The Trouble Next Door (Book #...

By nevergoingtofindme

145K 6.5K 1.3K

(Book #3 of the mafia series) Sierra is now 21 years old and in her last year of collage She lives in this... More

Authors Note
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 27
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 40
Ch. 45
Ch. 46
Ch. 48
Ch. 49

Ch. 30

2.8K 135 31
By nevergoingtofindme

Sierras POV

Barely staying focused on not falling asleep during the whole class was hard but not as hard as it if right now listening to Jorge.

"What if when we fall asleep we go off onto another world and when we "wake up" we're actually going to sleep in that other world but we forget what goes on in the other world because we think that it's a dream" Jorge says making me glare at him.

"I get that you think a lot about a whole lot of things but it's too early to be thinking about this" I say as if I'm in pain and irritation.

"I'm just trying to ignore the fact that you look like trash right now" He says making me want to slam my head into the table.

"If you don't shut up-"

"I get, I get it...." Jorge says suddenly fiddling with his fingers.

"What's up? Are you okay?" I ask concerned that he got so nervous all of a sudden.

"Are you okay? Last time we saw each other things didn't really go smoothly" Jorge says and I can see the sincerity in his face and tone.

"I'm okay Jorge. Manny is the least of my problems right now" I say and he looks at me as if he doesn't believe me.

"You don't have to worry about me, you have to worry about finals coming in a month and a half from now and then graduation" I say and he gasp so loud that the professor stopped lecturing.

"Is there a problem?" the professor says and Jorge shakes his head.

"No sir" He says saluting him.

"Now I hope all of you guys are paying attention because this is going to be in the finales. What we are doing here is...." The professor starts going on about some stuff I already knew by watching my mother and father work.

I jot them down just in case I forget anything.

Sometimes I just wish I had photographic memory.

"Sorry about-"

"You don't have to apologize for his actions. Just stick to you confusing me each morning" I say with a soft smile.

I guess that was convincing enough for him because he just seemed to have a small smile before we go back to actually listening to the professor.

By then end of class I had gotten a little boost of energy so I go and try to rush to the bus stop but just as I get there the bus leaves.

"WAIT COME BACK" I yell running after it like an idiot.

I just wanted to yell since I knew the bus wouldn't come for another 30 minutes.

All of a sudden as if my life were a movie I hear a loud engine behind me and I see a guy in a motorcycle.

"Do you need a ride?" I hear and I see the guy lift his helmet to reveal Hayden on his motorcycle.

This seems like the start of a cliche movie or book.

"Do you mind if you drive me to the Mary star elementary school?" I ask and he doesn't seem to judge me and just nods at me to get behind him.

He gives me an extra helmet which I out on and wrap my arms around his chest and hold tight as he starts to drive off.

Even through his jacket and shirt I can feel his abs making me want to rub all over them but I restrain myself from doing so.

Instead of feeling his abs I feel the cold breeze hit me as we ride to the elementary school.

It felt just the same as when I feel when I ride my motorcycle.

I felt free and wild but this felt that it had a pinch of warmth and honey if that make sense?

That or rides like these just always calm me down from the storm up ahead.

When we finally get to the elementary school it was half empty and I get off taking the helmet off to look around for Bonnie.

When I spot her she seems to be sitting down in a bench while a little boy talks to her.

As I get near Bonnie she met my eyes and basically jumped out of her seat to greet me.

"Hey how was your day?" I ask as she waves goodbye to the little boy and she starts talking about what she did today.

I see Hayden leaning on his motorcycle in the same spot I left him at and when I was going to ask what he was still doing here but then in remembered that I'm still holding onto his extra helmet.

"Thank you for the ride" I say handing his helmet back.

"And for the pickles and child trauma" Bonnie adds in making me cringe about what happen the other night.

Does she have a mute button because that would really be helpful right about now.

"Again, I am so sorry about-"

"You are welcome for the pickles and I am sorry about what you witnessed yesterday, you little rascal" Hayden says messing around her hair.

"My name is not little rascal it's Bonnie and You have a nice ride" Bonnie says looking at the motorcycle.

I completely forgot about her short attention spasm.

"I would let you ride around with me but It's not a ride for little kids" Hayden says and Bonnie sighs as she looks down at the ground.

"Thank you again for the ride. I'll see you around" I say about to walk away.

"Are you sure you guys are fine by yourselves?" Hayden ask and I just raise my hand and give him a thumbs up as I continue walking away.

"Thanks again!" I shout taking one last glance at him.

"Ice cream?" Bonnie ask taking my hand in hers.

"Ice cream" I say nodding my head.

After we had gotten ice cream we went back to my apartment and by that time she had already began to feel tired so she went ahead to her room to take a nap.

I just began to make some food for when she wakes up.

It wasn't until ny business phone rang that my whole mood dropped.

Here I thought I was going to have the night off so I can sleep in.

"Hello?" I say in a a slight high pitch.

"It's Ace" I hear Ace say making me sigh in relive.

"What's up?" I ask but I'm met with silence.

"How is everything?" Ace ask and I look over at Bonnies door.

"She just took a nap 20 minutes ago." I say.

"Oh okay. I'm going to have to call you back later so get your rest" Ace says before hanging up.

Turns out I'm not getting a good night sleep again.

I felt a rush that I haven't felt in a while come back.

Shivers ran down my spine and I felt the hairs in my arms rise as I got goosebumps all over my body. It felt cold with a rush of warmth as my heart began beating rapidly.

All the drowsiness from before was gone and replaced with energy.

I stop what I was doing and stepped away to feel the rush come to me. It was like a breath of fresh air filling up my lungs.

Finally when I came off my rush I had to shake my whole body to make sure that it was real. I dealt the small pang of that rush and that's when I realized that I am built for this life.

I can't imagine myself doing anything else other then this.

I turn the stove off so it wouldn't burn and put everything down so I can sit on the cold hard kitchen floors.

All that energy made me flustered by how fast it came and went.

I knew what I had to do next, there isn't any going back once I start playing into whatever game the big dogs were playing on the Russians.

I smile at that thought.

Remembering that I still had to add the vegetables to the chicken soup I go back to cutting carrots up while I think of the grand mafia ball and the chaos that will happen.

I hear a knock at the door making me confuse.

I glance over at Bonnies room and go ahead and close the door fully before opening the door.

I look through the peephole and I see Hayden standing there.

Opening the door he seems very calm and normal I guess.

"Hey?" I ask wondering why he's knocking.

"I just wanted to apologize if I was rude to you the other day" Hayden says making me even more confused.

When was he.... is he talking about the night we walked in on him and Brittany or when he looked mad when he spotted me, Ace and Bonnie eating ice cream?

Oh my....

Was he jealous? But of what?

"Okay listen up Hayden" I say stepping out and closing the door behind me.

"I honestly didn't even realized you were being rude or being an ass for some reason. But I will tell you that if you feel some type of way just tell me up front. I have more important things to pay attention to rather then playing teenage mind games" I say very straightforward.

He just stands there as if he were analyzing me or searching for something.

"Who was the guy you were talking to?" Hayden ask and I immediately knew who he was talking about.

"What, I can't have friends now?" I fire back at him.

He flashes me one of his smiles and just nods.

"Fair point, I'll see you around précieuse" he says before walking over to his apartment.

I still don't understand what he's saying but it sounds like he's saying precio which is price tag in Spanish.

"Weirdo" i mutter heading inside.

"I heard that!" He shouts and I just laugh.

"Who was that?" I hear Bonnies voice say and I immediately let out a scream.

"Bonnie!" I shout and she just tilts her head to one side looking confused.

"That's my name?" She replies back confused.

"That's it im making you a bell necklace" I say over her and her sudden appearances out of no where.

I walk off but u can still sense her looking at me even more confused while I go back to cutting vegetables.

I see Bonnie going through her backpack and then suddenly I hear bells and I see that she's pulling out a golden bell necklace.

"Dad gave it to me but I don't wear it because then it'll get lost" Bonnie says making me want to laugh at what she just said and at the fact that even Ace gave her a bell necklace.

She then puts it back in her backpack quickly as if it where on fire.

"Honey that's why it makes noise. It can alert the people around you that you are there" I say and she scrunches you her face.

"They don't know I'm there? Shouldn't they sense my presence?" She says making me want to loose it at that point.

"NoO" i say with my voice cracking.

She looks at me and then back at her backpack before immediately putting it on and that's when I lose it and start to laugh.

After the food was done and me and Bonnie ate we watched some television and instantly I fell asleep the moment I sat down.

Waking up to the sound of the phone vibrating in my pocket I pick up.

"Hello?" I ask and that's when I hear a few muttered voices.

"get here now" Ace says before hanging up.

Without thinking twice I go to my room and get ready.

I put on black leggings and my sports bra. I also grab the same zipped up red sweater I always ware and make sure my mask is in the pockets before leaving.

Before leaving I check where Bonnie is and when I don't find her in the couch I check her room to see her sleeping in her bed.

When did she move there? Must have been when I fell asleep.

Almost knocking over the trash on my way I see it already filled up to the top making me groan at how bad it smells.

I throw my sweater over my shoulder before picking the trash and heading out quietly.

Just as I was closing my door I see Hayden's door opening as well.

I kind of freeze before glancing over at him and I see him looking at me as if he was doing something he wasn't supposed to.

I don't say anything as I go back to finishing closing my door and we walk together to the elevator.

"Second floor right?" Hayden ask about to press the button for the second floor and I nod at him.

"Going for a run?" I ask when the doors start to close.

"Yeah" Hayden says and glances me up and down and smiling to himself.

I look at him weirdly before rolling my eyes.

"So you're going to throw the trash out looking that beautiful?" Hayden ask smirking over at me.

"Apparently since the trash is the only one taking me out" I say just as the doors opened and I get out dragging the trash with me.

I walk out smiling from ear to ear knowing I caught him there but then I hear him.

"Hold up!" Hayden says and I hear his footsteps walking fast towards me.

"Who says the trash is the only one taking you out?" Hayden says walking next to me.

Did this boy really just-

"Did you not hear me say it?" I ask as we finally make it to the trashing bin and he scoffs.

"How about me and you downtown at the theaters? I'll be at your door at 6 sharp" Hayden says and I glance over at him before I throw the trash out.

"How about-"

"And before you reject the offer. I know you have "better things to do" but common Sierra. I literally always hear you sleeping" Hayden says as I finally turn to look at him.


"I Can sneak in some food" Hayden says and I smile.

A way into a girls heart is by her stomach.

"What kind of food?" I ask and he smiles.

"There's a taco truck nearby the theater but I'm not sure if you like them. We can get something else if you'd like" Hayden says and that's when I see him moving around his watch.

Awww he's nervous.

"Tacos sound good to me" I say as we finally walk down to the elevator together.

Wait, I'm forgetting something.


"I forgot I had Bonnie!" I gasp and his smile still stays.

"I know. We can take her with us if you'd like or we can rain check too. Just in case if her dad or you are uncomfortable with it" Hayden says and my lips twitch but I don't want him to know that I'm in Aww by how respectful he is about it.

"I'll check in with her father first" I say and he nods.

"I miss my pickles though" I hear Hayden mutter causing me to laugh.

"I'll buy you a new pickle jar" I say with my nose a bit scrunched.

"Judging by your face is guessing you don't like pickles?" Hayden ask.

"Nope!" I say as the doors to elevator open once again and I see it's our floor.

I thought he was going on a jog.

"Let me know if we need to rain check" Hayden says holding the doors.

"I will and have a safe jog" I say stepping out to go to my room.

I was waiting to hear the elevator doors close but I never heard them close.

"I hope you like what you see" I say sarcastically behind my shoulders.

"Oh trust me I am" He reply's back and my eyes kind of go wide since I wasn't expecting him to reply back.

"Creep" I say and he laughs as I finally open my apartment door.

I wave at him before I go inside and that's when he lets go of the doors and I get inside.

God damit Hayden.

I wait a few minutes and peek outside to make sure the floor was clear.

After I had made sure it was all clear I rush to the elevator to leave this damn building.

Checking my watch while on the elevator I see that I'm already late.

Once the doors open I run out ignoring the lady at the receptions yelling after me.

I rush to my motorcycle and race to the underground hoping that they won't kill me.

I'll probably end up dying by how fast I'm going on here either way.

When I do drive by my usual parking space something seemed off about it making me park the bike a bit closer then I would usually park it to the underground.

I take off my helmet and set it aside hiding it near by and put on the mask already dashing off to the entrance.

As soon as I get into the underground I see Rey fighting Night.

I walk up to Ace who does not seem to happy with what's going on in the ring.

"She isn't suppose to be up there" I mutter over at him and he just tsk me off.

Like what is that even supposed to mean?

"Well her name does say it. She is "king" or shall I translate it to "queen" of the ring" Ace says not shocked my my appearance next to him.

I see Night receive an ugly punch to the abdomen making me wince in pain for him.

"And if you weren't late then maybe you would have seen the argument that happened about letting her back in the ring" Ace says throwing me a side glare.

I think back at having Bonnie at my apartment but knowing Ace he already knows her night time routine and knows she's a heavy sleeper.

"I ran into my neighbor" I say a bit annoyed and he throws me a weird look.

"So you decided to show your face after all" Andy says showing up next me.

I got so used to Andy appearing out of no where I just stopped reacting to them.

"Traffic" I mutter and Andy just gives me his blank stare.

"Don't be late again, next time just speed" He says before going over to where Jake was.

Yeah that's what I was doing while driving here wishing to get hit by a car so I'd have an excuse not to come.


A little too dark?


"How is she?" Ace then ask scanning the room.

I look over both my shoulders and do the same thing he does before saying anything.

"She's fine but her teacher sure those miss you" I say smirking over at him.

"Oh please shut up about that" He moans making me let out a small chuckle.

"When do you think they will let us see the rookie fight with one of them?" I ask and Ace tenses before looking over at where the rookie was.

I think he went by the name shadow but rookie fits better.

"Right now" Ace says making my eyes widen and just then the fight ended and I hear My father clear his throat.

"Shadow" My father says motioning for him to step forward.

"Nika" Dominic says sipping his whiskey.

That's when the both of them go face to face and Dominic and My father start to brag about how much of a better fighter the other is.

I stare at the rookie wondering what they saw in him that made them chose him.

He seemed like an average fighter from the small glimpses I would see when I would be bartending. Never paid much attention since I was always busy serving drinks.

I guess tonight is the night that I get to see one of his full fights.

The rookie catches my eyes and there's something about the tint of his eyes that seem familiar.

They had a hard edge around his honey eyes that made them seem darker almost as if he was out for blood. But I guess everyone in here has that look.

"Thalia, Ace" Jake says barely getting off a phone call.

I didn't recall him leaving to take one. I must have missed it.

Ace and I glance at each other wondering what the other did because Jake looked pissed off.

"Pay close attention. Ive seen this kid fight a couple of months ago and I don't want to look like a fucking idiot for choosing you two" Jake says drinking all his what I'm guessing is an old fashion.

"Si patrón." Ace and i say with the same cold tone.

(Yes boss)

Jake just smiles over at us but it wasn't a genuine smile, It was a warning and mischievous smile. The one that would send chills down your spine.

That's when one of the waitress came over with a trey heading over to where the others where but I took two of the drinks she had in there and chugged them.

"Slow down" Ace says threw gritted teeth.

"Oh please two drinks won't do anything to me" I say and I can still feel him glare at me.

"Your acting as if you didn't take three drinks when I came" I say but he still glares at me.

I sit down and so does he when both fighters get in the ring.

Nika is definitely more muscular then the rookie making me wonder how many hours does Nika spend at the Gym.

Jefferson starts the bell and they start to move in circles trying to figure the other one out.

I hear Nika say something but the rookie doesn't reply.

One thing about Nika was that he is a big talker in the ring.

It didn't take Nika long for him to lose his patience after trying to trigger the rookie into acting out of impulse.

It was already obvious to where he was targeting since he kept looking at the rookies exposed stomach.

The rookie already knew that Nika was going to target him there, though. He moved back and kept on letting Nika throw punches.

He was trying to tier him out until finally he took a jab to his jaw and kept on throwing punches to his exposed face and left side.

What I had notice in the beginning of this fight was that Nina was hurt from his right rib by the way he kept up his defense on that side and the small winces.

Even through his mask you can still see his eye twitch when it hurt.

Nika did get a a few punches in while the rookie was trying to go ham on him. His just landed on the rookies jaw, his shoulder and side stomach.

It didn't last long until the rookie used his weak spot as a target. He started to attack there as well by throwing a few punches his way to his injured side making Nika fall to the ground.

I am guessing by our last encounter on the bus in their way to Dominic it didn't go too well.

Nika didn't last as long once the rookie started hitting him in his injuries but I will say is that he did put a good fight.

What I noticed about the rookie while fighting was that he focuses his attention on small details that may help him win.

We kind of fought alike.

Nika got back up and he seemed kind of disoriented as he tried to locate the rookie.

I glance over at his sister and I can already see the embarrassment in her face.

That didn't stop the rookie from knocking him cold. He turned to look at all of us with a hunger, bloodlust, and cold look in his eyes.

Then finally we meet each others gaze once again and I stand my ground and so does he, none of us looking away from each other even when I heard my father and mother clapping in the background while everyone else was quiet.

I smirk knowing that this was the target I was looking for and he's the one I want to fight with at the ball.

That's when I see the spark in his eyes. As if he were lost for a moment and looked like a little boy looking for something or someone.

His dark honey eyes turned lighter into an almost familiar look before it went cold once again.

"Thats the target" Ace says sipping on some water.

He isn't wrong but I feel like they will add a surprise into the mix the day of the ball.

I see the rookie getting off the ring as Jefferson and Nara, his sister, drag Nika's unconscious body out of the ring.

He should have stayed down.

"You two will have to beat him if you want to live" Andy says coming from behind us as he grabs onto mine and Aces shoulder tightly.

"Only one of us can get through all of the rounds" I say and that's when Andy lets out a small chuckle.

"Doesn't matter as long as one of you guys gets to the final round" He says.

I glance at Ace who is already looking at me.

I didn't know if he was being serious or not. You can never tell with Andy.

One this is for sure though, one of us have to make it to the finale round and that's going to be me. No matter what or else my plan will not go as planned.

But I still had some questions that I need answers for and that will have to wait for tomorrow.

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!

My apologies if I take so long to update you guys with a new chapter.

I have so much going on in my head. Like I've said to my best friend is that I have a lot of tabs open that i will eventually finish and close in my mind.

Anyway, see you guys next chapter! 

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