A new life |A Thiam story| T...

Da Lynn-RM

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Theo and Liam had gotten close but something happened that made Theo leave, a year and a half later the pack... Altro

Authors note
Chapter 1: the road trip
Theo's Team
Chapter: 3 Moving in
Crystal clear lake

Chapter 2: new and old faces

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Da Lynn-RM

The pack stood there shocked to see the young man that they haven't see in almost a year and a half standing there right in front of them. He looked older and more mysterious in a way. But he also looked happy apart from tired, that much Liam could tell. 

"Why am I here?" Theo asked while he walked over.

"T.T!" Exclaimed Jana happily as she ran towards the older boy. She hugged him making them both chuckle.

"Hey, J" Theo replied happily hugging back

"Hey man" greeted Mark

"Hey Mark"

"Hi Theo" Raven also said

"Hi Rave"

"Hello Theo" Alex finally said

"Hello, Alex" Theo greeted as he went on one knee and used his hand cover his face in informality, much to the pack's surprise.

"Oh stop it, you know I hate formalities," she said.

"Well you are the second in command so it's only natural that we do it," Theo said as he stood up. "Now, is someone going to explain to me why I had to come here at 2 of the morning?"

"Yeah, " Alex started kinda shamelessly. "I know it's kinda last minute but since the guest pack is here, can they stay with you?"

"I guess, but weren't they supposed to stay with Mr. and Mrs. Granger?" Theo asked as he looked at his vice-alpha.

"Yeah but after they found out which pack they were they didn't want them in their home" she explained.

"I swear this whole thing seriously needs to stop," Theo said in disbelief.

"Try telling the pack that," said Mark with a chuckle. "I mean, we already scared them"

"Is that right?" questioned Theo as he looked at the Lotus group.

"Maybe?" Was the only thing Jana said as he shrugged along with her group mates.

Theo just chuckled at them and turned to Alex with a smile. "They can stay with us. I'm pretty sure we have more than enough room at our place,"

"Thanks, T, you're a lifesaver!" Alex thanked as she turned to the other pack who stood there still trying to figure out what was happening.

"You guys already know Theo here so I know you are in good hands." Alex said as she turned to Theo who nodded at her. She smiled back at him with a nod. "Alrighty then, I'll leave you to it."

She and the other three left, leaving Theo with the other pack. Suddenly the Lotus group came running back and gave Theo a group hug. At first Theo was surprised but soon hugged back.

"Be careful, T" said Jana in a low voice as she and the others broke the hug.

"I will don't worry, Jana" he replied while letting her go.

"If something happens just let us know and we'll be there," Mark told him in a serious but gentle tone.

"I will, don't worry man," Theo responded again.

"Stay strong, don't let your past define who you are now Theo," Raven said in a serious voice.

"Right, I won't let it," he said with a chuckle.

"We love you, Theo. Don't forget that you are one of us and nothing can change that." Alex, who had walked over and given Theo a hug, told him.

"I love you guys too. I won't forget I promise, you are my family now after all" Theo told them all truthfully.

"Alright then, I think it's time we leave," Alex told her pack mates who nodded in response.

"Bye Theo/T," they all said in unison and left.

"Bye," The chimera said as he turned away from where his pack mates were. He turned to the people who he hadn't seen in a long time. He honestly dreaded this. "Now, let's get started, shall we?"

"Theo, what are you doing here?" Derek finally asked.

"Questions, wonderful way to start." Theo said sarcastically. "Well, I live here and I'm part of The Midnight pack so yeah, now let's get going shall we?"

"Fine, how far is it?" Asked Peter crossing his arms

"The longer route is about 15 minutes and the short route is 10 minutes," Theo said pointing at two roads ahead of them. "we'll take the faster one"

"Okay, where is your car anyway?" Scott asked while looking around.

"Just about 2 minutes away from here" Theo answered, walking away.

"Okay," The young alpha responded, as he and his pack got into his car and started driving slowly behind Theo who soon got into his car and guided them through the path. Even in the dark, the route was beautiful. Actually the whole place was beautiful from what they could see. Even fireflies flew around.

Path ^

Packs POV
"I can't believe he is here," Malia said in disbelief and anger.

"Well we have to deal with it," Derek said.

"Plus, he is letting us stay in his home," Lydia said.

"I still don't understand two things," said Stiles.

"What is it?" Asked Lydia.

"Theo said 'we' when he said that he should have more than enough room and Mark mention something about telling the pack something when Theo said that something had to stop." Stiles explained. "I just don't understand what they meant"

"He's right," Kira said.

"I'm sure we'll figure it out soon," Scott said but then Liam's phone started ringing.

"Who's calling you Liam?" Asked Mason

"I don't know," he said as he checked the ID caller name (is that what you call it?) and to his surprise it said, Theo.

"So? Who is it?" Malia asked.

"It's Theo" The young beta told them.

"I'm sorry what?" Isaac asked as if he hadn't heard correctly.

"Well answer it," Corey said to his boyfriend's best friend.

"Ri...right," said Liam with a bit of a stutter as he answered the phone and put it close to his ear.



Hey, Liam

What do you need Theo?

Ouch, that hurts baby wolf

Liam got a small blush on his cheeks when he heard Theo call him by the nickname he had given him. He hadn't heard it in so long but the way Theo said it gave him a warm feeling in his heart. It had been almost two years and even then he loved how Theo said it. How it came out of Theo's mouth.

What do you want T?

Liam hadn't noticed that he had called Theo by the nickname that he had given the young chimera long ago. It was an old habit that he had and he had even though he didn't forget it, it was something he hadn't said in so long. But even after a long time, it rolled off his tongue so naturally. As if he had said it everyday. Old habits die hard.

Well, can you please put me on speaker so everyone can hear?


Liam did what Theo had asked and put him on speaker so everyone could hear what he wanted to say. But how he wished Theo would talk to him and only him. How he wanted Theo'a voice to be heard by him and only him. Liam figure that it was the fact he was sleep deprived that made him have these thoughts.

You are on speaker now, T

Thanks, baby wolf

No problem

What do you wanna say Reaken? Malia asked. Liam hated how she spoke to him.

Well three things actually

And what are they? This time it was Derek who asked

Well for one, we are almost to my place, just a little more up ahead and we are there. Number two is that you will have to hold on tight because up ahead is a little hill that's a bit rocky so careful with that. And finally, when we get there you'll have to be quiet and then I'll give you a room for you guys to sleep for today and tomorrow we'll give you your actual rooms, okay?

Yeah, that's fine Derek answered

Okay, I'll see ya when we get there

Yeah, see ya T

Later baby wolf

And with that, the call ended. Liam hadn't notice before but the whole pack was starting at him except for Argent and Peter for obvious reasons. Reasons Liam didn't know. He hated the attention. It made him feel so small and awkward.

"What?" Liam asked.

"T and baby wolf?" Questioned Mason.

"It's nothing," said Liam with a bit of a blush on his cheeks.

"It doesn't look like nothing, by the way, your blushing," said Allison in a teasing voice.

"It's just some nicknames we use to call each other before..." Liam trailed off as he remembered memories of him and Theo before he left. They were happy and some sad but they were together but then Theo left which left a deep scar on Liam but now he is here. Liam didn't know how to react to this but he knew he was happy to see the Chimera.

"I think it's time to grab on tight because here comes the hill Theo mentioned," Peter said as he grabbed on to the staring wheel tightly while Argent grabbed on to the handle on top of the roof while the others grabbed on to whatever they could get their hands on. But when the ride down hill came, it was so rocky that some of the pack members fell off their seats or hit themselves. As soon as the ride down was over they repositioned themselves.

"Ugh," groaned Stiles. "how does Theo deal with that?"

"I would like to know that myself as well," Peter said.

"Guys we're here," Argent said as the van stopped.

"Well, I guess let's get out," Lydia said and soon everyone was standing in front of a very big house.

Theo's home ^ (imagen it's dark)

"Wow," said Liam in amazement as he looked at the house.

"You like it?" Theo who was beside him asked.

"Yeah, it's amazing" Liam truthfully replied.

"Well you can explore it later and maybe we can take you swimming," Theo said looking at Liam who smiled.


"Yeah but only if it's a nice day outside," Theo said, which made Liam smile bigger.

The pack stood behind them while they watch the two boys in front of them in shock. Some were just standing there frozen while others smiled. It was only Peter, Argent, and Derek who had no expressions whatsoever.

"Did Theo just make Liam smile?" Kira asked.

"Yeah, and he did so by just talking to him" responded Lydia.

"Liam smiled, he smiled again," said Stiles as he and Mason teared up a bit with happiness.

"Come on, let's go in but you'll have to be quiet," said Theo as he went up the stairs with Liam beside him and the pack behind them.

Theo unlocked the door and they all went inside and they were shocked to see what was inside. To their right was a living room with a big couch and a fireplace, and up ahead was a kitchen that was to their left. There was a candle chandelier above the couch and a huge window at the end of the left side.

"How big is this house?" Wondered Stiles out loud.

"Pretty big, it's why I build it" Theo responded.

"You build this house?" Kira asked in shock. How the hell could he afford this? Was what she wondered.

"Yeah, I wanted a place that's big enough to have at least 45 people living here but we had to make it just a bit smaller because we do live in the woods," He responded like it was no big deal. "but it's still pretty big"

"Ya think?" Asked Malia.

"How did you get the money to build this place?" Asked Derek

"Well since the things the dread doctors made were given to me since they were on my name I sold some and the rest I worked for it"

"That's amazing," said Argent.

"Well, we'll talk about that later, for now, let get you saddled down but for now.." Theo trailed off as he started thinking. "Follow me"

They followed Theo down a hallway and he opened a door to reveal a big room with a bunch of bunk beds and two swings in the middle of the room with a treehouse and some nets on the top bunks.

"This room is awesome," said Mason.

"Yeah," Corey agreed.

"8 people can sleep here," Theo said as he let the pack look at the room. "But considering that two of the beds are a bit unstable, only six can fit. So who is sleeping here?"

The pack had discussed for a few minutes and decided who was sleeping in the room. Meanwhile Theo looked around and got some blankets out from a closet. He placed them on a bunk as he looked up.

"Isaac, me, Derek, Stiles, Mason and Corey, will sleep here," Scott said

"Okay, works for me," Theo said as he let the guys go inside and then left with the rest.

"The girls will sleep in one room since they aren't that many," Theo said as he looked at the rest while walking a little further down.

"Okay," said Allison in agreement.

"Here," Theo said as they stopped at a white door with a tree on it and opened it.

The room was a light blue with lights that went crossed each other. There were bunk beds on the left side and a table in the middle and a couch close to the wall. It was big with some doors by the door and stairs between the bunks which were connected.

"It's beautiful," said Erica.

"Yeah, it is," said Lydia in agreement.

"So you girls will be sleeping here for today," Theo said.

"Okay, thank you, Theo," said Allison with a smile.

"No problem. Oh and if you girls wanna freshen up later, there's a door right there that has a full bathroom. There's face stuff like make up wipes, face masks, and a bunch of other stuff. There's also tampons and pads," Theo said as he pointed to a door next to a small bookshelf,

"Okay, thank you," Kira said

"Yeah," Theo said as he left with the remaining guys

"So, we will be sleeping here," said Theo as he opened another door that was besides the girls' room.

"You'll be sleeping with us?" Asked Liam

"Yeah," Theo answered. "my room is upstairs and I don't feel like walking anymore"

"Okay," Liam responded as Theo opened the door

The room was white with two sets of bunk beds on the wall and two regular beds on the opposite wall. There was a book shelve on a table in between the two regular beds there was a window with with a bench and a basket of toys. Between the bunks there was a pair of stairs.

"Impressive," said Peter as he looked around.

"Yeah, this room was build to have a full family of 6 stay here or just to hang out," Theo told them.

"And you build all this with just the money of the things the Dread doctors left you?" Peter questioned.

"Well I still had to make some of the shelves but with the help of some friends we are almost done" Theo responded.

"You're not done yet?" Argent asked.

"No, we still have to build a library and the little playground on the back yard for kids," Theo said.

"That's amazing," Argent said.

"I guess," responded Theo

"So how did you get into the strongest pack?" Peter asked.

"Well, that's something that I don't really wanna talk about" Theo responded, walking away from them.

"Why not?" Argent asked.

"It brings back really bad memories." Theo responded "Memories that I don't wanna remember again,"

"Why?" Peter asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it,"

Liam POV
Theo sounded serious as he talked. I have never heard him sound this way, not even back then. I didn't know what to think about this whole situation but seeing him here and hearing him, it made me feel happy. Happy in a way i haven't felt in so long.

What did I just think?! I mean, he is hot and he is so kind like he was before and he is so sweet and so hard-working, don't even get me started on those lips, they look so soft and plum and just so kissable.

"So I guess we should go to sleep," Peter said as he snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah," agreed Theo "you and Argent can take the normal beds. Liam and I will take the bunk beds"

"Okay, well goodnight," Argent said as he and Peter walked off to the beds

"Night," the rest of us said as we walked over to our beds, or in Theo's case, he climbed up the stairs, and soon we all drifted to sleep.

Morning time (no one's POV)
The whole McHale (sorry, I didn't wanna write the whole name) and Theo were awakened by a loud high pitch scream coming from where the girl were sleeping. All the boys and Theo quickly ran towards the room and when they opened it they saw a red-haired girl with a sword pointed right at Allison's throat and another girl behind her. No one moved and were silent until Theo spoke.

"Rose, put the sword down"

"What? Why?" The redhead asked

"Because this is the pack that wanted to ally with our pack and last night Alex called me to let them stay with us," Theo explained while he walked over to them.

"Weren't they supposed to stay with Mr. and Mrs. Granger?" A blonde girl asked.

"Yeah they were but after they found out which pack they were, let's just say they take the code seriously." Theo replied. "Now, please put the sword down"

"Fine," she did as she was told and put the sword away

"Now, What exactly were you doing here?" Theo Asked

"Well funny story you see, we wanted to uhh- paint," said the blonde

"Yeah, mhm," Theo said as he grabbed a bag that was next to the door "and does painting include; candy, chips, ice cream, cookies, and movies?"

"Oh, how did that get there?" Nervously asked the blonde girl.

"Go change, now," said Theo "but first apologies to these girls for scaring them"

"Sorry," said the two girls while looking at them

"Oh umm it's fine I guess" Allison replied

"Now go, and can you also tell the others that the guest pack is here?" Theo asked and the girls nodded and did as they were told and left them.

Theo turned towards the raven-haired girl. "Sorry Allison, I didn't think they would do this"

"Oh it's fine I guess," she replied

"Who were they?" Asked Lydia

"They were two members of my team" he replied

"How many more are there?" Asked Scott

"8 more" replied the chimera as he picked up the bag that his three teammates left behind

"Wow," said Scott

"Why did they listen to you so easily?" Asked Malia

"Because I'm kinda the leader" he replied

"How?" Asked Malia shocked "Who would let you lead them?"

"Our old team leader who past away not too long ago" he replied with sadness in his voice

"Oh, sorry," said Scott

"It's fine, I made a promise to protect them and love them like they are-" Theo said but was cut off by Stiles

"Your own. To love and care for them like they are your children" Stiles finished, much to everyone's surprise

"Yeah," Theo said with a bit of a shock. "Now, how about we go downstairs to eat something then introduce them to you and because I don't want them to cook and end up burning the house down or try to kill you"

"Sound good to me," said Malia

"Yeah, I'm starving," said Liam which made Theo chuckle

"Well let's go," he said.

Everyone followed him downstairs. If they thought it was big at night, they didn't realize then just how big it was. It was at least five stories high. Each floor huge as they walked down. The halls they stayed in wasn't even the whole house. Liam felt as if he wondered alone he would not be found for at least a whole day. They walked down and into a big kitchen where they found a little girl with brown hair sitting on the kitchen counter doing something.

"Hi Theo," said the little girl. She looked so young. Too young to be in this Supernatural world. She looked to be at least 10 to eleven years old.

"Hey Lizzie," Theo replied, "what are you doing?"

"Doing some homework" she replied

"where are the others?"

"Rose and Emily are in their room getting ready. Kaleb, Kane, Sam, and Ash just woke up and are getting dressed. And Flare, Val, and Elle are still asleep." said the little girl

"Oh okay, thanks for telling me," said Theo but then they heard footsteps coming down the stairs

"Hey Theo," said the red-haired girl from before, followed by the blonde from before. And just behind them were three boys, all three around the same age. They all greeted him. And soon they were met with yet again another boy. This one looked to be around the girls age but younger, 17 at most.

"Hey Theo," said an older boy.

"Hey guys," said Theo greeting all of them

"So what are we going to eat?" Asked one of the younger boys

"Well first we are going to do introductions and then we are going to eat, okay?"

"Do we have to? Because frankly I'm starving," said another of the boys. This one had dirty blond hair with blue eyes.

"Considering they'll stay for a while, it's better to know names," Theo replied.

"Fine, Dad," The boy sarcastically replied.

"Good," Theo said, ignoring him. "Now Kaleb, Lizzy, Kane, please go wake up the others," They nodded and ran up the stairs to walked them. Theo bet that it was because they wanted food already.

"You know that they are going to kill each other well except for Elle and Lizzy, right?" Asked another of the younger boys

"Yeah, I know. I'm betting on it," said Theo as he sat down and checked the young girls homework. Not two minutes later they all heard a scream from upstairs. This scared the pack but the others seemed used to it.

"And they are awake," said the blonde girl.

"Here they come," said the red-haired

"Kaleb, I'm going to kill you!" yelled another red-haired girl. This one seemed to have dyed her hair considering the black coming from the roots.

"Kane, you are so dead!" said yet another blonde girl

The pack stood there watching the scene that was in front of them while the young brown hair girl from before walked with a little girl hand in hand towards Theo. This little girl was too young. She was a child. 6 at most.

"Hey, look who is awake"

"Daddy!" Yelled the little girl as she hugged Theo.

"Hey baby girl, did you sleep well?" The little just nodded "Do you wanna help scare your crazy aunts and uncles?" The little girl nodded yet again

"Okay, come on," said Theo as he guided the young girl over to where the two boys and the older red haired girl were. "Ash, Sam, Rose?"

"Yeah, we know," said the third boy

"Come here Elle," said the second boy "now just repeat after us, can you do that?"

"Mhm" Elle replied in excitement

"Okay good," Rose replied as they all linked hands

"What are they doing?" Asked Scott

"You'll see," said Theo as watched the younger teens.

Soon they all started chanting something in Latin. The air became thicker and they watched as all the younger teens and the little girl raised their linked hands towards the chaotic others.

"Ter ceciderit ter suscitavit obsecro te adsutgere facultatem tactus altum aquam igne lucem tenebras terra in aerem sublimis
ad commoda mihi ability attingunt summum"

Suddenly, the four that were chasing after each other soon started floating which surprised the pack. They seemed to be 5 feet in the air. The girls screamed to be put down while they boys tried to, what-bit seemed like, swim in the air. It made Elle laugh which caused them to fall down a bit but were ok.

"Come on guys, that's enough, time for introductions, but first can someone tell me what happened?" Theo Asked looking at his teammates

"Well, I was sleeping but then Kane grabbed me, made me float, and then dropped me," said the other young blonde

"Well, I was sleeping when Kaleb threw me off the bed," said the young redhead.

"Well, you can fight each other later right now I want you to introduce yourselves but first you two go change," he said pointing to the two girls as they landed on their feet and the two girls did as they were told and ran up the stairs. "while they change the rest of you introduce yourselves from oldest to youngest"

"I'm Rosemary, call me Rose, I'm the oldest," said the older redhead

"I'm Emily, the second oldest," said the older blonde

"I'm Kaleb, third oldest," said the older boy

"I'm Samuel, Sam or Sammy for short," said the first younger boy

"I'm Kane," said the second boy

"I'm Asher, Ash for short," said the third boy

"I'm Elizabeth, call me Lizzy or Ellie," said the young brown-haired girl

"My name is Elena," said the little girl

"And I'm Flare," said the younger red-haired girl

"And I'm Valery or Val for short," said the younger blonde

"Well I'm Derek, the alpha of the McCall-Hale pack"

"I'm Scott"

"I'm Isaac"

"I'm Mason, and this is my adorable boyfriend" he directed to Corey that was next to him

"Hi, I'm Corey"

"Hi, I'm Lydia"

"I'm Allison"

"I'm Malia"

"Hello, I'm Kira"

"I'm Chris but please call me Argent, I'm also Allison's dad"

"I'm Peter, Derek's uncle and Malia's father"

"And I'm Liam"

"Also known as baby wolf," said Theo which made Liam roll his eyes.

"Hey Theo, is this the guy you say that helped you change?" Asked Valery as she looked between Theo and Liam

"Uh well, yes he is" he admitted

"And is that the pack that you said that send you to hell and wanted to send you back which is the reason our pack has a grudge against them?" Asked Flare

"Uh well yes" he admitted again

"Oh well in that case..." Valery started "Let me at them! Theo an amazing guy and I won't let you hurt him!" Kaleb picked her up and sat her down

"Val, they won't do anything to me, I promise.
It is against the law," Theo said trying to reassure his teammate

"Fine" she grunted

"They know what we did to you?" Scott Asked

"Yeah, our alpha asked me to tell the pack and since we have a code here they hold a grudge even after I told them that it was fine" he explained

"Well did you know that your precious team leader here use to-" Malia started but was cut off by Flare

"Kill?" She asked to the McHale pack's shock. "That he use to kill and that he killed his sister and Scott and many others? Yes we know, he told us but we don't care because he's changed so don't even try to go against him. We have all done horrible things. None of us in this pack are saints and neither are you," with that she turned to Theo

"What are we having for breakfast?" She asked

"Well I was thinking that you guys can decide today," Theo said which made them excited "so what do you guys want?"

"Egg, ham, and cheese Sandwich," said Kaleb

"Sausage crescent roll," said Sam

"Cinnamon pancakes," said Ash

"Chocolate chip pancakes," said Flare

"Some blueberry pancakes" Rose requested

"Egg cups," Emily said

"Same as Sam," said Kane

"Egg sandwich," said Lizzie

"Same as Liz," Val replied

"I want smoothie and banana with Peanut Butter," said Elle

"Okay, What about you guys?" Asked Theo looking at the others

"I think I want some omelets," said Isaac

"Umm I'll have some pancakes with blueberries," said Malia

"I'll have some Chocolate chip pancakes," said Lydia

"I'll have some eggs, and Mason will have some omelets," said Corey as he said what he and Mason wanted. It was cute how he knew exactly what his boyfriend wanted.

"I'll have an Egg sandwich," said Scott

" I'll have a sausage crescent roll," said Stiles.

After taking everyone's request (I got lazy, sorry) Theo went to take out everything he needed and since he wrote everything down he knew exactly what he needed to do.

"Hey, can I help?" Asked Elizabeth as she looked at Theo

"Sure," he responded as he looked at her

"Can I help as well?" asked Stiles looking at Theo

"Sure," he said, "why don't the rest of you take them to one of the rooms upstairs?"

"In other words, you just don't want us to eat the food while you make it," said Sam while the other team members nodded in agreement

"Can you blame me?" asked Theo "Last time I let you be in the kitchen you ate most of the already made food"

"Yeah, we did do that," said Asher

"Oh just go take them to the game room or the art room, I don't care unless it is not the kitchen," said the older boy

"Did he say game room?" whispered Isaac to Scott

"I believe he did," said the true alpha

"Okay. Come on guys," They all followed Kaleb and left. Theo hoped they'd all be ok. He knew how his pack was.

"Let's get started shall we?" asked Theo looking at the other two

"Yep," said Lizzy as she took three aprons from the closet and handed them to the two older boys.

"Thanks," said Stiles

With the others
Kaleb lead the others down a hill and stopped at a white door, he was about to open it but was stopped by Malia talking.

"Didn't Theo say upstairs?" she asked

"Yeah, but if you wanna use the stairs that take a long time too, be my guest," he said as he opened the door to reveal an elevator

"Why do you have an elevator in the house?' asked Scott

'Well in a house of 5 floors and the house being this big, we have to have an elevator so we can get places faster," he explained as they got into it

"So what floor are we going to?" Asked Lydia

"Floor 4" responded Rose as she pressed the button

"Why floor four?" Asked Allison

"That's where most of the places are" she responded

"Like the art room where Rose, me, Flare, and Elle spend like 2 hours at." said Emily

"The game room where Sam, Kane, Ash, me, Elle, Flare, Val, and Lizzy spend 3 hours at," said Kaleb

"The designing room where Rose, Emily, Liz, dad, and Ash spend at least 1 hour at," said Sam

"The movie room where we spend some pack nights," said Kane

"The chilling room where we spend some bonding time," said Rose

"The playroom where we spend time with Elle or when we teach her stuff," said Flare

"And the music room where we spend hours altogether," said Asher

"You and Flare spend a lot of time there, Ash," said Sam

"True" responded the dark brown haired teen

"Oh we're here," said Rose as she got out and then the others

"So, who is going where?" Asked Kane

"Well, Val, me, and Emily are going to the art room," said Rose

"Me, Kane, Sam are going to the game room," said Kaleb

"Flare, Elle, And I will be going to the music room," said Ash

"What do you guys wanna do?" Asked Rose looking at the others

"Umm Isaac, me, Mason and Corey wanna go to the game room," said Scott

"Peter, argent, And I would like to try the chilling room," said Derek

"Malia and I wanna go with Derek and the others," said Kira

"And Ally And I wanna go with Rose and the other girls," said Lydia

"I guess I wanna go with Ash and the other two," said Liam

"Well then it's saddle then," said Kaleb "Hey Ashy can you take Derek and his group with you since your the closest to the room?"

"Yeah, I got it" he replied as he leads the group down a hall

"Thank you," said Kira as they stopped in front of a blue door

"Mhm" he replied as he opened the door to reveal a big room with bookshelves and bing bags and other stuff

"It's beautiful," said Kira

"Theo wanted a room where we can just hang out and relax together," said Flare as she looked around

"Well he did an amazing job," said Kira

Argent didn't know but he felt happy and proud of the boy when he heard what he had done for all of these kids and teens.

"Well if you need us we are right in front," said Ash "oh and the bathroom is next door or you can use the bathroom in there" he pointed to a white door with all sort of designs

"Okay, thank you," Derek said

"No problem," said the young boy as he and the other three left

Lydia's POV
Rose is taking us to the art room and we finally got there. It was like a two minute walk from the elevator to the room. Rose opened the door and reveled a big room with lots of windows and tables. If you looked closely enough you could see a door at the back and a closet.

"This is pretty big," I said as I looked around

"Theo wanted a room where we can just be creative and not get bored. Val has anger issues and he thought that painting could help calm her down since she likes it," said Rose as she signs towards Val who was already taking out a painting board.

"Come on, this is only 1/3 of the rooms here," said Emily as she walked towards the back

"1/3 of this room?" I asked as I looked at Allison who just shrugged

"Ironically for someone who lived in his truck, Theo ikes to spoil us sometimes so he made all the rooms big," said Val who came towards us as we walked towards the back

"Yeah, none of us had a good childhood so he likes to keep us as happy as he can" added Rose

"So here's the other half of the art room," said Emily as we walked into another room with windows, desks, a sitting place on one side, and paintings hanged up on the back and shelves with paints.

"This is big," said Allison

"The other room is bigger but we use this room when we wanna paint alone or when Val is mad and wants to paint," Emily explained as she took out some stuff

"The other room is behind this door," said Rose as she walked back and opened a door next to the room

The room was big but not bigger then the other two, it had a bed and a desk under it, and a window

"Theo also wanted a place in each room where we hang out to have a room where we can sleep so he made a room where we can in each room" explained Val

"So, how about we paint?" Asked Rose

"Yeah," I said as we all got out

"Come on," she said as we walked to a small closet that had cleaning supplies, and painting aprons and she handed one to each of us

Isaac's POV
We just got to the game room and it was pretty big, there were some couches, a tv, a computer desk, game machines, and place to play pool. Honestly if I had the money I'd try I get a room in a house. It's huge, almost like a loft.

"This is amazing," said Mason as he looked around

"Theo wanted a place we could just hang out and play video games instead of just being in our rooms all day," Kane said as we walked in. "Works pretty well,"

"Just help yourselves to whatever you wanna play," said Sam

"Really?" I asked looking at him

"Yeah, just don't break anything," he said as he walked over to the older boy.

"They all seem so happy," said Scott who I walked over to as we looked at Kane, Sam, and Kaleb

"Yeah, looks like they are happy being here with Theo" I replied

"Yeah, they even see him as a parental figure," he said

"kinda like we see Stiles," he joked.

"Yeah," I respond with a smile

"Come on, let's play some video games," he said

Liam's POV
When we arrived at the music room the first think I noticed how big it was. It had guitars hanged up, couches, and drums on a corner, and some microphones.

"Wow" I exclaimed

"Theo wanted to have a room in which we can all do what we like. We all love music so whenever we want we all come here and play," Flare explains

"You know, Theo told us a lot about you. He told us that you like music," Ash said as he looked at me

"Yeah, I love it," I said

"He said that you know how to play the guitar pretty well," he said

"Yeah, I can" I responded

"Play, play," said little Ella as she pointed to a guitar

"You want me to play something?" I asked her and she nodded in response

"Okay then," I said as I looked at the other two.

"May I?" They nodded it response and Ash handed me a guitar

I started playing a Stitches by Shawn Mendez and to my surprise Flare and Ash started singing while I played and Elle listened


I thought that I've been hurt before but no one ever left me quite this sore
Your words cut deeper then a knife, now I need someone to bring me back to life

I've got a feeling that I'm going under
But I know that I'll make it out
If I quit calling you my lover,
And move on~

You watch me bleed until I can't breath
I'm shaking falling onto my knees
And now that I'm without your kisses~
I'll be needing stitches
Tripping over myself
Aching begging you to come help
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches~

Just like a moth drawn to a flame
Oh you lure me in I couldn't sense the pain
Your bitter heart cold to the touch
Now I'm going to reap what I saw
I'm left seeing red on my own

Got a feeling that I'm going under
But I know that I'll make it out alive
If I quit calling you my lover
And move on~

You watch me bleed until I can't breath
I'm shaking until I can't breath
Falling onto my knees
And now that I'm without your kisses ~
I'll be needing stitches
I'm trapping over myself
Aching egging you to come help
And now that I'm without your kisses~
I'll be needing stitches~

Needle and the threat
Gotta get you out of my head
Needle and the threat
Gotta wind up dead

Needle and the threat
Gotta get you out of my head
Needle and the threat
Gotta wind up dead

Needle and the threat
Gotta get you out of my head
Needle and the threat
Gotta wind up dead

Needle and the threat
Gotta get you out of my head, get you out of my head

You watch me~ bleed until I can't breath
I'm shaking falling onto my knees
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches
I'm Tripp over myself
Aching begging you to come help
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches

Their voices were so amazing. They work amazing together and they didn't even practice. It was like they knew each other so well that they knew what to do.

"That was amazing," I said complimenting them

"Thanks," said Flare

We stayed there and talked about everything around their home place when all of a sudden we heard Theo's voice through the speakers in the room

Theo's POV
We were almost done with dinner, the only thing left was setting the table since that's the kid's job. I went to the speaker thing and pressed the button.

"Dinner is almost ready so if you'll don't get down here and set the table then no dessert for 2 weeks" after I walked back to the kitchen counter were Stiles and Liz were putting stuff in containers to keep them warm

"You have speakers in the house?" Asked Stiles

"Yeah because they are everywhere in the house and it's really big here" I replied

"Yeah" agreed Liz

Sam's POV
We heard what Theo said and me, Kane, and Kaleb stopped playing and looked at each other and soon started running towards the hall where we found the rest running out the doors, McHale pack behind us. We didn't care since we know that when Theo says something, he means it. We learned that the hard way.

No one's POV
The McHale pack didn't understand why the younger kids started running out of the room when Theo said to set the table or no dessert, but that changed when Flare and the rest jumped off the balcony.

"What the fuck?!" Yelled Malia as she and the rest ran towards the balcony.

They all stood there shocked. But what really shocked them was when they stumbled back and a pair of glorious fire wings flew over them which was followed by a small pair of red wings, a pair of brown wings, and a silk.

The person with fire wings was no other then Flare hers and the big brown wings belonged to Kane, and the small red wings belonged to little Elle. Each of them had two people on each hand except for Elle since she was the youngest; Kane had Sam and Asher, while Flare had Kaleb and Valery, and finally Emily and Rose went down the silk.

The pack was shocked to see the 3 of them flying around because they had not been expecting to see people flying around. They all ran down back to the elevator and waited to be downstairs and make Theo explain to them why Flare, Kane, and Elle were flying around.

"How the fuck do they have wings?" Asked Malia

"Maybe it's part of their supernatural form," said Mason being reasonable

"I guess but why didn't Theo tell us?" Asked Kira as she tried to call Malia down

"Maybe he forgot?" Said, Corey

"Maybe," said Scott

"Or maybe he was hoping for us to find out," said Argent

Ones they were out of the elevator they practically ran towards the kitchen only to find Stiles laughing with the rest as Kane was holding Sam by his feet

"Theo!" Yelled Malia as they entered the kitchen

"Yeah" answered Theo as they all turned to the pack who had entered

"Why the fuck did you not tell us that they could fly?" Asked Malia as she motioned towards his team

"Shit! Sorry, I completely forgot" he answered face-palming himself

"It's fine Theo," said Liam as he walked over to him

"Thanks, baby wolf, I'll give you a little warning next time" Theo responded as he faced Liam and then turned to his team "now, who's turn is it to set the table?"

"Flare's, Kane's, Rose, and Kaleb's" responded Asher

"Traitor!" Yelled Kane to Ash as the boy stuck out his toungue to Kane

"Okay then here's how it's going to work; Flare you help with putting the cups and plates, Kane please help with keeping the others from touching any of the food, Rose and Kaleb you help me and Stiles with bringing the food to the table," Theo said as the 4 teens nodded "Okay then, let's get to it,"

They all began setting the table and a few minutes after it was done. The table was luckily big enough for many people.

"Well then, come on," said Theo as he motioned for every to enter the room
And after they sat everyone was quiet until Rose broke the silence

"Hey T, can we go shopping tomorrow?" The red-head Asked

"Sure, but after you do your chores," Theo said

"Okay," she responded with a groan

"You know how Cass gets when we don't clean. Especially this house," Theo responds with a smile. "Now, after dinner, it's Emily's and Kaleb's turn to do the dishes and Sam and Ash's turn to pick up the table and I'll be helping the McHale pack get their stuff in the rooms, Okay?"

"Fine," Rose replied with an groan.

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