Kids That I Once Knew

Von xBreakeven

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Juliette Franceschini is living her dream in London: becoming a host on a talk show. Through this talk show... Mehr

Le Author's blabbering.
Le Prologue
Who the Flack is our next guest star!?
Dating Harry, I see.
'You wish, Taylor Swift.'
Witchcraft During Soundcheck

'She's somewhere out there.'

159 6 12
Von xBreakeven


How have you been?

Omigosh who am I kidding; I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded in like fifty-seven decades. It's just that I have been a lazy bum. And then these high school projects and crushes and idk man I juss wanna lwwy.

lol, I'm kidding.

But, still. I'm sorry, okay. Please forgive me, for I have sinned. #deaj

Anywee, ten votes and five comments for the next one. 

It's not even a question. *wiggles eyebrows once*

So, enjoy, I lurve ye.


Harry Styles

I smirked to myself as I looked at my iPhone, satisfied with the tweet I had sent a couple of hours ago. It was evident that, at this moment, this Juliette girl was fangirling, for she had not retweeted or replied to my tweet.

I got up from my bed and tucked my phone in my front pocket, before deciding to go over to the living room. As I descended the stairs, I noticed that the house was dead silent, which was pretty much impossible when living with the lads.

Perhaps they had gone out or something?

I poked my head in the living room, only to prove myself wrong.

Four-fifths of One Direction was huddled around the coffee table, staring at something, with their game faces on. They were sitting cross-legged on the carpeted floor, stirring on their spots every now and then, but, other than that, not moving a centimetre. Zayn was even rubbing a hand against his jaw in concentration, adding tension to the whole scene.


Nope. No response.

I carefully observed Niall reach over to move something on the table; I couldn’t tell what it was, since Liam’s body blocked my view.

I strained my vision as I saw Niall’s hand pull back ever so slowly. The blond went to his initial sitting position, taking his sweet time and looking as innocent as ever. He then handed something to Zayn, who softly pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

Zayn eyed the table closely and rubbed his hand against his light stubble, looking as if he were deep in thought.

You could practically inhale air of tension in the living room. The lads had their eyes glued to the same spot on the coffee table, and none of them was moving a muscle.

“Wait.” Louis narrowed his eyes at the table. “Who’s the thimble?”


Liam’s trembling hand slowly rose, and he cowered slightly at the death glare Louis gave him.

“THAT’S IT; PAY UP!” Before you could say ‘fish and chips’, Louis was no longer sitting but standing on his feet with his hand extended out towards Liam.

Liam looked startled. “But Niall already—“

“Nah, gurrrl, I don’t think so.” Louis said in an American, ghetto accent, snapping a finger and rolling his neck.

I nearly laughed. Ever since we watched that ‘Creeping on the Stars’ show this evening, Louis had been copying and quoting the female host—and the girl who I had tweeted today— Juliette. We all had really enjoyed the show, especially both hosts’ epic remarks.

I was brought back to reality, when Zayn joined Liam’s and Lou’s conversation.

“Actually, Liam is right, Louis.” Zayn tried to moderate the two. “Once the next person rolls the dice, you can’t—“

Rolling the dice? Are the lads in the middle of some intense philosophy session with Zayn or what is this arguing about?

“Fine, don’t pay me.” Louis, being his sassy self, stomped his Toms-clad feet over to the couch, and that’s when I noticed the Monopoly box lying on the right side of the couch. He grabbed a wad of Monopoly money, before walking back and sitting down on his spot.

“Lou, that’s cheating.” Niall quietly pointed out, biting his thumb. His voice trembled a little. It was more than apparent that the little leprechaun was shit scared of the game-on version of the Doncaster lad.

Louis scoffed. “No, it’s getting what I deserve.” He said, going over his fake money, bill by bill.

Sassy princess.

Liam groaned. “I don’t want to play anymore.” Putting his money on the table and pushing it forward, he stood up and went over to the couch, sitting down.

“Yeah, you always cheat.” Zayn said to Louis, joining Liam on the couch.

Shortly after, Niall, Zayn, and Liam were seated on the couch, with their arms crossed, frowning at Louis, who was still counting his fake bills on the floor.

Louis shrugged. “More for me.” He took the bunches of bills that previously belonged to the other contestants, and blended them with the wad he has holding. He then proceeded to reach across the table to grab the two number cubes and jiggle them in his hand, ready to roll them.



“Pass the spaghetti, will you?” A mouth-full Niall asked Zayn, who did as he was requested.

The five of us were sitting at the table, eating dinner. This time, it had been my turn to cook, and I had prepared Bolognese spaghetti and a mix of boiled vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and such), along with garlic bread. The lads were munching calmly, not bothering to start conversation. Which was odd to happen in this house.

“Oh.” Liam shot his eyebrows upward, probably remembering something. He patted a napkin to his mouth. “Hazza and I have a surprise for you guys.”

“Aw, Harreh, you didn’t have to.” Louis cooed, reaching across the table to pinch my cheek.

I smacked his hand off, and gave Liam a confused look.

“While Haz and I were buying the ingredients he needed for dinner, I received a call from management.” Liam took a pause, looking at the lads’ focused expressions.

“And?” Zayn urged.

And…” Liam emphasized, sparing a pointed glance at the Bradford band member. “We’re going to have an interview next week.”

“Typical.” Niall shrugged, stabbing a cauliflower with his fork and bringing it to his mouth.

“It’s not just another typical interview.” Liam looked pointedly at Niall, before grinning at the rest. “It’s an interview on ‘Creeping on the Stars’.”



Oh, for the love of God. I rubbed a hand down my face in frustration, looking tiredly at Louis through the gaps of my fingers. 

Liam, like me, seemed to be losing his cool rapidly, for he scowled at the Doncaster boy. "Well," he said, "compared to your reaction to the show a not even four hours ago, I can tell that you're currently not very eager to meet the 'best female host whose surname is the coolest out there'." He threw in air quotations around the phrase that Louis had said once we finished watching the show.

The boys remained in their seats, processing the information. The table fell silent for a moment as the lads put two and two together, probably remembering that the name of the show was in fact 'Creeping on the Stars', before we heard the sound of metal dropping against glass.

“OHMIGOSSSSSSH!” Louis squealed and stood up, slamming his hands on the table and looking at me. “Is this true, HazzaBear?” He asked in a low, serious tone, with his eyebrows raised.

“Let’s get real, Boo. Do you really think that Liam would try to pull a prank on us?” I smirked, earning a glare from Liam.

Getting the joke, Niall whooped and joined Louis on a happy dance.

Zayn, who was beside me, merely chuckled at the two and, being his reserved self, did not comment on the fact that we were going to appear on the show we all had become obsessed with.

Niall and Louis finally calmed down from their fangirling state and sat back down on their corresponding seats.

“The host is fit.” Niall bluntly commented after a moment, before shoving a forkful of spaghetti into his mouth. "I mean," he said through a mouthful of food, "she may not be the prettiest thing out there, but she's definitely something."

That,” Smirking, I pointed my finger at the blond, “I have to agree with.” I then turned to Zayn. “What d’ya think, mate?”

Zayn looked up from his food at the rest of the band. “She’s pretty, yeah.” He stated distractedly.

“Pretty!?” Niall dropped his spaghetti-covered fork onto the plate. “She’s fucking gorgeous!” He cried. Funny how half a second ago he was saying that she was 'not be the prettiest thing out there'. Fuck logic.

However, I didn't hesitate to agree with his latest statement. “Definitely eleven out of ten.” I commented, nodding my head and looking at Zayn.

“Yeah, Zaynikin, even I have to admit that the girl’s more good looking than the average.” Louis agreed, before smacking a fist on his heart. “But my heart belongs to ElleBear!” He declared rather loudly in a superhero-like voice.

Niall ignored Louis’s last remark and looked at our dark-eyed band mate. “And, plus, she’s got great sense of hu—“

“Guys.” Liam scolded, his eyes flitting from me to Nialler. “Don’t even think about it.”

“Don’t be jelly, Liam.” Louis quoted Juliette again, putting his palm up for a high five, gesture which only Niall and I accepted.

Liam gave Louis a look that made him stop with the jokes.

Louis rolled his eyes and looked at me. “Liam’s right. You should back off." His voice was unusually serious.

“Party poopers." Niall muttered, before stuffing two round carrot slices into his mouth.

“It’s not like we’re actually going to go after the girl,” I reasoned, lacing my hands behind my head and leaning back. “We don’t even know her.”

“Exactly.” Niall agreed. “We just think that she’d be a really cool friend to hang out with.” He shrugged. “Why don’t you trust us, Liam?”

“Oh, I do trust you, Niall.” Liam paused. “Whom I don’t trust is this guy over here.” He spat, nodding his head towards me.

“What!? What did I do!?” I cried indignantly. However, I couldn’t help the grin that was making its way onto my face.

“Oh, HazzaBear, we all know that you go after everything that has boobs and legs.” That was Louis.

“And she happens to have both, so….” Zayn said quietly, trailing off. Huh. He had barely contributed to our argument. He usually is the one to start them, so seeing that he’s barely being part of one was pretty odd.


Remember, guise. Ten votes. Five comments.

- Alejandrisha :}


“Don’t be silly, guys.” I shook my head. “This girl is like the female version of Louis.” At this statement, the lads furrowed their eyebrows in confusion. “Yeah, and Louis is my friend.” I finished, putting emphasis on ‘friend’.

The room fell into dead silence. You couldn’t even hear the clankety-clank of the silverware, for everyone had already finished eating, except for Niall, who was innocently nibbling on a piece of Garlic bread.

I frowned as I looked around the table and examined the faces of my band mates. They were all staring into space like morons.

I glanced at my left to see that Liam had this concerned expression smeared across his face. He was leaning forward, and his laced hands were rested on the table. He was probably pondering upon the idea of one of us dating that Juliette girl. I mentally rolled my eyes. This guy seriously jumped to conclusions too fast.

My gaze flickered to my left, focusing on Zayn. He was frowning at his phone as his thumbs furiously roamed over the keyboard of his Blackberry. I was about to ask him what he was frowning about but restrained myself. Zayn preferred to keep his issues to himself and was always up for some alone time to think.

I turned to look at Louis, who was sitting across from me. His eyes were squinted at some spot in the ceiling. He would inaudibly mutter things to himself every now and then. The guy was probably debating with his brain on some irrelevant—

Niall burst out laughing, crumbles of garlic bread landing on the table.

Leave it to Niall to laugh under these circumstances.

“EWWWWWWW, NIALLER!” The sassy princess AKA Louis complained as he dusted imaginary pieces of bread from his cream-colored pullover.

"I just... I just... remembered—" Niall tried to explain, failing as his body opted for another round of laughter.

The rest of us stared at our Irish band mate in utter confusion, waiting for his laughter to die down.

“Aw, come on!” Niall cried, standing up and walking over so that he was between Liam and me. “We’re all in a band, and we love each other, remember?” He slung his arms around our shoulders, pulling us to him and making us groan as he craned our necks sideways.

“GROUP HUG!” Louis abruptly stood up, making the chair fall backwards in the process, and ran towards us, joining the embrace.

We stayed in that awkward position for a good forty-five seconds.

“Ahhhh.” Louis cooed in that high-pitched voice of his. “Doesn’t it feel good, you guys?” He tightened his hold on us, making us three groan in pain, especially Liam and me, who both were awkwardly semi-standing up, due to the chairs behind us.

We stayed like that for another forty-five seconds, until the chirpy lad noticed something.

“OI, WHERE’S ZAYN!?” Louis hollered angrily, popping his head out of the hug so he could glare at the dark-haired boy.

Zayn simply looked up from his phone, looking as innocent as ever. After allowing a sigh to escape his mouth, he stood up and grudgingly joined our bone-crushing hug, his arms lazily slung around my and Niall’s shoulders.

Hmm. Zayn not joining one of our hugs voluntarily?

Something was definitely wrong.


It was around twenty-three o’clock. All the lads were in their respective rooms, yet I was here, walking towards Zayn’s room, in hopes that I could find out what was wrong with him.

I knocked on his door softly, waiting for a response.

I heard a faint ‘Come in.’ I took that as a cue to open the door and get in, shutting the door behind me.

I found Zayn lying on his bed, with his arms behind his head. His gaze was fixed on the ceiling, and he did not bother to look at me when I came in. I also noticed that the lad was still in his day clothes, whereas I was wearing nothing but my Calvin Klein boxers.

I walked over and sat on the edge of his bed. “Hey, mate.”

“Hey.” Zayn looked at me for a split second, before returning to stare at the cream-colored ceiling.

It didn’t take a genius to figure that he wanted to be alone, yet I at least had to try to find out what was going on with him.


10 votes.


You can vote right now, if you'd like. I'm not going to judge you, tbh. 


Back to the story now.

- Alejandra :}


“So….” I started awkwardly, without looking at him. “…Is there anything bothering you lately?”


“Zayn?” I looked at him to find him in the exact same position he was moments ago.

He took a deep breath but didn’t look at me. “It’s nothing, really.”

“Zayn, you know you can tell us anything.” I shook my curls and ran a hand through them, fixing them back in place. “We’re not going to—”

“It’s nothing.” He repeated, almost bitterly.

I sighed, rubbing a hand down my face. “Is it because of…?”

“No.” He interrupted.

“Zayn, look at me.” I commanded, my patience rapidly wearing thin.

Zayn sighed and sat up against the headboard, lazily directing his eyes towards me.

“Does your break up with Perrie have to do anything with your sudden change of attitude?” I questioned him softly, afraid that my band mate might explode in anger.

Perrie Edwards. I despised that girl. She and Zayn used to date back when we first started the band. Zayn had been smitten over her, but apparently she hadn’t felt the same, for she had mercilessly broken his heart in the end. However, when our band got big all around the world, the platypus decided to come back, claiming that she had never stopped loving Zayn. And, of course, Zayn, being the innocent bloke he was, had taken her back, not knowing what the girl was actually capable of. I had warned him that she could have been lying, but he wouldn’t listen. And, well, by now you must have an idea how that relationship had turned out.

Zayn’s jaw tightened, and he looked away, avoiding my question.

“Zayn,” I put my hand on his shoulder. “It’s been over two months.”

“I know.” Zayn’s voice was hoarse; his eyes didn’t meet mine. “I still can’t get myself to stop loving her.” He admitted quietly.

“Zayn!” I shook both his shoulders. “Do you still not understand what that harpy put you through!?” I searched his face for some emotion other than hurt and hopeless love. “She never loved you; she just used you for her own benefit!”

At this point, Zayn’s face had gone blank. He was staring at me, with an emotion I couldn’t exactly pinpoint. Just then, a single tear rolled down his cheek, and he looked down, wiping frantically at his eye.

I pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back in what I hoped was a comforting manner.

He wasn’t sobbing helplessly, but I could tell his tears still kept falling, for I could feel droplets landing on my naked shoulder and my back every now and then.

After I couldn’t feel his tears on my skin anymore, I pulled away from the hug and held my mate at arm’s length.

“Listen, Zayn.” I started, catching his attention. “Don’t mourn over her. You’ll find a girl, trust me. She’ll make you very happy, and she’ll be very lucky to have you, too. It’s just that you’ve got to keep looking; she’s somewhere out there.”

Zayn stared at me, and I could tell he was skeptical on believing my words. However, his expression gradually changed to gratefulness. “Thanks, Harry.”

I smiled back at him and nodded. “It’s no problem, mate.” I stood up and walked over to the door. “Now, get some sleep. We don’t want our ‘Echo Master’ to miss rehearsals tomorrow.” 


I just love these in-the-middle-of-the-effing-chapter author notes, don't chu?


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