WWE Imagines

RZKRammsteinEngel tarafından

239 7 0

Stories brought forth from my imag-i-nation. List of wrestlers I will write about will be added, and will be... Daha Fazla

You Just Made The List! Of Wrestlers I'll Write About.
It's Time To Play The Game : Prompts 251-500
Bad Boy : Prompts 501-750
With My Baby Tonight : Prompts 751-1000
1-2-3! : Promos 1001-1250
One Of A Kind : Prompts 1201-1500

Are You Ready? : Prompts 1-250

65 1 0
RZKRammsteinEngel tarafından

As there are well over 1,000 prompts in my list currently, I'm going to split the list up over a couple of chapters.

To request: Comment the following information, and I will get to it as soon as I can. 
Character Info (Name, physical description, and any extra details you think I should know.)
Fluff, Some Smut, Smut
Any other fun add-ons you'd like to include. 

Have fun! 

1: Person A is pregnant and is trying to get Person B to talk to the baby; Person B feels self-conscious, silly, ridiculous, etc. talking to A's belly, and at first begins speaking jokingly, but soon gets very involved. Bonus points if A gets emotional.
2: Imagine person a of your otp is pregnant. they're not very far along yet so they haven't told person b. one night when a thinks b's asleep they mumble something about what a great parent b will be.
3: Imagine Person A coming home from work only to find Person B and their kid(s) all cuddled up under a blanket fort, fast asleep
4: Imagine person A of your OTP approaching person B really nervously to talk to them about something. B is unsure what to make of this until A finally comes out with what they wanted to talk about: they would like a child.
5: Imagine your OTP rushing to the hospital to see their niece/nephew being born.
6: Imagine your OTP's child catching them dancing together like dorky parents.
7: Imagine that Person A is heavily pregnant and is laying on the couch. Person B comes and gives A a smooch on their belly, but at the exact spot and time where they kiss, the baby gives a huge kick. B is a little thrown off but they laugh and say, "That little shit just kicked me in the mouth!"
8: Imagine your OTP has a child. Now imagine that Person A of your OTP is being a complete dork in an attempt to make the usually sarcastic child laugh. The child then looks at Person B just shaking their head and saying "You married a dork, did you know that?"
9: Imagine your OTP welcoming a new baby. Person A would post lots of cute photos on social media gushing about how blessed they are and the exact times and weights, etc. and Person B would just post a photo of themselves holding the baby like 'I spawned'.
10: Imagine your OTP snuggling in bed with their newborn baby between them.
11: Imagine your OTP picking out baby names.
12: Imagine your OTP competing to get their baby to say "mama" or "dada" first and the baby ends up saying the dog's name instead.
13: Imagine half of your OTP carrying the sonogram around with them everywhere they go.
14: Imagine your OTP hearing their baby giggle for the first time.
15: Imagine your OTP spending their first Valentine's day as parents.
16: Imagine your OTP finding out they're having twins.
17: Person A of your OTP is up with the baby at night telling them how they met Person B while Person B listens quietly outside of the room.
18: Imagine your otp taking their child trick-or-treating.
19: Imagine half of your OTP finding the other half asleep with the baby asleep on their chest and stopping to take a picture.
20: Imagine your OTP not being able to pull themselves away from their newborn's side as they sleep.
21: Imagine Person A of your OTP singing to their child as Person B secretly listens over the baby monitor.
22: Imagine person A of your OTP being put on bed rest and getting incredibly annoyed as person B waits on them hand and foot.
23: Imagine Person A of your OTP telling Person B that they and their child are the best thing that has ever happened to them.
24: Imagine Person A of your OTP placing Person B's hand on their stomach to feel their baby kick.
25: Imagine your OTP giving up on the chance to ever become parents, only to find out that Person A is pregnant.
26: Imagine your OTP reading their child a bedtime story.
27: Imagine your OTP telling their child that they're going to have a younger sibling.
28: Imagine your otp seeing their baby for the first time.
29: It's New Years Eve, and your OTP has a baby. Friends/family/whoever come over to ring in the New Year. Early in the night, Person A puts the baby to sleep in their nursery, closing the door so the noise of the party doesn't bother them. Close to midnight, the baby wakes up, and A goes to soothe them. Not wanting to miss getting a New Years kiss with their partner, Person B follows them up. At midnight, they have their New Years kiss with their baby in A's arms, in the quiet of the nursery.
30: While Person A is doing ____ <insert some activity that usually happens before the magical moment of proposal> ready to propose, Person B decides that it's a good time to drop the pregnancy bomb.
31: Write about the repercussions of an accidental pregnancy.
32: Your OTP cannot have a child between them biologically (for whatever reason!), and so Person A insists on adopting. Person B doesn't want to adopt, but after much insistence, gives in. They go to see who they can adopt, and Person A is adamant that they adopt a baby. As soon as that baby is put into Person B's arms, they melt and feel absolute love for this child.
33: Imagine your OTP's child loving books, and reading them extremely fast. Person A makes them a promise that they'll always buy them books as long as they're a good kid, and ends up spending an abundance of money (much to Person B's dismay).
34: Person A and Person B have finally decided that they feel ready and wanna try to have/adopt a child.That emotional conversation was yesterday. Today, Person A woke up and started making little dad jokes, saying little mom phrases, or being really parental in general.Person B thinks it's cute, of course. But after the third time Person A says "oops gonna move right on past ya" in the kitchen.... B is rethinking this whole "make my spouse/partner into a parent of my child" thing.
35: Some mornings, everything went absolutely according to plan, with a full bodied ease and smoothness. Other mornings, it was more like you'd been woken up by a two foot tall monster screaming twelve contradicting commands at you before collapsing to the floor because, no, there's no such thing as a dinosaur waffle and Mommy doesn't have the artistic skill to make one. Today was definitely the latter.
36: "Woah woah woah, wait! You – you want a WHAT?""A kid, B, a kid. For God's sake it's not like I'm speaking Russian."
37: "What the hell is that thing? Get it away from me!" "Its just a baby?"
38: Imagine your OTP hours after they have welcomed their first child. Of course, they're still at the hospital. Person A is asleep. Person B has some alone time with the baby. They didn't allow themselves to cry or become very "sappy" earlier, but now that their partner is asleep, they don't care. They let it all out. Bonus: Person A is awake the whole time and hears everything, but pretends they are asleep. Whether or not they bring it up later is up to you.
39: "I'm a little scared, but overall? Excited."
40: "Hey, come feel my stomach! They're kicking."
41: "We've been fighting over the wall colors for two days now. I want to make some sort of alien world on the walls, but they said that's too much work. It'd be worth it."
42: "So far, the only names I can think of just aren't good enough."
43: "Of course the first thing that turned out positive in my life would be a pregnancy test."
44: Prompt: Imagine person A of your OTP is pregnant and having to put up with some kicks and squirms from the baby which are rather bothersome to A. B then sings to the baby which seems to calm it down or rather lull it to sleep.
45: "Let's have a baby."
46: Person A tries to think of an excuse as to why they aren't drinking without letting Person B know that they are pregnant.
47: Write something that begins with a positive pregnancy test.
48:"This is your fault."
49: "Take responsibility."
50: One party finds out they're pregnant while the other party is away/captured/missing.
51: Sitting on the floor of a public bathroom holding a positive pregnancy test.
52: Denying they're pregnant until they pass out (what from, you decide).
53: Hiding pregnancy from the other partner.
54: "Remember how I said I didn't want kids?"
55: "I didn't think we'd ever do it."
56: "My parents are gonna be so happy."
57: "My parents are gonna kill me."
58: "I told Mom/Dad I'm pregnant, they kicked me out."
59: "Do you think it'll be a boy, or a girl?"
60: Baby kicks for the first time.
61: Discussing baby names.
62: Cuddling.
63: "You're not fat, you're pregnant, and even if you were fat, I don't care. I love you."
64: "I dunno if I'll be a good Mom/Dad."
65: "I'm emotional and pregnant, leave me alone."
66: "Get them to settle down in there, will you?"
67: "Baby's coming, now."
68: "Don't let go of my hand, okay?"
69: "You're not going anywhere."
70: "I can't do this."
71: "I'm so tired."
72: A long and difficult labor, with a good or bad end.
73: "I'm going to kill you if you do this to me again."
74: Parents relaxing with their newborn(s)/looking at them in awe.
75: "I will always protect you."
76: "You can do this."
77: Over the years, our relationship had evolved more than I could have ever imagined. We had started off as two dumb kids stumbling through adulthood together, sharing laughter and shouting matches. But now we had grown, still young at heart but well settled into the world around us. Things were placid and yet never boring with them. I wanted nothing more than to spend my days together forever. Finally, I worked up the courage to buy them a ring.
78: A:*holding up marriage certificate* this is a legal contract that says you have to love me. B:*smirking*what are the consequences? *Nsfw or playfight ensues*
79: Your OTP being really in love even when they are old , doing stuff that young couples do like having dates at different restaurants , staying up all night , talking about the sweet and the sour, some PDA like holding hands and kissing . Their children telling them about the fact that they are not young anymore but they don't care.
80: Person A: you know what B? I am going to marry you one day. Person B: *flattered, awkward, and sarcastic bc they're unsure of how to respond* heh— you'll have to fight for my honor first.Person A: okay! Person B: ⚆ _ ⚆ wait what?
81: But a soulmate au where markings blossom at the place they first touch you. It starts with a little prick, like a bug bite or a needle and this beautiful dark ink swirls around your arm after some stranger pushed past you. A static zap ricochets across your shoulder blades as that idiot you see around sometimes shoves you by your back, pale blue curves look like wings across your back. Then can you imagine the other person? That idiot having both his hands absolutely covered in this baby blue filigree, the other stranger with navy scrawled across their lower bicep and trailing down their inner forearm, just ugh like somebody with whimsical purple running up their finger but for gods sake, they just wanted a pen.
82: "Dear god, you're beautiful." "No need to sound quite so surprised, we've only been married for the last decade."
83: Imagine a soulmate au where whenever your soulmate listens to music, you can hear it too and the only way you can find them is when the music they're listening to gets louder the closer you are to them.
84: Imagine a soulmate au where you can taste the things that they are eating or drinking and the only way you can find them is to find the places that serve that same kind of food or drink they're eating/drinking.
85: Imagine a soulmate au where the heart in your chest is your soulmate's and you can feel whatever they're currently feeling and the only way you can find them is when it stops beating. Kind of like taking the "When I first met you, I swear I could feel my heart stop beating" literally.
86: Imagine a soulmate au where your level of talent at a hobby determines on how close you are to your soulmate.
87: Imagine a soulmate au where your dreams are a mixture of your soulmate's past and present memories and the only way you know that you've met them is when you see yourself.
88: Imagine a soulmate au where everyone is given a book at birth with no pages in it and the only way the pages begin to magically appear is when they are finally born. Each chapter is linked to your soulmate's age and the pages within that chapter represent a day of their life with a small collection of things that they have said throughout the day. The only way you will know that you've met your soulmate is when the pages stop appearing and the last thing that was said on the last page is actually the first word or sentence that they said to you.
89: Imagine a soulmate au where you're given a necklace that changes to the colors of what they're currently feeling and the temperature is linked to how close you are to them. For example, nothing being very far away, cold being closer, and warm being they're right in front of you. But, whenever they take the necklace off of them, the connection is lost and you won't know what they're feeling or if you've even met each other.
90: the voice you hear your thoughts in is your soulmate's but you don't know who they are until you hear them speak for the first time.
91: your soulmate's initials are imprinted in your skin of your hand at birth and the letters burn more intensely as the day you meet them grows closer.
92: you've only ever seen your soulmate in your dreams but you can never remember what they look like, the imaginary life you have with them picks up wherever it leaves off when you fall asleep again. but the dreams stop after you meet them, but you have no way of know who they are because you still can't remember their face.
93: your soulmate's hair color is the color of your eyes. the color of your eyes also changes to match the color of their hair if they dye it.
94: you think you have a sleepwalking problem but it's really just the universe trying to bring you to your soulmate when your mind is disengaged.
95: you've been sketching your soulmate's face since you were old enough to pick up a pencil, the drawings become more realistic through the years as the day you meet comes near.
96: you're born with a band of your soulmate's skin color tattooed in your skin.
97: all of your dreams are your soulmate's most significant memories from that given day.
98: "Have I told you recently that you're utterly gorgeous?" "No," they hummed, eyes soft and lips curled with amusement. "Remind me."
99: Tol is reading a book and Smol is trying to get their attention.
100: Smol has trouble reaching something on the top shelf so Tol has to help them.
101: Smol/Tol is obsessed with Smol/Tol's hands because of the size difference.
102: Smol sometimes gets mistaken for a child and gets defensive so Tol has to calm them down103: Tol and Smol have a habit of writing "Tol" and "Smol" on each other's papers.
104: Tol and Smol have a lot of the same classes and whenever Smol is sad, Tol gives them piggyback rides from class to class.
105: Tol gets asked out a lot when Smol goes with them to bars so whenever a person flirts with Tol, Smol gets defensive and is ready to fight.
106: Tol is always coming up behind Smol and kissing their head, hugging their waist, covering their eyes, etc. and despite it having started months (or years) ago, it still always surprises Smol.
107: Tol is hogging the blankets, so Smol tries to roll them over, but after many failures, Smol just snuggles closer.
108: Smol tosses and turns in their sleep and usually ends up rolled up in the covers, leaving Tol in the cold, but Tol just smiles and cuddles their happy lil sushi roll.
109: Smol has sleep problems and Tol tries to stay awake with them most nights and they soon run out of things to do, so they decide to try 2 AM baking.
110: Tol is a kind, gentle sweetheart, and Smol is their adorable little ball of fire.
111: Tol and Smol are dancing and Tol makes a joke about Smol's size so Smol retaliates by pulling Toll down to their height and teasing them about being stronger.
112: Tol helps Smol clean their closet and starts flipping their shit over how tiny Smol's clothes are. Bonus points if Tol calls Smol their "Little doll".
113: "You should totally pretend to propose to me," their best friend said. "We can see if someone in the restaurant gives us free drinks. People love it when stuff like that happens." My stomach flipped. I couldn't even say I liked you, let alone propose - fake or not. "Why am I the one proposing? You do it. It was your idea."
114: "Everyone thinks we're a couple." "I know." "You know? It doesn't bother you?" "Should it? Does it bother you? I mean, personally I think I could do worse as far as fake lovers go, but..."
115: "Look, attending prom without knowing how to dance was tragic the first time. I just can't let you face that humiliation twice." "Thanks." The other held out a hand, a small smile on their lips. "Don't worry, I'm a good teacher. Everyone says so." They stifled a laugh.
116: "You're ok, right? You're not hurt?!" "No, no, no, I'm fine! Totally fine, no, no, I'm fine." "Really? Because you're repeating your words, you look pale, and you look like you're about to topple over." "Yeah, you might wanna catch me."
118: Sitting next to someone, hands in one's lap, leaning against them and kissing their shoulder119: "The eyelid kiss is said to produce a unique sensation of an un-wordly nature, running from the base of the spine to the knees"
120: A kiss on the temple
121: Laying opposite directions on a couch, or with someone's legs in their lap, kissing the knees or shins.
122: Randomly while holding hands bringing joined hands together to kiss the back of the hand.
123: Topless and face-down, a kiss on the shoulder blade.
124: The playful kiss on the tip of the nose.
125 Laying on someone's chest and kissing their sternum.
126: Kissing the crown of the head.
127: A kiss on the inside of the wrist.
128: Behind someone who's sitting down, leaning over to kiss the forehead (and potentially block their eyesight with hair falling in their face).
129: Kissing scars either shortly or long after they've healed.
130: Standing behind someone, hugging them around the arms or the waist, and kissing the top edge of the shoulder.
131: Kissing someone to stop them blurting out a secret/something they'll regret.
132: "Sorry, give me a sec-" they scrounged up their notes. Their hand trembled. "I wrote it down so this wouldn't come out wrong. Sorry." "You're not dying, are you?" the best friend sounded worried. "What - no? No, I'm not dying. Nobody's dying. Well, someone probably is. Every six seconds and all that but - no one we know. That I know about." "It's really, really cute when you start rambling." They lost track of their notes a second time. Their skin went hot. "What?""Will you go out with me?" "Did you just read my notes upside down?"
133: I kissed you like you were the center of my gravity, everything in me drawn, falling falling falling always falling for you. A hand on the back of my neck, a dizzied breath as your thumb brushed an exposed slice of skin at my hip and then crept and settled upwards, warm and steady. Breathless, tentative, abruptly shy as our panting breaths chased the silence. Our eyes met. Yours - soft, a promise that if I fell I would always be caught. A smile tugged at the corners of your mouth. "Hey, you." And then you kissed me again.
134:They started to creep out of bed, heart pounding, thoughts fogging their brain. Their friend flung out an arm without opening their eyes, catching them around the waist and reeling them back in. Their friend pressed a kiss to their neck. "Easy," their friend murmured. "You don't need to panic, it's fine. Talk to me."
135: "It's funny, isn't it." They kept their eyes on their best friend's hand, trailing idle patterns because it was easier than looking at their expression. "That we both knew, but never said anything." "Never felt like it needed saying." Their friend's gaze was intent, and a finger teased over their lip, feather-light. "Would you like me to say it now?"
136: "I love you.""Ew, gross.""We're married!"Their partner grinned at them fondly and leaned in for a kiss."Ew." Came the flat, secretly amused, nose wrinkled reply. "Gross."
137: "I really want to kiss you right now." "Then do it."
138: "Are you trying to seduce me?" "That depends on if it's working or not," they replied with a lazy grin. Their head tilted, and they wet their lips a little nervously. "Is it?"
139: Baby, it's cold outside: Things don't go too well for both muse A and B when they decide to go on a little vacation together. Resting in a cabin together, our muses wake up to find out that - they can't leave? During their slumber, a snow-storm had hit and blocked both the windows and doors, locking them inside! Do they stay positive about this situation and keep warm inside? Or do they try and find a way to somehow escape?
140: A spoonful of sugar: Catching a high fever, Muse A is too sick to even move from their bed. Muse B, worries about the other makes their way to their house only to see what horrible condition they are in! Ignoring the stubbornness of Muse A who insists they're fine, Muse B is now determined to nurse them back to good health! Blankets, Ice-packs, warm soup in bed... anything that'll get them back on their feet and well again.
141: Handful of flour: Muse A and Muse B decide to bake sweets in the kitchen! Muse A asks Muse B to get some flour from the cabinet, but instead of delivering it to them they instead take a handful and throw it right at Muse A - to which Muse A respond by throwing a handful right back at them!
142: Rain Rain, Go away; While Muse A is at Muse B's house, a thunderstorm soon sweeps in and ruins their peaceful day together. Now this wouldn't be a problem because their indoors; but Muse A is terrified of thunderstorms. The storm only escalates to the point where the power turns off, leaving them in the darkness and surrounded by the loud clashes of thunder. Muse A begins panicking, and it's up to Muse B to keep them calm and get their mind off of what is going on until the storm passes.
143: What happened?: Muse A and Muse B wake up after a long night of partying in bed naked with no memory of what happened the night before.
144: "Everyone thinks we're a couple." "Well, we did sleep together." "Yes -literally. As in, just sleeping!" "I'm wondering if your horror should insult me." "I - what - no -" "-I enjoyed sleeping with you." "You find this far too funny." "Maybe I'm just flattered." And with that, they were speechless.
145: "Fuck it - do you wanna get married?"
146: "Your smile is beyond gorgeous... Please, keep doing it."
147: "Whenever we're together, I feel at home."
148: "Will you say you love me? Pleeease?"
149: "Wait, don't go! Can't you stay the night?"
150: "Wow - you look... amazing."
151: "*Puts hands over eyes from behind* Guess whooo?"
152: "I'm not jealous! It's just... you're mine!"
153: "I want to go on a date! I demand it!"
154: "We just met, this is crazy, I'm referencing a song... but call me maybe?"
155: "What? No! I wasn't staring... I-I was looking at something behind you!"
156: "Do you want some? Here, open your mouth... I'll feed you some!"
157: "It's been a long day... here, let me give you a massage."
158: "Is it alright if I call you princess?"
159: "It's not like I like you or anything! ... Okay, well- maybe I do."
160: "I think your perfect. Even with your flaws, you're nothing but perfect."
161: "That was barely even a kiss! Do it again - please?"
162: "What? No. I wasn't aiming for your hand. I was reaching for the, uh- popcorn."
163: I have you shoved against the wall but now I can't stop looking at your mouth.
164: We were dancing but all of a sudden it's a slow song and we're standing here awkwardly staring at each other.
165: I just told you I liked you but now I'm shy and say "never mind, forget it" and why are you looking at me like that?
166: We slept in the same bed for space reasons but now we're just waking up and there's something about your bleary eyes and mussed hair.
167: It's time to fight the boss and if I don't tell you now, I might not live to tell you.
168: Congratulations! One of your dreams has finally come true. Let me give you a big hug and wow, you're warm...
169: Imagine your OTP with their new baby/babies.
170: Oh, my God, I thought you were going to die. Please don't ever scare me like that again.
171: We're hiding from the authorities and it's very close quarters in here, I can feel your body against mine.
172: Wait, my hero's secret identity is... you? To be honest, I'd always kind of hoped...
173: You've said you're going to leave, but I don't want you to go and if I don't say something now...
174: We were pretending to be lovers but I'm not pretending anymore and I have to know if you feel the same way.
175: This wasn't meant to be a date, but we've had such a good time and now it's 2 a.m. and I should really go home...
176: Making the bed together.
177: Tying his tie.
178: Him/Her zipping your dress.
179: Dropping hints so he'll give you his jacket.
180: Watching sitcoms together.
181: Being stuck at their house during a blizzard.
182: Reading together by the fire.
183: Building a fort together.
184: Hold hands.
185: Watching the classics.
186: Slow dancing in the living room.
187: Baking together.
188: Passing notes in class.
189: Borrowing his gloves and them being way too big.
190: Take walks.
191: Go on a picnic in the park.
192: Drive through the city at night.
193: Go on a road trip.
194: Give each other handmade gifts.
195: Go on a romantic vacation together.
196: Sleep on a trampoline with blankets and pillows.
197: Take a nap together.
198: Go on a photography adventure.
199: Play video games together.
200: Have a beach date.
201: Take a train somewhere.
202: Spend a day in character as whomever the other chooses.
203: Write sappy poems for each other.
204: Clean together.
205: Watch each other's favourite movies.
206: Rent a tiny rowboat on a small pond and read sappy poetry to each other.
207: Go to an amusement park together.
208: Surprise each other with breakfast in bed.
209: Go shopping together.
210: Do art together.
211: Play/Kiss in the rain.
212: Take a steamy shower together.
213: Take a soothing bubble bath together.
214: Make traditions.
215: Cuddle,
216: Go to the movies.
217: Pick outfits for each other.
218: Sneak pictures of each other.
219: Make bets together.
220: Go on fancy dinner dates.
221: Do couples' challenges together.
222: Fall asleep together.
223: "See, I knew you'd be good with her."
224: Celebrate holidays together.
225: "She makes me happier than anything I've ever known, and if I can have a part in making her happy again, that's all I want to do. That's all I want to do for the rest of my life."
226: "You have something in your hair - let me get it for you."
227: "Hm? Oh, sorry. I couldn't help but stare at you."
228: "Um, would it be okay if I held your hand?"
229: "Shut up and kiss me already."
230: "You're the most important person in my life."
231: "Are you tired? Here, I'll carry you the rest of the way."
232:"I'm not much of a chef, but... I really hope you like this."
233:"Sorry for calling so late - I couldn't stop thinking about you."
234: "I need you more than you need me."
235: "I want to kiss you and hold your hand any time I want."
236: "I can't stop thinking about you... I can't."
237: "The truth is... I love you."
238: "You like me more than you like them, right? Right?"
239: "Be mine. Please."
240: "I am who I am because of you."
241: "It's been a long day... let's take a bath together."
242: "Wait, don't pull away - I want to hug you for awhile longer."
243: "Ah- I adore your laugh."
244: "Stop that, it tickles!"
245: "Ouch, I bit my lip... kiss it better?"
246: "I don't want to get up... I'm so warm beside you."
247: "You're so intoxicating to me."
248: "Your eyes are amazing... do you know that?"
249: "You're just so wonderful."
250: "S-Stop looking at me like that! You're making me blush..."

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