The Ludicrous Escapade

Von YandereObsessor

1M 50.9K 44.7K

Starting in 19th century England, where will (Y/N)'s ludicrous escapade take her? Based off the animes, but e... Mehr

The Blue Haired Boy and His Problems
The Blonde One is Planning Something
The Real Gentleman
How Unfortunate
Oh Yeah...
A Mask
Odd Behavior
The Liar
Goodbye, Joestar
We Didn't Start the Fire...Except We Did
Hamon and Cheese Sandwich
Breathe In Breathe Out
Jack Strikes Again
The Graveyard
A Few Drops of Blood
A Chance Has Arrived
To Battle!
Bittersweet Farewell
To New York We Go
A Quiet Meal is Too Much to Ask For
Just Can't Catch a Break
A Relaxing(?) Meal
A Pillar Man Awakens
Some Slight Disfiguration
To Learn, To Teach
Not So Bad After All
It's Just Pasta
What Are We Waiting For?
They No Longer Slumber
Spin Them Round
Where Did You Get That?
A Ring
The Ripple Master
Hell Climb Pillar
To Improve
Shed a Tear or Two
Relating to Another
To Get Back What Was Lost
We Meet Again
To Chase and Fall
The Buttons Have Been Pushed
Wind Gives Immunity From The Sun
Farewell, Dear Companions
A Deal
The View From Up Here
That Was Pretty Lucky
A Disappointment
Don't Leave Her Hanging
Cute Squirrel
Fight or Flight: Why Not Both?
Plane Crash Number Two
Whose Funeral?
Phone Calls
He's Here Anyways
Fire Vs Muscle
The Mark of a Bloodline
Should've Stayed Home
Green Tentacles
Wakey Wakey
Some Swift Sewing
The Start to Reach the End
Beetle Man
Yet Another Crashing Plane
French Man Be Hungry
Surprise Attack
The Team Grows
Not the Victory We Were Hoping For
Monkey Buisness
No, That's Not What I Want
Is He Really Alright?
Don't Eat That
No Weakness? Sure...
Cherry Licking Fun
Not Half Nor a Quarter
Tactical Retreat
Penny For Your Thoughts
Who Taught Him That Technique?
Unusual Hunk of Metal
On The Road Again
Vroom Vroom
A Bit Over the Edge
Uniform Renewal Service
Weirdly Quiet Bizarre Town
His Plan
Toilet Licker
Jotaro Bridge
And Your Total is...
It Ain't Worth That Much
Is It Hot in Here, or Is It Just Me?
What's So Funny?
Baby Don't Cry
Dream On
Trust That Falters
Not the Time for Tea
Breakfast, Yum!
Be Careful What You Wish For
Old Flames Being Rekindled
Give Me Those Wishes Three
Under the Sea~
Multiplying Drinking Utensils
I Sea You
We've Arrived! Sort of...
Who's a Good Boy?
Water? In the Desert?
Watch Out!
Actually, We're Not
Hospital Visit
Accidents Happen
Get Some Rest
Bringing Them Together
Where'd They Go?
Younger Than Before
Wanna Bet?
It's Not Cheating if You Don't Get Caught
You're Bluffing, Right?
The Search Continues
A Bird of Prey
Huh, There's a Second One
Under His Orders
Enjoy the Show
Kind of an Idiot
To Avenge
Long Time No See
The Right Path
Night Has Come
As Fate Foretold
A Promise of Fifty Years
Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow
Mistakenly Rejuvenated
It's Official
Polnareff Land!
Forgiveness? Not Quite
Author's Note

He Gets the Point

5.4K 292 341
Von YandereObsessor

Polnareff looked around angrily, "That stupid dog totally gave us the slip..." His face soon turned serious as the two of you realized someone was following you. The French man's grip was still tight around your wrist as you were led away from the crowds of people and to a much more secluded spot filled with stone pillars.

Polnareff decided to confront the man, "Hey. You've got some balls to attack with so many people around. It's unusual, too. You guys usually don't let us see you, or attack us head on. That's pretty manly. I didn't think any of you were like that. Identify yourself."

A fly landed on the hilt of the man's sword only to shrivel up and die in an instant. "My name is Chaka. I am the user of the Stand which suggests the God of Death, Anubis. Jean Pierre Polnareff, I will take your life."

Polnareff giggled, "I will take your life? That's a pretty straightforward line. You're a tougher, more manly enemy than I thought." He let go of your wrist, "You can stay back, (Y/N). I'm sure I can handle him. Be sure to cheer me on, yeah?" He winked at you before taking a few steps forward and turning around, "Come at me with that Anubis Stand of yours!"

You decided to oblige and leaned against one of the columns. Chaka pulled out his sword from the sheathe. It made a high pitched ringing sound as the blade was engulfed in a dark aura. Polnareff called out his Stand, giving a few experimental swings with the rapier. They then began to mirror each other's actions, running through the ruins. They blocked and parried, dodging each other's strikes. Unlike Polnareff, however, each swing seemed as though it came from someone not familiar with the art of the blade.

The French man let out a scream as his chest was sliced open from Chaka's swing through a pillar. The shirt was still intact but blood seeped through. He was crouching as he caught his breath, still clutching the wound. Chaka then took a swing at Polnareff's head, only for the blade to be stopped from the sharp bone of Kars. Now that Polnareff's blood had been shed, you weren't so keen on just watching the spectacle. Chaka was gone in an instant, deeming to almost teleport between shadows.

The French man tugged down the top of his shirt so you could see the cut, "C-Can you fix this? Please?" You quickly covered his wound. But it's not like the cut was all that deep anyways. Kars placed a hand on the ground to check for heat signatures while Polnareff jumped on top of one of the columns.

"Well, Chakster, how about this? Bring it on!" Shouted the French man, "All I have to do is stay away from the pillars! You're not gonna pop out of the ground at me, are ya?!" He was a bit surprised when Kars pointed to a taller pillar located behind him. The moment he turned around to face the enemy, the pillar was falling down onto him.

"I can do more than just pass through them!" Shouted Chaka as he sort of rode the falling stone, "I can cut the pillars themselves in half, too!" He gripped the hilt tighter, "Die, Polnareff!"

The French man extended his arm and the blade of his rapier shot out before bouncing off a pillar into Chaka's neck. The man fell with a thud and a cloud of dust covered the ground as Polnareff hopped down. "That was close. That's Chariot's secret technique, which JoJo doesn't even know about." He looked over at you and smiled brightly, "But I think it's fine if you know. Launching the blade like that... I only have one blade. If an opponent dodged that, I'd be unarmed. So I only use it when I'm in real trouble."

You stepped closer to Chaka's slightly twitching body, "It looks like he's still alive, but I doubt he'll be on his feet again any time soon. Great job, Jean!" Out of the corner of your eye you saw the cloth wrapped sword laying on the ground. You walked over to it, picking it up after crouching down. "Huh, it's back in the scabbard." You pulled on the hilt, the blade just barely unsheathing. A low hum filled your mind as the colors danced along the weapon. "Now that I see this blade up close, it really is beautiful... I think I'll pull it out more."

Your transfixed state was broken as Kars pushed the blade back in the sheath, "Do not remove this sword from the scabbard. It seems dangerous." Confused, you set the weapon on the ground as you felt Polnareff's hand on your shoulder before he helped you to your feet.  

You heard some loud barking and you were caught off guard as a dog slammed into your chest before licking your face happily. You almost fell backwards, but Kars' hands were there to steady you. He looked curiously down at the rather small animal before fading away.

"So this is where the two of you went." Grumbled Jotaro as he stepped into view with the rest of your team.

"You went off by yourselves, so we were worried." Chimed in Joseph, his hands resting on his hips. "What if the enemy attacked you?" You rubbed your forehead, getting a sudden ache in your head and your mind still seemed a bit muddled. Iggy started to bark aggressively at the weapon lying on the ground before leaping away from you and taking a few cautious steps back.

Avdol tilted his head to the side, "What? You've got a sword... Did something happen?"

Polnareff nodded, "Yeah, some stupid guy tried to attack us. But it's over now, I beat them easy peasy. He said he was the Stand Anubis' user." He gestured to Chaka's motionless body, "He was an expert swordsman, able to phase through objects and cut them. He was a powerful enemy."

You placed a hand on the French man's shoulder after having cleared your mind, "But he was certainly no match for the Great Jean Pierre Polnareff! He attacked us with that sword." You went to grab it only to see a bunch of mice carrying it away on their backs.

"Hey!" Startled by Polnareff's voice, the mice dropped the weapon and scattered away. "Talk about creepy... So thieving mice live down here?" He picked the weapon up and tried to pry it open. "If you're gonna steal, steal some damn cheese!" He started to pull with all his might, struggling, "How strange... this sword is in so tight I can't get it out. What did you do to it, (Y/N)?" You just shrugged, not really sure yourself.

"Come on, both of you!" Called out Joseph. "I'm glad you're safe and all, but you shouldn't wander off on your own."

Caesar nodded along, "Our enemy certainly won't hesitate to strike when we're separated from the others."

There was a loud blowing sound in the distance and Joseph's eyes widened, "Oh, no! That's our ship's whistle! Let's hurry back. We're going to Edfu today."

A quick boat ride later, you were all sitting in the hotel. With only two rooms available, you were once again split into groups of three. When the lots were drawn, you got Jotaro and Avdol.

You set your luggage onto the floor. It was already dark out so you were all probably going to go to sleep quite soon. Jotaro removed his jacket and folded it on his bedside table.

Avdol took off his robe as well and took a roll of bandages out of his bag. "(Y/N), could you help me replace my bandages?"

"Sure, it's not a problem." You sat behind him on the bed as you carefully wrapped the white cloth around his neck and over the healing wound. You took your time, not wanting to mess it up.

He turned around once you were finished, giving you a small kiss on the tip of your nose, "Thank you, (Y/N)."

You hear a loud cough from behind you and turned to see a shirtless Jotaro laying on his bed. He seemed to glare at Avdol, "Sorry, must be all the sand in my throat. (Y/N), grab me some water from the mini fridge. It's way too hot in here..."

You didn't really want to, but got it for him anyways. He twisted the cap off the bottle and chugged it down, giving you a chance to silently admire his incredibly fit body. You climbed into your own bed as Avdol flipped the lights off and you all went to sleep.

The next morning, you had all gathered in the other group's room.

"Hey, Polnareff. What do you plan to do with that sword?" Asked Jotaro.

"I'm going to hand it in to the police, since it's clearly a dangerous weapon." Spoke Polnareff as he sat on a dresser.

Joseph was sitting on the foot of the bed, fiddling with your hair since you were sitting next to him, "That's probably for the best. If you left it in those ruins, you don't know who might pick it up."

"It looks valuable, too." Commented Avdol.

Iggy started to growl and bark at the sword again. You gave him a concerned look, "Hey, Iggy. Calm down." You gestured for him to move towards you. "Relax, sit with me." The dog gave one last bark before scampering onto your lap and laying down. He still continued to glare at the weapon. "Perhaps we should get rid of that sword sooner rather than later."

Polnareff sighed and stood up, grabbing the sword with him, "Yeah, yeah. Let's go." You set Iggy on the bed and began to follow after him.

"I'm going with you." grumbled Jotaro as he trailed behind.

You walked between the two men as you made it outside. They were quite intimidating in stature and most people seemed to keep their distance. Polnareff's eyes landed on the rotating red and white stripes of a barbershop pole, "Before we go to the police, I'm gonna get a haircut."

You all went inside and the French man explained his order before taking a seat and started humming as the scissors snipped away. You and Jotaro sat in the waiting chairs. You read over his shoulder as he looked through a magazine on marine life.

"How long have you been interested in stuff like this?" You asked the Kujo.

He looked up as it to make sure Polnareff wasn't paying attention, "When the old man took me to Sea World with my mom eight years ago."

You though for a moment, "Ah, I remember Joseph talking about that. He invited me to go with him, but I was busy with some work."

"Hey, Pops, would you put this sword over there?" Asked Polnareff as he handed the weapon over. "No matter how you look at it, it's clearly dangerous." The barber started to apply the shaving cream with a brush after setting the sword aside. "I was rolling around so much yesterday that this handsome nice guy got all dirty. Make me shine, Pops. I gotta look good for my lady."

"Okay." Mumbled the barber as he began to actually shave.

"Ow!" Yelped Polnareff, "Hey, Pops! That razor's dull. Sharpen that thing! This ought to be the best part of a haircut!"

"Yare yare. You're such a whiner." Jotaro set the magazine down on the empty space next to him and leaned onto your shoulder. He closed his eyes and started to doze off. Perhaps he didn't get enough sleep the night before.

You watched the barber begin to finish up his work after sharpening his tools. Polnareff let out a relaxed sigh, "There you go, nice and smooth. Trés bien! Trés bi-e-n! Could you get under my chin, too?"

"Sure." Spoke the Barber, as he held the sword just under Polnareff's chin.


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