The spinning Hero (Bnha x Joj...

By Sansoboybot

12.9K 173 320

After the death of your best friend Gyro you desided to start à new life but becues you are now in Japan you... More

Entering U.A
Cripple and Dino combo
Yee to the Haw to the Wryyy and the Ushaaa!
It's over isn't it?
A new path
And back to school...great
Cum jar

The best way to defeat a villian is

1.3K 16 31
By Sansoboybot

Toga:Ello there it's nice to meet you!

Y/N:Hello there,what do you want?

Toga:I just wanted to say hello,not many people wanne talk to me becues of my quirk i even once tought about joining the villian side.

Y/N:Well,no matter what your power is if you have a strong will you can do it. Like me i whas once in a wheel chair,and depressed...i wanted to show my father that he whas wrong for saying "God gave the wrong child"But i couldn't...until one day a Italien man came by and opend a new world for me.Whe talked,singed,party,fought enemies...he showed me many things and help me understand that i could do what i want if i believe in it.

Toga:W-what happend to hime?

Y/N:He got murderd in front of me.

Toga whas shoked,she saw the saddnes in your eyes

Toga:i-im sorry-

Y/N:It's ok it's not your foult that he died.


Argeologist:We have found this skelton in America it looks like it whas cut in half by something.

Argeologist 2:How old is this skeleton?

Argeologist: It looks like it whas from the 1890 it whas found in America close at the old train rails,it's posible that it was cut in half by the train...but the strange part is that there is close by also the same skeleton found but this one has been crushed by looks like a other person's very bizarr-Hu!?

Argeologist2:W-What is it?

Argeologist:T-The S-Skeletons! T-There g-going at eatchother!

The skeleton of the cut in half was going near the one who looked crushed.Soon the Skeleton looked like it turned into flesh body,and where fusing soon there whas a hat that had some 3 letters on it.


---------------------------Toga pov---------------------------

Toga:Pleeeeaaassseee~ again show me how you made that bottle top spin!

Y/N:Ok ok...

Soon Y/N  touched the bottle top and spinned it again.I wonder if this is his quirk. 





Y/N:What is it?

Toga:Oh..Nothing i tought i heard some-

Y/N:Hm? What is i-



Toga:You also hear it right?

Y/N:I-it can't be him....


Y/N:...It's you...right?

???'s me...Diego Brando.

Y/N:Toga stay away of this!

Toga:What is ha-

Y/N:Stay away!

Then Y/N pushed me away,i fell on the ground and could only hear what was happening.

------Y/N POV--------

Y/N:How are you still alive?

Diego:I Should ask that question to you~ After i was under the train i wanted to defeat Valentine with you...but then everything went dark...until i woke up and felt a conection to come hear and...i gues you could call me lucky.

Y/N:Diego,pleas...Everyone is dead...let's us not fight...pleas.

Diego:Death?What d-

Soon Diego looked around and saw that everything was more advanced wit thecnology cars buildings

Diego:W-what time are we?

Toga:W-where in 201x

Diego/Y/N:It's been 120 YEARS!?

Diego: My fortune, my whole estate! It's GONE!!

Y / N / HOW DID I NOT KNOW that it was a MUTCH?!

Diego: LIsten JoJo I know who in the past had our issues, but don't let's be enemies all right?Y / N: Yes , of course, we won't fight.

Diego: You got the sacasma?

I don't think so, Y / N: Gee.

Diego:I gues this will make you change your mind.

Y/N:What is i-

Y/N Could not believe what he saw in the hands of Diego,Green...round...

It whas the Spin ball of Gyro.

Y/N:H-How did you found that?

Diego:Remember when we where fighting?I turned into a Dinosaure while using Scary monster and Gyro trew one of the balls at me...It hurted.But here you can have it.

Diego trew the Spin ball to Y/N And Y/N catched it

Y/N:...Thank you Diego...and

Arigato.... Gyro...


IDK if i should continue this story becues i havent seen season 3 of MHA so i might end it on a weard place

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