The Rebel: A Bookworm Story

Von ShakiraBlack

296 7 4

Haley Green is a straight 'A', teacher's pet, bookworm with a very strict mother. She spends all of her time... Mehr

The Rebel: A Bookworm Story
The Rebel Chapter 1

The Rebel Chapter 2

41 2 3
Von ShakiraBlack

     As soon as I clicked my seatbelt in, my mother jammed her foot on the gas. And from that I knew she was mad. Really mad. I learned not to talk to her when sh'e mad unless she spoke first. It just agrivates her even more. And right now-and any other times she's mad- I absolutley do not want to get her mad.

     My heart raced as we pulled up to my driveway I knew once we were in the house, my mother was going to blow. I also knew that if my mother starts yelling at me, she's going to have to have the last word.

     "Get Out!" I looked up at my mother in shock. She would always yell at me, not full out scream. She never talked to me so angryly. "Now Hayleyl!"

   I fumbled with the lock on the door. When I finally got out, I noticed the reason I couldn't open the door was because my hand was shaking so hard.

     Following my mother inside, I watched as she turned in the light in the livingroom feriously. She turned towards me.

     "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

     I looked at her confused. But she just stood there looking at me with her dark brown eyes.

     I would if I knew what you were talking about, I thought to my self. But of coourse me being who I am-and who my  mother is- I didn't dare say that outloud.

     So I just looked at my converse and said, "No ma'am." an action I am quit familiar with.

     "Look at me when I talk to you!" my mother boome dout.

     I jerked my head up, "No ma'am. I have nothing to say."

     "Oh, Really?" She put her right hand on her hips.

     She wasn't happy with mu answer.

"You have nothng to say?"

     "No ma'am."

     "So you have nothing to say about this...!" my mother shoveed a piece of paper in my face. Looking at the paper I noticed the coloums of leters.

     Then I remembered. Today is report card day.

     I looked at my grade in social studies. C-.

"But-but." I was flabergasted. I understand why my mom was so angry with me. I looked over every test, every essay. I deserve that A"

     "But nothing Abbigail." My mother took a step forward and I instinctivly took a step backwards.

"You cannot live under my house with these pathetic grades." My mother spat at me as she took another step forward, but I stayed were I was because if I went any farther back I would bump into the wall. "Not under my house!"

I wanted to point out that I helped pay for the blls, but of course I didn't. I just stayed quiet.

    "I-I'm s-sorry m-mother. I d-din't I d-din't-" Next thing I felt was a throbbing pain on my cheeck. I fell to the ground with a grunt. As I saw my mother's hand raised, I knew that she had hit me. I didn't cry even though it was all I wanted to do. She didn't like it when I cried.

     "You are grounded until I say otherwise. No books, no computers and defantly no cellphone." In my state of blur, mother took my cellphone out of my pocket and rest it on the coffee tablr.

     I knew I could reach it if I stood up and took a step forward, but I din't dare

     "Now get up and fiinish your homework before have to go to the library." My mother looked at me and I knew I had to get up do exactley what she says. So I did, but not before glancing back.


     I work at the local library, The Rose Library. It's not far from heare, so after I finished my homework I head off to there. I thanked God I didn't bump into mu mother when I slipped through the door.

     She has not always been like this; mean. A monster. Believ or not, she was once the mother everyone only dreamed of. I miss that side of her. The one that knew what I was feeling before I told her. Or the one that smiled everytime she picked me up from school.I just miss her so much I try and forget about that side of her. Everytime I think of the past I start getting this feeling of longinf for my mother who was always there for me.

     I miss my mom more than I miss my father -or as  my friends calls him, the coward of all unmanly men. He was also one of the cool dads. But then there came the late nights and he seemed to have no time for his family anymore. He once home drunk. And everything went downhill from there.

     It started to mom and dad fighting over the littlest things. To them fighting over weither or not either one went to their lawyer about divorce papers.

     When my mother finally moved out was when me and her got back one night from a very long movie and we went seperate ways to our own rooms. I was getting dressed out of my top and skiny jeans, wehn I heard a scream. I rushed to my mothers room, where I know the sound came from ,with my shirt in my hands.

    "What? What is it mom?" It was then that I relized empty bottles of liquir on the ground. When I looked up, I saw my father half naked with a half full glass bottle in his hands. There was an unfamiliar nacked women in my parents bed, knocked out.

     "Hayles! You came to join the party?" I jumped in shock when I noticed my father right in front of me now. Breath smelled of cheap liquir and something else I couldn't put my finger on.

I felt a soft but strong grip on my left rist. I tuned to my mom looking at my father in disgust. She looked towards me, "Hayley, go back to your room." She said fermly.

I turned to go, but I felt a hard and rough grip on my right rist, "No! Stay for the party!" My father  slurred. He pushed me harshly against my his chest. When I tried to get loose, he held me harder.

     "Let go of her!" My mother yelled.

"Come on Abbigail. Loosen up a bit." I could feel his ragedy braeth on my hair, and I shivered in disgust.

     "Not until you let her go." My mother took a step forward, and I reached for her. My father's grip was too strong.

I felt tears make there way down my face, as his grip hardened.

"Dad? Let me go. Please." I twisted and turned, but it was no use.

Finally I heard a loud sound and a crack, instantly the grip loosened and I slid to the ground letting the tears leek out.

    "Don't you ever touch her again. Ever." With that my mother took my hand and led me to my room. she hurridly packed up all of my clothing.Turns out, my mothers clothes were already packed and all we had to do was leave.

     I hesantly turned the nob of the front door, but I opened the door all the way when I  saw my father rushing out of his room yelling about nonsense.

     That was the last time I saw my father.


I walked into the library and was greeted by Silia. My friend who works at the checkout counter.

     "Hey Silia, I'm just going to head to the back. Call me if you need anything." I said to her.

     "Okay, but I don't think I 'll need to." Silia pointed out, gesturing to the almost barren library.

     "Yeah. But just incase, you know where to find me."

     "Sure. See you, Hayley." Silia got back to her computer screen, which I sure is covered in online solitare.

     "See you later, Silia." I said to my self positive that she didn't hear me.

    As I organized the backroom of the new books, I noticed a book that catches my eye.

     I walked closer to the full box of the same book, I reconize the book. It's the boook that everyone has been talking about getting. Danger's Secret. I took one look at the cover and new that my mother would never aprove of.

     I ignored the voice saying 'Put the book down a walk away' and I examined the book.

     But, for some unknown reason, I didn't care that my mother did not approve of this type of volgur book. I don't knw if it was that my friends were finally ri=ubbing off of me or if the rebel inside of me was finally coming out.

     Either way, I didn't care. And as I walked to an empty table, I felt good. Like really good, to do something like this. Even if it was something as little as a book.

Sooooooooo. Soooo Sorry I haven't updated in like Forever. But it's not my fault, I promise, my computer was down. Like totally dead and gone to heaven. But now it's back and here I am. So please don't be mad at me.

 Hope you like the chapter, I promise I will update soon. But in the mean time, VOTE, COMENT AND SHARE. Because if I get more and more votes I will update every other day.
