I Loved You First

By xxichens

130 5 0

will keran choose "mr. popular" xukun or will she side with her best friend linfan. More

i loved you first.

130 5 0
By xxichens

credits to mykeran and keranbogwater on twitter. see the thread of this story here, twitter.com/mykeran/status/1295468380963495937?s=19


she tied her blonde hair into a messy bun and threw on her favorite pair of jeans

went to starbucks to get a grande caramel frappe

all the other girls bully her because she's so clumsy and has a flat ass, what boy could ever like her? tee hee hee

all the other girls lowkey wanna be her because the popular cai xukun complimented her 🤩😆

one day she tripped over her own feet, what a clutz! but when she looked up, there he was helping gather her books

he walked her to class after that to make sure she was okay and when she got to the classroom his fanclub had ruined her desk

she sat down with a sigh, the ice in her frappe had melted. she took out her diary and started scribbling in it no longer paying attention to the teacher. without realizing, she had drawn a perfect portrait of Mr popular, cai xukun

from behind her, the fanclub leader ripped the page out of her diary and held it up; “awww a gift for me ♥️♥️♥️” before destroying it

she ran to the toilet and locked herself in and began to cry. Suddenly she heard the door open and there he was, Mr popular. he sat down next to her and asked what was wrong

“it feels like everyone is against me” she told him, teary eyed. he wiped a tear off her cheek and gave her his necklace

is this for me? she asked, voice shaky. yes dear he said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear

she fumbled with the chain around her neck and kun moved closer, clasping it in one smooth move

she looked up at him, eyes filled with confusion

“i have sisters” he said, cheeks flushed

"oh" she said, the edges of her lips curled into a slight smile

“well i’ll get going, i have practice for the upcoming international debate competition” he said, “its very important”

“Wait!” She said, disappointment flooding in her eyes, “will we see each other around?” She said, hopefulness evident in her voice

he laughed, the rosy blush climbing higher, “maybe you could come see me after practice”

She smiled subtly, “o-okay, of course” she uttered flabbergasted her cheeks turning red

— time skip —
keran waited by the practice room minutes early, scuffing her shoes against the floor nervously. but when she looked in; kun had his arms wrapped around lisa, another prestigious debate member

Tears filled her eyes, how could she be so stupid? Lisa was the prettiest most popular girl at school, how mr popular ever like a girl like her?

suddenly the door burst open revealing linfan, keran’s best friend since childhood “keke? why are you crying?” she asked

They sat down by the lockers, “Kun lied to me, he tricked me” she choked out through her sobs

linfan pulled her into a warm hug, but to keran something felt different. wiping away her tears, she pulled back “linfan? are you alright? if you have anything that you need to tell me im right here”

Linfan looked at Keran with an unreasable expression, suddenly linfan held her chin and peered into her deep orbs

“i... i thought i was gonna be okay if i never told you. or hid it” she said, her lip quivering. keran looked back, confused “tell me what?”

Keran’s heart began to beat faster, she could feel it through her chest. Linfan grabbed her clammy hands and began to slowly lean in

“i think im in love with you”

Keran blushed heavily, she was shocked. She had just kissed her best friend! “Say something!” Linfan demanded

“i...” keran thought back on all the memories they’d had together, and the butterflies she’d felt whenever linfan was near. back then she just told herself she was nervous going out but... “i think i love you too”

Linfan pulled her into a hug, but suddenly the girls heard footsteps near them

when keran looked up, she saw kun and lisa, both with worried looks on their faces. “keran, i looked everywhere for you! you made me worried, where have you been?” kun asked; keran’s face paled

She felt her hands go cold, how could this happen? Linfan, on the other hand, was fuming. Anger filled her body as she watched the scene in front of her

“kun? why were you even looking for keran.” linfan said icily as she looked at him and lisa.

Her gaze pierced into him as she waited for a response. “What do you mean by that? Keran and I are great friends” he chuckled slyly, shifting his gaze to Keran

she avoided his look, fumbling with the zipper on her jacket. kun stepped closer to linfan “i dont know who you are to step between our friendship, but we planned an outing and you’re cutting into it.”

Linfan looked back at Keran with a hurt expression, “Keke, what does he mean by this? He’s just fucking with us, right?”

keran’s thoughts were a mess. she didnt know what hurt more, lying to linfan about her date with kun or pretending that the feelings she had for him never existed.
“no, he’s right. he asked me to hang out with him after practice.”

Linfan’s face filled with hurt as Kun looked back at her with a smug smirk. “As I was saying, Keran and I have become very close”

she turned to keran; confused, worried, but most of all, hurt. “why?” linfan stood, slowly backing away. “why’d you have to pick him?”
keran reached out her arm, “i didnt choose-“
lisa cleared her throat. 
“no, i think you did.”

Tears filled Keran’s eyes, she felt numb. She wanted to run after Linfan, but couldnt find the strength to. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder, it was him. “Cmon baobei, let’s get out of here”

keran quickly tugged away from him “no, first you should explain yourself.” kun lifted his brows “explain myself? for what? you were the one that disappeared”

“Why were you touching her?” She choked out through sobs, pointing at Lisa, “I thought you liked me and now, I dont know who I like” she wailed

“you, wait, what? lisa?” kun was lost for words. “lisa and i are cousins, i havent seen her for weeks... she was the one who brought me to this school a year ago, and that was the day i first saw you” lisa nodded, and keran’s jaw dropped.

She felt her world shatter to pieces, she didnt know what to do. She loved Linfan, but Kun was so sexc. Everything was such a mess.

“i- you... she...” 
lisa laughed. “i know, we dont look at all alike!” 
“i see that you’re not in the right mood to go out, so let’s just just take a raincheck. you know what? jackson wang is throwing a party on friday for all the debate members. will you be my plus one?” he said

“Uhuuhh” she uttered out wearily and dazed. “Seems like a yes to me!” Lisa exclaimed. “See you around, Keran” kun winked

keran froze. party, friday, debate team. DEBATE TEAM. this was it! linfan would be at the party too since she’s a member of debate; the perfect chance to explain everything and make things right

———time skip———
Friday night had already arrived, and Keran almost collapsed from anxiety. She spent hours looking for what to wear. In the end, she couldnt choose and just threw on her beat up converse, black skinny jeans, and a leather jacket. It looked like this: 

linfan hadn’t texted her since that day at the lockers, and keran was determined to find her today. she stepped out to leave, and there was kun. 
“that’s what you're wearing?” he said, a smile on his face, “different. i like it” 

She blushed at his compliment, but then silently scolded herself. “Youre here for linfan! Remember” she said to herself. As the two walked in together, she felt all eyes on her. Despite her casual outfit, she was really stunning, as Kun told her himself.

“is that lu keran?” she could hear, voices blending all around her. “want a drink?” kun asked, and keran nodded wordlessly. as he left she began to wander around, looking for the one person she came for.

Her eyes landed on her best friend, but her face dropped. There she was, surrounded by the prettiest girls in school, Xinyi, Lingzi, and Zihan. How could this happen again? She could never compare to those 3, she felt her heart shatter all over again

she had two choices, stay with kun and accept defeat, or face her fears and confront linfan. 
this time, she wasn’t gonna let anything hold her back.
“linfan !” she called out.

The 4 girls turned to her, “Can we help you?” Lingzi sneered in disgust. A sudden wave of insecurity washed over Keran, “I-I need to talk to Linfan..” she uttered out quietly

linfan continued her conversation with xinyi without missing a beat, and keran defeated. 
“hello ? black sweater? i asked you a question” lingzi said, waving her hand in keran’s face 
“...its leather” she whispered

“Leave us alone, loser” Zihan spat back. “P-please Linfan... I love you... im sorry I fucked up linfan baobei please” she pleaded through teary eyes

linfan sighed. “is that why you’re here? to apologize once and assume everything will be fine?” she stood to leave, but xinyi caught her arm.
“wait,” she said. “i wanna hear what little keke wants to say”

“Linfan please, I dont like Kun. I was just in the moment please, I want you back” she cried. At this point, a small crowd had formed around them and Keran felt her ears turn red as the gazes of her peers pierced her back

“you were just in the moment? is that a good excuse?” xinyi laughed. “what if linfan gets in the moment too, a little accident? what happens then?” xinyi stepped closer and closer to keran, pulling linfan with her. whispers echoed in from the crowd around them and phones flashed.

Keran stopped thinking and walked up to Linfan. And in the spur of the moment, she kissed her no longer caring abt the crowd. Gasps echoed throughout the room

xinyi smiled, turning to the other three girls to exchange hi-fives. “mission save linfans gf accomplished” they laughed to each other, clinking drinks. kun reappeared, astonished at the sight of keran and linfan.

“What the FRICK is going on?? Keran how COULD you??” He yelled, anger seeping into his voice. The crowd turned to him and the mutters started again. Mr Popular and Lu Keran??

“kun...” linfan cut her off. 
“what’s wrong big guy? one of your conquests say no?” she said with a smile. flashes came from all around them, people hurrying to film the commotion

The crowd oohed at Linfan’s response. Kun was funing, you could almost see the smoke coming out of his eats. “KERAN IS MINE!” He declared, “she came here with ME! And she’ll leave with ME!”

“did she say she wanted to come with you?” lingzi asked.
“yeah who said she came for you anyways” zihan added on. 
everyone looked at keran, what felt like a million eyes boring into her back.
“y-yeah. i never agreed to be your plus one, kun. you just assumed so.”

Kun was furious, he was nearly levitating out of anger. “HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENED IN THE BATHROOM? I SAVED you. I am so much more than HER” he said, pointing an accusing finger at Linfan

“you saved me?” keran laughed. “you’re the one thaf brought all the misfortune to me in the first place.” she stepped closer to kun
“oh and in the bathroom? all you did was give me this cheap ass necklace”
she said, throwing it onto the ground.

As the cheap gem on the necklace shattered, so did Kun’a heart. He felt betrayed, angry, and vengeful. He hated Linfan for stealing his “girlfriend”. In a burst of anger, he chatged at Linfan

linfan dodged his punch, landing one right in his gut as he flailed. kun recovered quickly though, and they engaged in a quick fist-fight, everyone around cheering on one or the other as keran froze in horror

“LINFAN STOP! YOURE GONNA KILL HIM” she yelled frantically, going to pull Linfan up. Linfan looked into her deep orbs once more and grabbed her chin, “NO ONE, disrepects xiao lu gong zhu” she said in a deep raspy voice. Shivers ran down her spine like electricity

kun got up, wiping the sweat off his brow. “this isnt over, whatever your name is” he pushed his way out of the crowd, punching the air. 
keran looked at linfan and giggled.
“how is he gonna fight you when he doesnt even know who you are?”

“That’s right, and you STAY away from us!” Linfan shouted. She turned back to Keran and cupped her face. “Baobei, let’s go home now. I think we’ve seen enough”

“go home now? but the party just got interesting!” a voice laughed from behind them. the girls turned to see jackson wang, the party host. they immediately went red.
“oh my god i’m so sorry-“

“Give me a minute”, Jackson said as he pulled a stool over and stood on it to face Keran, “much better. I just wanna say you’re so cool and rad, I cant believe ive never invited you to one of my parties before”

“oh she’s great” linfan exclaimed, “wait until you hear about that one time we went on a boat ride-“
“shut uppppp” keran put her hand on linfans mouth, “dont mind her, but yeah i dont go to parties a lot. actually, this is my first one.” jackson laughed and scooted the stool over

Linfan smirked and grabbed Keran’s hand,”well, I guess we’ll head back now. My place?” Linfan asked, Keran nodded giggling, a slight blush forming across her cheeks

they ran out of the house and into the cool night air. kerans smiled as she looked at linfan, admiring the way her eyes lit up in the darkness and how her hair bounced as they ran 
yeah, this time i’m sure i love you

When they got back it was already late at night. Linfan took off Keran’s jacket for her and hung it up on the rack. “Are yoy hungry?” Linfan asked

“i’m starvingg” keran replied, “i havent eaten at all, i was worried i wouldn’t get to see you again.” linfan cupped keran’s face in her hands. “aw keke, did you really think i could ever leave you? it hurt me to know you were with someone else, thats all. now, what about fish?”

“Oh my godd yesss fisshiie tee hee” Keran giggled out excitedly. Linfan skipped over to the fridge and pulled out 2 fat fish from the freezer. “Just wait there keke, ill cook you dinner”

“but you’ve done so much today, the least i can do is help.” keran said. “silly, you can’t cook.” linfan replied, to which keran pouted. 
“fine. then you’ll just have to teach me”

“Okay then, come here” Linfan ordered. “Now put your hand on the knife like this”, she instructed, leading Keran’s hand to the handle. Since Keran was a lil ditzy, Linfan feared she would hurt herself so she kept her hand on top of Keran’s, guiding her

they finished cooking the meal together, and linfan wiped off her hands on her apron. looking up, she saw a bit of food on keran’s face. “keke,” she said, calling her attention over. “you’ve got something on your nose” quickly, she leaned over to kiss it

Once the fish was done steaming, Linfan pulled it out and set it on the table. As Keran was going to take a bite, Linfan stopped her. “It’s hot baobei, careful” she said as she cut a piece and blew on it, “open your mouth” she said and preceded to feed the fish to Keran

after they ate, keran got up say goodbye. “you’re leaving?” she asked. keran nodded, “yeah, you need some rest.” this time, linfan was the one to pout. “then when do i get to see you again?” keran smacked her on the shoulder.
“at school tomorrow, dummy. now get some rest.”

Before Keran stepped out the door, Linfan grabbed her hand “Wait!” She yelled. “What’s wrong?” Keran asked, and just like that, kachow

and that concludes our 2014 mutual wattpad au :D thank you all for coming and staying through this mess hehe <3

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