Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~...

By Namifangurl07

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She was happiness. She was joy. A charming little girl with who would always see the positive side of things... More

The main Cast of the Story (Yours truly)
CH1 - Changing minds
CH2 - Hope in the impossible
CH3 - Like brother like sister
CH4 - Between the flames and the light
CH5 - A chance to become someone
CH6 - The First Case
CH7 - The three Yokai
CH8 - Reunited again. . .
CH9 - A Son's motivation
CH11 - Meeting the Master
CH12 - Fighting in the darkness
CH13 - Brains and Sheer Dumb Luck
CH14 - Rise or Fall
CH15 - The Spirit Detective Strikes Again
CH16 - Where the adventure begins
πŸ–πŸŽ¨ Drawings πŸŽ¨πŸ–
CH17 - Into The Maze Castle
CH18 - Genbu the Stone Beast
CH19 - Byakko the White Tiger
CH20 - Inside The Room of Hell
CH21 - The Second Round
CH22 - The Cold-hearted Warrior
CH23 - No time to waste
CH24 - The beginning of the real fight
CH25 - What's important. . .?
CH26 - The end of all this
CH27 - Back home with confusion
CH28 - The Second Wave of All
CH29 - The Nightmare Case
CH30 - Here we go again
CH31 - Into the Unknown
CH32 - Under the Water
CH33 - Battle between emotions
CH34 - The Scarves From the Past
CH35 - A Rocky Situation
CH36 - Like Water and Fire
CH37- Difficulties and more conflicts
CH38 - Final Decisions
CH39 - It's combat time
CH40 - The moment of truth
CH41 - The Flame within ourselves - Part 1
CH41 - The Flame within ourselves - Part 2
CH42 - The skeleton in the closet.
CH43 - A Heart to Heart
CH44 - Getting into a little situation
CH45 - Miyuki's conclusion
CH46 - Blind Love
CH47 - Opening Up
CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 1
CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 2
CH49 - Start of Something New - Part 1
CH49 - Start of Something New - Part2
CH50 - Weird Days Happens
CH51 - Lamenting Beauty
CH52 - Freaks in our way
CH53 - With Small Steps Forward
CH54 - The Demon Triad
CH55 - The Toguro Brothers
CH56 - One Last Mission
Last Page - Author Note

CH10 - Eye to Eye

628 25 18
By Namifangurl07

In the middle of the full moon, a figure was standing on a rooftop. Two of his eyes were closed but he was still able to see everything that happened, thanks to his third eye, the Jagan.

'Their mistakes were simple ones.' He thought out loud. 'Gouki's was overconfidence, and Kurama's sympathy for his human prey.'

Under his black cloak, he pulled out a sword that shined under the faith moonlight.

'I certainly won't make the same mistakes.' Said the demon as the sword's blade reflected his determined expression. 'My plan is too good for that.' His crimson orbs then looked up above the crystal clean blade.

'It's better this way.' Hiei thought. 'The other two wouldn't have the courage to use the weapons as they intended. I will. But first. . .'

He then jumped up into the mid-air and strikes with his sword.

'I'll kill Yusuke and Miyuki Urameshi!'

With his new mission as his last words, he vanished without a trace.

The next morning both Spirit Detectives and Botan were on the school's rooftop in the early morning. Yusuke was leaning against the fence while the girls were sitting on top of the entrance, but not next to each other.

"I'm still having nightmares about that Gouki guy and most nights I don't even dream." Yusuke said as he was rubbing his cheek where now the injury is completely gone. "I got to say though, your hand thing really worked. Without that trick, I'd be limping around for six more months."

"They're just basic healing powers." Botan explained it like it was nothing. "All the good Spirit Detectives assistance have them."

"Hn, and do all assistance like to wear school uniforms too?" Miyuki asked as she turned the page to the next chapter. "Or you just like the little naïve girl look?"

"Though I'd fit the part if I'm going to follow you two around school all day." Botan smiled as she began playing with the collar of her uniform. "Isn't it adorable?" Miyuki cringed mentally at that ridiculous statement.

"Whatever you say." Yusuke mumbled not really caring about it.

"Oh, I almost forgot." The blue-haired girl jumped down to Yusuke's level.

"What?" Asked the teen boy while his sister turned to their direction.

"About Kurama. His case was reviewed by the punishment board and with Miyuki's witness and report, Koenma has decided to release him on good behaviour."

"That's great." Yusuke said with happiness in his tone while Miyuki nodded her head, hiding that relieved smile behind the open book.

"All we got to do now is get back that last treasure, and we still got three days from that monster guy. " Said the brother figure. "What's his name again?"

"Hiei." Answered Miyuki earning the other's attention. "And by the looks of things, he is going to be a bit of a challenge."

"Miyuki is correct." Botan agreed with concern in her pinkish eyes. "He's the toughest one by far. Both cunning and ruthless, he'll do anything to get what he wants."

At that, Miyuki thought for a second.

'Not just that.' She thought out loud. 'The last time I saw him he was quite a fighter. Incredible speed and the way he uses the Shadow Sword, he probably trained swordsmanship on an extended level. But his spirit energy, however, is a different story. . . ' As she analysed the enemy the door under her feet slam opened. The black-haired girl looked down with her chocolate brown eyes and looking at her brunette friend Keiko who was looking for Yusuke. With quick thinking, Botan hid behind Yusuke.

"There you are Yusuke!" Keiko scolded. "Mr. Takanaka is looking for you. You're the only one in class who hasn't turned in their book report." Yusuke rolled his eyes at that.

"Gee, that makes sense, cause Miyuki, and I are the only ones fighting evil." Yusuke whined making his sister sigh before shutting the book close.

"Hard to balance school and work, huh?" Botan poked her head out making Keiko look at the new girl a little puzzled.

"Huh?" The brunette hummed making the Urameshi girl mentally facepalm.

"Do you mind?" Yusuke asked now feeling that nervous sweat dripping down his forehead. He was in big trouble now, thanks to his 'helpful' assistance.

"No, not really." Botan laughed before going over Keiko and grab both of her hands into her own pair one.

"Ms. Keiko it's so nice to meet you in my own body." Botan began without even realizing her own words that just left through her lips. "I just want to say how great of a person you are. When I saw you and Miyuki running through those flames to save Yusuke I just about melted in my shoes."

A small sweat drop rolled down on Miyuki's forehead as her orbs narrowed into a size of a button while her lips were pursed strongly against each other. Yusuke was silently listening in the background while trying his best not to freak out on the outside.

"D-do I know you?" Keiko asked more confused than ever.

"I hope you don't mind me speaking through your mother but with his spirit energy-." Botan was cut off when a book was suddenly hit the top of her head hard. Botan yelped in pain as Miyuki got down and picked up her book.

"What was that for?" The blue-haired girl asked, pretty hurt by the fact that Miyuki was the one that hit her on purpose.

"Oops, my apologize my hand must have slipped." Miyuki replied sarcastically before grabbing onto Botan's wrist and drag her away.

"Sorry about that Keiko." Said the Spirit detective before turning to her brother. "I'll see you two in class." And with that, she and the assistance left and went into the girl's bathroom.


"Why would you hit me on the head?" Botan asked me as I finally let go of her. She looked upset but I had no regret in my actions what so ever.

"Idiot." I said a little harshly. "Just a reminder that Keiko doesn't know anything about the Spirit World." At that Botan finally realized her mistake and began blushing a little in embarrassment.

"Ooh-uhh. . .. Whoopsie. My bad, I guess." She said as she began to scratch the back of her head nervously. I just shook my head as my fingers pinched the bridge of my nose.

"That's right I almost forgot about something. " My silly blue-haired girl exclaimed as she suddenly pulled out . . . a scroll?

"What's that?" I asked her, my eyebrow-raising up to the ceiling.

"Koenma gave me this to give it to you." The girl explained it to me. "I know you hate being left behind when it comes to missions like these and seeing your hard work and compassion towards others I thought maybe I would ask him if he has something new, and here it is. A scroll that can improve your skills in water bending."

"You. . . You did that for me?" I asked a little shocked as I took the scroll away from her and rolled it out.

"Well, of course, you are a Spirit Detective after all and a part of our team." My blue-haired friend said with a smile. Friend. . . The thought made me feel a little bit fuzzy inside just like yesterday when I was with Shuichi. But I shook my head at it and snap myself out of the mushy stuff.

"So, what are these for?" I asked Botan again as I looked at each person on the scroll who was doing some sort of dance and hand gestures while a blue like something was floating around them. 

"This is a Water bending scroll to teach you different movements and tricks." Botan explained it to me, making me look at her with disbelief. "Most moves are for combat of course and there are a few for defence."

I looked at the animated instructions again, but now with a small hint of. . . Excitement. Finally, I have some use of myself.

But then my mood suddenly dropped to the mud as haunting memories began to flash before my eyes. The bullying . . . and Sanyu. . .

"Don't get too excited though, since you are doing this for the first time in decades you should take it easy." Botan warned me. "For the first use, you will be able to move it, but once your powers grow you will be able to manipulate it completely, like freezing the water and ect." She continued on. I nodded my head as I took one last glance at the open scroll before rolling it back.

"I'll see you later after school, okay?" Botan told me before leaving through the door along with me. "Have a good day!" And with that, she left on her paddle. I just hummed unamused before leaving for my class which was History. Needless to say, it was boring. My hand wrote down the notes from the board like a printer, but while doing that, however, I couldn't help myself but let my mind slip and remind myself about the scroll I just got. I looked at the bag at my feet and sure enough, the scroll was sticking out. Without caring about the teacher, I just reached for it. My hands suddenly stopped when I had this strange gut feeling again, but it was more like a red flag. Like someone is watching me. My orbs flickered around every direction, but I had seen nothing nor sensed anyone within my reach.

I sighed and just grabbed the scroll anyway and began to study that. This whole Spirit Detective job must have caused me paranoia.

Lunch break came and I went up to the rooftop with my food and bottle of water. I didn't see my brother anywhere which was odd, but he probably just went to eat somewhere else or probably talk to Keiko. Well, I began to eat my food in peace. After that, I took a small sip from my water, but after one swallow an idea struck me. I pulled the bottle away from my lips and look at the liquid inside.

Hmmm, why not give it a shot. No one is going to look for me anyways.

I placed the bottle down then stood up on my feet. My body positioned into the first stance the scroll had shown. I took a deep breath and began to concentrate on the fluid inside the plastic bottle.

"Focus your energy into the water." I whispered quietly for myself. My right hand began to elegantly move and so did the other one. My left leg began to slide forward, touching my right heel as my right hand was now high up in the air while my eyes were fixated onto the water.

However, nothing happened. It didn't even budge. Well, looks like it will take a while to get used to it again.

What am I missing?

I went back to the very first posture my stare never leaving the open drink.

Think Miyuki, think. What is your first thing that comes to your mind when you think of water? River. Ponds. Waterfall. . . no. . .

Then it hit me.

Nature and the flow of the water. Ugh, this sounds something that monks would say, but I guess this will have to do.

Water is already a part of the human body. If I maybe think of the energy inside the water. . . . not just with my eyes.

Another deep breath later I positioned myself again but this time I would also try to first let that spiritual energy flow through me, like water.

Focus Miyuki.


My hands began to move again like the waves of the sea. My upper body began to also copy the same elegant moves. As I followed the movements from the scroll with a whole new understanding, I began to feel something within me flow, and before I realize what was happening, I finally saw it.
A small gasp escaped as I couldn't believe it with my own eyes. The water was floating in front of me in the shape of a morphing ball. I did it-.

"HEY MIYUKI!" The loud call scared me and without any thinking, I attacked the person with my new ability.

"Watch it!" My brother cried out as he was soaking in my water.

"Hn." I angrily hummed as I began to gather my belongings. "Next time you decide to be stupid please spare me from it. I'm not in the mood." I hear my brother cursing nonsense under his breath but he eventually stops.

"Anyways, I had been looking all over for you because Keiko nagged me to get you before class." Yusuke explained it to me. I just sigh and nod my head before going to the door. "Also, do you still have some food. I ate mine earlier and now I am starving." My eyes twitched at his question making me turn to him sternly. Is he for real?

I need that other half to eat it later on.

"Not my problem." I huffed at him before walking away, however after two steps later my brother jumped in front of me and give me the puppy eyes.

"Please, little sis." He pleaded like a little child would when they want some candies. Needless to say, it was unbearable to see and really uncomfortable. I scoffed before grabbing my lunch box and handed it to him.

"Tell this to anyone and I won't hesitate to kill you myself." I threatened before leaving him, but I was once stopped when my brother captured me with a headlock like hug, putting his face right next to mine.

"Thank you, little sis!" He thanked me with that stupid grin on his face while I was grumbling like an old lady.

"Hn, whatever." I replied before escaping from his embrace and finally got away so I won't miss my class. 

School had ended and by now most of the students left the building. Learned nothing new from today's lessons, but at least I managed to somewhat learn a few water bending tricks during my breaks.

Once the last lesson was over I went to my locker and exchanged my school stuff to my sports bag which contained my weapons. That's right I am now carrying my kunais here too, just in case if Hiei is about to attack. Good thing I managed to save them long with the other things from the fire.

After changing from school uniform to my street clothing I made my way to the gates. But as soon as I took one step out of the building's door an uncomfortable shiver rand down my spine like someone just threw a bucket of ice-cold water right on me. I looked around but saw no one.

"MIYUKI!" Someone shouted at me from behind. I turned around to see my brother running towards me. "Hiei is nearby! We have to hurry." He informed me. Within a heartbeat, I was running along with my brother. On our way to our next opponent's direction, Botan was also catching up to us.

"I think my compass went stupid." Yusuke said as he turned to me and Botan. "No matter how far we run it says one mile."

"Hiei is using his spirit energy to send out a moving signal for you two to follow. " Botan explained it to us. "I say he is leading you to his hide out."

"That's cute." Yusuke commented while I mentally rolled my eyes at the idiot.

"No, it's not." Botan disagreed. "He told me terrible things through telepathy. He has kidnapped Keiko and he won't give her back unless you two bring him the other artifacts." Now that made us both stumble on our feet before turning to Botan with shock.

"He what?!?" Yusuke shouted.

We arrived at the port where all the ships were and the many containers that are filled with many items to deliver through the sea. All three of us arrived at one of those buildings. Yusuke pushed the doors open, letting me and Botan in. My hand reached inside my bag, prepare myself ready to use my weapons.

"Get out here Hiei, I'm going to kick your ass!" Yusuke shouted angrily while I was frantically looking around, trying to somehow detect the demon. The door behind us closed shut. We looked ahead and saw a lot of people surrounding us. I rose an eyebrow at their dazed like eyes.

"Who the hell are they?" My brother asked.

"Physically they are normal humans, but it looks like Hiei is controlling their minds." Botan informed us. Makes total sense, I guess. The big question is where is Hiei?

"What?" My brother asked a little shocked.

"The records department doesn't know about this." The blue-haired girl continued on. "For him to control so many humans, he must possess the Jagan."

"Jagan?" I asked curiously.

"Well done." A new voice said before it started to chuckle evilly. I turned to see the criminal himself, but he didn't wear a headband this time. Instead, there was a third eye. "I used my power to round them up this morning." Hiei started as the third artifact in his hands was shining. "They won't do much good against you, but they do make excellent scenery."

"That's some pimple." Yusuke commented.

"That's the Jagan, isn't it?" I asked Botan who I saw nodding from the corner of my right eye.

"Yes, the third eye for the spirit." She confirmed it.

"A normal human would have succumbed to its power, but I see the geniuses in the Spirit World had found a nice pick. Not to mention two." Hiei took a glance at me with a smirk while I returned it with a calm yet cold glare. "That's why I've brought insurance." That's when two men walked in, holding an unconscious Keiko between them.

"Keiko!" Yusuke shouted worriedly while I was staring at the demon guy.

"What do you plan with her?" I asked calmly, but my eyes held fury since he dared to bring one of my closest friends into this mess.

"Nothing more if you two have brought me the weapons." Hiei replied still grinning, which made me feel pissed. I look at my brother and sure enough, he has the two artifacts.

"Oh good boy, both the Orb of Baast and the precious Forlorn Hope, you may have her." The men let go of Keiko who fell to the floor like a tree trunk.

"Keiko!" Yusuke yelled as we all rushed over. As soon as I got to my friend I felt something odd that was coming out of her body.

Something isn't right. This seems way to easy.

He must have done something to her.

I turned to Hiei who was holding the other two artifacts we had collected in the past few days. I then looked to the side, where a few feet away I had spotted one blue plastic barrel with one word written on it.

Water. Perfect.


"So maybe my plan had a few setbacks, but the end result was the same." Hiei laughed evilly while Miyuki took one last glance at him and her brother and friends before making this moment her cue to sneaks away to the water barrel. "All the ancient artifacts of darkness are in my control and those fools in charge will soon be bowing at my feet."

"You should really stop bragging." Yusuke said making Hiei turn to the Spirit
Detective with a small growl.

"It will make it just more embarrassing for you." The Spirit Detective continued on now feeling his confidence coming back while his worries slightly ceased. "Now that we got Keiko, I am gonna rip out your teeth."

Hiei let out a small laugh at the human's words. "Try, I'll give you a head start." He taunted the teen boy.

Meanwhile, Miyuki was unscrewing the small top of one of the barrels.

"You know, that cocky laughter is really starting to piss me off!" Yusuke shouted before running up to the demon with full speed, readying a punch on his way. Unfortunately, it missed its target which disappeared within a blink of an eye.

"He vanished." Yusuke exclaimed as a presence behind him made him turn around.

"I'm still here." Hiei said, his cocky grin never leaving his face. "I only stepped gently to the side. Was that a real hit?" The demon then disappeared again, but soon reappeared on top of another huge wooden crate. "I was under the impression that was a joke, but wait, you're not amused."

'He is fast ' Yusuke thought as the worry began to take over him once more.

"And as for Keiko. . ." Hiei trailed off earning both Urameshi siblings' attention.

"What?" Yusuke shouted while his sister finished opening up the last water container.

"Do you really think I would relinquish my hostage without a reward?" Hiei asked with a smirk. "Look at her closely Yusuke, you'll see that she is still mine."

"You're lying!" Yusuke shouted as he ran back to Keiko while Miyuki was hiding behind the very wooden box Hiei is standing on. Back with Yusuke, he and Botan looked at Keiko closely. That's when they finally noticed the cut in the middle of her forehead.

"Am I?" Hiei asked as he watched the two's reaction.

"What is that thing?" Miyuki heard his brother asking the question. After those words left his mouth the cut began to slowly open up like it was an eye that is similar to Hiei's.

"I don't understand. How?" Yusuke now began to panic while Botan gasped a little.

"You may have her body, but her future is mine." Hiei began explaining. "You see I struck her with the Shadow sword."

'You son of a bitch.' Miyuki growled to herself as she looked up at the demon now with the burning desire to fight with him.

"And once that Jagan eye opens up completely, she becomes a demon." Hiei the gestured to Keiko with one hand. "Not a very smart one I'm afraid, but perfect for a slave."

Yusuke began to reach for it but his assistant pushed him away.

"Move!" She cried out as she used her healing abilities to prevent the third eye to open up. "I'm trying to keep it from opening, you go and punch his brains out!"

"Yes, you better punch them out quickly if you care about your assistant." Hiei taunted as his smirk grew bigger. "I can feel her precious energy draining fast. Pity."

Miyuki backed away a little to see her path that could lead up to her enemy.

"Her poor little body is giving everything it has." The fire demon continued on. "Soon you'll have a girlfriend who is a demon and an assistant who's dead."

"Is that true?" Yusuke asked now shocked.

"Don't worry about me." Botan tried to reassure the boy as she was winching in pain. "I'll stop it as long as I can. "

"Botan!" Yusuke murmured as he looked at his assistant then at Keiko. Hiei laughed at the boy's helplessness, something that made Yusuke enraged.

"Oh, that's it!" Yusuke exclaimed as he faced the demon and sent daggers with his eyes.

"I'm glad you're so enthused." Hiei laughed as he pulled out the Shadow sword. "The game will be more exciting that way. "

"What game?" Yusuke asked angrily and impatiently.

"The hilt of this sword is hollow and inside is the only antidote to stop the sword's effect." Hiei lifted up the weapon. "You get the sword, the girl will live fun right?" Yusuke growled at the demon's attitude.

"Too bad that sister of yours had run away." Hiei commented. "I must have scared her enough to make her choose the cowards way out of this."

"THINK AGAIN BITCH!" A voice shouted behind the demon. He gasped as he turned to face the person, but by the time he managed to do so, a fist made contact with his left cheek and sent him flying backward. With a quick flip in the mid-air, he was kneeling down on top of another crate.


"Miyuki!" Yusuke called me but my gaze was fixated at the demon in front of me.

"I'll take care of it from here brother." I informed him. "You watch over Keiko." I didn't hear him say another word after that, but he didn't protest about my decision either which means he trusts me on this.

"What happened Spirit Detective? Change of heart?" Hiei asked me as he got up on his feet.

"Can't let a punk like you get away with a crime like this now can I?" I asked him in a deadpan. "Hurt my friends and you're dead meat." Three-Eye scoffed at me.

"Now I see." Said my enemy with a snarl on his face. "You're a fighter on your own, but when your friends are in trouble your strength increases greatly." I feel my eye twitched with annoyance because too much ranting is so time-wasting and irritating. Especially when we are supposed to fight. " For a human, you've got some fire in your eyes. Something that most warrior spirits possess. Someone who is determined and would never give up." The demon continued on. "I hate people like you."

For some reason, I felt a small pang in my chest like, this somewhat bothered me. But I shook it off because there is not the time for pitiful emotions.

"And yes little girl, I'll admit you surprised me, but like a true amateur you failed to take advantage of the situation you didn't get back the sword." Hiei kept on yapping and I was already annoyed. I took out my kunais and threw it at the demon before he had the chance to speak up again. Sadly, he dodged them all in time, he even hit one away with the sword, but one almost got him in the head. He managed to dodge it. Barely. It left a small cut on his right cheek.

"Love to play rough, I see." Hiei growled making me feel a little bit proud that I hit a nerve.

"Is this some talk show or what? Or are you done fighting already?" I taunted him as the edge of my lip curled up a little.

"Not quite." Hiei glared before his Jagan turned red then disappearing again. I feel my eyes go wide for a second. Damn with his speed. His laughter echoed through the entire place while his figure kept flashing like the camera's flash.

"Can you keep up?" Hiei provoked me. "Human eyes are so slow." Taking a deep breath, I closed for a second and began to block out his useless words.

I can sense his presence near me. Behind. Typical tactic.

I turned my body around then lifted up my right leg and kick Hiei in the face, sending him right through a wooden box. I walked over to see how he is holding up.

"Now you're dead!" I hear him shout but I just look at him dead in the eye.

"Hn." I hummed out loud. "Hopefully my kick made your brain feels as good as new, seeing that you've never used it yet." The comeback made the three-eyed demon glare up at me.

"Women usually like it when they get compliments." He told me before doing something that I least expected. As soon as he got back on his feet, his cloak fell off of him, revealing his naked upper body exposed. "Consider this as one of those. I've never transformed for a human." Now that got my attention.

Oh no, this is like the situation with Gouki all over again. If I don't use my water bending now, I am probably boned, but I also can't risk a single drop to go in waste.

Botan's yelp brought me back to reality. I turn to her to see her struggle to keep Keiko's eye from opening, but this time she was using more energy and even cuts began to appear on her left hand.

"She's in trouble." Yusuke exclaimed. I don't have much time left, I need to set my plan into motion now. Hiei laughed, making me turn to him to see him in his demon form. His skin all green while eyes were covering all over his body. This is not good.

"Don't be alarmed, little girl. It's just me." He said with a devilish grin. "Now that I'm in my demon form, Keiko will join me very soon."

"Never!" I told him off as I sent another kunai towards his direction but he disappeared before it can even touch him. His presence was behind me again, but as I turned around to even lift a finger, I received a punch in the face. I fall off of the crate and my body began to bounce up and down on the solid floor.

"Miyuki!" I hear my brother cry out, but I shook my head, telling him somehow to not come any closer.

"Don't be upset though." Hiei said as he grabbed me by the neck and lifted me off of the ground. "I'll take you out of this world along with your precious brother long before you two ever have to see her."

I spit into his face without a second thought, then brought out another kunai knife to stab him. I hear him gasp a little, but then he disappeared from my attempt to attack and repapered to punch me in the stomach, making me lose my grasp on my weapon.

I cried out in pain, but then I was suddenly tied up with some kind of red spirit energy. Well this is just great.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" Hiei laughed maniacally at my reaction. I said no words, just sent a death glare.

"Oh, I see." Said the demon as he pretended to realized something. "Perhaps my Jagan Tie Curse needs to be tighter before you began to throw insults again." He brought his fists closer together. As he did that gesture the ties around me got even tighter, but I bit my tongue back. I feel my body going higher, but then out of nowhere I dropped and fell on the floor with a loud thud.

Darn it. Now my plan is going down the sewer.

"I have a great idea" Hiei suddenly said. "How about I give you a choice?" Asked the demon making me look up at him with a glare. Seeing that I refuse to talk he continued on while the Shadow Sword flew right into his grasp.

"I can end your life now or if you prefer, I'll make you into a demon." I still refused to answer. "What's that? Still not in a talking mood? Or wait, you want me to choose?" Hiei asked with excitement in his voice. I still didn't answer.

"Fine then!" With that, he charged at me. I closed my eyes as I was mentally prepared for the sharp weapon to come. I hear it went through something, but I felt completely nothing. I opened my eyes and saw. . .

"Kurama?!" Yusuke asked in a shout of disbelief as I watched my well-known redhead being stabbed on the side.

"Shuichi!" I cried out in panic.

"You really had gone insane!" Hiei cried out as he looked at his former ally. My redheaded friend said nothing and grasped onto the blade that stabbed him. He dragged it down hard, cutting his hand terribly and draw a good amount of blood out. Then suddenly he lifted that hand and threw his own blood right at Hiei's Jagan Eye. The demon cried out in agony as he tried to wipe the blood out of his third eye. While he was distracted the ties around my body faded away completely.

"I'm untied." I breathed out.

"The eyes on Hiei's body are merely for amplification." Shuichi grunted in pain making me turn to him with concern. "Without the Jagan exposed on his forehead, his powers are useless." His hold on the wound got tighter.

"Are you okay?" I asked him as I got to my feet with some difficulty.

"Fine." He replied with a small grin but his eyes clearly showed pain. "Only a minor hole in my stomach." He began to limp his way to my friends and brother.

"You idiot. . .You didn't have to do that. . ." I stated sternly, but I also felt guilty to let that even happen.

"I'm alive only because of you Phoenix." Shuichi replied using the nickname again he usually used when we were both little. "Please allow me to pay my debt." A small grunt escaped as he gritted his teeth. " You must handle Hiei. I will use my power to keep the girl from transforming."

"Shuichi. . ." I called softly. The redhead smiled and nodded reassuringly at me before moving on, leaving me with Hiei, alone. I took a glance at the direction where those plastic barrels are then turned to that bastard angrily.

"Traitor." I hear the demon say before regaining his Jagan eyes vision. I walked right in front of him and gave him a deadly glare.

"Haven't I told you this earlier?" I asked with fury in my voice. "Hurt my friends and I will personally kill you." He let out a battle cry and went for a punch but I managed to dodge this one and went for a kick. He dodged that of course and it kept on going. Dodging each other's attacks but at the same time, we were moving toward the area where I needed to be.

I accidentally turned my back on him. Big mistake. That's when he took his chance and began to punch me from different directions like a punching bag. I didn't even have the time to even react, his demon form was too fast.

"You see, it doesn't matter how strong you are if you can't hit me." Hiei stated before going for another punch. I raised my lower arms in front of my face for protection. I felt another wave of pain washing over me and soon I found myself on top of those water barrels. One even began to spill the water onto the floor.

I slowly got down on my feet again, I almost fall to my knee but I gathered all the strength that had left within me to not do that. I am not going to back down. I hear Hiei's laughter as he landed right in front of me.

"I'm surprised you are still standing." He said. "But don't worry. I'll fix that." He positioned himself into a fighting stance. I just let out a deep breath as the edge of my lips twitched upward.

"Well, easier to say it then done it." I replied to him as I wiped my mouth. Hiei just laughed at my face before going for another punch.

I raised my hands up fast and with one swift motion and as fast as lightning I punched his Jagan eye with my water blast.

"What the-?" Hiei cried out as he held his third eye in agony. Wasting no more time I stood on my ground and began to lift up the water in the air.

"My turn!" I told the demon darkly before waving my hands up and down, left or right controlling my large water whip that hit and sometimes scratched the eyes on Hiei's body which didn't make sense to me how, but I didn't question it and just kept attacking him. He let out a cry at my last hit, but just as I was about to whip him again with the water he disappeared and then kicked me in the back. I let out a small scream of pain as I rolled onto the hard floor grunting.

"SIS!" I hear Yusuke's worried voice, but I ignored it and got on my knees.

"Nice trick." Hiei mused as I tried to move my hands. " Maybe you are worthy to be a part of my army after all."

From the corner of eyes, I saw the shadow sword fly into his grasp again. Darn it. If I can only just. . .

Hiei kicked me in the stomach and I rolled away once again. I took a shaky breath as I rolled onto my back. One of my eyes thankfully managed to stay open because I saw the demon above me with his sword pointed right at me. With quick reflexes, I got out of the way. That's when somehow everything began to slow down around the two of us. I finally managed to get up on one knee while my hand was still sweeping on the wet floor. Just as the Shadow Sword is about to make contact with my neck I threw another water blast at the Jagan's direction, but this time it also froze right there like it was a thick crown made out of ice!

I was shocked to see this because I wasn't that skilled enough to do that yet.

"AHH!" Hiei screamed as he stumbled backward and tried to take my icy work off of his third eyes, but like before, I don't give him the time to recover. I lifted up my icy cold fist as my powers began to reach its limits, and with a battle cry, I punched him right in the face. As he flew backward, his back hit the wall, along with my ice crown that now broke into pieces.

"W-wha. . . What happened. . . ?" Hiei groaned as he tried to lift himself up from the floor.

"Hn. Simple, I won." I said as I was panting heavily. I collapsed to my knees.

"How?" I hear Hiei struggle with his breathing, but the spirit energy he had I felt it leaving his body, turning the demon back to it's original human like form. "When?"

"Well, next time you fight with someone, you should open your eye instead of your mouth." I advised as I pushed myself up somehow from the floor as my lip curled up a little.

"You're pretty good. For a girl." Hiei said tiredly before falling face first onto the floor and lose consciousness.

"Great job sis!" Yusuke praised as Botan cheered as well. I just let out a sigh of relief and enjoy that small moment of peace and quiet after this fight. However, I can't help but take another look at my opponent who just gave a compliment to me about me.

But big question here is why do I even care about that much?


Yusuke held Keiko's head with one hand while the other was giving the antidote into her mouth. After a few drops of it the eye on the forehead disappeared like it was never there.

"Goodbye Keiko monster." Yusuke joked, happy with the results.

"She is going to recover." Botan reassured the siblings.

"I hope so." Yusuke added while Miyuki just nodded her head tiredly.

"Thanks for all the help Kurama." Yusuke said as he turned to the redhead. "How do you feel?"

"Good, I guess." Kurama replied. "I avoided the organs at least."

"Stupid." Miyuki murmured angrily as she buried her face into her folded arms and knees. She was completely out of energy.

"What about you Miyuki?" Botan asked concerned.

"Exhausted." Replied the black-haired girl truthfully. "I never thought bending that much water will be so tiring." She added as one hand began rubbing her face.

"Speaking of which, how did you do that?" Yusuke asked curiously. At that Miyuki stiffed, making Kurama and the others frown.

"I. . . I always knew how to water-bend I just. . ." Miyuki for the first time hesitated with her words. "I didn't want you to see me as a freak, . . . So I kept it as a secret. . . for nine long years. . . "

That's when the realization hit Yusuke while Botan looked away sadly. Kurama was a bit puzzled, but his eyes went wide as soon as Yusuke opened up his mouth.

"So. . . That's why those brats bullied you?" Yusuke asked hesitantly because he never wanted to bring this up, especially now that he knew the reason for it. Miyuki said nothing just nodded her head weakly as she hugged her knees tighter while burying her face deeper into them, a body language that made the small group hearts ache with sadness.

"Sooo anyways, Miyuki, I saw you used the movements from the scroll I gave you." Botan said trying to somewhat get away from the sad topic. "When did you started to learn them?"

"In the school breaks." The girl replied with a small shrug as she lifted up her emotionless face again to meet her friends' and brother's shocked expression.

"What?!" Yusuke and Botan screamed, not believing what their partner had said.

"I wanted to be useful in some way so I began to teach myself as soon as possible." Miyuki replied with her eyes closed.

"That's impossible." Botan exclaimed. "How on earth did you learned all of those moves within that short amount of time?"

"Hn. Born with Photographic Memory things are a bit easier." She explained a bit bluntly, but then her opening eyes suddenly darted to the unconscious demon on the floor who hadn't moved an inch from his previous position.

"What will happen to him?" She asked curiously which got Kurama's attention a little.

"He will be put on trial for his crime, but before that, we will be placed in one of the highly secured cells in the Spirit World." Botan explained it to her.

"I see." Was all the girl said before shrinking back to her previous position.

"What's this?" Yusuke asked as he found his sister's behaviour unbelievable. "Don't tell me you feel bad for someone who was about to kill you a few minutes ago."

"No, I was simply curious. Is that a bad thing?" Miyuki asked giving her brother the stink eye. However, the redhead demon felt there is something more to it and so did the person who asked the question in the first place.

Even though she doesn't know what is it or why.

The next day the team was back on the school's rooftop.

"Botan, we are pretty incredible siblings." Yusuke said proudly. "We got all the artifacts back in a week, beat up two demons, and saved Koenma's rear end."

"Well, almost." Botan corrected him. "Koenma still got found out. It didn't take his father long to notice the Shadow Sword had blood stains on it."

"Meaning that he still got punished, huh?" Miyuki stated as she leaned against the wall next to the door. Botan nodded her head at her while Yusuke turned to his assistant curiously.

"So, what happened to Koenma?" He asked. "Did he get a cruel punishment?"

"It wasn't anything too severe, just a normal punishment for when he does something wrong." Botan replied half reassuringly while on the other half she was trying to hold back a laughter.

"What was it?" Yusuke asked curiously.

"A hundred spankings." Botan answered with a small giggle.

"Koenma got spankings?" Yusuke asked before going into his imagination and picture the whole thing. Something that made him burst out laughing.

"That'd something I'd pay to see, what a riot!" Yusuke laughed while Miyuki bit into her curled up index finger to keep her laughter at bay.

"Can't take you anywhere." Botan sighed with disapproval. The door suddenly burt open and Keiko came out. She looked at Miyuki before lifting her head up to look at the teen boy and girl.

"Well, that's bad timing." Botan thought out loud.

"Oh gosh, she was knocked out all that time and I haven't explained who you are yet." Yusuke said a little worriedly.

"Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt." Keiko huffed before leaving the rooftop area.

"Wait, Keiko!" Yusuke called to her as he jumped down in front of the open door. "It's not what it looks like. I mean it's not what it looks like again." The boy tried to explain himself as he ran after his friend.

"Hn." Miyuki hummed as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Out of all his opponents, she is the only one who beats him every time."

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