The Miscalculation

By silverfire0

354K 9.8K 2.9K

My name is Amara O'Connell. I wasn't born an O'Connell I was born a Potter. I have an older brother named Ja... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
New Story?
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Face Claims
Face Claim for New Story
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
I would like your input...
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Help and Other Face Claims
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Important Question?
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty - Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter 14

11.1K 415 98
By silverfire0


Thoughts in Ancient Egyptian


Ancient Egyptian


First Day of School...

I woke up the next morning and, I had no idea what time it was.

Tom, any ideas.

Tempus. It is a spell that will show the time. All you have to do is hold out your wand and say Tempus. -Tom

Thank you.

I rolled over and picked up my wand from the table. I replayed Tom's instructions in my head. I held the wand out in front of me.

"Tempus," I said

In a green puff of smoke, the time appeared. 6:30. I let out a small huff but I got up and moved over to my trunk to grab some clothes then head to the shower. I took a quick shower, got dressed, and head down to the common room. I walk into the room to see Imhotep waiting for me.

"Do I even want to know how you knew I was awake?" I asked

"No, you don't." He said

I was about to ask him something but Draco and Theo walked into the common room.

"You two are up early," Draco said

"Yeah guess it must be the nerves," I said

"There is nothing to be nervous about. The hardest teacher in the school is our head of house. The next hardest is McGonagall but if what I heard is correct as long as we don't disrespect her that class should go by fine." Theo said

"What class does she teach?" Adom asked

"Transfiguration," Draco said

I nod my head. A few moments pass and, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle enter the common room.

"You guys want to head down to breakfast?" Theo asked

"Sure," I said

We left the dorms and headed to the Great Hall. We walked into the Great Hall and found a seat at the table. The food wasn't on the tables yet. I looked around the room I noticed that the teacher in the purple head wrapping was looking over at us. I turned and looked at Draco who was sitting on my right.

"Do you happen to know who the Professor is with the purple head wrapping?" I asked

Draco turned and looked up at the head table.

"That is Professor Quirrell. He was the Muggle Studies Teacher now he is the Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher." Draco said

I nod my head.

Any idea why he keeps looking at me. I mean I haven't even done anything... yet?

No, but he feels familiar to me, and I don't know why. Just watch your back with him. Also, see if Imhotep can get a read on him. -Tom

"Why did you want to know?" Draco asked

"He just keeps looking over here," I said

"She's right. I noticed it last night as well. He is either looking over here or at James Potter." Theo said

The hall started to fill in, and soon there was food on the table.


As we were finished eating Professor Snape started to hand out our time tables. As soon as we all got out time tables back we passed them around to see what classes we had together. I noticed that we had a lot of classes with the Gryffindor's.

"Hey, I have a question. If Slytherins and Gryffindors don't get along, why do we have so many classes with them?" I asked

The table was quiet for a while.

"I never really thought about it." Someone said

We all looked farther up the table to see an older student. I remember him from the night I told my story.

"I'm Marcus Flint. I never really noticed that we had so many classes with Gryffindors." Marcus said

"I mean would it not be better to have us be with the Ravenclaws or Hufflepuffs," I said

The table all nodded their heads.

...Transfiguration Class...

We were all now sitting in Transfiguration Class. McGonagall wasn't in the room but a cat was sitting on her desk. I looked around the room to see three empty seats. The doors slam open we all turn to see James and Carrot Top.

"Whew, amazing, can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?" Carrot Top asked

The cat jumps off the desk and turns into Professor McGonagall. The three boys are amazed.

"That was bloody brilliant," James said

"Thank you for that assessment, Mr. Potter. Maybe if I were to transfigure Mr. Weasley and yourself into a pocket watch, one of you would be on time." McGonagall said

"We got lost." Carrot Top said

"Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats." McGonagall said

Some of the Slytherins giggle a little bit at them. The rest class went by pretty fast. It was a pretty fun class.

...Potions Class...

We were now in Potions class. Adom, Draco, Theo, and I were upfront. Most of the Slytherins were upfront while the Gryffindors sat in the back. We were all talking amongst ourselves. The doors slam open and Snape comes rushing in.

"There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to enjoy the subtle science and exact are that is potion-making. However, for those select few (looks at Draco, who smiles), who possess the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death. Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to" Snape said

We all turn to see that he was talking about James, who was doing something in one of his notebooks. Carrot Top nudges James in the ribs. James looks up.

"Mr. Potter. Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Snape asked

James doesn't say anything. Hermione's hand skyrockets.

"You don't know? Well, let's try again. Where, Mr. Potter, would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" Snape asked

Once again James doesn't know. Hermione's hand once again skyrockets.

"And what is the difference between Monkshood and Wolfsbane?" Snape asked

"I don't know," James said

"What a disappointment. Clearly, fame isn't everything. Do any of my snakes know the answer?" Snape asked

Answer the questions. I'll give you the answers. -Tom

I raise my hand.

"Miss. O'Connell. If you would." Snape said

Answer to the first question they make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death. The answer to the second question is a Bezoar is a stone, taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from the most poisons. The answer to the last question is they are the same plant which also goes by the name of Aconite. -Tom

"If you added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood you will get a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death. A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. Monkshood and Wolfsbane are the same things and it also goes by the name of Aconite." I said

"Correct. Miss O'Connell. 10 points to Slytherin." Snape said

He looked around the room.

"Why is no one writing this down?" Snape asked

With that everyone got to work writing down the answers.

How did you know those answers? -Imhotep asked in my head


The rest of the class was kind of boring we just went over safety stuff.

...Lunch Time...

We were all sitting at the table talking about classes so far when a loud noise. We all look up to see that a first-year at the Gryffindor table had made his cup explode. Almost the entire hall starts to laugh, even some of the Slytherins.

"Leave it to a Gryffindor to make a fool of themselves," Crabbe said

Draco opened his mouth to say something but stopped when owls started to fly in. They dropped off packages, letters, and newspapers to people. My owl dropped off a letter, and a copy of the Daily Prophet. I look at the front cover of the newspaper to see that someone broke into Gringotts.

"I bet this made the Goblins happy," I said

"What happened?" Draco asked

I handed him the newspaper. He read it over and his eyes got big.

"No one has ever broken into Gringotts before," Draco said

"It looks like whatever they were looking for they didn't get," Theo said

I opened up the letter I had received and read it over. It was from mom telling me she missed me and reminding me that I can't get into too much trouble. Then at the bottom was a message from Jonathan telling me to cause as much chaos as I could.

"I can't wait to go to Flying practice," Draco said

"Yeah, but it's with Potter," Blaise said

I looked up at that.

"Which Potter?" I asked

"Both, Professor Potter is in charge of Quidditch and helps Madam Hooch with Flying practice. " Blaise said

"Well, this is going to suck," I said

...Skip to flying lessons...

We are all outside at flying practice. We once again have this class with Gryffindor. We are lined up in two rows. Slytherin's in one and Gryffindor's in the other. Madam Hooch and Potter were standing at the top of the two rows.

"Good afternoon, class. I'm Madam Hooch, and this is Mister Potter. He is in charge of Quidditch and helps in these flying lessons." Madam Hooch said

"Good afternoon Madam Hooch, and Mister Potter." We all say

"Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well, what are you waiting for? Everyone steps up to the left side of their broomstick. Come on now, hurry up. Stick your right hand over the broom and say, Up!" Hooch said

We all follow Madam Hooch's instructions. I stick my hand out over the broom.

"Up," I said

My broom fly's up into my hand. I look around to see that Draco and Jr's brooms were in their hands.

"With feeling!" Potter yells

I notice that Carrot Top and Bushy Hair are having issues.

"UP!" Carrot Top yells

His broom flies up and conks him on the nose. The entire Slytherin line starts to laugh at him. Hooch looks at us and we stop laughing.

"Now, once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. And grip it tight, you don't want to be sliding off the end. (class mounts the broom) When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment, and then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle...3...2...(blows whistle)." Hooch said

Neville immediately lifts off. He looks scared out of his mind.

"Oh..." He said

"Mr. Longbottom," Hooch said

"Neville, what are you doing?" Someone asked

"We're not supposed to take off, yet." Someone else yelled

"M-M-Mr. Longbottom. Mr. Longbottom!" Hooch yells

"Ahh!" Neville yells

"Mr. Longbottom," Potter yelled

Neville starts to soar away.

"Help!" Neville yells

"Come back down now," Hooch said

"I don't think he knows how," I said

Something passes through Potter and Hooch's eyes. Potter goes to mount his broom and take off but he's not fast enough. Because Neville soars through the sky and hits a wall, conking along it and then swooping off. All the while he screams. He begins to zoom back towards us. Hooch pulls out her wand to stop him. We all duck as he zooms over our heads. He zooms past a statue of a man with a sharp spear.

"This isn't going to end well," I said

Neville's cloak catches on it. He has flipped off the broom and hangs there.

"Oh. H-Help." Neville says

He wavers, then the cloak rips, and he falls, catching on a torch, but then slipping out and falling on the ground. He lets out a pain-filled whimper. Hooch and Potter, push through the crowd.

"Everyone out of the way!" Hooch said

Hooch and Potter, are now standing over Neville. He lets out another pain-filled moan.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh dear. It's a broken wrist. Tch, tch, tch. Good boy, come on now, up you get." Hooch said

I see Draco reach down and grab Neville's Remembrall, which has fallen. Hooch begins to lead Neville away with her.

"Mister Potter is in charge until I get back from taking Mr. Longbottom to the Hospital Wing," Hooch said

With that, she turns and leaves and heads inside the castle.

"So with two teachers, no one was able to catch him," I said

The boys standing around me laugh. Potter is over talking to his son.

"Did you see his face? Maybe if the fat lump had squeezed this, he'd have remembered to fall on his fat ass." Draco said

"Draco not so loud. Do you want Potter to hear you?" I asked

"Give it here, Malfoy." Someone said

"This is going to be good," I whisper to Adom

I turn to see Jr standing behind me. I look around and can't find Sr anywhere.

"No. I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find it." Draco said

He hops on his broom and soars around us.

"How 'bout up on the roof? What's the matter, Potter? Bit beyond your reach?" Draco asked

"Did he just ask that to the son of the guy who is in charge of the Quidditch teams?" I asked

"It would seem he did," Theo said

"And here I thought he was smart," I said

James grabs his broom and runs to get on it. Bushy hair stops him.

"James, no! You heard your dad before he went inside. Besides, you don't even know how to fly." Hermione said

He says something to her because she backs up, and I see what looks like tears in her eyes. James mounts his broom and takes off.

"Give it here, Malfoy, or I'll knock you off your broom!" James said

"Is that so?" Draco asked

James makes a dash for him. But Draco twirls around his broom in a 360.

"Have it your way, then!" Draco yells

He then throws the Remembrall into the air. James zooms after the ball, speeding towards a tower. Just as he is about to hit a window, he catches it and then heads back to the group. The Gryffindor students cheer and run to see him. Most of the Slytherins are either glaring at James or Draco.

"Oh, that was wicked, James." Carrot Top said

"James Potter Jr! Follow me!" McGonagall said

James looks down but follows her all the same. That's when most of the Slytherin's laugh. I noticed that she didn't ask where his father was, or where Madam Hooch was.

"Anyone else notices that he didn't get in trouble?" Adom asked

"He won't. He's the boy-who-lived, I doubt he will ever get in trouble." I said

"But aren't you the one?" Adom asked

"Yes but only you, the goblins, the Dark Lord, and I know that," I said

Adom went to say something but Theo spoke up first.

"Hey you to can't do that. Isn't fair that you two can have your own conversation without us knowing what you are saying." Theo said

"Sorry," I said

"So since there's no teacher can we leave?" Crabbe asked

"No clue," I said

...Dinner Time...

We were headed to the Great Hall when Sir Nick floats by talking to another ghost.

"Have you heard? James Potter Jr is the new Gryffindor Seeker. I always knew he do well." Nick said

"Of course he became the youngest Seeker in a century," Draco said

"And to think that if you had just given him the ball he'd just be what he was this morning," I said

"I know," Draco said

"So Amara how are you liking the wizarding world so far?" Theo asked

"It's okay. So far I've seen a lot of favoritism." I said

"Yeah, there is," Theo said

We spent the rest of dinner talking about the first day of class. Once Adom and I were done eating we said goodbye to others and headed back to the common room. I entered the common room and sat down in the chair that I had sat in the other night. Adom once again stood to my right just and just behind me.

"Imhotep you don't have to stand behind me, pull up a chair," I said

"I've always stood behind the person I follow." He said

Yeah and look how that turned out for Seti I. -Tom

"Yes but I don't want you as a follower. " I said

I saw him smile. He nodded his head and pulled a smaller chair over so he was now sitting where he used to be standing. I pulled out the little black book that the goblins had given me. The little book was set up by name, then by the most useful information. I quickly figured out that the book had more than just European wizards and witches, there were quite a few French and Bulgarian names in the book.

This can greatly help with your goal to add France and Bulgaria to your list of countries. -Tom

Yes, it could. But I don't want people to know I have access to this book.

Why don't you want them to know? -Imhotep asked

Because if people find out I have Cassiopeia Black's Little Black Book. It would only take a hop skip and jump to figure out I am the Head of the Black family. Seeing as only the head of the family can access it.

Somehow I knew that they both nodded their heads. I was able to read through quite a few names before the common room started to fill in with people. Draco, Theo, and Blaise walked into the common room and made their way over to me. I quickly put the book back into my bag.

"Hey boys," I said

"Hey," they said

They sat down and pulled out the homework we were assigned for Transfiguration. I let out a small breath before I took out my homework and started to do it. This was one of the best parts of having Tom in my head because if I started to write down the wrong answer he would stop me and tell me the right one. I then in turn would help Imhotep. Once I was done with all the homework for the night, I packed it all back up.

"I'm going to go ahead and head to bed," I said

"Goodnight, Amara," Adom said

"Night." the others said

"Night," I said


Nothing really big happened till the third week into the school year. After dinner, Adom and I headed to the library for a few minutes to grab a book. When we were done we headed back to the common room. But as we got closer to the common room a bad feeling settled in.

I have a really bad feeling.

What do you feel? -Tom

I don't know I just have a bad feeling.

A few Upper-Class men will most likely be waiting for you, they are probably going to face you. The pecking order. In their eyes, you are a Muggle-Born. They don't know your story. But I want you to put them in their place. Show them your power. Show them that they are below you. -Tom

Will do.

"When we get into the common room let me do all the talking," I said

"Why?" he asked

"I have a bad feeling. Tom thinks they are going to try to put us in our places. Because in their eyes we are muggle-borns who shouldn't even be in Slytherin." I said

"So what's your plan?" he asked

"I think I'll show them exactly where I stand, and where they stand," I said

He smirked. We made it to the common room. I looked at the door that would lead into the common room. I let out a breath. I say the password and the bricks fall away. We walk into the opening and soon we step into the common room. I look around to see the common room is divided into classes. On the far left side are the first years and then I follow it around till I look to the far right side to the seventh year. I didn't say anything nor did Adom. I did see the few first years I talked to looking at me. A group of five, six years step forward.

"There is a hierarchy in Slytherin. I am at the top and you Mudblood are at the bottom. Not even the bottom. Someone like you shouldn't even be in a house that values blood. You belong below us all." the boy said

He raised his wand, as did the boys on either side of him.

"Are you not going to raise your wand?" one of the boys asked

I didn't answer them nor did I raise my wand. The boy on the farthest end got mad and sent out the first spell. It came towards me but was absorbed. I look at the boy who had cast the spell. He dropped his wand, and then let out a scream as he fell to his knees before falling to the ground. I looked back at the main guy. Two more spells were fired off. They once again were absorbed. I held out my hand in front of me and closed my fist. The two that cast the spell dropped their wands and brought their hands to their chest.

"I'm sorry is something wrong?" I ask

I squeeze my fist and the boys fall to their knees.

"Please stop." boy two said

Boy three lets out a moan of pain. I slowly bring my arm down to my side, and his arms give out so that they are both laying on the floor. I let my fist relax. I look back up at the remaining two boys, the one that had started this and his little friend. The friend raised his hand and pointed it at me. I smiled and focused my magic on his wand tip, the tip caught fire the fire ran up the wand and onto the hand that was holding the wand. The boy started to yell and run around. He fell to the floor and started to roll around trying to put the fire out. But it didn't go out. I stopped the fire after the boy had passed out from panicking. I then put my focuses back to the man who had started this. He shot off two more spells that were once again absorbed. He then turned and shot some out at Adom who simply sent them to the side.

Let them feel your magic. Not all of it, but enough. -Tom

I did as Tom told me to. I dropped my walls that Tom had me build. I let my magic flow free. I didn't let it all out just enough. I saw the boy that was left standing take a couple of steps back. I noticed that most of the common room do the same.

"What is your name?" I asked in a chilling voice

"Marcus Jugson," Jungson said

I took a couple of steps forward so that I was standing only an arms length from him.

"Come here," I said

Jungson just stood there.

"I said come here," I said

I had put magic into the words. Jugson stepped forward, he was trying to fight it but he wasn't able to.

"So you believe that you are above me. But you have yet to even touch me. I didn't even cast a spell or raise my wand, yet I took out your little friends. You believe that your blood gives you power but it doesn't." I said

Jugson swallowed.

"Kneel," I said

Jugson tried to fight it but he fell to his knees.

" Wait I want you to Stand," I said

Jugson once again tried to fight it but he stood. I smiled at him.

"Oops. I think I want you to Kneel." I said

He once again tried to fight it but he fell to his hands and knees. He picked himself up so he was on knees in front of me. I held out my hand and summoned a knife out of thin air. I hold the knife out in front of me.

"I want you to take this knife and cut yourself with it," I said

Jugson reaches up and takes the knife, he looks up at me.

"Please don't make me do this." Jugson pleas.

"Do it," I said

Jugson pulls up his sleeve and cuts his arm and then does the same with the other before dropping the knife. I let him bleed for a few moments.

"So tell me Jugson just how good is your blood now. Because from where I stand my blood, my power just beat yours. Your so-called Pureblood and pure magic was nothing." I said

Jugson's blood continued to flow from the cuts and on to the floor. He looked up at me.

"So where is my place?" I asked

"Above me," Jugson said

"And where is your place?" I asked

"Below you," Jugson said

"Do you want me to stop the bleeding?" I asked

"Yes," Jugson said

"Then you have to ask?" I said

I could see the struggle in his eyes.

"Will you please make the bleeding stop," Jugson said

"Of course," I said.

I leaned down and covered the cuts with my hands, and healed his cuts. Once they were healed I got back up. I looked around the room. I noticed that the group I usually talked to couldn't meet my eyes. I looked at the others in the room.

"Let this be a warning. I don't care what you think of me, or my blood. I've faced far worse than any of you can think." I said

I looked around. And pushed my magic out so that they could all feel what I wanted them to. I then looked over at the first years.

"Break my trust and you will pay," I said

I noticed that only Theo looked remorseful. I then looked around the room.

"If you stand against me you will fall. I don't give second chance so this is everyone's one and only warning. Blood isn't power. Power is power." I said

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