DDMM(Dream) Can Come True (RW...

By DarkNarukami112

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Dreams normally didn't come true for these four, but when they had a chance to go to Beacon. Everything chang... More

Dark's Prologue part 1
Dark's Prologue part 2
Mystik's prologue/trailer
S.o.D's Prologue
Mike's Prologue
Ch 1:Getting into Beacon
Ch 2:Initiation battle royal
Ch 3:Reunion and Suspicion
Ch 5:Maikeru vs Pyrrha
Ch 6:Aftermath
Ch 7:Learning more about each other
Ch 8:Thinking back to the first Halloween
Ch 9:The struggle of a leader
Ch 10 (short):Checking on the Mike and Pyrrha
Ch 11:Mystik? Where are you?
Ch 12:Helping S.o.D

Ch 4:First Day of Dark's near depression

145 4 8
By DarkNarukami112

Dark Pov

I woke up the next morning with an air horn in my ear.


Maikeru:Get up sleepy bones. We're going to be late.


I looked up at the alarm clock I had. It read 5:30.

Dark:We don't have classes till 7:00.

Mystik:He's right. Maikeru go back to sleep.

Maikeru sighs.

Maikeru:Whelp. I guess you guys want me to eat the breakfast pizza I made.

I fell out of my bed after he said that.

Dark:Did you really make a breakfast pizza?


I knew my ultimate weakness in the morning is breakfast pizza and coffee, so I couldn't pass this up. Just thinking about both made me drool.

Dark:Who told you my weakness?

Maikeru just smiles is near laughing.


Dark*under my breath*:Damn it!

I swallowed my pride and decided to wake everyone up.

Dark:Guys. Get up...


Mystik:Dark. Are you serious?

I sigh.

Dark:Sadly yes...

Mystik groggily got up and stretched his limbs.

Dark:Come on Todoroki.


I sighed again.

Dark:Oh well...come on guys.

We all had the breakfast pizza and it tastes awesome.

Dark:It can't get better than a breakfast pizza.

Mystik:That's true.

Maikeru:And get this I made it from scratch.

Dark and Mystik:YOU WHAT?!?!?

Maikeru:Yeah. You two owe me.


Mystik:What about S.o.D?

I shrugged my shoulders and Maikeru walked off.

Dark:I guess we should get ready for school early.

Mystik:I guess so.

We got changed into our school uniforms and I saw Shadow crawling toward me.

Dark:What is it girl?

She looked at me with sadness in her eyes.

Dark:Oh! Are you hungry?

She wagged her tail happily.

Dark:Ok. Just let me go get something.

I got out my favorite lunch meat Salami and gave it to Shadow.

Dark:Here you go girl.

She ate it happily.

Maikeru:Let's get to class really early.

Dark:But everyone else isn't even awake yet.

Maikeru:I like to make a good first impression.

Dark:Alright! Geez!

(Timeskip to Port's class brought to you by Chibi Shadow biting Chibi S.o.D's hand)

We got there bright and early S.o.D got there a few minutes earlier than us because he could fly.

???:Ah I see you four got here early.

Dark:Yes sir...too early...

???:Well. I guess I should introduce myself I am Peter Port.

Dark:It's nice to meet you sir.


Maikeru:It's pleasure to meet you.

Port:The pleasure is all mine.

We all sat down and waited for the the rest of the class.

???:Great! First we had one freak. Now we four more.

Personally I hate bullies. Like really Hate them, so I came back with something that would piss him off.

Dark:*sniff*sniff* Hey guys. Do you smell bird seeds?

Maikeru:*sniff*sniff* Nah. I don't smell bird seeds all I smell shit, and I'm looking right at him.

S.o.D:What are you guys talking about? I don't smell anything.

???:You'll smell a knuckle sandwich in a minute!

Port:Mr.Winchester. How nice of you to join us.


He walked over to his seat. Mike and I smile at each other. A few hours passed and everyone showed up.

Port:Today we have some new faces. Team DDMM introduce yourselves.

Mystik stood up.

Mystik:I'm Mystik Guardian

After Mystik sat down S.o.D stood up.

S.o.D:I'm S.o.D Todoroki.

Then S.o.D sat down Maikeru went up.

Maikeru:I'm Maikeru Okami.

Maikeru sat down. I was nervous because I don't do well infront of crowds. I cleared my throat and started to talk.

Dark:I'm Dark Narukami. Leader of Team DDMM.

I sat down as fast as I could so my breakfast wouldn't be at my throat. Mystik saw that I was turning pale and patted my back to calm me down.

Dark:Thanks Mystik.

Mystik:No problem buddy.

Port:Today we'll see how these four fight. First up is Mr.Guardian.

Mystik got up and grabbed his weapon and battle attire and got ready. Professor Port opened a crate and a Biowolf came out. It charged at Mystik and he used his semblance to go invisible.

Dark:Where did he go?

Maikeru:On top of the crate.

Dark:He did?

S.o.D:I can't see him either.

The Biowolf looked at the rest of the class.

Dark:Oh Crap! Mystik! Whatever you're planning on doing do it now!

Then the Biowolf had a spear in between it's eyes. Mystik became visible again with his bow in hand.

Port:Great job Mr.Guardian.

Mystik:Thank you sir.

Mystik grabbed his spear and walked out the door to put his stuff in his locker.

Port:Next up Mr.Todoroki.

S.o.D went to get his stuff and came back looking bad ass as hell. He went to the front of the class and Professor Port released the Grimm in the crate. S.o.D just put out his hand and froze the Grimm in front of him, then he slashed the Grimm's head off.

Dark:Dear god...

Port:That was quick. Great job Mr.Todoroki.

S.o.D walked out with everyone whispering and murmuring about S.o.D.

Maikeru:I guess I'm next.

Maikeru gets up and goes to his locker to get his stuff, and just as he walked out S.o.D walked in.

Dark:Hey. Todoroki are you ok?

S.o.D:I'm fine. That thing attacking me brought back bad memories.

Dark:Oh. I see. Sorry.

S.o.D:Don't be.

I turned around to see Maikeru walk in with his katana and battle attire. Professor Port brought out another crate.

Dark:Where the hell is he keeping those things?

Professor Port let out a Ursa major.

Dark:Oh no...

The Ursa swung it's paw at Mike and he jumped over it's shoulder.

Maikeru:It's time to let'er rip!!

He stabbed himself and went ape shit on the Ursa.

Maikeru:It's also time to rip and tear.

He grabbed it's arm and ripped it clean off.

Dark and Mystik:Holy shit/Holy crap!!!

The Ursa fell over and Mike stabbed it with a sadistic smile on his face. Everyone was scared of Mike after that, everyone but S.o.D. I sat there in pure fear thinking just two words. Holy shit.

Port:You can g-go b-back to you s-seat Mr.Okami.

Mike put his stuff back and I got up to get my battle attire and get my swords, and on my way there I saw Maikeru.

Dark:What the hell was that Mike? That was fucking horrifying.

Maikeru:I have a split personality Dark, and I'm sorry.

Dark:Oh...well...Apology excepted.

Maikeru:See ya Dark.

Dark:See ya.

I get out Elucidator and Dark Repulser and get my battle outfit. I take a little breather and headed back to class. As soon as I get back to class I get comments like:Wow and Looking cool Dark.

Ruby:Go get 'em Dark!

Yang:Knock 'em dead little bro.

Professor Port let's out a borbo tusk.

Dark:Let's dance.

The borbo tusk rolls into a ball and attacks. I jumped over it and taunted it. It spin dashed at me again. I jumped over it still taunting it. It got sick an tired of me taunting it so it decided to just tackle me. I slashed it's eyes and flipped it on its back and did a ending blow.

Port:Great job Mr.Narukami.

Dark:Thank you sir.

I put all of my things back in my locker.

(Timeskip to the end of Port's class brought to by chibi Dark sleeping in chibi Port's class)

The bell rang and everyone groaned including me.

Dark:Finally! It's over!

Mystik:You haven't heard anything yet.


We went to our next class.

???:It's nice to meet you Team DDMM.

Dark:Nice to meet you uh...

???:Dr.Oobleck. That is how you and your teammates will announce to me as.


(Timeskip brought to you by chibi Dark eyes spinning because Oobleck was talking to fast)

Dark:Ugh. Tell me when it's over.

Maikeru:Dark. Class just ended.

Dark:Thank God! What do we have next?


Dark:Finally! I'm starving.

I used my semblance to get to the lunchroom. Everyone got their food and sat down. I just got out of line to see Bird Shit again.

Cardin:Well well well. Nice to see you again freak.

Dark:Well well well. If it isn't Bird Shit and his circus of bird brains.

Cardin:Why you!

I just used my semblance to get to the table my sisters were sitting at.

Dark:Hey girls.

Ruby:Hey bro.



I stood up to see Cardin pulling Mystik's tail. I got up to go kick Cardin's ass, when Maikeru stopped me.

Dark:Mike. What are you doing?

Maikeru:Wait for it.

Then I saw a horde of girls swarm Cardin.


Mystik was army crawling away scared out of his mind. I walk over and extended my hand for Mystik to grab.

Dark:First. Are you ok?

Mystik:Yeah thanks.

Dark:Good. And Second. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!!

Mystik:I don't know. Girls just seem to like me. A lot...

Dark:That's horrifying.


Mystik:Uh oh.

Dark:Uh oh? What's Uh oh?

Dark:Uh oh.

???:Did you by any chance pull my son's tail?

Maikeru:That's you mom?!

Mystik:Yeah. Guys that's my mom. Glynda Goodwitch.

Dark:Our combat class teacher?!



Cardin:Well? What if I did? He's a freak.

Dark:Oh no.

Glynda:To the office. Now!!!

Maikeru:I thought I was scary. I was dead wrong.

I dashed off to hide behind Yang.

Yang:Dark? What the he-

Dark:I feel safer hiding behind you.

Ruby:Dark. If you're here where is S.o.D?

We all look up to see S.o.D hanging off the ceiling with his claws.

Weiss:What the hell are you all hiding from?

Mystik:My mom. Glynda.

RWBY and JNPR:Ms.Goodwitch is your mom?!?!?!

Mystik:Yeah...By the way. Where is Mike?

Maikeru was just standing there paralyzed in fear.

Yang:I got 'em.

After Yang got up I sat next to Ruby hugging her arm in fear.

Ruby:Shhh. It's ok Dark. Calm down.

After Mystik got Mike to get out of his zone, and S.o.D came down staying clear of Mystik.

Ruby:All the over protective mother and fan girls aside. Dark these are our friends from team JNPR (Juniper). This is Jaune.

Jaune:It's nice to meet you Dark.

Dark:Like wise.

???:Hi there!

I fell out of my seat scared out of my mind.



???2:I'm sorry about Nora.

Dark:No it's ok. I'm still a little jumpy after "that".

???2:I'm Lie Ren.

Dark:Dark. Dark Narukami. Nice to meet you Ren.

???3:Hello there! I'm Pyrrha Nikos.

Dark:Nice to meet you Pyrrha.

We went back to eating and after a few minutes I went to ask Ruby and the others a question.

Dark:Hey guys. I have a question. Why did jack off back there have a problem with faunas?

Jaune:You mean Cardin?

Dark:Yeah. Jack off.

Jaune:Dude. His name is Cardin Winchester.

Ruby:Dark. I'll take it from here.

Dark:Ok. Whatever.

Ruby:What Dark is trying to say is he hates bullies with a burning passion, and he doesn't care what their name is. So he give them nicknames that would tick them off.

Dark:Thank you Ruby.

Jaune:So your nickname for Cardin is Jack off?


Jaune:Oh. Well I don't know what his problem is.

Dark:So he thinks he's a big shot when in reality he's not.

Weiss:Yeah that's pretty much it.

Dark:I see. Well if he doesn't like faunas he's going to hate me.

I say that with a smile on my face.

(Timeskip to combat class brought to you by chibi fan girls chasing chibi Mystik)

We were watching Jaune fight Cardin, and to be honest Jaune was having his ass handed to him. We all watched as Jaune's aura turn to the red.

Dark:'He did so well for the first ten minutes then Fuck boy Bird brain beat him.'

Glynda:As much as I don't want to say it good job Mr.Winchester.

Cardin:Can I fight the freak in the blue?

Glynda:You mean Dark?

Cardin:I didn't know he was a teacher's pet too.

Dark:Laugh it up bird brain. I'll have the last laugh today.

I went to the locker-room and I felt like I was being watched. I looked over my shoulder to see no one.


I went back to get my swords to feel the temperature drop drastically.

Dark:Holy Shit! It's cold in here!

I walked toward the arena and tried to warm up. Then I stepped into the arena where Mr. Hot shot is just there smiling.

Cardin:Ready to lose freak?

Dark:Ready to eat dirt Bird Brain?

Cardin:I'll make your mother wish she left her legs closed.

Ruby:Ms.Goodwitch! Call off the match!

Dark:You're dead. Fuck boy.

I went 0 to 100 in seconds.I used my semblance to get over to Cardin and used my combo.

Dark:*With first strike*Never... *second* talk about...*ducked under his mace* my *final strike* Mother!!!!!!

Cardin:Didn't even tickle.

Dark:No. But this will.

Elucidator glowed a bright blue and I twirled it in my hand.

Dark:Mess with my friends or family you pay the price!

I dashed over to him with both swords in hand and did my killing blows.

Glynda:Mr.Narukami! Stop!

(Cardin is Kirito)

Dark:Never. Ever! Bring up my biological mother. Do I make myself clear?

Cardin slowly nods his head. I sheathed my swords, then I watched Cardin hit the ground scared to death.

I just walked out of the arena quietly crying.


I turned around slightly to look at Glynda.

Mystik:Mom. I think he needs his space.

Glynda:That was what I was about to suggest. Dark go for a walk or something. You're excused for the time being.

Dark*in a emotionless tone*:Thanks.

I walked out of the arena and the school.

I looked up at the statue crying.

Dark:Why had it to be you mom? Why did you marry that bastard?

My ear twitched and I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Blake.


Dark:Hey Blake. Shouldn't you be back in class?

Blake:Shouldn't you not hide your pain?

Dark:I don't like talking about it not even to Ruby or Yang. So drop it will ya.

Blake:Not until you tell me what happened down there. And don't hide it I saw you crying.

I start to break down because it's a touchy topic for me.

Dark:Ok! My mother was killed when I was two! My damn abusive father killed her. I hate people who make mom jokes because for me it hurts.

Blake:Why are you blaming yourself?

Dark:I always feel like it was my fault. I hate him for what he did. That's why I nearly killed Cardin.

I fall to the ground crying.

Dark:I know I was two years old at the time, but something inside my head keeps telling me I could've done something. I feel like I've had a dagger pierce my heart, and it keeps going deeper and deeper. Every time someone brings it up.

I was on the ground probably looking like a little child crying my eyes out.

Blake:Dark. Look at me.

I looked at her trying to wipe away my tears. Then she hugs me. After she does I buried my face into her shoulder.

Blake:Cry as much as long as you need.

I did as she said and let it all out.

Blake:There wasn't anything you could do. She was killed trying to protect you. She loved you with all her heart.

Dark:I know.

Blake:I know the shadows of the past can haunt you. I would know.

Dark:Why is that Blake?

Blake untied her bow to show cat ears.

Blake:I was part of the White Fang. I left after I found out what they are really doing. Also to be honest my past is haunting me, but Ruby and the others told me that they were fine with me being a faunus and an ex member of the White Fang.

She hugged me tighter.

Blake:Know that you don't have to face your past alone. You have your friends and teammates to back you up.

I stopped crying and looked at her in her beautiful amber yellow eyes.

Dark:Thanks Blake.

Blake:No problem Dark.

I got up and helped her to her feet.

Dark:Hey Blake. Between you and me. You look better with your bow off.

Blake smiles and blushes a little.

Blake:Thanks Dark.

We both walk back to class and I put my swords back in my locker, then we sat down with everyone else.

Glynda:Glad you can rejoin us Mr.Narukami.

Dark:I'm sorry about my outburst.

Glynda:I understand you had to have your own space.

Dark:Thank you.

Glynda:Next match. Pyrrha vs. Maikeru

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