The Peanuts Gang in High Scho...

By JadexStyles20

25K 337 408

We all know the Good Man Charlie Brown together with his gang. But now that they're in high school, probably... More

The Peanuts Gang in High School


1.2K 20 33
By JadexStyles20




Charlie Brown's POV:

It is indeed a sunny day. We are currently inside the bus, going to our school trip. It's kinda sad to know that this will be my last school trip in high school. Thinking about college gives me anxiety, I still don't know what will happen in the future. And yes, I am scared of the uncertainty.

From where I was seated, I can see her from my direction. Heather was happily chatting to Schroeder beside her. I sighed, and look out of the window.

Hours had passed, as we finally arrived at our first stop. The art museum. We all step out of the bus, and focus our attentions to the teacher who is handling us.

"Hey, Charlie Brown." Linus and Lucy made their way towards me and Sally, I nod at them. I can see Sally crossing her arms, from the corner of my eye.

", as what we have discussed. To monitor your attendance easily, make sure you group yourselves into five.." the teacher instructed.

"Is it okay to join your group?" Lucy stated, pointing her finger at me and Sally.

"Actually, we already hav--"

"Yes, of course. That will make us four." I cut Sally's sentence, as she glared at me.

Lucy looked at the both of us, raising her eyebrows.

"Yep, it's no problem. Right Sally?" I smiled, and Sally sarcastically nods.

Linus awkwardly coughs. "So, we need one more."

"Can I join?"

We all turn around as we saw Schroeder and Heather approaching us.

Lucy and I shared a look.

"Schroeder, there are four of them. There will be no space for the two of us." Heather cleared out.

"I'm sorry but is it okay to let me hang out with my friends? I kinda miss them." Schroeder explained. "Besides, this is your chance to spend time with your friends."

"Linus, there you are!" Janice exclaimed, running to us. "Come, I found us a group!" She gently grab his arm.

"Oh, joy!" Sally rolls her eyes, and I elbowed her.

"I'm sorry Janice but the teacher instructed us to stay with our siblings." Linus explained, also glancing worriedly at Sally.

"Not to worry, Lucy can come with us!" Janice said.

"Yeah, come on big brother, let's find ourselves another group." Sally pulled my hand, but I stop her.

Why do we have to be in a position like this?

"No Janice, I'm sorry we already formed our own group with Charlie Brown and Sally, and I am taking my brother with me." Lucy pointed out.

Linus puts his fingers on his forehead. "How about you take Heather? Right?"

"What?" Heather asked.

"What a brilliant idea, Linus!" Schroeder said, removing his arms from Heather's hands. "You go with Janice, and we'll just meet after the trip."

I can see Lucy and Sally trying so hard to hide their giggles. Janice and Heather's faces were painted with confusion.

Janice looked at all of us, and let out a deep sigh. "I'll see you later." She hugged Linus and smiled at him. "Come on Heather, let's go then." She pulled Heather and made their way to their own group.

"See you later!" Schroeder called out.

"After getting your group numbers, you can now go inside the art museum, class." The teacher instructed us again.

Linus walk to the front and took a paper from the teacher, showing it to us with the number 4, written on it.

"Group 4, then." Lucy shrugged.

The five of us started walking to the entrance of the museum.

"Please don't do that, again." I said to Schroeder who is walking beside me.

"Do what?" He asked back.

"Being harsh on her. She--" I breathe out. "Heather doesn't deserve it."

Schroeder looked at me, sadly. "I'm sorry, Charlie Brown."

"Please don't apologize. Just don't do it again." I force a smile on him and give him a pat on the back.




Lucy's POV:

As the day continues, we were finally finished with our trip destinations. We are currently on our last stop where the teachers would let us stroll around the city, and come back to the bus after an hour.

The five of us are now in this coffee shop, resting from our stroll.

"Remember when we were kids? We always go to Schroeder's house just to dance while he plays the piano!" Linus happily stated, and we all chuckle.

"Yeah yeah, I remember." Schroeder said. "But do you remember when we always try to fly a kite, but Charlie Brown..." He puts a hand on his mouth, stopping himself from laughing.

"He can't even fly one!" I added, making them laugh.

Charlie Brown shakes his head, laughing.

"How about this one.." Schroeder started talking again. "I remember how Sally kicks everything she sees because of how she hates school."

"Excuse me, I still hate school." Sally cleared out, rolling her eyes playfully.

"Linus, you still have your security blanket though?" Schroeder asked.

"Still got it." Linus answered, showing his medium handkerchief.

"Woah, really?" Schroeder asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, mom fixed it, so that Linus won't carry a blanket especially now that he's old." I explained.

"And he didn't get mad?" Schroeder asked again.

"Yes, he didn't get mad." Charlie Brown answered.

"Maaan," Schroeder shakes his head putting a hand on Linus' shoulder, dramatically. "I am so proud of you."

"Oh shut up, Beethoven." Linus slaps his hand away.

A group also walked inside the shop, as they made their way to our direction.

"Hey guys, ya tired of walking?" Pig Pen asked.

"Yeah, we kinda rest for a while." Schroeder answered them. "You guys would rest too?"

"Nah, Shermy here just wanna give something to Sally." Franklin said, nudging Shermy.

"Sally?" Shermy called out, tilting his head, motioning Sally to come with him.

I can see Charlie Brown and Linus looking worriedly at each other. Sally stood up from her seat, as she and Shermy walk away for a moment.

"I heard that the universities are now accepting college applications." Franklin started another conversation. "What course will you guys take anyway?"

"Probably music." Schroeder answered.

"Obviously." Pig Pen rolls his eyes.

"Psychology." I answered too.

"Actually, I am still not sure. I'm still thinking about it." Charlie Brown said.

"How about political science?" Franklin suggested.

"I think that fits for Linus not Charlie Brown." Schroeder said again.

"How about you Linus?" Charlie Brown asked, and we all look at Linus.

He is distracted, looking over at Shermy who are happily giving Sally his gift.

"Linus!" I snapped, and he winced.

"Wh- what?"

"We were asking you a question." I rolled my eyes.

"Are you okay? You're sweating." Schroeder said to him.

"Yes, of course."  Linus shakes his head.

Sally and Shermy finally came back to our table, the other group wave their goodbyes as they went out to continue their stroll.

"What is that?" Charlie Brown asked Sally, referring to the paper bag that she's holding.

"Uh.. He gave me baked cookies, said I can eat it when we are on our way home." She answered with a smile.

"Wow that's so sweet." I smiled back at her.

"I didn't know Shermy fancies you, Sal." Schroeder added.

"I think you should not eat it." Linus cleared out, and we all look at him. "What if it's not safe?"

"What do you mean not safe? It's just cookies!" I said back to him.

"I still think we should be careful, about the things that people give." Linus said again, earning a glare from Sally.

"No one asks for your opinion, please shut up." Sally snapped. Linus opened his mouth but no words came out.

Schroeder looked at Linus and Sally, and blinks his eyes repeatedly. "Sooo, about that college course.."

"That reminds me..." I opened my bag, and took out a paper. "I was about to run again for this year's school president." I told them, showing them the poster.

"Wow, that's nice Lucy, I think you'd be a great president." Schroeder smiled, looking at my eyes. I looked at him for a moment, before clearing my throat and breaking my gaze on him.

"Anyway... I decided not to run." I smiled.

"Why?" Sally asked. "You've been a great vice president last year, together with that senior president. I think you'll do great."

"Yeah, you should continue that Lucy." Charlie Brown encouraged.

"Plus you can add that to your college application, universities will notice your leadership." Linus added, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Exactly!" I exclaimed. "I have lots and lots of leadership experiences, from school clubs to school councils."

They all looked at me, skeptically.

"I decided to let Charlie Brown run for this school year." I told them.

"Oh, good grief." Charlie Brown breathe out nervously.

"What?" Sally asked in disbelief.

"Think about it. Charlie Brown doesn't have anything to add for his college application, except that baseball team." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, the team was worth it at least." Charlie Brown answered back.

"Linus is always winning at quiz bees, Schroeder is handling the music club, and I have lots of school clubs. I think you should also step up your game, Charlie Brown." I nodded at him.

"What makes you think that Charlie Brown will actually win this?" Linus asked.

"The answer is simple. I will help him." I answered.

"Who else is running anyway?" Schroeder asked.

"Violet." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, good grief." Charlie Brown sighed deeply again.

"But that is not a problem, we can definitely defeat her. As long as you have me, you will make it." I said again. "You guys will help us right?"

Schroeder shrugged. "Screw it, I'm with Charlie Brown."

"What kind of a bestfriend I am, if I will not support him?" Linus smiled at Charlie Brown.

"Yes, big brother! This is your chance to finally show them what kind of a person you are!" Sally exclaimed, holding out her fist.

"That settles it, then." I smiled.

"Then my answer is no." Charlie Brown said. "I can't even lead the baseball team properly, please don't expect me to win in that race."

"I don't take no as an answer, you know that." I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Please Lucy, I can't do this." Charlie Brown pleaded.

"What if.." Schroeder started to say. "What if Heather supports you?"

"What?" Charlie Brown looked at Schroeder with wide eyes.




Schroeder's POV:

We were now on our way back to the school bus. Charlie Brown, Linus, and Sally were walking ahead, as I level Lucy with my walking.

"Hey," I said to her.

"Oh, Hi." Lucy didn't even look at me as she continue with her pace.


"By the way, thanks for helping me to encourage Charlie Brown." She quickly said. "I didn't know you will actually give out your own girlfriend." She chuckled.

"She's not my--" I sighed. "Nevermind."

"What?" She asked.

"Well, I appreciate how you are helping Charlie Brown. If you didn't told me that you're not together, I will actually think you like him that much." I told her.

"You already thought of that, actually." She said playfully. "Also, I will do my best for Charlie Brown to actually win this. I mean, this guy also deserves to be happy."

I looked at Charlie Brown who is laughing at whatever Linus is saying. He is truly the kindest person I know.

"I agree with you on that matter." I said.

"And I dare anyone to try and sabotage his winning.." Lucy glared.

"And face your wrath?" I chuckled. "that is a fate I wouldn't wish even on my worst enemy."

"Hey!" Lucy pouted. "You really think I'm that crabby, do you?"

"Ehhh, i'm not answering that." I laughed again.

"Whatever." she rolled her eyes.

The five of us finally arrived at the bus, seeing that our group is the first one to arrive back.

"Guess the rest is still busy, strolling." Linus shrugged, walking inside of the bus. Followed by Charlie Brown and Sally.

Lucy followed them as she tries to spin around to look back at me but her heels slipped out of the stairs, losing her balance. She was about to fall, but I quickly grab her waist as she hold onto my shoulders.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, worriedly.

She just looked at me in shock, blinking her eyes. Our foreheads were only inches apart.

I haven't seen Lucy this close, and I don't know why my heart is beating fast. What is this? I know I built these imaginary walls around me, to stop people from reaching out to me, thinking that it would protect me from further pain. But why do I feel that these walls are slowly crashing down? Am I ready to let someone come in my life?

"Schroeder?" Someone called out.

Me and Lucy immediately looked at who called, seeing Heather and Janice approaching us. I look back at Lucy, who looks back at me, as she quickly fix her posture and smiled.

"I.. Uh.. Thank you for catching me." She said as she looked back at Heather again, and made her way inside the bus.

"I will always catch you now." I mumbled to myself out of the blue, as I shake my head. What the hell did I just said?

Heather walks to me, frowning. She looks back at Lucy, and me. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"Uh.. She just slipped so I helped her." I explained. "Let's go inside." I quickly brush the topic away as I walk inside the bus.




Linus' POV:

The school trip is finally over. I am now here walking with Charlie Brown towards their house, Sally is ahead of us, talking to Eudora. Lucy already went home, and I already said my goodbye to Janice. I told Charlie Brown that we should watch a new TV show together, but I am actually just staying there to keep Sally from Shermy.

Days had already passed but I still can't get Shermy's words out of my head. I know no one's taking this matter seriously, even Charlie Brown. But if I had a choice to stop bad things from happening, I will do everything I can to stop it.

"Linus, do you really think I can be the school's president?" Charlie Brown breaks the silence.

"Charlie Brown, you have to believe in yourself. Lucy will be there to help you." I told him.

"But what confuse me is how Schroeder can actually just give out Heather like that." He sighed. "I still don't understand why Schroeder can do these things, especially to Heather. She's everything Linus, she deserves to be... b- but schroeder, he.." He stuttered, and I put my arms around him.

"There are things that we don't know yet, but I can assure you that in the right time, we will finally have answers." I softly said to him. I am still not sure if I am giving him advice, or myself.

"I am still worried, you know."

"You are always worried, Charlie Brown. But as your bestfriend, I'll always be here for you." I chuckled.

"I remember the incident last year, Linus."

"What incident?"

"Remember that time when our friends invited us to go to this club?"

I nodded in response. "Yeah, I remember not going there, but you did."

"Franklin and the guys insisted." He shrugged. "You know how I regret it."

"I still hate them for that though. They forced you to get drunk, and you lose your mind." I worriedly said, as the memories of that day flashbacks in my mind.

"I promise I really forgot what happened to me in that moment."

"They made fun of you, Charlie Brown." I cleared out. "They told you to break things, and that includes our school principal's new car. You know what's worst? Is that--"

"I am wearing the jacket with the school's name on it that day." He finished my sentence, sighing.

"It was a relief to know that no one else saw it and that the principal doesn't have a clue who did it, and he just lets it go."

"I know, he's too kind. If someone saw me, especially knowing from what school I am, maybe i was expelled already."

"But what made me angry the most is how Shermy was recording a video of you that time." I angrily stated. "He's really the worst, huh"

"But you came to my rescue, Linus. They deleted the video."

"If it were not for Pig Pen, who called me and told me about what's happening to you, I wouldn't be there to rescue you." I breathe out, remembering the times how my bestfriend got bullied all the time.

"You used your brain to threatened them. I still don't understand how they believed your made-up school rules." He chuckled.

"Them guys sure doesn't know anything about the rules in school." I shook my head, laughing. "Still, this is one of the reasons why you should run for school's pesident, Charlie Brown."

"I'm still not sure I can do it."

"You can." I encouraged him. "You will beat Violet, you will show everyone how wrong they are for bullying you. Gee, I guess you can even stand up against bullying."

"That's a great idea, Linus." he smiled.

Charlie Brown and I already arrived at their house. Sally waved her goodbye to Eudora as she turned around to face us.

"Big brother, can I talk to Linus for a second?" She said.

Charlie Brown and I exchanged glances, as he shrugged, and made his way inside their house.

Sally walked up to me.

"I know what you're doing. Can you stop this nonsense and please go home?" She glared at me.

I sighed deeply. "Sally, you have to understand me."

"I am happy with Shermy, and you will not ruin that."

"Why is it so hard to believe that he's not the right one for you?" I run a hand through my hair.

"Then who is the right one for me? You?" She crossed her arms.

I looked at her blankly. "He's not the guy, you think he is."

"You're bluffing."

I let out a deep long sigh. "Okay, I will not interfere anymore, if that's what you want. But please think about this, Sally. Do you really think I will joke on this kind of matter? I know that you're one of those people who knew me too well. Please, think about it." I looked at her with worried eyes.

She just stared at me, softly looking at me.

"Tell Charlie Brown we'll just watch the show tomorrow. Have a good night, Sally." I nod at her, before turning around and walking away.




Sally's POV:

I was brushing my hair in my room, when suddenly my phone beeps. I look at the device's screen, and saw Shermy's text saying 'i'm outside your house'.

I quickly made my way downstairs, and open the front door.

"Hey, Sally!!" Shermy smiled at me.

"Uh, hey. Why are you here at this time?" I forced a smile.

I remember what Linus told me earlier. I still don't know if I should believe him or not, because looking at it, Shermy is a good person.

"I was wondering if you'd like to visit this new dessert store beside the mall tomorrow morning?" He smiled at me, a sweet smile.

"Oh yes, I would like to. But..."


"I have plans with Eudora. We have to finish this group project together." I frowned at him. "I'm so sorry."

Shermy looked around us, and he noticed that we are alone, he quickly grab my wrist.

"Hey!" I try to take my wrist back but he's much stronger.

"You will go with me tomorrow." he stated, more like a command.

"What the hell?!"

"Or I'll ruin the lives of the people you love." He firmly said, glaring at me.

What if.... All this time, Linus is actually right?




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