American Royalty at Hogwarts

By shark_fanatic

325K 7.3K 8.1K

a/n I was really inspired by @bluefood3 story 'A Royal Family At Hogwarts'. Part 1 of 'You should see me in... More

Chapter 1: I become a fairytale princess
Chapter 2: We journey to the land of tea drinkers
Chapter 3: Staring at hot teens is unhealthy (and creepy)
Chapter 5: We try some roasted phoenix
Chaper 6: All aboard the Piggypimples Express!
Chapter 7: An invasion of thoughts
Chapter 8: The snakes shed their skin
Chapter 9: Beware of the spades (in the deck of cards silly)
Chapter 10: Chinese Whispers just got intense
Chapter 11: Don't let the bed bugs bite
Chapter 12: Charmtastic!
Chapter 13: Do you promise?
Chapter 14: It's time for a history lesson
Chapter 15: To be or not to be
Chapter 16: I am woman, hear me roar
Chapter 17: Down to Business
Chapter 18: It's all coming together now
Chapter 19: The Slytherin Angst Sesh
Chapter 20: What you gonna do? Repress it!
chapter 21: Don't be suspicious
Chapter 22: Scream till you're raw
Chapter 23: Forgive and forget? No thanks
Chapter 24: Winter's coming

Chapter 4: It's time to boil the kettle (cause the tea is getting hot)

20.5K 417 549
By shark_fanatic

Third-Person PoV: M25

The limousine raced across the motorway as cars whizzed by on the other side blaring their horns that left a horrid sound in your ears. Hazel fixed her gaze away from the windows of the limo to stop her straining eyes to look at the scenery and back to Cedella, who was answering the fast blast of questions that Annabeth sent her way about famous buildings and places that resided in London.

When they had first boarded it was slightly awkward as they attempted polite conversations in refined tones before Percy slipped out of character along with Leo and began complaining about how they couldn't talk like that for much longer, they both received knocks to the back of their heads from Clarisse who growled at the two before Annabeth started apologizing to Cedella.

Cedella had barked out laughing, refusing to take Annabeth's apology as she stated that she already has enough of talking like this because of school and if anything it would be doing them all a favour of being able to talk more freely with each other since they'd be spending a lot of time with her family.

Hazel heard Nico hiss at the Stolls as they attempted to steal some of the fries from his Happy Meal that had been brought for them a couple of miles back at a McDonalds.

"-but if we're going there we won't be able to go to Sea Life!" Percy's voice took Hazel out of her thoughts, said boy pouted at Annabeth.

"I agree with Percy, Sea Life is near the London Eye, I wanna have a go on that." Jason inputted.

"But the line for the London Eye will be so long, then we won't have any time to go to Thorpe Park!" The Stolls and Leo argued.

"Apparently they have a ride that goes from 0-80 miles per hour in 2 seconds, I would like to try that," Butch said.

"Oh, I do remember going on that ride, it was great, but I think Colossus was better, it had corkscrew turns." Cedella nodded at him, the thought of the rollercoasters almost put Hazel off her McChicken nuggets.

"What about the Tate Modern? And the British Museum? It's not like my parents would ever let me go to England again, this is like a once in a lifetime opportunity for me to look at art in other countries." Rachel protested.

"Since we're on that topic I'm just going to say that the Lourve is overrated, the Mona Lisa is so small."

"You've been to Paris?" Hazel rose her eyebrows.

"Yeah, a few times with my old muggle school, the school always chose the worst times in the year to go so now I hate it. Disneyland Paris is such a letdown" She groaned and rolled her blue eyes. The limousine jolted as it went around the roundabout, knocking Clovis onto his side, Lou and Rachel manoeuvred to continue painting on his face or dying his eyebrows neon.

"That's a shame, when we went it was really nice." Annabeth mused, seeming to lose herself in memory.

The boys groaned and glared at Percy who shifted in his seat and shrunk back. "Please don't tell me that you took her to Paris for a date?" Frank ran a hand down his face in mock irritation.

"Maybe, it was more of a reward for helping out Duke Noah." He blushed and rubbed at the back of his neck.

"That's so sweet." Piper sighed, giving Jason a pointed look as everyone laughed at his misery.

"If Percy keeps this up he might just win an award for world's best boyfriend." Katie chipped in, said demigod only got redder, and hid his face in his hands, complaining about how everyone feels the need to pick on him. Cedella laughed but stopped and flinched when a train sped across the country with a loud blare, she covered her ears and released a whimper from her lips.

"Are you ok?" Will asked she waved her hand with an almost convincing smile plastered across her face.

"I'm fine, I just don't deal well with loud noises is all." She rubbed at the side of her head.

"How about this, before we start Hogwarts I can take you all on a short trip around London, we won't be able to see everything but that can be done in the Christmas Holidays. The Markets will be open and I think visiting Winter Wonderland would be nice. We can go to Thorpe Park in the holidays too. Does that all sound fair?" Butch grumbled about not being able to go to Thorpe Park so soon but reluctantly agreed with the rest. "We could maybe also see a play or a musical too..." She trailed off.

"A play? What kind?" Annabeth asked, her interest peaked.

Cedella's usually blank eyes seemed to light up a bit, "Well we could go see a play by Shakespeare at the Globe, the prices are pretty cheap. There are a few theatres in London, the Playhouse Theatre usually throws some good ones like An Inspector Calls, I think they're recently presenting Six too."'

"Six, isn't that the musical about the six wives of Henry VIII?" Piper sat up straighter in her seat, the witch hummed in acknowledgement.

"Miss Cedella, we've arrived." The driver spoke up as they pulled up to a large cottage-style house, the front gates slid open as the coach drew near, they shut behind them when the coach parked right by the front doors. Just before Hazel went to undo her seatbelt she felt eyes on her, she looked out the window as glowing eyes stared at them, they hovered in the darkness for a few seconds before they disappeared into the darkness. She rubbed at her eyes and looked out again but saw nothing, she nearly brushed it off as her being tired but she wasn't the only one who noticed.

"Can anything or anyone enter the confinements of your house? I do believe that I saw something over there." Reyna pointed in the direction that Hazel had seen the eyes and the demigods stilled, Clovis finally woke up rubbing some sleep out of his eyes.

Cedella opened the door, "Oh nothing can, if you saw something it was probably just the dragons." She waved off their concern and stepped out of the limousine and stretched her back as a low growl came from the bushes, a pair of pupilless eyes glared at her, they all tensed and reached for their weapons as a dark shape darted for her.

"Watch out!" Travis and Connor raced to defend the young heiress who stubbornly looked on as the dark shape approached her, she glared as the face of a dragon bared its teeth at her, spittle dripping from its barred teeth. It let out a series of growls and grunts ruffling its wings and stomping its claws on the ground. It stood at around 5ft 3" with scales that glittered and adorned its bodies like pearls, its eyes shone like a supernova but lacked pupils.

"Down Lemmie." The dragon gave out a whimper and sat on its rump, whining as it thumped its tail on the ground. An irritated growl clawed its way up the dragon's throat. "Sorry about that, he's been irritated that I've been busy all day."

"An antipodean opaleye." It was out of Hazel's mouth before she even realized that she said it, she clasped a hand over her mouth and an embarrassed blush dusted her cheeks. Cedella simply stroked a hand down his snout.

"Well you got Salem's breed right, as long as you give enough attention antipodean opaleyes won't get too aggressive, it's not really in their nature." Salem purred, licking her hand.

"How many more dragons are over there?" Clarisse questioned, collapsing her spear back into a bracelet.

"We had about 25 in the fields today, but who's to say if the numbers will decrease or increase by the time we go to school. Our garden sort of doubles as a sanctuary for magical animals, they're free to come and leave as long as they don't mean harm."

The front doors opened and a young girl a few years younger than Hazel stared at Cedella, her hair was braided down to her waist with strings of silver intertwined in the plaits, she had sapphire eyes that conveyed shyness. "Mum's expecting you inside." She opened the door further before bolting back inside.

"We have been dawdling outside for some time, lets go before my mum loses her patience with me, don't worry about the luggage I'll have Dipsy and Kurt take them up to your assigned rooms." With two cracks a pair of house elves appeared, they had dull green skin and bat-like ears that were hidden by the colourful knitted hats, one wore a knitted burgundy dress with a flour-dusted apron on top and the other house elf wore a blue and purple knitted shirt with a blue knitted pair of trousers.

"How may we be of assistance Miss Cedella?" One of them shyly asked.

"Do the two of you mind taking their Majesties trunks up to their rooms?" Dipsy and Kurt nodded, giving quick bows to the group of half-bloods before rushing over to the limousine where the driver had already begun unloading their trunks and suitcases. Cedella motioned for them to follow her, tapping Salem gently on the top of his left nostril who bounded off behind the bushes, they walked up the few steps and walked into the house.

The entrance hall was spacious and towering, almost making it feel like it was going to swallow them whole, the floor was covered in a patterned red and gold cursive design and plants dotted a lot of the spaces available. On the wall at the bifurcated staircase was a family portrait.

An older woman was sitting in a large black chair, her hair was hidden by a dhuku wrapped around her head, she wore an elegant, silk, plum gown. Her hands were folded in her lap. Her features were angular and sharp, her skin was darker than Cedella's and she had the same arctic eyes, frigid and keen. At her feet lay a dog-sized purple and black scaled dragon with arrow-shaped spines along its back and an arrow tipped tail. It's purple eyes bore at the demigods as smoke trailed out of its nostrils.

Sitting on the right arm of the chair was Cedella she wore a knee-length, collared black dress with puffed sleeves and a purple bow at the collar. She matched it with knee-high black socks with purple ribbons on the side and black mary janes, her hair was in a straight black bob. Her purple-stained lips stretched up into an almost marauding smile as the teacup was raised off of the saucer as if she was about to take a sip.

On the other side of the chair was the girl at the door, her braided hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, her dress was long and black with purple lace resting on the top, her face was set in an empty expression, her lips held tightly together.

Standing behind the two girls and leaning on either side of the chair was a set of twins, they both sported a pair of cerulean eyes and matching voracious smiles. The female twin had her hair cornrowed back 3/4 down her head and the rest of it was allowed out to be pulled back into a pom-pom. Her male twin had the sides of his head shaven down to grade 2 while the rest of his hair was twisted into small locks. They matched in a purple and black patterned suit and wore a black polo neck underneath, the girl had her arms folded underneath her chest while the male had a hand stuffed into a pocket.

Cedella led them to the right into a large living room, a fireplace crackled with fire and a TV was on playing an episode of The Real Housewives, chairs circled around the fireplace with bookshelves lining up around the room. A large rug was laid out on the floor, spreading out underneath the chairs and reaching the fireplace, a few pictures were placed on the walls.

"Mother." The woman from the painting looked up smiling gently at them, she switched off the TV (hearing Lou Ellen complain under her breath at the drama that was bout to unfold on the show). The other people from the painting stood up along with their mother.

"I imagine that the journey was safe here your Majesties." she gave a bow along with her children.

"The ride was pleasant, although I would much prefer to have taken a ship here," Percy answered.

The rest of the Wyvern family stood before them: Kyndall Wyvern ( the alkish woman who was as frosty as she appeared), Dana Wyvern (the youngest member of the family, a shy girl who was seen as the angel of the family), and the twins Agape and Aidan Wyvern (famous twin model's in the Muggle World, both already having finished their Wizading education).

"Although I do believe that we'd all be much more comfortable to talk about how we usually do when we're all by ourselves if that's alright with you Lady Wyvern," Katie suggested, Kyndall gave an amused smirk before letting a small laugh and shaking her head.

"I don't see why not, now how about a tour of the house before we have dinner?"

The next day: London Bridge

Thalia swallowed as she eyed the waves below the bridge, not quite trusting them and expecting them to rise up and smack her into the water below to drown, it was moments like these that she wished she had practised more on how to control the winds. She walked close to Percy, (Jason, Nico, and Hazel appeared to have had the same idea, leaving their partners to walk behind them) in hopes that if anything were to go wrong he would prevent her from falling and drowning in the icy prison underneath.

Annabeth chattered to the ravenette, who as per usual was half-listening not quite being able to concentrate on her words but was trying to, Reyna talked to Cedella in front of them about how her family ran their businesses. Clovis was being held dragged along by Clarisse who was talking to Butch about different weapons, getting concerned looks from people who passed by. The Stolls, Leo, and Lou Ellen had made it their mission to play with the mist and steal stuff from people's pockets or slip something in to harass them, Katie was trying and failing to stop them. Rachel sprung questions at Pollux on the possibilities of using different fruits to make art with their juices. Quite frankly they made a pretty interesting and diverse group of people.

Cedella had already taken them to the Tate Modern early that morning, showing them Shakespeare's Globe since it was nearby and Annabeth had wanted to look at the design for inspiration. Cedella said that perhaps in the Christmas Holidays they could go and watch a play, which leads to a debate between Cedella, Annabeth, Will, and Hazel about which of his plays was the best, Thalia just found the language of Old English to be weird and confusing.

Next, they had gone to the London Eye which Jason, Leo, Piper, and Butch had decided to go on. While the rest of them queued up for Sea Life Cedella quickly took Annabeth to see Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament on the other side of the River Thames. By the time they got back they were all able to enter the aquarium, the Big Three Kids practically clutched onto Percy who looked like he was having some rather amusing conversations with the marine life, they all laughed at the sight and Cedella took a picture on her phone and promised to print them all out a picture when they got back to her house.

Now they were on their way to meet Cedella's boyfriends, Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini, the Ministry of Magic had chosen them to help Cedella give them a tour around Wizarding Britain, which Cedella had already told them there were only really a few places to go such as Digion Alley and the actual Ministry headquarters that weren't that exciting. Not like the demigods cared about this loss anyway.

On the way back to London Bridge they had passed the London Dungeons, which they now planned to go to after lunch since they were all impulsive teenagers, Thalia looked forward to going there next, although it looked more like a jumpscare kind of place.

"Drakes! Zee!" Cedella ran up to two guys and flung herself at them, they both wrapped an arm around her waist to hug her back. One of them had pale skin and silver-blonde hair that was neat but tousled, his features were sharp and pointed, his grey eyes twinkled with amusement. The other was a tall dark-skinned boy with a close-shaven haircut, he had high cheekbones and slanted eyes that seemed to almost hide his brown eyes that crinkled whenever he smiled. Cedella blabbered on about something to the two of them, she spoke fast and it was hard to hear what she was saying from the octave higher than her voice went, but the two seemed to understand her nodding and inputting a few words before Draco rolled his eyes and indicated towards the Americans.

"Oh sorry about that, I often get carried away." She sheepishly said a blush coating her cheeks as she turned back around. Blaise ruffled her hair and took a hold of her hand and Draco took the other.

"Meh, that just makes you you, it's a pleasure to be within your presence your Majesties." Blaise and Draco gave subtle bows, not wanting to attract attention while in public.

"It's a pleasure to meet the two of you as well Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Zabini, but I do propose that we call each other by our first names." Jason greeted as he shook their free hands.

"Now where's this Sky Graden place, I'm famished." Leo let out.

"It's just across the bridge." Cedella skipped with Draco and Blaise clearly in her own world.

Katie chuckled and smacked at Travis's hand as he reached out to swipe a £10 note from someone's coat pocket. "Look's like someone's really happy."

"Yeah, and I thought Will was the only person to give someone a 180 on their personality." Nico scowled at Lou Ellen and turned back to his conversation with Will. "I never implied that it was you, Nico." Nico grumbled death threats under his breath as Will warned him to not even think about doing any 'underworldly magic'.

Eventually, they reached the Sky Garden, they used the stairs (given that Percy, Nico, and Annabeth insisted) and were directed to a more private section of the restaurant, the waitress handed them menus and told them that she would be back to ask them what drinks and meals they wished to order. Annabeth placed down her menu after a few moments along with Reyna, they both directed their gazes to the trio.

"So tell us about Voldemort."

Later on that day: Back at the Wyvern Estate

They all found themselves lounging in the living room as the evening soon began to fade into the night, when Leo was in the middle of telling one of his stories about a new invention they were interrupted by a low growl echoing from the entrance Hall, Cedella paled and rushed out of the room before anyone could ask, the demigods rose to their feet immediately hands placed on their weapons and were edging towards the door.

"Do you know what that noise was just now?" Reyna eyed Draco and Blaise who seemed a bit nervous but not as worried.

"Sounded like her mum, let's see what's up she doesn't anger easily, angering a dragon should be the last thing on someone's to-do list." Blaise looked at Reyna they all crowded by the door.

Kyndall paced around the hall waving a letter around and completely seething, she had slipped into Gorgetongue, loud rumbles vibrated in her chest as pulled her lips up into a snarl, revealing her slightly pointed teeth.

The Wyvern siblings gave each other criticizing looks as they watched their mother throw a vase at the door, smashing it to pieces. The forest green head of a Welsh green poked out from behind the twins that were standing on the stairs. The dragon let out a low whine, Kyndall responded by hissing and tearing the letter into pieces.

"Should someone talk to her or ask her what's wrong?" Frank whispered, not wanting the raging woman to turn her anger to him. The sibling eyed each other again, Aiden sighed and nervously stepped towards their mother, the rest of them decided to keep themselves at a safe distance, just in case.

"Mother," he apprehensively asked, her arctic eyes spun around to pierce his soul, Agape whimpered "Who are you talking about?" He wrung his hands and gave a strained smile. This only seemed to set her off again as she let out a series of growls, grunts, and hisses.

"What's wrong? This idiot still insists on them joining the war when we told him we refused to involve them, and now he says that there'll be an order meeting here in 10 minutes at our house!" Dana translated for them.

"So this Dumb-as-a-door guy wants to use us as pawns in his war?" Clarisse narrowed her eyes, her teeth gnashed together.

"Sounds like something he may do. While Dumbledore is on the side that leans towards a lighter grey his methods to thwart the other side can be...quite dark at times." Draco said, his lips pressed into a thin line.

Kyndall had stopped her rant and looked at the front door in disdain as if she was expecting the Order to storm in that very moment. A dark look crossed her face as a purr slipped her lips.

"Having the dragons eat the Order won't help the situation mum." Aiden groaned from his seat on the stairs. The padding of multiple feet and the clicking of claws on tile came from just down the hallway by the living room, the demigods turned to face what came from there, a Hebridean Black trotted down, Leo noticed it was the same one from the painting, it now stood at 7", black smoke trailed up from its nostrils. Its purple eyes zeroed in on the demigods, its nostrils twitched and the pupils constricted before dilating again. The black dragon took a few more cautious steps towards them and sniffed at Nico, the son of Hades narrowed his eyes up at the dragon, it cocked its head onto one side before giving him a long lick up his face and continuing on its way to Kyndall.

Thalia and Percy snorted, nearly falling to the floor, Nico stared after the dragon in either anger or shock but it was hard to place. Will came over with a cotton swab and swiped at Nico's face, Hazel giggled at her brother's expression.

"What are you doing?" Nico pushed him away, Will placed the swab in a bag and stuffed it into his pocket.

"I want to see if Dragon's saliva has any properties that could be used in healing, I don't remember reading anything about it."

"Well, you could have just asked to borrow some saliva from a dragon instead of just taking it off of me!"

"It was right there how could I not?" Nico huffed at Will's response and used the Scouring Charm to clean the dragon spit off of him.

Kyndall sighed as the dragon nuzzled the top of her head, and waved her hand muttering a spell under her breath, the shards of the vases hovered up into the air and brought themselves together. "You're right Malinda, lets set up another table and bring in some more chairs to the dining room. Agape, Aiden brings in some refreshments for us to have during the meeting." She marched towards the dining room and began to transfigure some of the plants into chairs and a table. The half-bloods followed her and helped to set up the table.

The twins came back and they all set up the table, stealing a few snacks as they went. They decided to set themselves up an order to sit, at the center of the table the princes and princesses would sit, Percy and Katie would sit at the center, the Grace siblings sat themselves on Percy's side and the children of the Underworld sat on Katie's side. Their betrothed would stand behind their seats and the rest of them would sit down when signalled. They took away the seats at the end of the table in order to create a sense of equality.

"Lady Wyvern, the Order has arrived." A house-elf squeaked.

"Lead them in if you'd please Stefie." The sounds of the house elf's retreating footsteps were the only sounds that echoed throughout the house, a few moments later the sound of footsteps and voices reached their ears and the Order of the Phoenix entered the room.

"I'm delighted to see you all again." Wyvern Sr gave them the most evidently fake smile that she could manage.

"Why is Malfoy here? His dad's a bloody Death Eater!" A lanky boy standing next to a boy with messy hair and glasses yelled. The demigods sucked in their breaths. The ground shook slightly, the silverware rattled, the room darkened and the air grew cold and hot at the same time, the smell of ozone invaded the space around them and the need to take a nap suddenly became very tempting but stopped as soon as it came, Will sent a subtle wave of calmness towards them along with Pollux.

"If I do remember correctly," Kyndall hissed "This is my house, where I can invite who I see fit, and quite frankly none of you was invited, be grateful that I haven't set the rather angsty dragons in my garden to play tag with you." Her nostrils flared and an almost animalistic sound rumbled in her throat.

"Why don't you all take a seat so that we can start this meeting?" Percy spoke in a harsh, clipped tone that left no room for argument, the rest of the Americans took their seats in an orderly fashion along with the other occupants of the house, the Order all rushed to find a seat as Dumbledore opened his mouth to begin.

(a/n Am I acc putting in an autistic character? Yes I am, sometimes being autistic sucks, especially when your family doesn't understand)

(a/n if I had house elves I would teach them how to make better clothes)

a/n ayooo wassup homies, yup the demigods are about to drop it on the OoP, the tea is piping hot sis! the next chapter is like half done (I got excited and then I realised that this chapter would be too long for my liking and I need to keep the readers interested)

Besides now everyone is gonna be able to see the 'darker' more heartless side to the demigods, they have called you out on you bs Dumblesss, might not update for some time as I have acc schoolwork to finish which is hard to do when you have sinusitis, I'll make sure to write more about the character and what they're like in future chapters

well enjoy the chapter criticism is very much wanted and peace out my dudes UwU

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