Her Tranquil Tales

By thatabayagirl

218K 11.4K 7.5K

A Collection of Short Stories which mostly contains romance but, along with few amazing twists and thrills... More

Author's Note
1.1 you are the one
1.2 you are the one
1.3 you are the one
1.4 you are the one
1.5 you are the one
1.6 you are the one
1.7 you are the one
1.8 you are the one
2.1 my junior boy
2.2 my junior boy
2.3 my junior boy
2.4 my junior boy
2.5 my junior boy
2.6 my junior boy
2.7 my junior boy
2.8 my junior boy
3.1 spark of justice
3.2 spark of justice
3.3 spark of justice
•M Y D E A R T H E M I•


5.1K 428 462
By thatabayagirl

It has been five years since their marriage. Years flew in a jiffy, quicker than a rocket for them. But all these years they lived with utmost pleasure and being content in their life filled with cheerfulness, happiness and merriment.

Naira became the youngest lecturer at IIM, Banglore. The same institution where they both studied and embellished friendlier. She was more than fortunate enough to get a job at her institution and teach the upcoming MBA graduates.

Since it was the last period of the first day at college, she decided to give a free period to her students and mingle with each other to get to know them better. Everyone was full of enthusiasm and lively and some even initiated to show off their skills, talents like singing, dancing in front of the class. Time flew quicker than expected and Naira realised this when she heard the bell, indicating that the class was over. But still, few more students were left to introduce themselves. So, she thought to continue for a few more minutes.

Their introduction session was interrupted when everyone heard a knock on the door. Naira turned her posture from her student and peered back at the door where the knock came.

It was her Husband, Nayel Ibrahim.

"I'm snatching away your precious teacher." He declared.

Her face turned red due to embarrassment when he declared his statement in front of her students. She rolled her eyes and turned back to her students and announced,

"Okay, that's it for today. Let's continue this tomorrow."

All girls in the class were giggling when they saw Nayel, and whilst he proudly declared snatching their teacher.

"Ma'am, is he your husband?"

"Y-yes." She blushed while replying and strolled towards the table near the whiteboard to grab her bag to leave.

Ma Sha Allah, some students mumbled.

She paced towards Nayel who was resting his head on the door and waiting for her. They stared each other for a nanosecond and got abrupted when a girl stood up from her seat and asked,

"Was it a love marriage? You both look cute."

"No, it was a surprise marriage!" Nayel chuckled saying, grabbed her hand and slowly walked towards the parking lot.


They pulled their car into the driveway of Little Kids pre-school, where their three and a half-year-old son Naim was studying. Just like the meaning of his name; happiness, peaceful, bliss, he was indeed the reason for all these in their life too. Their little bundle of joy.

The little boy jumped on the car along with his father and sat on his lap in the driving seat. In the process throwing his new black batman bag to the back seat.

"How was your first day at school my baby Naim?" She asked picking him up from Nayel and gently placing him on her lap.

"Noth gwood." He replied in his baby voice, flickering his small eyes.

"It's okay Naim, it will be gwood soon." She replied in the same baby voice and planted a kiss on his chubby cheeks.

"Let's go eat something. What do both want?" Nayel asked, starting the car.

"Icecream!" Naira replied.

"Yay! I alsho icecreaaaam!" Naim squealed and jumped a little from her lap.

Seeing him jumping, Nayel gently lifted him and placed on his lap and gazed at her small baby bump which was not yet visible.

"It's okay Nayel." She said staring into his eyes.

She was three months pregnant and their little bundle of joy, Naim is unaware of this. They were scared to know his reaction, whether he would be happy or sad. He was spoilt since birth by his grandparents and aunties hence having a problem of sharing his things with others. Nevertheless, they know they have to say about his new sister or brother and decided to say this after having their ice cream, a way of bribing their baby Naim.

By carefully using each word, they revealed this news to Naim. To their surprise, he was overjoyed with happiness and was waiting for the arrival of his sister or brother.

They reached home late, by the time Naim was already fast asleep on Naira's lap. She gently placed him on his new bedroom, covered his body over the duvet and went to freshen up.

Naira dried her hair and went towards the home theatre room, to watch a movie as she was in no mood to sleep at the moment. Dragging her poor exhausted husband Nayel, they comfortably sat on the couch, deciding which movie to watch.

"This movie and it's fixed." She declared choosing the movie Titanic.

"But Naira you've already watched it more than a hundred times." He said frustrated of her obsession for this movie.

"So what? Do you have any problem?" She glared at him and he chooses to close his mouth knowing the consequence of what she will be doing to him if he replied anything.

She rested her head on his shoulders, covered both of them in a blanket and started watching the movie. Nayel lost his concentration on watching the movie when he heard light sobs. He turned towards his left and saw his precious wife crying uncontrollably.

The scene was where he was asking her to promise him that she shouldn't give up and to never let that promise go.

"Of-off it Nayel," she screamed whilst weeping, "I don't want to watch it anymore."

"But you were the one who-" He was not able to complete his sentence when she glared at him and gritted her teeth in anger.

"MY JACKKK! MY POOR JACK." She threw the duvet from her body and cried.

"H-he will d-die now. I don't wanna watch it." Her face turned red due to her sobs and tears were brimming from her eyes non-stop.

He gently embraced her in a hug, trying to console her by saying it's just a movie. But, she was not listening to what he was saying.

"Sh..shhh... It's okay Naira." He patted on her back, calming her and thought to stay silent understanding her pregnancy mood swings. But what she said next broke his embrace from her.


"What?!" He blurted.

"My Jack he is the besstttttttt." She whimpered out, wiping away her tears.

"How can you say this shamelessly in front of your Husband!?" He was getting a little pissed by her outbursts and unwanted confessions.

"What? Can't I even say the truth?" She asked with puppy eyes, flickering her eyelashes.

"No, Yes. Huh, Whatever." Annoyed by this, he got up from the couch.

She instantly stopped her dramatic behaviour and followed him like a lost puppy cause she wanted something from him. He was walking towards their bedroom but Naira stopped him by pulling his t-shirt sleeves.

"What?" He calmly asked, not trying to get angry on her.

"I-I'm craving for some Barfi." She said, looking down.

Instead of denying her wish, he tried to convince her by saying it was late and he would buy it for her the next day.

"It's already 2 am."

"Please, Nayel." She clutched on his t-shirt sleeve and pleaded.

"Okay. Fine." Saying this went towards the wardrobe to change his clothes.

"Why changing clothes?" She asked confused.

"Didn't you say your craving for some Barfi's."

"I don't want those cheap Barfis from a pastry shop. I'm craving for some authentic homemade Barfi, like the one my mom makes." She said in excitement, dreaming about her mom's Barfi.

"But Naira, how can we get it-"

She cut him off by giggling, "I want you to make."

"Naira, No."

"Please, please my dear husband." She pleaded.

"Then say who is best me or that Jack?" He raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Of cause, it's my J-" He glared at her and she stopped mid-sentence.

"I mean my Jealous Husband Nayel!" In a swift, she pecked his lips and dragged him to the kitchen.

I'm not jealous. He muttered but it was audible enough for her to hear and she snickered for his childlike behaviour.

Instructing thoroughly remembering her mom's recipe, Nayel was almost done with his dish. She just kept on admiring his beauty and thanked her lord for blessing her with such an amazing husband, son and for the new baby.

"I know I'm handsome." He said, placing the barfi he made in front of her.

"Indeed you are." She winked saying and without wasting a second, stuffed those Barfis in her mouth.

"Thiss ishh sho yum yummyyy." She blurted, still stuffing those, without giving him any.

"You sound like our Naim." He said and cleaned the kitchen, wiped her mouth which contained some sweet particles and they paced towards their room.

He felt so content seeing her this happy after crying for a stupid movie character. They retired down and he was about to switch off the lights but halted when he saw Naira who lay down was now sitting up with a worried face.

"What happened?" He asked, bothered.

"I just don't feel right about this, us, everything."

"What do you mean?" He inquired, not understanding what she was saying.

"About our marriage. W-we lied to my parents, we planned to disclose about our nikkah to them after the Walima. But then we got scared and decided to tell them after the birth of Naim. But now our new baby is coming to this world and still, we haven't told to them that we were already married."

"I-i feel so guilty and bad about me. They love you and our Naim so much. But, we cheated them Nayel." She burst out shedding tears.

He patted her head, squeezing in a hug and said in a shaking voice. "Actually, the-they know."


"I-I told them the day after when I came to your house with the proposal."

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!?" She exploded.

"I thought that was good. Your father became angry, but he was sure you wouldn't do anything without a reason. That's why he approved us and requested to not tell this to you. I'm sorry Naira." He said, wiping her tear-filled face gently.

"Still, you could've told me Nayel. I HATE YOU." Saying this she turned to her side, facing her back to him and drifted off to sleep.

Her mood swings are a serious problem. He thought and checked upon her. But, she was already fast asleep.

Maybe because she was tired.

The next day, she ignored him and even told to Naim to not talk with his father. That innocent child didn't understand why his mother was saying this.

"Mamaa, whyy no thalkk to Dada?"

"Your Dada is bad. He lied to me." She said, combing his hair.

"Dadaaa lie ishh bwad." He said and ran to his father to scold him.


Dropping Naim to his school, they drove towards Naira's institution. The car ride was still silent, she was still angry at him for hiding the truth from her.

"Come on Naira! I did it for you."

"For me? Oh really!" She looked annoyed.

"Can't you see that I Love You?" At this, she snapped her head to his direction and instantly, all her anger vanished upon hearing his question.

"Y-yes. I'm sorry." She leaned to his side, hugged him and stayed like that for some minutes.

"Gosh, now I don't feel like going to work leaving you behind." He said in his lazy tone.

"But I want to go to work." She replied.

"You know right? How I said marrying a rich girl and live without working? That's my dream, job Naira. Just because to marry you and to impress your parents I joined this hectic work at the Google company. Now that you have work, I think it's time for me to quit." He said in a serious and pleasant expression.

"What! Really? Sorry, work harder for us." She said and kissed him.


The wait outside the labour side, in the hospital, seemed slower than a snail. Each second felt like an eternity to him. Although it was not the first time, standing and waiting to know what is happening inside, he was more than nervous thinking about his Naira and baby.

Both his and Naira's parents were present there. Naim was more than excited to meet his new siblings and was planning on what all games they should play together. It didn't matter for him whether it is a sister or brother, all he wanted was someone who will play with him and someone who he will love endlessly.

"Mr Nayel Ibrahim, you are blessed with a baby girl. Come inside." The nurse announced.

Picking up Naim on his shoulders he marched towards her. His eyes were filled with tears, seeing their new reason for happiness and joy. He paced towards her, who was holding their tiny baby girl in her arms.

"Nayel, our baby girl." She whispered and gently placed the baby in his arms. He looked at his beautiful daughter and said Ma Sha Allah. Naim who was in his father's arms also gently touched his sister. The feeling was indescribable and delightful.

"We will call her Nafeela." He declared, kissing the baby's tiny forehead.

"Aww, nishh nameee." Naim said.

Naira was now filled with tears seeing her reason to smile, her happiness, her small family. Her beautiful son and daughter safely wrapped around his arms.

"Ma Sha Allah, you look cute." Saying this she grabbed the phone near the table and clicked their picture, for her to cherish forever.

"Even Fiza said I am cuteee. I havvee too twell herr abott myy sishterr." Naim said with a smile.

His parents suspiciously asked him in unison, " Who is Fiza?"

"Shhee my frnddd andh in UKG." He said proudly. He was in LKG and got a friend who was apparently his senior, one year older than him.

"Like Father like son," Naira muttered and everyone laughed.





Hope you liked the Epilogue of 'My Junior Boy'. How was it?

(Please, silent readers also respond.)

While I was halfway writing this chapter, mom gave me Barfi and said, eat them for your inspiration :D She recently discovered that I am writing on Wattpad and is happy about it. So, now you know from where I got that Barfi idea :)
So that credit goes to my Mom ❤

Stay tuned for next Story!

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