The Fallen Shall Rise

By CaptainMina

65 3 0

One year before a long and terrible war, Daru found his parents on the brink of death. Shortly after he is at... More

Chapter One

65 3 0
By CaptainMina

In a world that has been long forgotten, there was a great and terrible war that had ravaged the world. The cause of the war? Who knows it has been long forgotten, but in time it shall be revealed. In order to find out the cause we must go back in time to one year before it started. Our tale shall follow the son of the baker. Here he comes now. Let's listen.

"Mom? Dad? I'm home.", he announced as he walked into the house.he stood at the door waiting for an answer. It was as quiet as a graveyard. Suddenly a feeling of great danger came over him.

"Mom? Dad? Where are you?", he asked as he followed the smell of blood to his parents bedroom. He tried to open the door, it was locked. Getting worried he kicked it down only to find his dad ripped apart and his mom having multiple stab wounds to her limbs and stomach. He ran over to her," Mom?!? Who did this to you?!". His mom replied weakly," Daru. Run. Hurry before they return. Run and remember my final words to you. These men are after the family. They are apart of the group called the White Claw.". Then suddenly the front door slams shut. "No. I can't run. I have to protect you. I'll take care of them.", he replies as he opens his hand causing his palm to open and a gem ,as black as a demon's blood, to appear. His body starts to glow as a black flame leaves his hand and circles him. "No! Don't! It isn't safe!", pleaded his mother. He turns and looks at her smiling, " Don't worry, I'll be fine." As his smile turned into a look of anger the flames engulfed his body and transformed them into light weight armor. The thugs came up behind him and pointed a gun at him. "Eat lead you little shit!",stated the first thug as he pulled the trigger shot Daru in the back of the head three times causing him to fall over onto the floor and his blood to form a puddle around his head. "Now that he is taken care of let's take care of the bitch.", stated the other thug as he pointed to Daru's mom. "Daru! Get up! Please! Get up!", pleaded his mom as she burst into tears. Daru sits up and spits out the bullets into his hand. "Guns are so much more effective these days. They can shoot so many more bullets.", stated Daru as he looked at the thugs over his shoulder as his eyes glow red with rage. A cracking noise is heard as he makes wings like a bats and as black as sin burst out of his back. "My turn.", he sneered at the thugs. In the blink of an eye he was standing up and facing them. "You come into my house, hurt my family, and try to kill me. Let me show you what happens when you piss me off.", he says through gritted teeth as his eyes turn black and ruthless, his canines sprout out from his mouth and form into fangs, horns burst from his skull spraying the room in black blood, and a long thin tail like that of a demon sprouts from the base of his spine. The thugs take a step back from him as they ask in fear, "W-what the hell are you?". "I am Satan's Advocate. I am the one who bears the cursed Witchblade.", answers Daru as he puts his hands above his head and opens his wings as his blood comes out of the ends of his fingers and wrist, "Now you shall face judgment and perish by my Bloody Rose Whips.". The blood sprouts thorns and aims itself at the thugs and charges at them and wraps around their bodies making them scream in pain. "Tch. You have such hideous screams. How about I rip your souls out tear them to shreds and feed them back into your worthless bodies.", he says the whips slide down into the thugs bodies by going in their mouths nostrils ear canals and eyes, making their screams more frantic and muffled. "You're giving me a headache.", he growls at the thugs as he removes the whips from their bodies making them gasp for air. "Who gave you such power you little worm?", spat the first thug. "No one gave me my power I trained and worked hard for my power and was rewarded with the Witchblade.", replied Daru growing irritated. "What is the Witchblade?", inquired the second thug. "It could be the holy sword of God or the right hand of the Devil himself. Either way this conversation is done.", sneered Daru as he held out his hand, "Bloody Rose Scythe! Execution Mode!". The whips combined and made the scythe. "You're time is up. Welcome your deaths with pride.", smiled Daru as he sliced off their heads killing them and releasing their souls for him to eat. He grabs the souls and swallows them whole as he turns and faces his mom and holds out his hand and heals her wounds and falls over as he changed back to his normal form and blacking out. ~Hey guys sorry this chapter is so long. I would love your feedback on the stuff I can improve on. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I'll be posting more soon.~

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