Dragon Ball: GTS

danial1397 द्वारा

46 0 0

After defeating the Shadow Dragons, Goku now has time to rest, however, things may not seem that way since he... अधिक


The First Encounter

25 0 0
danial1397 द्वारा

Well, this is one amazing concept I am creating right now. I would love to get your guys recommendation on this as well, since it is going to be a huge overhaul of the series.

Let's get on with the show.


Goku looked at his family as he struggled to walk. The battle was done. Omega Shenron was defeated, and the Dragon Balls had been returned to their original state.

However, as a safeguard, he had planned to take the Dragon Balls with him to the Dragon Realm. He planned on staying there indefinitely, since he had been the primary cause for all wanton destruction around Earth, something he had noticed that during his time in the Otherworld, nothing bad happened to his beloved planet.

"Hey guys, we did it." He groaned as it even pained to speak.

"Rest easy Kakarot." Vegeta growled as he clutched his arm. "We need to be stronger of the next threat that comes."

Goku nodded at that, as he had not told anyone of his decision, "Yeah." With all the Zenkai Boost they had received over the fights they had, he was sure that Earth was in safe hands with Vegeta. He looked at the Dragon Balls that laid on the ground, which began to float as they got absorbed by him.

Over the course of the next few days, he had told everyone of his decision to leave Earth permanently, which they all took varyingly. His wife and grand-daughter took it the hardest, with Chichi, in a way, shutting down, while Pan refused to talk to him. Gohan and Vegeta understood where he was coming from, but felt sour regardless.

Goten was indifferent about this, as he had spent the first few years of his life without Goku, and was, somewhat, used to it. This all saddened the warrior. He knew that this was not only going to affect him, but also his family, whom he cared for deeply.

Soon, the day for his departure came as everyone gathered around Son Goku as he summoned Shenron. "Is it time?" His draconic voice boomed as Goku gave a sad nod.

He got onto the dragon which was about to leave, however, he soon saw two figures standing above the area. From what he could see, one of them was a bipedal purple cat, wearing what seemed to be an Egyptian garb of sorts, while the other was humanoid in feature, having pale blue skin and white hair.

While he couldn't sense their ki, he could tell they were strong. Seeing that he could sense that they weren't here for small trivial matters, he flew up to them. Noticing this action, the rest of the Z-Fighters finally noticed them as well. From them, it was Vegeta and Gohan who flew up after Goku.

Reaching their level, Goku asked, "Who are you guys?"

Noticing the cat smirk, "I am Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction of this Universe." He then pointed to the person behind him, "This is my Whis, an Angel who has been appointed to me."

Goku nodded at that, taking the information all in. "And why are you here?"

"As I was sleeping, I had a vision of a Saiyan, Beyond God, defeating me in combat." Beerus started, "And on asking the Oracle Fish of this, he told me about you, Son Goku, he who killed Frieza, he who defeated Majin Buu, he who defeated the Dragons that resides within the Dragon Balls."

Vegeta took this information in as he recognized the feline God. "And what do you think of Kakarot here?"

"Well, it seems that I will have to challenge him to a duel, to see if he is worthy of being the mortal to defeat Lord Beerus." He replied as he got into a stance. He knew that despite Goku's short stature at the moment, he wasn't a weakling that other may have thought.

"Um, Lord Beerus," Gohan interrupted, "Our world just went through a calamity that we were barely able to stop, so can you at least have this fight somewhere else?" He asked them.

Beerus rubbed his chin, though it was obvious to them that he was going to refuse, however, Whis did help them in this regard, "Lord Beerus, I think it would be simply delightful if we have this match on one of the barren planets. That way you both can unleash your full power without the risk of destroying any lives." He said, making the feline God nod at that. Looking at Goku, the Angel continued, "And I think it would be smart for Son Goku here to gain his adult form back, so you can have more challenge."

Beerus nodded at this, "Well, well, that seems like a grand idea," He said, making the three sigh a breath of relief, "Rest up Son Goku, for when we fight, I don't want any weakness from you."

"We will come for you in one Earth week, so prepare all you want." Whis said as he teleported Beerus and himself away.

Goku finally breathed a sigh of relief as he floated back to the ground. "What happened Goku?" He heard his wife call out. It was the first time she called for him ever since he decided on going away forever, but now it seemed that the plan was on hold.

"It seems Lord Beerus is intent on fighting you, Kakarot." Vegeta said as he landed, "We need you to get to the strongest you can be, before getting you to be an adult again."

Bulma noticed the fear in voice as he told Goku, "Vegeta, what's wrong?" She asked him. Vegeta looked at her.

"Later." He said, "Trunks, Goten, Bulla, go get the Dragon Radar." He commanded as the two nodded and flew off to retrieve the radar their mother had built. "Kakarot, you go to Dende's place, I'll meet you there." He told his rival, who confusedly nodded and went to the former Kami's Hideout.

Looking at the remaining warriors, Vegeta growled, "You lot also follow Kakarot. Make sure he reaches there safely. Knowing him, he'd be sent to HFIL again."

As everyone left to ensure Goku reached the Hideout safely, Vegeta turned to both Bulma and Chichi. "The reason I am worried for Kakarot is because I already knew about Lord Beerus."

"Wait, you mean that he isn't some alien pretending to be a god?" Chichi asked.

Vegeta shook his head, "I met him when I was a child. On Planet Vegeta, Beerus arrived, looking for the finest food to eat." He sighed, "And if we were to fail in providing that, he had said that he would destroy our entire planet."

"Normally, I would not even be worried if it was some other enemy, but the thing is that I have seen Lord Beerus in action, and even then, that was on an accident." He said, "He has this one ability to simply erase." He told them.


Goku looked at his childish body as he wiped off some bruises that had been present after his day of training. He had been resting in his house, with his wife, Chichi, cooking up a hearty meal. While she hadn't said it, he knew that she was happy that he was staying for some while. He could also feel that under all that happiness, she was also sad as well, due to him eventual leaving.

"Hey, Chichi?" He called out, making his wife look at him.

"What?" She asked with a tilt of her head which, for Goku, seemed too cute.

"Are you okay?" He asked her, which elicited a laugh from her.

"Of course I am alright." She said, a fake smile on her face which he could see through, "Why do you ask that?" She asked.

"Well, you haven't talked to me much ever since I had plans on leaving." He said softly.

Chichi visibly shuddered at that. She looked at his young stature lovingly as she smiled at him. "Oh, Goku." She started. "Ever since I married you and you first died, I accepted the fact that my life would never be normal." Goku looked at her with sad eyes, "You then didn't come back home for a year after you defeated that Frieza guy, and then you sacrificed yourself during the Cell Games, leaving me a widow for almost seven years." He noticed the tears beginning to form in her eyes and took a step forward to her. "And then, when we had peace on Earth, you took Uub to train, almost never coming home." She now had tears streaming down her eyes, making him feel even more guilty.

"Chichi..." He called out.

"A-and now, once you have this final fight, you are going to leave forever." She exclaimed, her voice cackled with sobs as she crouched down to hug Goku. He frowned at that. He needed to be there for her more.

He tried hugging her, but sadly, due to his small stature, he couldn't envelope her. Suddenly, he got an idea. He focused his ki, raising it to suitable levels as his body began to transform. Noticing the change her husband was having, Chichi looked in awe. She looked as his hair began to grow spikier, reaching his neck, as his body began to grow. His body got covered with fur, as his eyes gain a yellow color. She blushed as she realized what this form was, Super Saiyan 4. Goku smiled as he enveloped his wife. "Listen Chi, I have been wondering about my decision." He started, making her look at him. "I have been thinking that maybe I don't need to leave Earth." He confessed.

Chichi's eyes began to overflow with tears as she rested her head on his chest. It was soft and warm. He raised his hand and wiped off a trail of tears that was flowing, lowering down as he kissed her gently.


(Barren Planet)

Goku looked at the thin bipedal cat standing in front of him, giving him no heed. "Are you ready, Son Goku?" He asked as he cleaned his teeth with his nails.

"As ready I can ever be." He replied, getting into an all too familiar stance.

Beerus smiled, "It seems that you got your body back." He stated as both of his hands were now behind his back, lazily standing as his tail flicked behind him.

"Yeah, it still feels weird being back to my original height, after everything I have been through." The Saiyan replied. He had been given his original body back the day before his fight, which he used to spend time with Chichi.

Beerus smiled, "I hope that you get used to it, because if you fail to interest me, I will destroy the planet." He warned.

Goku frowned as he nodded. He had been told of his abilities by Vegeta, and seeing how serious the Saiyan Prince was, he was sure this wasn't going to be an easy battle. While he knew that he couldn't beat him in a fight, all he had to do was to ensure that the God of Destruction was impressed with his fighting prowess. Taking a deep breath, he rushed at the God, intent on delivering a haymaker to the purple cat, who easily blocked it.

"Impressive, your speed is unlike any other fighters I faced." Beerus commended Goku. "But sadly, it is not fast enough." He then kneed the fighter, using his tail to shoot him back.

Goku got up, dusting his clothes. 'Damn, he is powerful.' He thought. He had rushed him with half of his base level, and seeing how casually he was handled, it seemed that he would have to transform. Putting that thought at the back of his mind, he rushed at Beerus again.

"The same tactic won't work on me again, Goku." Beerus smiled as he got ready to intercept the attack. What he didn't expect was Goku using Instant Transmission to teleport behind the God, delivering an upper cut to the back of the head, sending the God flying upwards.

"Alright." He heard Goku yell as a flurry of fist made connection with his back, pushing him more. Turning his body to block the last few hits, he noticed that the warrior now had yellow hair and emerald green eyes.

Slowing down as the last of the punches sent him a bit back, Beerus questioned, "Hmm, what is this form, Son Goku?" He asked, since it was certainly different than what he had seen Saiyans use before.

Goku smiled at Beerus, "This, Lord Beerus, is Super Saiyan." He told him, "This form gives me a power boost fifty-fold."

Beerus smiled cockily at the statement, "Even then, that form wouldn't help you." He said.

Goku nodded at that, "I know it won't help me."

Beerus grinned as he let out a small chuckle, "Then why did you use it?"

Goku gained a serious look once more as he rushed at the God, "So I could get a knowledge of your powers." He yelled as electric aura surrounded him as his hair got spikier, as he suddenly vanished from sight.

Beerus' eyes widened, feeling a blow onto his stomach, which sent him flying backwards. Goku rushed him more, using all of his Super Saiyan 2 power to attack the cat. Using an upwards haymaker, Goku charged his ki. "Kamehame..."

Beerus sensed his power growing as he looked at the Saiyan, "HA" Goku yelled, attacking the God with the wave. Goku huffed, as the impact caused an explosion of smoke to form around the God.

As the smoke cleared, his eyes widened as he saw that his attack had done no damage to Beerus at all. "Impressive Saiyan." He heard Beerus say. "You actually made me use half of my power."

Goku paled at that. From what he could see, while he was currently at half of Beerus' level, he still was having difficulties. "Well then, time for Super Saiyan 3." He said.

"Not exactly." Beerus said behind him, making Goku turn in shock, seeing the speed of the God. The God attacked Goku with a kidney punch, sending him flying. Beerus rushed forwards, attacking Goku with a fury of kicks and punches.

Using his ki to form a barrier around him, Goku used Explosive Wave to send Beerus off of him. Using this moment to transform into Super Saiyan 3, he rushed at Beerus.

Beerus smiled as he got ready for the attack. Soon the fist connected and they both were locked in battle, exchanging punches and kicks. "That's it, Son Goku, make me bleed." Beerus said with a crazy look in his eyes, as Goku feinted right, making Beerus duck to the left.

Goku smiled at that as he jabbed with his left fist, scratching the skin of the purple cat God. Infusing Ki into his fist, he performed a close ranged Kamehameha, right to his face, which Goku took the opportunity to make some distance between them.

As the smoke cleared, Goku was shocked to see that even that did not have any effect on Beerus. "Impressive Son Goku, using a Feint to lure me into a false sense of security." He commended him, though he got into a stance, now showing that he was going to actually try to fight, "But the real question is, Son Goku, can you keep up?" He asked as he rushed at the mortal with unbelievable speeds.

Suddenly he felt immense pain throughout his body. Beerus was attacking him with a deadly combination of moves. Hitting Goku twice on the face, Beerus ended the combo with a Double Axe Handle, sending Goku spiraling downwards. As Goku crashed on to the planet below, Beerus sent Continuous Energy Bullets towards the downed warrior. As smoke erupted from the area, Beerus waited for a response from him, only to receive none. "Don't tell me that was it, Son Goku?" He asked, "If that is the case, I am severely disappointed." However, he suddenly sensed a huge increase in ki below. He narrowed his eyes as the dust began to clear. Seeing as how a jump in ki was felt whenever Goku transformed, he presumed that this was another one of Goku's transformations.

As the area was finally clear of any dust, Beerus finally had a clear view of the new form. Beerus smiled as he witnessed the red furred Saiyan finally come into view. Glaring at him, Goku smiled seriously, "This, Lord Beerus, is the pinnacle of a Saiyan's power, this is Super Saiyan 4." He proclaimed as he slowly floated up to the same level as him.

"So tell me, what is this Super Saiyan 4 capable of?" Beerus asked.

"Oh, you'll see." Goku replied as they both locked fists. With an exchange of fists happening, Beerus was shocked that the fists were now had more power behind them. Performing a Meteor Combo, Goku sent Beerus backwards.

'Such power.' Beerus though as he stared at the warrior, 'I like it.' Looking at Goku, Beerus smiled once again as he yelled, "Give me all you got Son Goku!"

Goku snarled at that as Beerus made light work of his attacks. Charging up the familiar attack once more, he chanted, "Ka...Me...Ha...Me..."

Noticing the move, Beerus frowned. Was Goku that unoriginal, "That won't work on me again." He said as he charged up his own attack, the Destruction before Creation. Soon he sent the purple wave of energy at the Saiyan, who was still charging up the attack to maximum levels. The attack engulfed him, though Beerus felt no decrease in power.

"Where did you go, Son Goku?" Beerus asked, when he felt the ki of the Saiyan behind him.

"HA!" Goku yelled as he released the energy, attacking Beerus. Stopping the attack with difficulty, Beerus started to push back against the energy, however, the ki now had a red tint to it. "Times TEN!" Goku yelled again as the attack now engulfed Beerus.

Huffing, Goku thought that the match was now over, since he could no longer feel the ki of Beerus, however he felt a hand grab his neck. His eyes widened as he saw Beerus with some injuries on his body. His garb was slightly torn as he smiled.

"Congratulations Son Goku." He commended, "You are the first person to ever force me to use my God Ki." He said as his purple aura became visible, hitting Goku multiple times on the abdomens, making him spit blood as he crashed down. "You see, Son Goku, once I use God Ki, I am near invincible." He boasted.

Goku writhed on the ground, clutching his stomach in pain. 'Such power.' He though. He tried to stand up, but his head was crushed down by the God's foot.

"Tell me, is that all you have?" He asked. "Do you not care for your loved ones? Do you want them to be erased?" He asked menacingly.

Goku grunted as his eyes widened at that. His mind wandered off to the people who were waiting back on Earth. He remembered that Pan was waiting for him. Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Vegeta, everyone was waiting for him. His mind then wondered to his wife, Chichi, and how sad had she been when he wasn't there. He couldn't give up now. Suddenly his ki blasted, reaching high levels that he couldn't even fathom, shooting Beerus off of him.

The God's eyes widened as he witnessed the Saiyan gain a greenish-red aura around him. "No." Goku said as he rushed forward, his fist tightened. Beerus tried to guard against the attack, but wasn't able to do so as the attack was now had more power behind it.

'So he has accessed it.' Beerus thought as Goku had a look of fury, sending him flying back.

"I will fight on!" He yelled as a huge dragon of ki formed. "Dragon Fist!" He yelled as the dragon engulfed Beerus, sending him to the ground due to the explosion. Goku looked at the downed God, rushing to attack him once more, "Dragon Fist, EXPLODE!!" And when the fist made contact with Beerus, a huge dragon erupted, attacking Beerus once more, engulfing both of them in dust.

As the dust cleared, Goku was huffing, still in Super Saiyan 4, but the weird aura was no more. Due to the immediate strain caused by occurrence of that aura, he fell down, only for Beerus to get up again. He knew the fight was over, and the fate of his loved ones, of his planet, depended on whether Beerus was impressed or not.

Beerus raised his palm to face Goku, who implied that he was about to finish the battle with one last attack, before the God smiled and grabbed Son Goku and pulled him up. "I am impressed Saiyan." He commended, making Goku smile as well. "Out of all the people I fought, only you have pushed me this far."

"So, you won't destroy my home?" He asked.

Beerus grinned, "There's no need to worry, Son Goku. I never intended to destroy it after all." He said.

Goku understood, "I get it, it was to make me fight like my life depended on it."

"Yes, though you did hurt me with that last attack of yours." He said, "And I can't believe you actually accessed God ki."

"So, that was what the strain was." The Saiyan replied.

"Yes." Beerus told the Saiyan, "That aura you felt was that of a God."

"How'd that happen?" He wondered.

"Whis told me that you absorbed the Dragon Balls, didn't you Son Goku?" Beerus asked.

"Well, yeah, but I can't see how that would make me a God." He confessed.

"Well, it wasn't exactly a Destroyer God's ki, but rather a Dragon God's ki." Beerus said, "That is why your last attack did more damage than regular."

Goku coughed, spitting out some blood, "Guess I know why now."

"Shall we head back home?" The God asked, making Goku nod.

"That'd be nice." He replied, "I need to reconnect with my wife." Beerus smirked at that.

"Whis, its time." Beerus called out, as the Angel arrived with a flash of white.

Goku's eyes widened. That was an impressive transportation technique. "I can see your eyes, Goku-san, this technique is for angels only." Whis called out. "But don't worry, I will be teaching you how to control the Dragon Ki within you."



Everyone waited patiently for the result of the fight. It was a serious matter after all. Vegeta looked at the sky in the direction of the battle taking place. He had felt Goku's ki slowly rise over time, reaching half of Beerus'. However, Beerus' ki suddenly vanished, and he assumed that Goku had defeated the God, but the Saiyan's ki began to decrease as well.

He assumed the worst, thinking that Beerus had gone down with a suicidal tactic, however, Goku's ki soon vanished, but he weirdly felt the impact of some attacks. Suddenly, the Saiyan's ki returned, and so did Beerus'.

A flash of white light appeared and they could see Goku, still in his Super Saiyan 4 transformation, hanging over the shoulder of Beerus, who was visibly damaged. Goku smiled at them and gave a thumbs up. Vegeta breathed a sigh of relief, as Chichi rushed forward to grab Goku.

"Fret not Mortals." Beerus said, "I have decided to spare the planet, however, Son Goku here, will be training under Whis to further his power." He pointed to the Saiyan, who was now leaning on his wife's shoulder.

Vegeta nodded, "Is it possible for us to join him as well?" He asked, to which Beerus nodded.

Gohan looked at the weakened condition of his father, making him step forward as well, "I'd like to join as well." He said.

"Splendid. Splendid." Whis smiled, "Well, I will be coming to pick you all up next week. Be ready." He said as he took Beerus back to their home.

Vegeta looked at the weakened Saiyan. "Tell us everything, now." He commanded, needing to know what happened.


So, the first chapter, and pilot has been done.

Give me your reviews on this.

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