A Bad Dream (A Ziall Fanfic/O...

By Axolus

4.9K 92 25

hey'all! so, this one is all "fluff".. Niall's havin' a bad dream and well, he ran into Zayn who he doesn't k... More

A Bad Dream (A Ziall Fanfic/One Shot/BoyxBoy)

4.9K 92 25
By Axolus

Heyyaaaaah! Before you read this Ziall fic I request you to check out the song on the media displayed somewhere there ----->>

For everyone's information that was actually the song i was listening to when inspiration hit me and the last thing i knew i was writing this fic down like aliens will abduct me if i didn't... haha.. well enough with the chitchats and here ya go!!...

*hoping everyone loves it*



It was a beautiful night.

For one reason, they had yet again ended an invaded-by-die-hard-Directioners concert and secondly, this concert happened in Madison Square Gardens in New York, which for them was the best arena to perform and the dream ground of all who aspired to get into stardom.

 Zayn had never felt this fulfilled in his life. The nights when he dreamt of such events were now turning to reality and he felt so proud of himself and his band mates. He couldn’t have gotten where he is now if it weren’t because of them. He thought he couldn’t live without them and hoped they’ll stay together no matter what. He smiled realizing how somewhat crazy these ideas were. After a nice hot shower, he stepped out of the bathroom wearing only a towel wrapped around his waist. With his hair disheveled and damp, he headed to his drawers and pulled on his Calvin Klines and jammies for the night. He refused to put on some shirt, which he always does, and walked towards the windows. He lit the cigar his mouth gripped and produced white smoke in the air expertly. He knew that with the intensity and adrenaline of the concert they just had, his exhausted body should be dozing off now, but he struggled to. Their press con for tomorrow is another addition to why he should be in his bed now, snuggled like Sleeping Beauty, but he couldn’t put himself to it just yet.

“Go to bed now if you don’t want to look like shit in front of the cameras tomorrow. You had one hell of a night, you need some rest.” He recalled their tour organizer telling them.

But, how could he when the reason he couldn’t lull himself to sleep was just around the corner?

He released another white smoke casting it in the air. He looked through the shiny transparent glass of his window and stared outside. He gazed at the urban masterpiece that was laid in front of him. The moon hanged there big, bold and proud casting its blue light under the city under it. Stars were high in the vast endless sky, shining and sparkling in billions. The city lights, a mixture of blinding yellows and cool blues, lit up the skyscrapers, streets and the whole city itself. That was somewhat a familiar sight to Zayn for he had stolen every single chance he had to glance at the boy who possessed that very combination of colors. Those yellow glistening lights represented the boy’s golden strands forming a mop of blond hair, styled perfectly and looked effortlessly with the boy’s pale skin. The blue flickerings reminded him of the boy’s icy blue orbs. Oh, those gorgeous blue eyes! They’re just so perfect Zayn would feel his knees weaken whenever he sees them. It’s like his kryptonite and he had no antidote against it. He ran his fingers through his still damp hair as he remembered the moments he started to feel something “different” towards his Irish band mate.

He remembered the first time he saw Niall came out of the bathroom, fresh from the shower with only a towel covering his private region. Zayn felt his face heat up when he saw just how fit the boy was. His pale chest, toned arms and that damned torso, carved into perfection, stood right in front of him and he felt like he was a schoolgirl seeing the campus heartthrob. Chills immediately run down his spine and butterflies swarmed in his stomach when the blond turned to face him with his messy hair stood up in every direction and his sapphire orbs gazing at him with his cute little confused puppy face. His pinks lips curved into that one-in-a-gazillion smile that made his heart beat wild that instant. He was hot period!

He remembered how sometimes clumsy and reckless the Irishman was. One time, he giggled like a girl for no reason in their tour bus making everybody laugh. He remembered how his pale face reddened like a stop sign realizing how embarrassing it was. Sometimes, the boy eats more than what he could chew, literally. He feeds himself like a bulldozer eating a meal enough to feed two families and still look damn adorable afterwards.

He remembered how that infectious laugh of Niall’s made his ears perk up making him immediately looking at him in awe seeing the pure bliss expressed in the boy’s features. That sight completes his day and never failed to leave him a smile.

He remembered how that thick Irish accent transforms into a voice crooning everyone like a balladeer from the heavens. His heart beat couldn’t stop racing whenever that voice serenades. He’s in love with it, but he knew he’s in love with the boy who owns it more.

He immediately feels so turned on whenever these actions of Niall James Horan occurs. Aroused, even!

But there’s a problem, though.

 If the reason of his insomniac nights was just a door away, the boy who Zayn thinks Niall adores more than anyone was right around the corner too.

 Liam Payne: Niall’s daddy, Niall’s big bro, Niall’s hero, Niall’s savior, Niall’s knight in shining armor, Niall’s blah blah blah. Zayn admits that he had some issues with the brown-haired lad. He’s competition, he thought. His relationship with Niall makes Zayn doubt if he was to continue his confession to the Irish. He could see how much the two of them love being with each other; he saw how their friendship grow every single day. They seemed inseparable that Zayn barely gets alone time with his Irish boy. Zayn’s jealous, that’s true. It worries him that the friendship Liam and Niall shared makes them far more than “just friends”. What if they already are a couple? What if Niall had done things with Liam that Zayn fantasized and wished they should be doing together? Did they kiss already? Did they go far more than kissing, as well? Yes, he may sound very obnoxious and overreacting but these possibilities may not be far from being facts because the two of them were undeniably affectionate and close.

He clutched his fist burying his nails onto his palms as thoughts of Niall being with another guy circled his mind. How come he was never like Liam? The luckiest man to be adored by an angel—Zayn’s angel. How come he’s not the one who could crack jokes making the Irish burst into laughter? How come he’s not the boy who Niall clings to when sad and broken? How come he rarely receives that affectionate “Horan Hug” of his? How come he’s nothing more like Liam fucking Payne? How come?

Yes, he may be sometimes introverted and shy but that’s what makes him Zayn Malik. He sighed. Maybe that’s the problem. He’s not that much of an open person like Liam and Niall. It’s not that he’s not a happy and joyous teenager but he just like to keep things to himself. He’s silent, yes, but that doesn’t mean he’s a loner or something. He’s just not as wild as his other band mates were. Maybe that’s the case. Maybe the reason why he couldn’t get Niall was because of his guarded and vaulted personality. Maybe the reason he couldn’t get Niall to like him was because they’re very different. Maybe Niall never really liked him or worse, not really into guys. He sighed deeply and put the butt of his cigarette on the ashtray atop the tea table beside him.

 Maybe he just needs to put his feelings aside first and focus more on his career. Maybe he just needs to give it a rest. Maybe…


He was about to call it a night and was ready to put himself to slumber when a knock on his door echoed in the room.

“Who is it?” He shouted but received no response. He got out of his bed and swore under his breath as another knock pounded on the door. “I’m coming. I’m coming!”

He twisted the knob and opened the door. Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in front of him. He was certain it was the boy causing his sleepless nights. It was Niall. But, there’s something wrong. He had both of his fists gripped tight and his head tilted down facing the floor. He was trembling.

 Was he crying?

Zayn was about to ask what’s up when arms suddenly hugged him almost fiercely that it jerked him from his position. The contact was shocking to Zayn that he froze with bewilderment. Seconds later, he felt a couple hot liquid flowed down his bare chest to his belly.

The boy was crying!

And Zayn didn’t have a clue on what to do. The poor guy clung to him tightly like he was his only lifeline there was. Zayn placed his hands on the pale boy’s back rubbing random circles. He heard sobs afterwards and felt Niall’s hot breath against his shirtless body.

“Please don’t…please don’t go.” He heard Niall utter in between his sobs.

“Go where, Niall?” He asked.

“Please don’t leave us. Please don’t leave me.” The boy cried harder this time tightening his grip on Zayn.

“Shhhhh,” Zayn hushed on the boy’s blond hair. Fuck. He smelled damn nice. His aftershave, a scent of nothing but pure angelic Niall, lingered in his nose. He felt like he was in a dream. He continued rubbing the boy’s back holding him tight in his arms never wanting to pull away.

Niall looked so broken and disheartened and Zayn had no idea why. Although he worried about Niall’s situation, he couldn’t be happier to know that the boy, for the first time, ran into him when he was hurt and giving him one of those hugs he’d been dreading to have for ages. To his own surprise, he realized that he was comforting Niall hearing the sobs and cries slowly fade. An ability he never imagined that he himself could provide. That moment, Zayn felt he was Niall’s hero, his savior, his knight in shining armor—parts and roles he usually saw Liam taking responsibility of.

“You wanna tell me what’s wrong, Niall?” He finally voiced as the sobbing cleared. He felt the boy slowly loosening his grip on him and they parted. That somewhat disappointed Zayn because he wanted to hold the boy more and never let him go especially now that he knew he was in much pain and in need of some company. But he also wanted to know what the matter was so he let their embrace disconnect.

 “Why don’t you come inside and tell me about it, hmm?” Zayn said comfortingly gesturing Niall to enter. Niall nodded slowly with his head still looking at the ground. He made his way to the mattress of Zayn’s bed awkwardly while the taller boy closed the door behind him. He sat down beside the Irish who was looking at his palms.


“Please don’t go.” Niall said almost like a whisper cutting whatever Zayn was about to say.

“Where do you not want me to go?”

“Just…please don’t leave.”

“Why?” Not that he was really going away or leaving but he had to ask what made his Irish boy worry so much about him leaving.

Niall was silent for a moment.

“I—I had a dream,” He finally spoke still looking at his pale palms. “I dreamt of you leaving. Y—you left us alone.”

Why would he? What made him think that’s going to happen? That’s ridiculous, Zayn thought. He was having the best days of his life fulfilling his dreams with four of his best friends, he’s not going anywhere sooner or later; and leaving them alone was never an option for Zayn.

“It’s just a bad dream, Niall. A nightmare.  It’s not gonna happen.” He said reassuringly.

“But it felt so real! It felt like it’s really going to happen. I’m so scared.”

“Well don’t be, Niall. I’m not gonna leave you. Never.”


“It won’t happen, Niall.” Zayn stopped him and laced their fingers together giving him the reassurance that his dream will never come to life, especially because just seeing Niall every day, sharing each incredible moment with him, he would never go away and just leave that behind. “I swear.”

“But what if I told you something? What if I told you something you never expected from me? What if I told you what I felt and hate me afterwards? What if you leave the band because of it?”

“Well, don’t you think you should give it a shot?”

“That’s the problem, Zayn! What if telling you what I felt lately will just drive you away from me and worse, disgust me!”

“For what, Niall? To be honest with you, whatever you’re going to tell me would never affect our friendship and the band. I promise. Just tell me.” Well, that’s the truth. Good or bad, Zayn will accept it. Even if Niall confesses to him that he’s having an affair with Liam, he doesn’t care about that anymore. As long as it makes him happy, it is fine with Zayn, although he was certain that the boy wasn’t any near to being happy that moment. He just need to know what could be that “feeling” Niall was talking about that had put him in such misery. It kills him inside whenever he finds his angel in much distress and he wanted to help him out of that by just being a friend and a listener. Even though he thought that that would be his only place in Niall’s life, he’ll take it.

Niall adjusted in his seat, his hands still locked with the boy’s next to him. He looked up to Zayn. The tanned boy saw a clearer vision of the boy’s face. Those breathtaking blue orbs were nowhere to be found, instead, a pair of unfamiliar bloodshot eyes met his gaze. The happiness, the joy and the genuine bliss he usually saw painted on the boy’s features were now gone and missing. His heart broke at the sight. The expression he just saw was an evidence of the boy’s sorrow. He was hurt, and Zayn wanted nothing more than to hold him and tell him to cry no more. But he also wanted to know the reason why he’s so broken and blue. He stared back at him giving him the most comforting look he ever brought and waited.

“I love you.” Niall whispered.

Wait a minute. Did Zayn hear him right? Did the boy just say that? Did the boy he loved just say he loved him too? Zayn froze as thoughts about the Irish’s words swirled in his head. He knew that he should be doing something now—responding—but instead, he was dumbfounded at the confession. He never saw this one coming. He had expected for the worse and now, he just received the greatest statement he ever had. Niall loved him! He never even thought Niall liked him and just hearing that he loved him…wow! This is too much, Zayn thought. He tried to formulate appropriate words, coherent actually for he was speechless for the longest time. But by the time he was about to say the response, Niall dropped their hands’ contact and stood. He paced to the door but Zayn managed to follow him and grabbed the boy in his arms and pulled him closer to him in an embrace like they just had earlier.

“I knew it! You hate me!” Niall cried for the second time.

“No, Niall. I don’t hate you.” Zayn comforted him.

“Then—then why did you look horrified? I knew you would disgust me if I told you that! And now, you’re going to leave the band, just like in my dream.”

Zayn looked down at him and placed his hands on either of the boys shoulder. He looked at him intently in the eyes like he was staring at his soul.

“If I do this, would you still think that that stupid dream will come true?” He leaned forward and kissed the boy’s forehead. He felt the boy stopped crying at the contact. He leaned back and looked at Niall’s eyes again.

“If I do this, would you still think I’m leaving you?” He leaned down for the second time this time kissing the boy’s cheek. A tremble escaped the Irish as he did so.

“And if I do this, would you still think I hate you?” He whispered in the boy’s ear. Hovering his lips over Niall’s, he looked him straight in the eyes. The boy saw his blue eyes widened conveying pure confusion and anticipation. Fuck! He looked so innocent and beautiful.

Then, he leaned forward closing their gap.

He gently tasted the boy’s pink lips and Niall allowed the contact. The feeling sent chills all over Zayn. He closed his eyes savoring the touch of their lips and the taste of Niall. Finally.

 After a moment, Zayn had to break the kiss although he hated it. He knew it was his turn to tell the things he wanted to let out badly.

“I wasn’t horrified, Niall. I was happy, believe it or not.” By now, their eyes met and locked. “You’ve no idea how bad I wanted to hear that from you. You’ve no idea how hard I wished that you would say that you love me.”

“Does that mean—“

“I love you too, Niall.” He said with his most gentle voice cutting Niall’s sentence. And that was all Zayn needed to do that it made Niall near to tears again.

“I thought you didn’t like me.” The blond confessed.

“Are you kidding? You’re all I ever thought of since I can’t remember when. To be honest, I should be the one telling you that. I thought you liked Liam more than me. He seemed to be so close to you so I guessed you liked him.”

“No, Liam and I were just friends. I even told him the things I felt about you. That’s why we’re close.”

“Now that explains it.” Zayn chuckled nervously.

“I love you.” Niall said as if it’s the only word available in the universe.

“I love you more, Nialler.” Zayn replied.

And then, they kissed again holding each other never wanting to let go.

“I guess I’ll never have nightmares again after tonight.”

The two boys shared a night they’ve been dreading to have.


 It was a beautiful night indeed.

~The End~


Let's all have a moment of silence and praise Ziall for its existence.





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