
By FloweryBubbleDragon

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Soooooooooooooooooooooooo I got bored and I decided to write this... also Trigger warning rape and abuse Long... More

Stupid Prince
Can I slap him?
Games in the Garden
Oooh Gods of the Ocean!...pt 1
Oooh Gods of the Ocean...pt 2
Zephic and Salo
Before the Babe
The babe
This is stupid
Screaming Fails
Great Escape


79 7 0
By FloweryBubbleDragon

I woke up still in Synris' arms. He was awake but hadn't moved in effort to keep me comfortable and asleep. I stretched and he loosened his arms around me. I could hear him purring already.

"Morning..." He smiled at me.

I nodded, still half asleep and just agreeing with him. Synris knew immediately that I wasn't awake enough to really process things yet and so he tried to play with me.

"Did you miss me?"

Again, I nodded.

"Are you comfortable?" He asked.

I nodded and shifted, cuddling back up against his chest as I closed my eyes.

"Are you vegetarian?"

Once more I nodded as I started drifting back to sleep.

"Are you sleepy?" I realized his game too late as I nodded in response and was already dozing back off.

"Would you like a little affection~?" Synris practically cooed in my ear.

I nodded, having not been listening and already almost asleep again. He laughed and started rubbing my tail suggestively. I shot up, completely awake now, and pushed away from him.

"H-hey stop!" I looked at him, half afraid and half mad.

"I was playing, just playing. I won't try anything I promise," He smiled as he moved and settled beside me. Apparently, my sulking was funny as he snickered at me. The slug.

I huffed and rolled my eyes as I leaned against him anyway. He laughed and put his arm around me, burying his face in my neck. It was a nice feeling.

"I like this side of you......I mean I've always liked you, but I guess since being here you've changed a bit. I like it," He mused quietly.

"I haven't changed," I was worried for a split second that he already knew about the babe and that he was talking about my...my pregnancy.

"Yes, you have. Since we got here you've relaxed. Yes, you're still uneasy with the humans but other than that you really have relaxed. There's no work for you to stress over, you don't have to worry about me getting into trouble, you're no longer under society's pressure and it's all changed you. I like that though. You're up to a healthy weight finally, you've caught up on years worth of lost sleep, and you're even okay with being touched. And don't act like you don't enjoy the massages~" Synris smiled against my neck, nearly giggling against my skin.

I'm not sure how I didn't notice then.

What he said was true though...I did maybe like the massages at least...I sighed as I let him nuzzle in my hair as he held me.

"You've gained more weight though......." He looked puzzled for a moment as his eyes moved from my slightly rounded stomach to my eyes, then back again.

I was only just starting to show... The swell was barely noticeable at best.

"O-oh? Heh, guess there wasn't much to do without you around..." I lied.

"Yeah?" He smiled, seemingly buying it for now.

Synris went back to nuzzling my neck and leaving small marks on me. I let him, not really having the energy to do much else. Besides, I felt guilty for lying to him.

I was still so scared to tell him. What if he actually did kill my babe? I knew I should have told him. I should have gotten it over with and told him on my own.

But instead I sighed and closed my eyes to sleep again as Synris did what he pleased. I wanted a break, a few moments to dream again of the shallow paradise.

I think Synris knew the whole time. He acted childish sometimes, but he was far from stupid. I would dare to bet he knew before I did even. But he didn't say anything until I literally could not hide it from him, after all it's rather hard to hide a swollen stomach.

For weeks it stayed quiet. I almost felt normal besides from the occasional time when I couldn't keep anything down to save my life. Synris was also a blowhole about the thick, liquid food substitute I got more times than not. He tried it and couldn't stand it, then teased me about weird tastes. I called him a slug for it and he just laughed.

I got used to hiding all day from the humans at the clear wall, and to the massages Synris always gave me. Even the extra kisses I got from them were nice and Synris picked up the habit of holding me so I could sleep at night.

As is my fortune, all good things come to an end. I should have told him when he was obviously in a good mood, should have faced reality sooner but instead I dreamed of an island.

Mer pregnancies lasted for-splashing-ever and I was maybe a quarter through it. It was enough though; I was certainly showing. My stomach wasn't that big, but it was enough to rouse suspicion, or confirm it.

I had just woken up in his arms again as I happily stretched out some before laying my head against his chest and purring softly.

"Food yet?" I asked, hopeful.

I was constantly hungry, I mean always. To a point where I seriously considered eating fish again sometimes because I felt like I was constantly starving.

"No." His answer was short and nothing about him was like his normal happy self. I don't think the flag could be anymore red if it were sewn from blood.

"Synris...everything alright?" I rubbed my eyes as I moved away to sit beside him and look at him.

"Perfect." He was glaring at me almost as he watched me carefully, suspicious.

I think a side effect of pregnancy is reflexively protecting your stomach and that's what I did before realizing it. Unfortunately, Synris noticed the movement as well. His eyes locked on the swell of my midsection.

"Stomach hurt?" The feigned concern and implied accusation made something in my chest hurt.

"N-no..." I already knew lying to him would take me nowhere. I needed to tell him now.

"Really? Odd, how much weight you're gaining and how you're still vomiting not to mention you can't even lay on your stomach now. You know, while you slept so soundly, I couldn't help but to note how firm your stomach has gotten. Ayrice, do you have a parasite?" Synris had moved closer to me and put his hand on my tail, pinning me by it all too easily.

I fell on my elbows as a result of trying to scoot away. He was glaring down at me and his tone made it clear he didn't actually think I had a parasite. He knew but he wanted me to say it now. The look I was getting and the tone he was using though, I couldn't stop myself as I started whimpering, terrified.

"Sy-Synris," I whimpered and reached for his hands again, wishing he would hold me instead of this. His arms made me feel so safe nowadays.

He moved up, crawling over me and I was hopeful, but instead he grabbed me by the hair and pinned my head to the sandy floor. "Answer. Me." He growled, livid with me.

"No-no parasite! Preg-pregnant! I'm pregnant!" I choked out between the whimpers and trembling.

"Mine?" Synris asked, still growling. He had to know it was his, of course it was.

"Yes!" I answered him, trying to swallow my own whimpers.

He pushed my head down roughly and moved away from me. Immediately I moved to get up and away from him, only to be grabbed and roughly forced down again.

"I didn't say you could move!" Synris snarled at me.

"S-sorry!" I whined, then yelped as a hard tail collided with my side.

"I didn't say you could talk either!"

"I'm sorry!" I whimpered, begging for forgiveness.

"SHUT UP!" Synris screamed. The sound was full of rage and terrified me so much I stayed in stunned and pained silence as he bit down on my dorsal fin and tore it off in his rage.

The water around me tinted red as he held me there, snarling in his rage. I knew I had asked for this by waiting so long, by coming back even. Maybe I should have stayed with Zephic and Salo or maybe I just shouldn't have been a coward.

It didn't matter by then. Istill closed my eyes and dreamed of the warm shallows around a hidden island,escaping in my mind.

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