My Divine Purpose

By TwinflameSeries

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What is my purpose? When will this never ending question stop? Who am I? What you seek lies within. All you n... More

Who am I
Your soul has a plan
Remember your soul's plan
Surrender your soul
Your intuition
The voice of your ego, intuition and spirit guides
Is life just an illusion?
When the universe doesn't have your back
Signs that your walking towards the wrong way
Déja Vú
Self love

When everything feels like it's going wrong

74 2 0
By TwinflameSeries

Do you ever just have one of those bad days that never seems to end? Does it ever feel like you can't do anything right and every move you make seems to land you in trouble?

If you are having a bad day, or maybe even a bad month here is what you can do to find relief:


Know that
This Too Shall Pass

Even though it may seem that the Universe is presenting you with one issue after another, know that whatever is happening will eventually pass.

Sometimes life brings things in waves and you have to keep treading water in order to stay afloat. This feeling won't last forever, so know and trust that all you need to do is find your strength in each given moment.

When things feel all over the place it can be easy to stress or worry about the future, but staying present and trusting that it will all eventually pass will help you to feel at ease. Just take one day at a time.

Focus on Gratitude

When things are going haywire, stop, take a deep breath and focus on what you feel grateful for. Try to focus on what is working in your life rather than getting caught up in what is not working.
It can be really easy to focus all of your attention onto the trouble spots in your life, but by stepping back and bringing awareness to all that you feel grateful for it can help to shift your perspective.

Spend Some
Time With Yourself

When things feel like they are going all wrong, often it is a sign that change needs to happen. Sometimes the Universe challenges us to really look at our lives and to address things that need to go.

If lots of things seem to be happening all at once, it is likely that you are at a critical turning point in your life.

Don't stress too much about what this turning point may be, just take the time to connect within and work out what your truth is.

Work out what the best thing you can do for yourself moving forward is and then take one step at a time

Learn to Say No

One of the fastest ways to lose control over your life is to start saying yes to things that you don't really want to do.

Many of us are afraid to say no as we want to please others and we don't want to disappoint others, but learning how to say no can be extremely freeing.

When you have a lot going on, or when life is you up one problem after another, it is also usually a sign that you have put far too much on your plate.

Learning to say no to others will help you to release this feeling and will allow you more time to organize yourself and get things together.

Know What is
Worth Your Time

Sometimes we spend so long stressing and obsessing over every little detail in our lives that it can be exhausting!

If you find yourself constantly worrying about something or constantly stressing about the issues in your life, you may need to do some inventory.

Place your hand on your heart and ask yourself- Is this really worth my time?
When we care about someone or something, we may feel justified to stress and worry until a resolution has been found, but solutions rarely come from this mindset.

If you really want to find a solution and make a difference, use your time wisely. This means that you need to shift your mindset to focusing on productive solutions rather getting caught up in the drama.

It is also important to remember to also be patient and to give things time. Sometimes time has a way of allowing things to resolve on their own without our constant interference.

Give Yourself,
Permission to Feel

If you have gotten to a point in life where you feel like everything is falling apart, it is important to acknowledge this and give yourself time to grieve and feel whatever emotions are stirring.

The more you resist the emotions, the more they will persist, so don't feel guilty for taking a moment to feel anger , sadness or whatever else is arising for you.

Once you have given yourself permission to do this, often things start shifting for the better.

As part of this process, it is also important to make an effort to fill your life with things that bring you joy and things that make you feel at ease. Keep it simple such as watching your favourite movie, relaxing in a hot bath and so on.

The important thing is that you need to take action in order to shift your mindset, as it is only through action that positive energy can begin to enter your life.


These 6 tips will hopefully help you to shift out of your funk and into a more positive mindset , no matter what life is throwing your way.

When things go wrong or when everything seems to be happening at once, it is important to remember that you are not alone and the
Universe is by your side. Remember, this too shall pass.

Yours truly,
Monica Lisa

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