The Pro's Daughter (Katuski B...

By Xiao_Fang7887

55.7K 2.3K 1.3K

۵"I don't care if your the damn teachers daughter. If I have to put my life on the line for you, so be it. If... More

❦〚The Aizawa Residence〛❦
❦〚Cousin #1〛❦
❦〚Cousin #2 and an Angry Pomeranian〛❦
❦〚Class 1-A〛❦
❦〚One Hectic Day〛❦
⚠Bad News⚠
❦〚Back To Class〛❦
❦〚A Declaration of War〛❦
❦〚Small Talk 〛❦

❦〚The Baby in the Rain〛❦

8K 293 193
By Xiao_Fang7887

To say Aizawa's day was good, would be an understatement. It was one of those days, where the students were too riled up, students causing too much commotion, students getting on his nerves. A walk in the rain seemed like a good idea at the time, but now he just regretted his decision. The cold wind made him shiver a little, while the freezing rain soaked his clothes and hair, taking away his body heat.

        The sounds of a soft cry, caught his attention. "A cry? Did a kid get lost or something again?"

        The sounds got louder as he walked closer to the park. "That crying sounds too young to be a kid....a toddler maybe? No....sounds younger..."

        Aizawa looked across the park, trying to see if he could find the source of the crying. He was about to give up and go back to the school to do some paper work, his students, when a bright yellow raincoat laying down on a bench. At first, the black haired man assumed it was just a raincoat someone had left outside, before the sleeve moved. The teacher walked over, seeing the source of the of the crying. A 3 month old baby.

        She was on the smaller side for a baby of her age. She had strands of (h/c) hair popping out of her head, along with tear stained (s/t) (skin tone) cheeks. Her (e/c) eyes were puffy due to how long she's been crying. Estimating the color of the whites of her eyes and the sound of her voice, she's been out here for little less than an hour. Her small eyes locked onto Aizawa's black ones. Her voice went silent, and the tears stopped running out of her eyes.

        Aizawa noticed the difference between her previous behavior and her current one. "Well you sure have a quick change of mood."

        The girl just kept looking up at him, no change in her face. She just stared at him.

        "At least you stopped crying." Aizawa looked around, there was still no sign of someone who associated themselves with her. The only people he could see were teens waiting for the rain to stop inside grocery stores, and mothers bringing little kids home with umbrellas in their hands. He looked back down at the baby, and she just kept looking up at him. "What's wrong with you? Never seen an adult before?"

        She just sneezed, and cried a little due to the harsh wind that passed them.

        Aizawa looked like he was done with this. "Alright kid, let's go find your parents." He took the sleeves of the coat and brought them to the front of the coat, and tied them together in a double knot. He picked her up by the two sleeves, causing the coat to swing back and forth a couple of times.

        She giggled.

        Something in Aizawa's heart felt like it had gotten a wake up call. What's wrong with him? He shook it off, and continued to carry her by the sleeves of the coat, and the baby continued to giggle.

        "There you are!" A familiar loud voice made Aizawa groan in annoyance. "Where have you been?! And why did you go out with some kind of protection?! And don't tell me you just took someones rain coat!"

        "I didn't take someone's raincoat you idiot." Aizawa said.

        The giggle of the little girl caught Mic's ears.

        "Don't tell me you stole a baby!" Mic took the raincoat and took a peak inside, seeing the little girl. "Oh my gosh she's adorable!"

        "Don't yell you idiot. Babies have sensitive ears." Aizawa slapped his hand over Mic's mouth to shut him up.

        The interaction between the two caused the baby to laugh. I mean, who wouldn't laugh? Mic is loud, and Aizawa is 100% sarcastic with him. The perfect comedic duo.

        "Awe! She's so cute when she laughs." Mic smiled, but his words were muffled behind Aizawa's hands.

        "Just don't go yelling again. We don't want her to loose her hearing before she can talk." Aizawa took his hand off of his friends mouth, not wanting to risk his hand getting licked.

        "Alright alright I won't go yelling." Present Mic waved him off, and continued to look at the adorable baby in his arms. "Where did you find her anyways?"

        "The park. Found her wrapped up in the raincoat on one of the benches." Aizawa said, squeezing some of the water out of his hair. "There wasn't any signs of a guardian or another child looking for her. All I saw was some teenagers hiding in the stores waiting for the rain to let up, or some parents with their kids going home."

        "Well that's just cruel to leave a baby out by herself in the rain like that." Present Mic said, holding the little girl in his arms.

        The baby looked at Aizawa, and reached her little arms out towards him. It wasn't that she didn't like being held by someone, but she just felt a little safer when Aizawa was the one to hold her. Maybe it was because he was the first one to make her giggle that day.

        "Oh no, I am not your dad. When this rain clears up, we're taking you to the police station so you can be sent to an orphanage." Aizawa said. He just realized that he was talking to a baby. A freaking, baby.

        That caused the baby girl to end up crying. Her crying was louder than it had preciously been. For a 3 month old baby, she sure was intelligent enough to understand adults talking, without being distracted the smallest or simplest of things.

        "Oh great! You made her cry!" Present Mic yelled, trying to get the girl to calm the heck down, but nothing was working. He tried funny faces, he tried to baby talk her, and even tried physical comedy, but nothing seemed to have been working. "You take her!" and he shoved the girl into Aizawa's unsuspecting arms.

        Aizawa quickly held her, not wanting her to drop onto the floor. The baby immediately stopped crying, and clung tightly onto his soaking wet clothes. "Did you really have to shove her into me? That was dangerous you know."

        "Look, she didn't seem like she was going to calm down unless she was either held by you, or you would talk to her. Knowing you, you'd just walk away and have me deal with her. I'm not good with kids, Erasure." Present Mic gave his reasoning. "Besides, she was extending her arms out to you, not to me."

        Erasure Head looked down at the baby, who was still holding tightly onto his clothes. Something about her being in his arms, made him feel different. He has held babies in the past, but that was usually for a job. Never before in his life, had he felt more comfortable with holding the baby in his arms. It felt right. It felt like she was supposed to be there in his arms.

        "Erasure? Erasure Head? Are you ok? Please tell me you're not broken." Present Mic waved his hand in front of his friends face, and snapped his fingers in front of his eyes, trying to get his friends attention.

        Aizawa ignored his childhood friend, and turned around, going to inside of the building to get a change of clothes, and to find a towel to wrap the baby up in. He just now realized she was in a soaked onesie, and was going to catch a cold if she didn't get into some dry clothes soon. "I'm adopting her."


        It's been about 3 months since Aizawa had made his decision to adopt the baby he found in the park. Aizawa was now sitting at home in his living room. Thanks to Midnight and Recovery Girl, he was able to learn how to be a single father. He got all the necessary food, books, clothes, room, toys, everything a baby could possibly need, and maybe just a little more.

        "So what name did you end up giving her?" He remembered Recovery Girl asking him, while the adoption process was still going on. At that time, (Y/n) wasn't allowed to be with him until all the legal papers were signed, and all the necessary action were taken until she could reunited with him. That was probably a nightmare for the workers.

        "(Y/n)." Aizawa said out loud, and that caught the babies attention. "Do you wanna go for a walk?"

        She giggled, and clapped her hands together.

        With a small smile, Aizawa stood up from the sofa, and walked over to his daughter, picking her up correctly this time. "Alright. Let's go."

        Well.....that happened.....thank you to everyone who had transferred over from the old story to the new story. Sorry if everything seems really weird and different now. Hope you all enjoyed, and let's see where everything is going.

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