little things

By vrctigo

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a collection of mohnstad one-shots, each based on a song. More

pink + white
summertime in paris
cheap wine

hold on, we're going home

207 5 1
By vrctigo

I got my eyes on you
You're everything that I see

He saw her for the first time at the revue party. She walked straight up to him and asked him to follow her. Damn he thought she's a straight up girl who knows what she wants. That's hot I like it. But then she took him to a crying girl and he's left bewildered. What is this? I thought she wanted to hook up. Did she not know who he was? Well she knew his name it seemed but nothing else. She turned and left at the blonde girls request, dragging him along. Maybe he could still 'get in her pants' after all. But she let go of his arm and walked at a further pace away from him. So he called out behind her because well she's hot and he's Penetrator Chris. She didn't reply, in fact she walked at a quicker pace. Trying to get her attention he shouted out, "hey, don't be such a dick tease." She stopped. Bingo. His face grew smug. She glanced back at him but then continued to walk away from him. He didn't run after her obviously, he wasn't desperate. However, she can't walk away from him that easily. No. She's caught his eye now and he won't stop till he gets her.

The second time they met was at school. She was standing on the yard with three other girls. Two of which he had met at the revue party. They must've become friends. He made sure to keep that as mental note. "Halla," he said as he walked past her. She looked a little bemused but he felt her eyes follow him as he continued to walk away from her. He smiles later when he realises it was her who followed him on instagram and liked most of his posts. Eva Mohn, so that's her name. He proceeded to text her and call her a stalker because how else is better to interest her? He made sure to invite her to the next penetrator party. When she accepted his invitation, he was sure of himself that he'd be able to charm her panties off.

It was after the third time they met that Chris realised he was going to have to try much harder than he originally thought was necessary. Yes Eva had shown up at the party. And yes she had worn something sexy like he requested, however she had been glued to her blonde friend all night. He'd know. He had pretty much been staring at her from across the room all night. Ironic he thought. She was supposed to be the stalker. He licked his lips when she finally made eye contact with him for the first time that night. It was just at that exact moment that her friend decided to finally leave. He took the chance before anyone else could keep her company. He plopped down next to her on the couch. It took a moment before she looks at him. He speaks up first and asked if the friends she came with were part of her russ crew because that always works right? Pretending like you have an interest in their life. But when she replied he was slightly surprised. He surely wasn't expecting it so he chuckled and quickly bounced back from it. "You're a bit brainy, I like it." He leaned in a bit closer to her and said "I think it's hot." She looked at him slightly amused and intrigued yet confused at the same time. "You think it's hot?" she asked. Score he thought but just before he was about to answer, a few other first years arguing from across the room interrupted him. Noticing that it captured her attention, he leant in closer and came out with dramaaaa. He frowned when she didn't react but rather stood up and left him sitting there alone. Next time. Next time he'll definitely get there.

The fourth time he invited her to halloween party that they, as in the Penetrators,  were throwing. She was sitting on the wall with her friends. He looked to them all but he noticed Eva staring intensely at him. He smirked. This was going to be a hell of a party.

The fifth time. It was the night of the halloween party. Was he right about it going to be a good party? Hell yeah it was, perhaps it may had been a bit chaotic but still good nonetheless. The night kicked off when he burst through the door unaware of anyone in the room before it. He was on a phone call when he found his stalker in the state she was in. He was of course intrigued as to why she was sitting there all alone, so he quickly hung up; his focus was fully on her. He started the conversation light-hearted: "you're sitting here?" She chuckled but he could tell her heart wasn't in it "I'm sitting here." He notices her phone buzzing in her hand but she didn't make a move to pick it up, nor decline it either. He took a seat next to her, "look's like someone is trying to reach you." She replied a "yeah" in monotone but didn't start to tell him anything more. He looks over her shoulder to see the caller ID, Jonas. She had officially peaked his interests by now. Who is Jonas? he thought, Is it her boyfriend? Is that why she was so hostile towards him? But then again she always seemed so flirtatious too. "Who is Jonas?" he said breaking the silence. "My boyfriend. Or, well..." she trailed. He took the opportunity to try and lighten the mood. "You don't know if he's your boyfriend, or?" he teased. Yes that was lame, but what else was he supposed to say? "He is my boyfriend, it's just that... we had a fight, so..." Her facial demeanour stilled and it was clear to tell that she wasn't in the mood for anything. He had never seen her like that. But in all fairness, he hadn't even seen her all that much anyways. Despite that Chris' face still grew with concern "hey, you..." his voice softened whilst hw wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Fuck him." Eva looked down when tears continued to roll down her face. "If he can make such a nice girl cry, fuck him." She didn't say anything back but he noticed her staring at his lips. Next thing he knew her lips were on his. He could taste her tears but her lips are soft. They continued kissing steadily but passionately. Finally he thought. He had to admit it was unexpected, but that didn't stop him, after all he had been pinning her for weeks. Slowly but surely, they were leaning back, however she's broke the kiss and pushed him off her before anything else could happen. "I can't do this." Just as he was about to say something, Iben walked in. His girlfriend Iben. Caught off guard, he quickly got up and walked towards her. Suddenly, he was relieved Eva pushed him off in time, he wasn't prepared for drama. Not when he was in the centre of it all. Trying to get out the room as quick as possible, he introduced Iben to Eva and explained that he was comforting her because she had a fight with her boyfriend. After that he made a dash for the door and headed out. He didn't hear from Eva for the rest of the night. He wasn't surprised though. In fact he didn't hear from her until 4 days after when she's told him not to tell anyone about their kiss. Pff as if he would tell anyone. He works out that she was probably still with her boyfriend after all though. Whatever, it wasn't like she was the only girl in his dms.

The sixth time... he and William were walking up the stairs when he saw Eva... and Jonas. He knew Jonas knew about him and Eva. Of course he knew, the whole school knew at this point. He saw Eva tense up when she saw him, so obviously to make matters worse, he just had to say awkwarddd when passing them. Perhaps it had been a bit immature but his ego felt the need to rub it in. So he did just that. Next thing he knew Jonas was attacking him and he was fighting back. Eva tried to stop them of course, but that didn't get far. William finally decided to step in but rather than helping him, he just pulled Chris off and walked away. Pissed off, he left and didn't say a word to Eva. Although internally he was still pretty smug that he caused trouble in paradise, she deserved better than that hipster kid.

He saw her again for the seventh time at the Christmas party. He caught her staring at him from afar. She was alone. He smiled at her but didn't make a move to approach her. They do however maintain eye contact for a while. He breaks off with a wink in her direction before turning back to the conversation he was having with a group of girls. He doesn't see Eva for a while after that.

The eighth time. He was sure that he would never forget it. That memory would forever be burned into his mind. He was in the middle of a conversation with Vilde who was pestering him about who had won the prize of hooking up with his best friend, when a very drunk Eva was thrown their way. He was amused to say the least, he hadn't ever really seen her like this and found it entertaining to watch. That's when she started making out with Vilde. One word, hot. Two girls were literally hooking up right in front of him. He looked down at her ass. It was clear to say that he was immensely turned on. She didn't even have to say or do anything to him to have that effect on him...

Their paths converge again for the ninth time. It had been months since he last spoke to her, but he wasn't surprised that they'd meet again. In fact, he was expecting it to happen: after all their best friends were dating. What he wasn't expecting was for her to be all over him. Not that he was complaining but he'd thought she'd continue avoiding him for the rest of their lives. He decided not to question her and enjoy their time tonight, he would only get to celebrate russ once in his life he thought. Just when him and Eva were finally making out, the Yakuza guys called him. Great timing. He internally groaned and pulled away from Eva. He made sure to tell himself that he had to find Eva again some other time before making his way towards William.

The tenth time they encountered was at Eva's party. He had just left Nissen, but they were both still in contact. Since William and Noora left for London, he found that they had been keeping each other company more and more often, so he wasn't really surprised when she invited him to her party. The second he got there, their lips were already attached. It wasn't until Vilde interrupted them that they pulled apart. She pointed towards some first years that were dancing on the other side of the room. They're hot. His eyes lingered on them and he licked his lips. He realised he must've been staring at them for a while because he felt Eva pull him back towards her. She instantly attacked his lips and he thinks damn she's feisty, I like it. He liked when she got possessive because he knew that even after that, they'd still be 'no strings attached'.

It was the eleventh time when Chris realised he had only been hooking up with Eva. He had long left Nissen by now but here he was, at some random first years house with her. He couldn't help himself. He found himself with her at every single party. They had fun together and he could never get over how he felt when their lips touched. He wasn't sure if he ever wanted to stop whatever this thing he had going on with Eva and surprisingly, he was completely fine with it.

The twelfth time was a little different. He was slightly shocked when he found himself at Isak's flat celebrating a Kosegruppa party with Eva's friends. Frankly he didn't even know what Kosegruppa was and this was more of a gathering than a party. It evidently wasn't really his setting, but Eva invited him and so he came along for her. He seemed to be doing that more often recently, doing things for her, but he really didn't mind.

The thirteenth time. Chris had only just recently come back from the army, so when William texted him about crashing Eva's birthday party for Noora, his mind zoned onto the word Eva. And that's when he knew he just had to tag along. So that was where they were heading. To Eva's party. He knew his best friend was going solely for Noora, but he was the same. He was going on account for Eva and nothing else. Not even as emotional support for William, he knew it wasn't necessary. He was sure that he'd win Noora back. Him and William sure did make a grand entrance he must say. As soon as the car pulled up in the drive, everyones' eyes were already on them. He smirked, his ego boosted way past the end of the ego metre. They got out the car and made their way towards the party. He noticed William stop in front of Noora, however he continued walking until he was next to Eva. Following the party he found himself at her house for the rest of the weekend. It was then that he realised that he had fallen in deep for Eva.

It was the fourteenth time now, but somehow it felt like it was more. Especially when she was in his dreams too. He woke up in a bed that wasn't his. He smiled when he saw Eva beside him. She was still sound asleep, he reached a hand and stroked her eyebrow. It made the moment seem more soft, especially when he compared it to them the last night. Before his mind could go into any more depth of the night before, he noticed Eva shifting. He chuckled as she pulled away from him and hid behind her hands. "Halla," he said as she rubbed her eyes. "Halla," she replied, her voice evident with sleepiness. The room elapsed into silence again. He enjoyed it really: the early morning, the calming silence and in bed next to the Eva Mohn. "Did you sleep well?" she asked out of politeness rather than interest. "Mhm," he replied quickly. How could he not sleep well? Everything about this atmosphere made him want to be here more often. The biggest pull factor being the girl of his dreams herself. The softness of her morning voice was like music to his ears. He reckoned he could stay here with her all day if he could. Rather than pondering deeper into his thoughts, he should probably just put his thoughts into actions. "I just dreamt something fucked up" he broke out with. Okay so maybe it was a weird way to bring up the conversation, but trust the process, if the conversation goes the way he planned it would then everything should fall right into place. "Yeah, what?" she replied. " I dreamt that I was at my old elementary school. And... we were outside eating, during lunch break. Me and Caroline, who was my girlfriend in fourth grade. Then you came walking past. And I was like: 'Wow! Damn!' And then I walked up to you, right in front of Caroline. And was like: 'Hey, do you want to get together with me?' right in front of Caroline." They chuckled for a second before she responded with "what did I say then?" Jackpot. He was a step closer to Eva being his girlfriend. "You said yes, of course," he said pulling a face as to say did you even have to ask that? "Yeah?" He turned to smile at her and saw that she had a pure expression of amusement. "Of course," she mocked him. He's grinned: he couldn't put a finger on what it was about her. Maybe it's that she wasn't swooning at her feet for him. She was different from other girls to say the least, but despite that, he had still expected for her to say yes and not what she said next, "okay, well... at least you weren't having a true dream, then." He frowned and scrunched his eyes. "And that's supposed to mean...?" Okay so perhaps he was slightly thrown off his high horse now, but he still had relatively high hopes. "That we're never going to get together," she said with such ease. He moved closer to her as if it were a way to get her to give in to temptation. He knew she had to have some interest in him. She couldn't deny it, not when he was in her bed. "Why not?" he asked, his eyes sleepy but still looking into hers with intensity and admiration. "Why?" she spluttered confused because the reason was the most utterly obvious thing in the world. "Mm" he simply replied with. "Because..." she dragged out getting close enough now to place a hand on his cheek. "Because?" he urged her on. But before she would answer, she kissed him. What a tease he thought. Definitely his kind of girl. She broke the kiss to say "you are..." but then her lips were on his again. "A what? What am I?" She paused again, she finally answered with such finality, "a cheating fuckboy." Deep down, well not actually deep down, he knew she was going to say that. After everything that went down last year... he knew. He does reply with an 'ouch' though. Although he wasn't really hurt over his rejection especially since her actions contrasted every single word she just said. Her lips were of course, once again, on his. Which they, yes, stay that way until Eva's phone rang. She picked up the phone, in which he acknowledged that she was talking to Vilde, but he pretty much zoned out after that. He did catch back on when he heard her saying she'd call Vilde back later - he did smile about that of course. Within the next few seconds, she turned back to him, "where were we?" He took the opportunity and said "we were talking about whether we should get together, I think." To which she replied with "I don't think so." He wasn't about to end the conversation just yet, so he continued: "I think that was it." "No... no... no," she argued. "Don't you? I think that was it," he said in between her 'nos'. She shook her head. "Sure?" he asked. "Yeah, pretty sure." "How sure?" he asked again for good measure. She ended with a "very." Although he still wasn't convinced seeing as her lips had pretty much been stuck to his throughout the whole conversation. In fact, they still were. That was until she pushed him and told him to 'hide!' Which he didn't comply with and questioned her instead "why?" Eva frantically jumped out of bed and left him more confused than ever. His question was answered when a woman walked into Eva's room. Ah so this must be Eva's mum he thought - this just got a whole lot more interesting. "Oh, I'm sorry!" made Chris acutely aware of the situation and that he was pretty much naked in Eva's bed. What a way to meet his girlfriend's mother for the first time. "Uhm... I have a guest," Eva said stating the obvious. "Yes," her mum replied awkwardly. Well this is my cue he thought as he got up wrapping  the duvet around his waist. "This is..." Eva trailed as he made his way towards them. "Halla! Chris," he held his hand out to shake. She took it and replied "Hi. Chris." She doesn't tell him another name though. "Is your name also Chris?" he asked with a half intention for joke and the other half for clarification. She froze for a second before realising what she was supposed to say: "yeah, no, my name is Anne Marit," she chuckled nervously. "Oh, okay. That makes sense," he replied smiling. "I'm sorry I just... I didn't know Eva had a boyfriend." Eva's boyfriend. He didn't correct her, he really liked the sound of it. He looked towards Eva to see her response. "We're not... we're not together," she returned hesitantly. "Yet," he added as a way to let Eva know that their conversation from earlier wasn't over and for her mother to know that he wasn't just a one night stand. "Yes. But...  I'm sure you'll figure that out. Okay!" she rushed, quickly escaping from the situation with a mere wave. He smiled, Anne Marit was nice enough. He wouldn't mind having her as a mother-in-law. Crikey, mother-in-law. He was definitely thinking too far fetched, Eva still hadn't even agreed to date him yet. As soon as they were sure her mum was further than an earshot distance Eva covered her face with her hands. Chris smiled, she looked so cute like that. She took her hands off her face and stuck her hands out in a 'why' gesture: "why did you stand up?" He laughed "I wanted to introduce myself! I was raised well. You have to say hi to people you know" He pulled her back towards her bed with one arm around her waist and the other still holding onto the duvet. "You could've said hi some other time!" she argued. Chris tried not to linger on the fact that sooner or later Eva planned on introducing him to her mum and just pushed her onto her bed. "Nei, love me," he said instead taking the duvet off from around his waist and falling into bed with Eva.

Even though Chris had spent the entire weekend at Eva's, he still sent her a text as soon as he got home. He was so sure of himself that she wouldn't be able to resist him for much longer, so with that thought in hand he concluded their chat with 'night gf'.

With no further advancement in his plan the day after, Chris decided to do what any other guy would do, text the ex. Sure Chris and Jonas had never been friendly, but he did help him out that one time with the Yakuza guys so he did kind of owe him one. He had nothing to be ashamed of, not if it'd help him win over Eva, so he forgets about his pride for a second and sent Jonas a text.

Jonas Noah Vasquez


Hey, this maybe a bit far out, but you dated Eva before.

I'm crushing a bit on her but don't really get her,

from one bro to another, do you have any advice?

Like what kind of flowers does she like hahaha

Well, if he wanted to go back he couldn't now. The message has been sent and couldn't be undone. Thankfully before he had any more time to reflect on it, Jonas had replied.


Fuck flowers, take it down a notch man,

just ask if she wants to watch Fresh Prince

and eat nachos or something.


haha, weird combo.

Takk bro. Appreciate it.

Chris frowned down at his phone. He knew he wasn't the best person to judge what being a good boyfriend was and included, but he was pretty sure Jonas just gave him the worst advice he had ever received. He wasn't sure if Jonas just took the piss out of him to hang him out to dry, or if he was being deadly seriously and that was the reason why Eva dumped him. Either way he decided to completely ignore him and go with his original plan.

So that's exactly what he did, later that day, he showed up at Eva's door with a bouquet of flowers. In the end he was glad he went with his own idea, especially after he was invited to Sana's party as Eva's plus one, he had practically almost jumped up and happy danced. Almost. He was definitely getting closer and closer to winning over Eva. He was sure that by the end of Sana's party they'd be a couple.

The fifteenth time, the last time he'd ever see her in person... or at least he thought it was. They were at Sana's party which they had arrived together but had later left separately. Funny how all it took was for him to go get a plate of meatballs to find another girl and supposedly move on. One minute he was next to Eva talking about tomatoes and eating food off her plate, next he was standing across the table from a girl who was clearly interested in him.

He wasn't sure if he believed in déjà vu, but he found himself re-enacting the dream he was telling Eva about a few days ago. Except in replacement of Caroline, it was Eva. And replacing Eva was this first year? It seemed that he had asked out a first year in front of Eva. He had told the girl that he was her new boyfriend. Why? He didn't know, he hadn't felt a 'wow damn' moment with the girl before him, but maybe he could? He thought he had already had it with Eva, but after she told him she slept with Jonas... he rethought the whole thing between them over. Perhaps he was too full of himself. Well, he is always full of himself but wouldn't you be too if you were him?  But whilst he was dreaming of coming back from the army and seeing Eva, she had absolutely no problem in finding another guy to fulfil her needs. Oh god, he even texted Jonas asking for his advice. Jonas must've been laughing at him when he received his text. He probably knew all along that Eva was never actually going to be interested in him. Eva wasn't interested in him. Chris came to a realisation that it was possible for someone not to be interested in him, which sucked for him since he really did like her. Ironic wasn't it? Maybe it was karma for all the other girls he played. The one girl who he fell for, didn't feel the same about him. So yeah, you could say he was hurt. He was more than hurt actually, but he wasn't about to let her know that. Thus he did the only thing he knew how to do. He moved to the next girl in hope that he could forget Eva. And to keep his reputation intact. After all, purposely losing his chance with her seemed better than a potential rejection, at the time it did anyways.

The rest of the party he spent locked lips with Eva. Wait no. It wasn't Eva. If it were Eva he'd be enjoying himself more, but the lips on his didn't feel right. It wasn't the same. No passion. No spark. And still no wow damn moment. No, he was kissing Emily? That's her name right? He decided to stop thinking altogether and pressed his lips onto the girl with more force.

Later on that night, he left with Emma, but not before sneaking a glance towards Eva. If she had in some way looked jealous or hurt, he would've went back to her in an instance. However, she wasn't. Instead she was rather content with the presence of her ex. The sight left a bitter taste in his mouth, but he figured he made the right choice. If she didn't need him, he didn't need her either. And that was all he needed to see to convince himself to let Emma drag him away. Goodbye Eva Mohn he thought as Emma was locking her lips onto his.

The time he stopped counting.

Chris finds himself the next morning in bed with Emma. He frowns, it hasn't worked. The whole night was spent thinking about Eva, even when he was kissing another... It was like she was the only thing that he saw and she was just living in his head rent free. He winces at the mere thought that Eva must've seen him and Emma together. That's when he remembers Eva and Jonas... he hates the way his heart clenches at that moment. He fucked up. He truly fucked up. Without another thought he gets dressed and leaves. He knew he was a shitty person for not saying anything to Emma, especially when he told her he was her 'new boyfriend' last night. But to be honest he couldn't give a fuck about Emma, not when Eva wouldn't get out of his head. He quickly catches a taxi and sends a message to William.

William Magnusson


bro i fucked up

He didn't bother to start the conversation properly. He isn't in the right mind state to and he doesn't really care either, he was only texting William anyways. He'd understand.


what now?




oh yea. you messed up big time.

Chris rolls his eyes. As if he didn't know that. That was literally the first thing he said when he texted him.


Yeah so what do i do now man


that's your problem. should've thought about it before you hooked up with some random first year.

Typical. He had to stop himself from physically facepalming himself. He really did hate his best friend sometimes.


i freaked out dude

after she told me that she slept with Jonas again

i just- i just got scared so when i saw Emma i thought fuck it

but now i regret it so much man

idk what to do now

i'm pretty sure she left with Jonas too

The taxi had come to a halt and suddenly Chris came crashing back to reality, he hadn't realised that he had been that invested into his chat with William. He shoves his phone into his pocket and pulls out his wallet to pay the driver. He unlocks the front door and goes straight to his room. Collapsing onto his bed, he covers his face with his hands in frustration. He is so stupid. That's when he hears his phone buzz. Thinking that it was William he grabs his phone.

*2 new messages from Noora Sætre*

Chris sits up that quickly that he almost gets whiplash. He frowns, did she see his and William's messages? He wouldn't be surprised if she did. They were always together nowadays. Anticipation took over and he was slowly opening her messages.

Noora Sætre



thought i'd let you know that Jonas and Eva didn't leave together last night

He feels relief run through his body. At least she didn't get back with her ex he thinks. But that still doesn't change the fact that he left with Emma last night. He suddenly feels ashamed of himself, what was he supposed to reply to Noora now.




i'm just going to cut straight through the crap and tell you to go see her.

You like her don't you?

He is stunned by her response. He didn't expect to hear her say this. In fact he hadn't expected her to say anything let alone this. But to be fair, he hadn't even known what to expect, he and Noora hadn't really ever exchanged words to each other. He decides just to be straight up, there's no point in lying to her if she's seen his chat with William.


yea i like her

fuck.. yes of course i like her.

but what if she doesn't want to see me?

i'm just a fuckboy to her anyways


well if you like her then go see her, simple as that

what else do you have to lose?


damn you're right

takk for the help Noora

you're much more help than William


obviously ;)

but just fyi, if you hurt Eva i will come for you!

He smiles but doesn't reply. Before he could get cold feet, he grabs his keys and got into his car. He automatically drives towards her house.

He sits in his car for ten minutes before actually getting out. This is stupid he thinks, but then he sees the flowers he gave Eva still in the window and all his thoughts are pushed out. He gets out of his car and stands in front of the door for another 5 minutes. Damn, this is embarrassing, when have I ever been this scared to talk to someone? Gee man up Chris. Just as he is about to press the doorbell though, the door pulls open. Eva leans against the doorframe, amusement clear on her face.

"Did you forget how to use the doorbell or did you just want to stand outside my house like a stalker?" she teases.

Startled by her sudden appearance, he stands there motionless unable to comprehend what was going on.

"Chris?" she says puzzled by his unusualness.

"Huh?" he replies and with that he comes crashing down. He registers that he had probably been staring at her for some time now. God he was such an idiot. His regular slickness completely out of the window. He had never been as awkward as he was right now. 

In an attempt to redeem himself, he blurts out "I fucked up," he pauses, but just before she could say anything he adds "I know. I'm sorry. It was a dick move and I completely get if I lost my chance with you but I had to try. I like you Eva. I really do and I know that doesn't sound convincing right now when I literally left with Emma yesterday. It's just that I got scared when you told me that you and Jonas slept together because I literally can't get you out of my head. You're everything that I see. And for you to not feel the same way. I freaked. I'm not used to rejection, or well not by the first person who I actually fell for..." he's rambling now. Great.

Feeling shamefaced, he looks down. He can't look at her. Not when he just made an utter fool of himself. He really hoped a hole would open up underneath and swallow him up because he really didn't want to walk the Earth after she rejects him. Just as Chris was thinking of jumping into his car and driving off a cliff, he sees her feet shuffle towards him. He braves it and decides to look at her. She leans in towards him and latches her lips onto his. Taken by surprise, he freezes but soon enough he relaxes when her hands interlock each other around his neck. The kiss was more tender and soft compared to their other ones. He moves his hands to the side of her face as indication that he would never let her go after this. When they finally come up for air, they rest their foreheads against each other staying in that position. Eva speaks up first.

"Nice to know that THE Christoffer Schistad doesn't always have a way with words," she says beaming widely at him.

Pulling away from her, he crinkles his eyes at the reminder of his mess earlier. He groans, "never speak of this moment again please."

"Na uh this is a story for the grandkids."

Chris raises an eyebrow, "grandkids huh? Does that mean you say yes?"

"Yes to what?" she tilts her head as an act to seem oblivious.

He takes a step closer to her and says into her ear, "yes to being my girlfriend."

"Hmm..." she brings her hand to her chin pretending to be deep in thought. "Okay, but if you ever cheat on me I will kill you."

There was no one else for him, only Eva. He knew that now and he wasn't about to destroy that when she was his now. She wouldn't even have to kill him, he would give himself a hard time if he ever ruined what they had.  She was his home and without her he wouldn't be able to live.

"That's fine by me," he smiles at her.

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๐—Ÿ๐—ผ๐˜ƒ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ฟ ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐˜€ ๐—น๐—ถ๐—ธ๐—ฒ ๐—ฝ๐—น๐—ฎ๐˜†๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐˜„๐—ถ๐˜๐—ต ๐—ณ๐—ถ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ, ๐—น๐˜‚๐—ฐ๐—ธ๐—ถ๐—น๐˜† ๐—ณ๐—ผ๐—ฟ ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ฟ, ๐—”๐—ป๐˜๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐˜€ ๐—น๐—ผ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐—ฝ๐—น๐—ฎ๐˜†๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐˜„๐—ถ๐˜๐—ต ๏ฟฝ...
860K 52.9K 117
Kira Kokoa was a completely normal girl... At least that's what she wants you to believe. A brilliant mind-reader that's been masquerading as quirkle...
1.2M 52K 98
Maddison Sloan starts her residency at Seattle Grace Hospital and runs into old faces and new friends. "Ugh, men are idiots." OC x OC