The vampire world

By MelodyT24

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"For your information, I refuse to barbie myself up to be sold to some bloodsucking demons?" Gabriella yelled... More

Chapter 16
Chapter 19
Chapter 20


123 7 5
By MelodyT24

Gabriella Monet's POV

I wasn't sure how long I'd been locked in the darkroom, but my lips and legs shook violently on the cold ground. I was in pain because vampires regard humans as worthless. We were nothing, and even if we were correct, we were always wrong in their eyes.

Before throwing me into the dungeon, they didn't even listen to what I had to say. I pondered how humans lived until I fell asleep.

I had a dream in which Slade and I were involved. We were stargazing outside the castle in the plan.

"That's a nice one," I said, pointing to the brightest star in the sky.

"And that's another," Slade said, pointing to another star in the sky.

I couldn't believe I was having such a bizarre dream. A fantasy that would never come true in real life. I wouldn't say I liked Slade's gut and never once wished we were together. The girl in my dream resembled me, but she had blonde hair.

"Can you promise me one thing, Slade?" said the girl who looked like me.

"What is it, Bianca?" Slade inquired.

This was the Bianca that everyone was talking about.

Except for her hair, she looked exactly like me. My hair was black, and hers was blonde.

"Make me a promise, Slade," Bianca said.

"What is it, Bianca?"Slade responded.

"Promise me that you'll always remember me even if I die," she growled, waiting for an answer.

"Why would you bring up death, Bianca?"

"Because I'm about to die. You're a vampire, and I'm a human. I'm your servant, and you're my master. There is a rule that governs it."

"I'm going to turn you into my bride. You are mine for all time." Slade reassured her and drew Bianca in for a hug. "We'll be together forever, Bianca."

"Forever together"

I sat up after waking up with a gasp. I remained in the darkroom. My face was wet from excessive sweating, and my heart was racing.

"Was that a memory or a dream?"I inquired of no one in particular. "Oh my God, Bianca was in my dream. The girl who resembled me exactly." I exclaimed.

What kind of nightmare was that? Why was I dreaming about someone who had died years before?

These were my thoughts as I lay back on the ground and closed my eyes, hoping not to have to dream about Bianca and Slade again.

The creaking of the dungeon door jolted me awake. I opened my eyes as two men violently dragged me out of the dungeon.

"Can you tell me where you're taking me?"

I resisted and tried to free myself from their clutches. "Let me go; I've done nothing wrong. Let me go!!!!" I yelled.

I had been dragged into the arena—a possible opening for executions. I was shoved into a chair and forced to sit down against my will.

"If you want to kill me, do it quickly, and don't waste my time!"I yelled.

Instead of responding to me, they tied my hands and feet to the chair. I was so enraged that I yelled once more.

"Kill me and let me die peacefully!" I yelled at them, but they pretended not to hear me.

Soon after, a group of vampires and their slaves gathered in the arena to witness what was about to happen to me. I didn't give a damn about them. All I cared about was dying as painlessly as possible.

"The king has arrived," a short man announced as the king entered the arena. He sat in the chair across from me and started talking.

"I cordially invite you all to the punishment arena. Yesterday, this enslaved person did something outrageous "Before continuing his speech; the king pointed at me. "She slapped a nobleman, and she would be punished. Gideon and Samuel, "He summoned the two guards who had dragged me out of the dungeon. "Whip her a hundred times," the king ordered.

Samuel and Gideon took a whip from one of the weapons in the arena and walked over to where I was bound. I was made to untie my tie and kneel. My hands were both tied behind my back. I wasn't expecting to be whipped. I was afraid I was going to be killed. Even death was preferable to the humiliation and pain I was about to endure.

"This would serve as a warning to enslaved people who believe vampires are on par with them. You are free to begin!" He gave the command, and a bell rang.

I closed my eyes and sucked in the pain when the first whip landed on my back. The second whip arrived, and I bit my lower lip to keep from screaming. I couldn't show my frailty in front of a vampire. I'm Gabriella, a strong and courageous young lady. I never gave up, and I wasn't going to give up just because I was beaten.

I could see the queen, Daphne, and her master enters the arena through my blurry vision. The queen looked pityingly at me and walked to where the king was sitting.

"Please, George, stop this," the queen pleaded.

I was taken aback because the queen, a vampire, was pleading for me. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Perhaps it was the whip's effect.

"Please don't beg me, my queen. She earned it, "The king said while looking at me with hatred.

The queen gave up and sat next to the king. What did I expect? The vampires were all the same. When I turned around, I saw Daphne crying in a corner, her master trying to console her. When I looked for Slade, I saw him talking with his girlfriend, who had put me in this situation.

I had lost count of the whippings after about twenty, but my back was on fire. The two men were whipping me like I was a piece of wood. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't because I'd lost my voice. I couldn't do anything but cry in silence. I was losing my breath as warm tears streamed down my face. Blood poured from my mouth and fell to the ground. As I felt my back split in half, I couldn't help but scream. When I couldn't take it any longer, I called and raised my head.

"Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaa," I exclaimed. My voice was booming, and I'm sure everyone could hear me scream. I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open. I tried to be strong, but the severe pain in my back made it complicated. I mumbled some words I couldn't understand and collapsed to the ground.

"Father, halt!"I  could hear Slade yelling.

"Have you gone insane, Prince Slade? Allow me to die because that is your wish. "I didn't say anything out loud but in my thoughts, because I knew he could hear me.

He turned to face his father after looking at me. "Father! I sincerely apologize on her behalf. Please, Dad. "He got down on his knees and pleaded for me.

The king rose from his seat and issued his command.

"Enough of you two," he said to Gideon and Samuel. "If she's dead, burn her body. And if she's still alive, warn her that the next time she tries this, I'll kill her, "He warned me while threatening to kill me. After that, the king walked out of the arena, followed by the queen and the guards.

With his superspeed, Slade appeared in front of me and carried me into his arms.

"See where your bad mouth has gotten you," he said as he dragged me along.

I smirked at him as I opened my eyes.

"You're fucked, Slade."

I closed my eyes and went black.


Slade's POV

After the party, I went to my room and had the strangest dream. It was a nightmare for Bianca and me. I awoke with a groan, unable to return to sleep because I didn't want to see Bianca's face.

Why was I dreaming about a girl who had died a long time ago? I needed answers, and no one could explain why I was dreaming about Bianca. I couldn't sleep again, so I went to the library and read some old vampire books.

A loud voice and the rays of the morning sun woke me up. I stayed late because I couldn't stop thinking about my dream.

"Slade. It is taking place, "Kyle yelled.

"What?"I inquired. I looked at him, puzzled because I had no idea what he had said.

"Did you lose your mind over the night?" he joked.

I didn't respond, instead folding my arms and staring at him.

"The King is now in the arena, and the whipping is about to begin."

"What kind of whipping?"I inquired, perplexed.

"Gabriella's punishment!" he exclaimed.

"Oh no," I exclaimed as I rose from my seat and dashed to my room at breakneck speed. I took a bath and got dressed. When I was finished, I went to the arena where Gabriella was being punished.

Gabriella deserved what she was going through because she was a sassy and rude young lady. Why would she put herself in danger all the time? Bianca was nothing like her. Bianca was a sweet, gentle, and pure young lady, whereas Gabriella was obstinate, rude, and arrogant.

Someone touched me and came over to stand beside me. Luciana was the person in question.

"She deserves what she's going through because she's a b*tch," Luciana said next to me. "How could a human slave slap my face and not get caught?" She asks me a question, but I don't respond. "I'm going to be the next queen, and slaves like this deserve to be executed."

"Yes, they do," I replied, unsure. I wasn't sure if she'd be my queen at all.

As the beating went on, I remembered something Teale said the night of the ball.

"When Bianca was thrown inside the dungeon, you couldn't save her. Slade, you murdered her."

The word rang out in my head, and I knew I had to act. I didn't want her to die like Bianca. If she died, I would never forgive myself.

"Ahaaaaaaaaaaa" I could hear Gabriella scream.

Even though I wouldn't say I liked her attitude, I couldn't bear seeing her in pain. I decided to put an end to the beating.

"Father, halt!"

I yelled and made my way to the front of the arena.

"Have you gone insane, Prince Slade? Allow me to die because that is your wish. "That's what she thought as I walked to the arena.

I looked at her, ignored her thoughts, and begged for her, something I would never do for my brother.

"Father! I sincerely apologize on her behalf. Please, Father, "I pleaded.

My father stood up and ordered the beatings to stop.

"That is enough, you two, "he told Gideon and Samuel. "If she's dead, burn her body. And if she's still alive, warn her that the next time she tries this, I'll kill her."

Trust me on this. When my father threatens to do something, he always follows through on his threats.

My father walked out of the arena, followed by my mother and the guards.

With my superspeed, I appeared in front of Gabriella and carried her into my arms.

"See where your bad mouth has gotten you," I said as I dragged her along.

Gabriella smirked at me as she opened her eyes.

"This girl is special," I thought.

"Fuck you, Slade," she thought before passing out in my arms.

Gabriella is a nightmare.

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