Healing Hale | Scott McCall

By enchantingherondale

292K 5.7K 1.1K

Brooklyn 'Brooke' Hale had fled the small town of Beacon Hills six years ago when she thought she lost all of... More

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15.1K 360 25
By enchantingherondale

❊ 𝓖𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓟𝓾𝓻𝓹𝓵𝓮 ❊

Brooklyn didn't hesitate, in one swift motion she had swapped the regular bullets in her gun for the specialised ones and started shooting them at the floor.

Sparks flew from the ammo, temporarily blinding all the werewolves in the room that hadn't covered the eyes in time.

Which is what she had found as she peered over the ledge, two packs facing off against one another. It was very clear who was winning as one pack had the other pinned down, so that they could no longer fight.

However, that wasn't what shocked Brooke the most. It was the fact that the person she came back to Beacon Hills for was standing right in the middle of it all.

About ten metres away from her, looking up at her with a shocked expression, was her father. Derek Hale.

But that wasn't the only thing that had surprised the young Hale. Also down there was someone she didn't even know was alive. Her Aunt Cora.

Although she couldn't believe she was alive, the sight wasn't a happy one. The older Hale girl currently had a foot placed on her neck cutting of her breathing.

So as the other pack covered their eyes, Brooke took that as her opportunity to slide down from her ledge and push the other woman off of Cora.

Some of the others started fighting again once Brooklyn had fired her last bullet. Her Aunt quickly scurried over to one of the injured Betas in the Hale pack and dragged him away from the scene.

As Brooke turned back around to see what was going on, she saw her father fighting a werewolf from the opposing pack right next to the edge. One of Derek's Betas clambered over to help, slashing the knee of the werewolf from the opposing pack.

This caused the bulky werewolf to loose balance sending him over the edge. Unfortunately, he still had a firm grip on Brooklyn's dad, which also meant that he too fell over the edge with him.

Brooke wore a horrified expression screaming out a hoarse, "NO!" Derek made eye contact with her before he was out of sight.

The young Hale raced over to the edge watching as her father and the other werewolf fell down at least three stories before landing with a thud on a broken escalator.

Tears welling up in her eyes, the black haired girl frantically searched for a safe way down. Needing to get there and help before it was too late.

Finding a metal pole she quickly slid down it, hurriedly running down the damaged steps of the escalator to her unconscious father. Luckily, he was still breathing but they were only short sharp pants. Rolling up his top she was able to see the full extent of his injuries.

Derek had three deep claw marks running along his abdomen which were oozing black blood as well as a few cuts on his shoulder and a graze on his face.

Wiping away the few stray tears that had fallen from her eyes, Brooke gently placed both her hands on her dad's chest allowing her eyes to glow a beautiful purple.

After about ten seconds the Hale girl glanced back down at her father's stomach to see the cuts were gone.

Looking up at his face she could see he was slowly coming to. His eyes were lazily moving around before the settled on her.

"Brooklyn?" her dad asked staring at her with hope filled eyes. Wearing the most goofy smile, tears streaming down her face, all Brooke could do was nod.

Derek was quick to embrace her in a bone-crushing hug. He, himself crying because of how happy he was to have his daughter alive, and in his arms again.

At that moment the young Hale girl knew that everything she had been through and endured in the past six years, especially coming back to Beacon Hills, was worth it as she got to be with her father again.

Silently sobbing in his arms she squeezed him back just as tight, whispering an, "I love you."

Derek, who was now stroking his daughter's hair replied back with, "I love you too." before placing a lasting kiss on her forehead just like he had done six years prior.

Brooke savoured it. Relishing in the feeling of being back with her dad, in his embrace where she knew she'd always be protected, always loved.

Pulling back he smiled brightly at the girl - Brooklyn returning the gesture because right now at this very moment everything was perfect for the young Hale girl.

Not long after Cora came rushing down to the pair, overjoyed by the fact that her niece was in fact alive, that Deucalion hadn't been lying just to hurt them.

Her brother and Brooke stood up; the two Hale girls going to one another to grasp each other in a hug, both of them whispering, "You're alive" to which they giggled at.

By now the rest of the Hale pack had made their way down; standing awkwardly at the top of the escalator not sure where to look. The three Hales noticed this and turned to look at the Betas.

Most were looking at Brooke confused, while the rest were shocked that Derek was smiling.

Slinging an arm over his daughter's shoulders the eldest Hale spoke up saying, "Everyone meet Brooklyn, my daughter."

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