The Sixth Clover (Black Clove...

By MaryAbdelmessih

49.5K 1.3K 707

Her luminescent eyes reflected the sunlight, glistening drops running down her wary face, her tears hastily d... More

The Church
Grimoire Tower
Journey to the Royal Capital
The Magic Knights Entrance Exam
Meeting the Black Bulls
The Other Member
The First Mission
Author's note
What Happened on a Certain Day in the Castle town
The Wizard King Was Watching
The Dungeon


1.4K 55 8
By MaryAbdelmessih

Previously on Black Clover x Reader~

Noelle shot some of her magic to them but redirected itself to the floor in front of them "A Magic Knight who can't even control her Magic properly, the Black Bulls must have been truly desperate to have accepted this one" The leader says "Hey no one talks to Noelle like that, or to any of my squad members yes maybe we could have gotten on the wrong foot but when this robe is put on you've already been accepted as a member of the Black Bulls" I say. "You know you're really starting to annoy me, now die," He says mischievously.

Now Noelle's POV~

'What's wrong with me, even though I am royalty, even though I have more magic power than anyone here, I'm only holding the others back'. Then I felt my skirt being lightly pulled and looking down I saw a little girl. "Please magic knight please help us, we need you," The little girl said. 'This little girl is looking me in the eye and begging for help, I have to protect her I won't run, never'.

My grimoire glows a bright blue, 'It looks like a new spell Water Creation Magic Sea Dragon's Lair', I put both my hands on the ground creating a barrier over Y/n's since she hasn't got magic that much left 'Creating a second barrier is good to have more of a defence protecting the villagers, I will protect them I am royalty'. "once more I am the member of the Black Bulls" I said with determination.

But I saw something but more like someone just standing right in front of me 'H-how did I not realise, it was Y/N' She was just standing there not moving until I saw something bright coming out of her back, turning around she said.

"Hey, don't look so down we all have that person we want to protect," She said as a trickle of blood dripped down to the corner of her mouth.

Y/n's POV~

"H-hey Y/n stay in there," Noelle said to me worriedly. "Y/n h-hang in there," Asta says to me worriedly as well. But also the look on Magna's face is the same as others, he has the same look the others have "W-why, why did you do it" Noelle asked.

"Hey, don't look so down we all have that person we want to protect, but it isn't just one person it's you guys and this whole village I want to protect, and plus while you went and unlocked that new spell he was going to attack you so someone had to protect you," I say pulling the ice shard out of my stomach.

'I don't have much magic left which means if I heal myself I'll be vulnerable and there'll no one to protect those idiots, all I have to do is fight with them and hope we can win this battle'.

While he sent ice shards my way I just as quickly as I summoned my dark sword but I missed so 'Oh no' but I was just as relieved when some of the ice shards didn't penetrate her barrier.

"Doing good Noelle?" I told her giving her a thumbs up, but then she did something that caught me off guard 'S-she smiled' I then turned around going after heath.

"That's impossible how can she have this much power," He said mentioning me. He sent his ice shards my way but I just deflected them some penetrated my skin but it didn't really hurt that much. As I was running towards him, I was concentrating on my eyes to appear behind him but it didn't work so I just took him head-on.

Heath made an ice sword to counter it but didn't really work cause my dark sword penetrated it, then I jumped flipping over him making an opening for Asta who took him straight on.

"I don't have a single drop of magic power but that doesn't matter I'll still destroy you," Asta says hitting him straight in the stomach with his anti-sword while spitting blood from his mouth. I just sat there kneeling down but just as his followers were about to say something I knocked them out hitting the pressure points in their necks until I saw a smile come upon Heath's face.

'Oh no Asta slipped on the ice which killed his momentum, he could've gotten a straight hit if it wasn't for Heath's sneaky attack'

"That sword of yours and the girls' may be able to nullify magic but that can only go so far if wielded by an ordinary human, now it's my turn to take a stab at the both of you," He says stabbing us with his ice.

"As-" I get cut off by Heath's giant shard stabbing me in the stomach as well as Asta, 'Oh no my wound if this keeps up I won't survive for much longer and even worse I'm running out of magic power'

"A-Asta," I said crawling on the ground.

"Sleep little fool for all eternity, " Heath said motioning to Asta, Heath starts walking to Noelle and Magna.

"Asta, Y/n," Magna says taking a step back.

"There is tremendous power behind this spell still it's just a matter of time, I ought to be able to create entrances wide enough for at least one person to pass-through," Heath says his ice taking over Noelle's Sea Dragon's Lair while looking at his watch.

"Not so fast Heath, AHHHHH!!!" I shouted jumping up high in the air with my dark sword, "Dark Magic Demon's Slash!" 'Dark Magic Demon's Slash is a dark purple ray of magic, the attack is invisible to the human eye but not the user'.

"Not so fast," Heath's said kinda mocking my words penetrating my stomach again, I was falling down when I heard a grunt it was from Heath.

'But with my lack of magic power, my attack hit his shoulder instead of aiming for his full body' I smirked to myself not finished.

"I'M NOT DONE!" I say to Heath using my eyes to teleport behind him "Demon's Slash!" I shout again as the invisible slash hit his body but before it hit his body, he used his ice to slash my dominant shoulder, I drop on the ground rolling away.

"You stand no chance of prevailing against me why not accept that and give up," Heath says emotionlessly.

"If I gave up now then who would protect them, the villagers, my friends Asta, Magna, and Noelle who would protect them huh? But I realised something sooner or later I'm going to be the best Magic Knight there ever was but its not just about keeping a promise it's about keeping people safe" I say while blood kept on trickling down my lips.

3rd Person

"Not gonna happen," Two people say it at the same time.

"If you're gonna go after her just try it, I'll give you fair warning though in order for that you're gonna have to go through me" Magna states his speech.

"And if you ever touch my best friend I swear to you, you'll regret it" Asta states his speech as well. Magna starts giggling "You and me we're the real men here Asta" Magna makes his statement.

"Reckless fool going out of your way to die an early death you have 30 seconds," Heath says keeping eye contact with Magna.

"Bring it on, you ready Asta time for a baptism here we go all the magic power I've got, now my soul bomb," Magna says gathering fire in the palm of his hand. "Flame Magic prism death scattershot," Magna says his soul bomb which scatters in different directions but most aiming for Heath.

"This is the final spell of your pathetic life, what a complete waste," Heath says using three ice shields but when three of Magna's scatter bombs hit his shield replenished back to the way it was, then Magna dropped to the floor below him kneeling down.

"Your time is up," Heath said while creating ice spikes floating in the air after a couple of seconds Heath let the spikes go dropping them down onto Magna.

"You wish," Asta says while jumping up in the air, using the advantage given to him by Magna, hitting Magna's scattershot's aiming them towards Heath.

'That wasn't the real attack, his reflecting the spell' Heath thought.

"I-I'm alive," Magna says sitting up but falling back at the end, he then comprehends what's around him then looks back to see Noelle's stoic face.

"Hmmm you can thank me for it later lonely street punk," Noelle says flipping one of her ponytails back. 'Oh my gosh, I actually did it I controlled my magic power' She says to herself.

Heath tries to freeze the flames on himself "Not done yet, as long as I can still move I'm not done" Asta jumps up sword in hand.

"No, you can't," Heath says

"LIKE HELL, AHHHHHH!!!!" Asta shouts bringing down his sword, slashing it onto his shoulder Heath drops to the ground flat while everyone in Noelle's barrier looks at Asta amazed by him. Then Magna uses his flames on Heath to imprison him with ropes made of flames.

Y/n's POV~

"You're better at this than you look like you'd be at least I can give you that much anyway" Noelle states to Magna.

"How bout you shut that royal mouth of yours and quit looking down on your superior" Magna retorts back.

'I'm still on the ground watching as they bicker which makes me giggle but they can't hear it, then Asta called Magna's name all of us turning our heads and dealing with the problem in front of us, one of Heath's conscious underlings woke up and used a spell to make him disappear oh no I can't feel his magic power anymore he got away, Asta was making his statement to Heath Before he fell to the floor'

"A-Asta are you ok?" I say as I get up with all my strength to walk towards him, Magna does the same we looked at each other for a second then looked down hearing snoring, sweatdropping we both fell to the ground.

"He's sleeping!" Magna and I said at the same time.

'I looked towards Noelle, slowly a blush started to form she must be thinking about Asta I think she has a crush on him hehehehe. All of us gathered Heath and his two underlings sitting them up after a couple of minutes they woke up, while Magna was talking to them while I just stayed quiet after I hear Heath chant his words I have this dark feeling.'

I turn to Asta, Magna, and Noelle "N-No don't do it, guys they're going to kill themselves" I say as I turn back to Heath and his underlings shatter themselves into small particles floating away and Heath's grimoire disappearing along with the particles.

I put my head down wondering why would they go ahead and do this, why would they go to this extent to kill themselves.

Time skip to Seihi's grave~

We all went to Seihi's grave to see his grandson sitting in front of his grave with Magna trying to comfort the boy with his words saying he was amazing and beating up some Magic Knights but the grandson telling Magna that Seihi has always wanted to become a Magic Knight more than ever to which he regretted it his whole life saying he should've worked harder when he was young then maybe his dream would've come true, with the grandson asking if he can become a Magic Knight someday.

Somewhere else~

"So that's what Heath chose, very well and the Magic Stone is in the hands of the Black Bulls," A guy in a Golden Dawn cloak said to which a guy said 'yes sir' "No matter the Black Bulls won't be an issue, we can deal with them at any time they can keep the Magic Stone till we're ready to retrieve it, not long now the resurrection is close at hand".

Hehehehe so sorry guys for the really late update I know I said I would update in mid-november but I had a lot of stuff going on there cause since I go to church the Youth recommended HSC graduates outings and I was busy Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday if you think I could've updates either on Wednesday or Saturday I couldn't cause my mum was forcing me to clean the house for Christmas and I don't think you guys know but I have 5 siblings 2 older and 3 younger one of the 3 younger is 13 years old and the 2 are like so annoying running around the house messing things up but now they have stopped the outings I'm free Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday but before I had the outings I had my graduation and formal so I was busy on those days. Oh, and I want to let you guys know that I got offers for university I got an offer from Western Sydney to do teaching and I got multiple offers for business at MIT IM SO HAPPY I thought I wasn't going to get into uni but yea. Oh and I also want to let you guys know beforehand that I'm going on a holiday to Queensland with my Youth from church since I'm going with some people I know I'm mostly going with my 2 older brothers so if anyone from Queensland wants to say hi just text me on Wattpad and BTW I'm going to Movie World, Sea World, and Wet'n Wild so if anyone's there you can drop by and say hi I'll be going on the 25th to the 30th so for 5 days. Oh and one more thing my birthday is this Friday coming Ik people might think it weird being born on Christmas day but what can I do I was born on that day, well anyway I hope you guys are all safe and wish you the best Christmas well till the next update see ya.

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