow me." He held his hand out to me and I immediately took it. I would do anything to get out of here.

He led me through different hallways, most with a few good memories, a few with sad memories. Doctor Smith led me to a specific door and placed my hand on it.

"I'm cutting our link now. It will be hard, but I need you to open that door once I've disappeared. You can do this, Freya. I know you can." He gave me a light kiss on my forehead before disappearing completely.

I took a deep breath as I faced the door he wanted me to open. I twisted the doorknob but found that it was a heavier door than the last one.

Come on, Freya. Please.

I tried harder. Hearing Doctor Smith's voice made me want to come back. He made me want to wake from this horrid dream.

The door budged a little, making me smile. Hope. That's what I felt, hope!

I continued, grunting with the effort and the door budged more and more until it suddenly became loose and opened all the way.

The room was bright. I couldn't see anything, but if Doctor Smith needed me to come here, I'll do it.

Why am I trusting him?

Just as the thought came to mind, I ran into the room and saw everything disappear.

My eyes fluttered open slowly, taking their time to adjust to the light of the room I was in. I groaned a little as I was hit by a very, very bright light right above me.

"Freya?" A feminine voice called. I looked over and saw that it was none other than Rose. "Oh my God, you're awake! I have to go tell the Doctor!"

She ran out of the room so I took my time observing where I was. It looked like a futuristic hospital room with round things as decor around the room. The room hummed comfortingly, making me smile a little bit.

I suddenly heard something drop from far away and moments later, Doctor Smith ran in. He stopped at the doorway and looked at me, grinning a little.

"You're awake!" He came to my side immediately and gingerly took my casted hand. "How are you feeling?"

I tried to speak, but my throat was way too dry. I mimed drinking and he grabbed some water from a table nearby and placed it to my lips.

"Steady, now. It's been a few days." He murmured.

That made me choke on the water.

"A few days?" My voice was still raspy but at least I could speak. "I've been unconcious for a few days? Did anyone tell my roommates? Or the school? What about my job? I just got it, I cant-"

"Calm down, Freya. Its alright, just breathe." Doctor Smith comforted. "We're in a time machine. I'll get you back an hour after we left."

"An hour after... oh my God..." I felt nauseous and my head started swimming as I remembered all that had happened in the day. "Doctor Smith... I got abducted by giant snakes."

"Yes, glad you're keep up." He chuckles slightly. "Also, that's not my name. You can call me the Doctor."

"Well I guess you can call me Bugs Bunny cause what's up, Doc?" I giggled before becoming serious. "Sorry, I'm a bit loopy."

"That would be the pain medication. You're fine, Freya. But really, call me the Doctor. Not Doc or Doctor Smith." He smiled a little, making my heart flutter. I was now registering just how handsome this man was.

"You have a handsome smile," I grinned. "Very handsome smile, Doc." He rolled his eyes but I saw a slight shade of pink reach his cheeks, making me squeal in delight. "You're blushing!"

"I am not! Get some rest, Freya." He chuckled. "You need it."

"You just told me I was out cold for a few days. No way in hell am I going back to sleep. So you might as well tell me what all those people did to me. Was I experimented on?" I asked, trying my hardest to sit up.

The Doctor hesitated. He wasn't sure he should tell me, that much was obvious. "Look, you really need to rest. I didn't say sleep specifically, just relax."

"Doctor, what are you not telling me?" I asked softly, my voice breaking at the end.

He stood up and paced a little, running a hand through his hair. "I'll tell you in due time, I promise. Right now you need to recover."

"Cross your hearts?" I asked weakly, partially wondering if he had two hearts like the other men I've heard did.

"Cross them." He did the little crosses over his hearts and sat at the end of my bed. "What I will tell you right now is that you're going to be fine. They broke a few bones and you have bruises all over, but I have a cream somewhere around here to rid you of the bruises. From what I can tell, you'll try to push through the pain no matter how much it hurts so at least let me rid you of those nasty bruises."

"Then I can go home?" I asked hopefully. He nodded and I smiled, "okay but take me there about three hours after. That way it's more believable that I got all of these casts within just a few hours. Oh, what am I going to tell Hanna and Shona?"

"Someone hit you with their car?" He asked, trying to help me out a bit.

"I got mugged? Not far from the truth. My clothes are all missing." I suddenly blushed as I realized that the Doctor saw me in nothing but my under garments. "Oh God, I'm sorry you had to see all of... that."

He just chuckled and Rose came in with a kettle. "Brought some tea, figured you might want it."

"Oh. That's lovely, Rose, thank you! What kind is it?" I asked, giving her a toothy smile.

"Mint. It's the only kind that he allows in the TARDIS." She smiled, sitting in one of the chairs near me and pouring a cuppa.

"That's my favorite actually. Thank you so much. No chance I could get some ice, could I?" I asked as she handed me the cuppa.

She grabbed a small bowl on the tray she brought in and placed a few ice cubes in my tea, making me thank her.

"Would you like some, Doctor?" Rose asked as she poured herself some. The Doctor nodded and she made him some as well.

He placed his down on a table and rummaged through some of the cabinets, muttering to himself.

Where the ---- is it?

I cocked my head when I heard some words I had never heard before. "What was that, Doc?"

He looked over at me like I was crazy and then realization dawned on him. "Ah, well, you see, I, um, I cursed. In Gallifreyan. Forgot you could hear me for a moment, sorry."

"Hmm..." I repeated the word he had said and he immediately clapped his hand on my mouth.

"Nasty curse, Freya. Dont say it."

"But you did!" I whined, but it just came out muffled.

He chuckled and continued rummaging until he finally found what he was looking for.

"There we are!" He turned back towards me with a goofy grin on his face. "This is the cream I told you about. It's from one of the plants on the planet Poypeki. I'll give you a small tube to take home with you in case they don't all go away, although they certainly should." He handed me a small tube while he held a large tub of the green cream. "Do you want me or Rose to rub it on?"

For some reason, I didn't even hesitate with my answer. "You. Please." My cheeks burned with a blush and I looked down at my hands shyly. His eyes melted as he looked down at me and he nodded.

"Of course. Rose?" He looked up at her expectantly.

"I'll be right outside." Rose smiled at me and stepped out, shutting the door behind her gently. Being around the same Rose that the man in front of me talked about continuously kind of made me feel awkward, especially since I was seeing why he liked her so much. Am I jealous? Can't be.

"Freya?" My crystal blue eyes met the chocolate brown orbs of the Doctor's, "I'm going to need to lift your shirt. Are you alright with that?"

Maybe that means he would see more of me than he ever saw Rose. I nodded infinitesimally and let my fingers trail over the edge of the shirt I was wearing. It wasn't anything I would ever wear willingly. It was skin tight and at that point I hated my body more than anything.

I lifted the shirt but kept it over my breasts once I realized I didn't have a bra on. He dipped his fingers into the creamy substance and reached out toward a nasty bruise on my stomach next to my tattoo. As he applied the cream to the bruise, he looked at the tattoo in curiosity.

"For my grandmother," I said with a sad smile, "she's not biological but she may as well be. Her favorite flower was the strongylodon macrobotrys, or Jade Vine. She also loved the planets, especially Jupiter so I had to get the two in memorabilia." I traced the heart shape of the Jade Vines around Jupiter and let out a small chuckle. "That woman, Gods she was crazy. But she was everything to me, and I'm just as crazy when I want to be."

"She sounds like she was a wonderful woman," The Doctor smiled, the sincerity of his words showing in his eyes as well. His fingers traced to another bruise as he applied more of the green cream. I let out a small hiss in pain as his fingers pressed down into it. "Sorry, sorry. I need to apply a bit of pressure for it to soak in."

"I know, I know. Just hurts a little bit, Doc." He rolled his eyes at the nickname but continued nursing my wounds. 

After a few minutes, he had gotten all of the spots on my torso and I could finally put my shirt back down, which I did as quick as possible. "Who's shirt is this?"

"It's Rose's. You're both around the same size so I asked her if you could borrow her clothes." He stated.

"Ah. Okay, well..." I cleared my throat and averted my eyes from his. "Do you have any hoodies? I don't really like skin-tight shirts... If not that's fine."

"I'll find something. The TARDIS should have some somewhere." He gave me a warm smile before moving to leave the room until I stopped him.

"Um, Doc... why can I hear you?" I asked, still needing answers.

He sighed and turned to look at me. "I know you want answers, but I can't tell you. Not yet anyway. This is something that takes time." With that, he turned on his heal and left without room for argument.

Rose walked in after he left and gave me a smile. "So do you think you'd travel with us?"

I froze as I thought about it. I mean, I would love to. But I wouldn't want to intrude and I don't think it's up to Rose if I travel with her and the Doctor or not. "I'm not sure."

Her smile drops a little but she seems to also understand. "Okay, well my mum probably wants an update on the 'poor weak lamb' as she put it. She only saw you for a few moments but she already wants to take you under her wing."

"Really? I don't know if you're the same Rose but... There was a girl named Rose who travelled with one of the men I..." I bit my lip, unsure if she knew about me hearing the men. I figured I'd say it anyways though and see if she knew anything. "I hear often. Her mother, Jackie, bitch slapped the hell out of him. Are you the same Rose?"

"The very same!" She laughed out, her eyes crinkling as she tried to control her giggles. "You should've seen his face when she slapped him!"

"Wait... You knew the other man... do you know why I can hear them?" I asked, sitting up quickly. "I need to know, Rose. I've been dying to kn-"

"Rose knows not to tell you until I deem it the right time." The Doctor entered the room. "You're going to have to trust us, Freya."

"I don't know you though. That's the problem. How can I trust two strangers?"

"You're going to have to. I'm sorry."

"Fine. Take me home now, please." I crossed my arms with a sassy eyebrow raised. 

"You don't want to travel with me and Rose?" He asked, his face falling a bit.

"I'd love to Doc. But I have a dog that needs me. And I need him. He's my service dog." I shrugged to my best ability. "I'll see you in class tomorrow and then maybe you could ask me again. If you consider my dog too."

He nodded and took my hand to help me stand up and helped me into a wheelchair since my leg was broken. "You're so sure that I'll be subbing again."

"Well, you magically appeared as my substitute. I don't think that was a coincidence, do you?" I had a small smile on my face. "My class is last of the day tomorrow. I'll see you then, sir." With that, the three of us walked - or rather they walked and the Doctor pushed me - out of the room while I looked around in amazement. "Wow this place is huge..." Memories came swimming back to me and I widened my eyes. "Holy shit, it's smaller on the outside."

The Doctor groaned, "it's bigger on the inside." He shook his head. "Freya Winona Tate, what am I to do with you?" He led us to the console room while Rose giggled a little.

"How do you fly this thing?" I asked, peering at all of the buttons and levers. "Can't be that hard to teach someone. Unless it's isomorphic. Then that could be a problem. Hey what's this red button do?" I pointed towards a glowing red button and the Doctor immediately slapped my hand away from it.

"Don't touch it."

"But what's it do?"

"Nothing, just don't touch it."

"Why would you have a button that doesn't do anything?"

"It does do something."

"Well what's it do?"

"Nothing you need to worry about!"

"But I'm curious, even if I won't understand it!"

"I don't know!" He sighed exasperated.

Rose laughed, causing me to turn towards her. "Sorry, sorry. That's just the first time he hasn't known anything."

"Hmm what about this button?" I asked pointing to a magenta colored button.

The Doctor sighed and just hit a bunch of buttons and random things I tried to understand. I watched him very carefully and memorized every movement he made. The TARDIS began shaking and I grabbed onto the console as I continued to watch this magnificent mad man.

Once the shaking stopped I grinned. "Easy enough, can I try?" I asked as the Doctor bounded up to the doors.

"Try what?"

"Flying. You just hit the little doodiggy here, flip the green thing here, type coordinates there, pull the third pulley from the left and ding dong you've made it! Easy enough. Why are there so many more controls then? Is there something that stabilizes her and you just don't know it?" I asked as I wheeled around the console.

"Freya... I'll let you try one day, but you need to get home and rest. Rose, I'm walking her to the door." The Doctor stated as he rubbed my shoulder comfortingly. I gasped as I felt some sort of weird feeling wash over me as soon as he touched me. It was calm but also chaotic, like the eye of the storm. I didn't feel it that long since the Doctor let go of me but I wanted to feel it again to try to understand.

The Doctor pushed my wheelchair outside and took us around a corner. I smiled when I saw my home. Artemis was sitting on the porch wagging his tail as he waited for me. "Artemis! Come here, boy!" The large Tamaskan stood up and ran over to me, rubbing his face against my hands to get me to pet him. "Doc, this is Artemis, my service dog."

"Can I pet him?" The Doctor asked, crouching down to Artemis's level. I gave a nod of approval and he reached his hand out for Artemis to sniff. After a moment he licked the Doctor's hand so he began petting him. "Aren't you a good boy? Yes you are!" 

I smiled at the way the Doctor spoke to Artemis and looked up when I heard the door to my home close shut. Hanna was standing on the porch with worry on her face as she walked up to us.

"God, Freya, what happened? You look like you were mauled by a bear! And whose clothes are those?" She asked, checking me all over.

"I - uh -" I couldn't think of a clever excuse, but thankfully the Doctor saved my neck.

"A student accidentally hit her in the parking lot. I took her to the hospital and she's fine. She has a few broken bones and cracked ribs but nothing too major. Here is the medication she needs to take. Instructions are on the side. She can still go to her classes but needs to limit her mobility until she feels better." The Doctor lied smoothly. I silently commended him for his quick thinking as Hanna continued checking me over.

"Oh that could have been so much worse! I'm glad you're okay, Freya! Come on, let's get you to bed. Is there anything you need?"

"No, I'm fine." I smiled and looked over to the Doctor. "Thank you for everything, sir. I'll see you in class tomorrow."

"Have a good evening, Miss Tate." He walked back around the corner where the TARDIS was and Hanna raised an eyebrow at me.


"That was Mr. Smith! The hot substitute for your astronomy class! He took you to the hospital?" She asked, helping me up to the house.

"He was just being nice. I got hurt and he saw me. I'm getting tired, Hanna, can I go to bed?"

"Let me make you some soup first. Oh, and you should call your work! They were worried when you didn't show up." She stated as she brought me into our house. She went into the kitchen as I took my phone out of my pocket and called the bookshop.

By the time I had finished the call, Hanna had finished making soup for me. I really appreciated her concern for me, although it is in the wrong place... I wish I could have told her the truth but she never would have believed me.

After I finished the delicious bowl of soup, I decided to head to bed, knowing that the Doctor would be in my dreams that night.


Kind of a crappy ending... but we worked on this chapter for two months. It's time to end it. We will update weekly on Thursday's! Ciao!

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