Philophobia (Yandere! Sugawar...

By JoonMacaroon

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These uncontrollable feelings are no longer remaining dormant. He just wants to love you. Not only is his s... More

| Prologue |
| Part I: Dishonesty |
| Part II: Skepticism |
| Part III: Volleyball |
| Part IV: Is It Just Me?
| Part V: Game ON |
| Part VI: Because Of You |
| Part VII: I'm fine!! |
| Part VIII: Tomorrow Is Special |
| Part IX: She Is Mine |
| Part X: His |
| Part XI: The Skeleton in the Closet |
| Part XII: Queries |
| XIII: Proceed With Caution |
| Part XIV: The Odds|
| Part XV: Should've Known |
| Part XVI: You Are Deadly |
| XVII: Misconceptions |
| XVIII: Poor Nana |
| XIX: You Love Me That Much? |
| XX: You're My Family |
| Part XXI: あなたは大丈夫です |
| Part XXII: For You |
| Part XXIII: For Me? |
| Part XXIV: ... |
| Part XXVI: This Isn't Me |
| Part XXVII: This Never Happened |
| Part XXVIII: You Told Me 'Till Death Does Us Part |
| Part XXIX: but i love you |
| Part XXX : All Of This |
| Part XXXII: In The Name Of Love |
| Part XXXIII: Fuck Love |
| Part XXXIII: I Meant That I Love Love |
| Part XXXIV: Hope |
| Part XXXV: C'est La Vie |
| Part XXXVI: An Eye For An Eye |
| Part XXXVII : And The World Goes Blind |
| Part XXXVIII: The Storm |
| Part XXXIX: Truths |
| Part XL: Repercussions |
| Part XLI: Prologue |
| Part XLII: More Truths |
| Part XLIII: Hinata and (Y/N) |
| Part XLIV: Mr. Koshi |
| Part XLV: One |
| Part XLVI : The Calm |
| Part XLVII: Shortcomings |
| Part XLVIII: Who Are You? |
| Part XLIX: In Pieces |
| Part L : Crime Scene |
| Part LI: Dead Meat |
| Part LII: The Beginning |
| Part LIII: Betrayal |
| Part LIV: Welcome Back |
| Part LV: Consequences |
| Part LVI: Who's Loyal To You? |
| Part LVII: Playing God |
| Part LVIII: Passionless |
| Part LIX: How Far Will You Go? |
| Part LX: As Far As Necessary |
| Part LXI: Game OVER |
| Part LXII: |
| LVIII: You Win |
| Part LXIV: Rebirth |
| Part LXV: Epilogue |

ㅣPart VIII: Fly, Right?ㅣ

1.9K 90 79
By JoonMacaroon

━━ 🏐 🏐 🏐 ━━

Funny, isn't it? Just a few minutes ago, she was swearing at you, busy being too blinded and fueled by humiliation and anger to ever really-- second guess how loud she were. Honestly, I never thought I would have been able to silence her and that vulgar mouth of hers.

Here is how things started...

After watching you leave, I listened as Kauri throw her tantrum for quite a while, leaning against the cold wall. She looked pretty pitiful and defeated. It's what she deserved.

Eventually, she started weeping. I couldn't help but feel laughter bubble and writhe within me, which then emitted from my lips seconds later. Stifling it, my hand was held over my mouth.

"I-Is someone there..? Come out, right now!" Kauri demanded. Her sadness wasn't enough to satiate my desire for more tormentation, and so, this was my cue to come out of hiding. Stepping from around the corner, I rubbed the back of my head.

I had to pretend as though I knew nothing, which did bother me. Awkwardly smiling, I looked at Kauri. "Sorry, I was just passing by when I heard yo--" Pausing, I wore genuine concern. "Kauri, you're crying... What's the matter?"

She then used her hands to frantically wipe her eyes as I asked this, and turned away, ashamed. "S-Sugawara! Sorry, I didn't know it was you." She again sniffled, smiling just barely. "I wasn't crying! It's-- it's nothing..."

Nodding my head, I temporarily averted my eyes. Things had gone awkward, briefly. Though eventually, my voice resurfaced. "I don't know what happened, but I hope you're alright." Smiling, I stepped closer, just until I was a few feet from her.

I had an issue to press with her, but she brought about a new topic of her own, to my surprise. With her hand clenching her uniform, she began to utter out incoherent words. I didn't neglect to notice the pink in her cheeks.

"Ah..." Awkwardly chuckling, I lowered my eyes. "I don't really understand."

Both frustrated and humiliated, the ravenette began to close the gap between the both of us. She was very quick. So much so, I was caught off guard. With widened eyes, my hands reached for her shoulders.

Just before she could connect my lips with her own, I pulled her away from my figure. I wore vibrant disgust, confusion, detestation. Frowning, my dark hues settled on her.

"S-Sorry... Sugawara. I just.. really lik--!" I already had enough. I was unable to listen to that nonsense any further.

In an instant, my hand snapped to grip her neck; fingers tightening, threatening to crush her windpipe. I scoffed, laughing sadistically. "Who do you think you are?"

As expected, the tone in her voice changed drastically. It grew much more fearful. "...H-hey.. I can't... breathe..!" She whispered out.

"For a while, you've been trying to nab me, manipulate me, seduce me. And I should let you know..." My hand tightened and tightened, just until I weren't able to hear her pleads any more.

"..I'm not interested in a person like you in the slightest. You are incomparable to (Y/N)." I occasionally eased up on my hold, just so she wouldn't pass out on me. She was beginning to break, and so my bloodlust developed.

"...S-Suga..." This was all she could manage to squeeze out just before I released her, leaving her back to slide against the smooth, painted walls. Gasping for air, she coughed violently. "..Y-you're insane... you creep! G-go to hell!"

My eyes widened at this, and I again closely approached. But this time, what was being revealed in my dominant hand... was a pocket knife. Pinning the back of her hand to the wall, I again smiled, crookedly.

"You're left-handed, aren't you? Remember our promise..? When I told you what would happen if you touched me with those tainted hands of yours?" The blade had already been pressing into her skin, breaking and impaling it.

Her breathing grew increasingly heavy, filled with both anticipation and fear. Because of this, she most likely wasn't able to feel the pain quite yet. "I'm going to skip the antagonistic hand-wringing. Make a  noise... I cut it off."

Kauri was admittedly a fast learner. She nodded her head, frantically. Tears began trickling down her cheeks, and she hesitantly spoke. "... please.. I won't tell a single soul..." Her voice trembled.

Pausing, I briefly averted my eyes before I lowered the pocket knife, sliding it into my pocket. "Too reckless. On second thought..." I pulled her hand from the wall, and gave her thumb a reassuring rub.

"You can scream for me."


As much as I wanted everyone to hear her outstanding, satisfying scream, I had to stifle her performance with my hand.

Now, what was left was a heartbroken, scarred, girl weeping in pain. Her thumb was bent back, severely, and I had no intention of restoring it.

Crouching, I pressed the palms of my hands against my knees. "Don't touch (Y/N) again. Hear me, sweetheart?"

It was obvious she'd wanted me gone, so I didn't delay my exit any further.

"And if you tell anyone, well... I think you get the gist of it."

━━ 🏐 🏐 🏐 ━━

After my encounter with Kauri, my day had been ruined. Completely. Not only was she a nuisance, but I had to cut my hair.

"You sure about this..? It's the twenty-first century. I'm sure there's something that can remove gum..." It was obvious Nana felt bad about the entire situation, but I just shook my head.

With wide, determined eyes, my hands clenched my skirt as I sat still. "No! You can cut it. I've been meaning to get a haircut anyway."

Both Airi and Nana looked towards each other with concern, then nodded. "Okay, girl. Here goes nothin'."

I'm sure we all felt it. We felt the overwhelming sadness and disappointment as she clipped off my hair. I pursed my lips together, but after a moment, I began to burst. "Waahhh!! Guys, my hair! It's gone!

Nana paused her session, because both the sulking and Airi's arms hugging me prevented her from flawlessly cutting it. Sighing, she shook her head. "You're hopeless..."

"It's okay, (Y/N)! I'll cut mine too-- or maybe not-- wahh!" She weeped, rubbing her warm cheek against mine.

Now that I've gotten that out of my system, I did feel better. My friends cheered me up with an icicle, and even complimented me.

"Honestly... I feel a little self-conscious. Will anyone like it?" I lowered my eyes. 'It feels like everyone is staring at me.' Although, it could've just been my consciousness torturing me.

On my way to class, I felt a sudden rush of chills brush me by... and the corridors were warm, since it were cold out. I did what I could to ignore this, but the sensation was still there.

Shrugging it off, I listened as a bunch of footsteps came to an abrupt halt right in front of me. My eyes lifted, then my brow twitched.

"(Y/N)! Love the new hairstyle, it totally outdoes your shaggy hair. I did you a favor." Smiling, she folded her arms across her chest.

Closing my eyes, briefly, I exhaled then rubbed the back of my head. "A compliment is a compliment, I guess..." In a mutter, I looked back to Kauri. "Likewise. I dig your new finger splint. It must've hurt a lot."

Suddenly, there was this... malicious aura emitting from behind me. It was so heavy, intimidating, commanding... and it came from a person? "...You--!" Kauri stopped abruptly, her comeback was seemingly interrupted. Did it reach her, too?

I was too nervous to turn around. Seconds later, the ravenette took a step back before looking to her lacky, fearful. She'd made eye contact with whoever it was standing behind me.

"...Let's go. I have notes to copy.." She didn't waste any time to make her escape, leaving me both relieved and curious.

"(Y/N)! Hey," I softened at that familiar tone, then whipped my head to face him. I was smiling, though nervously. Was it... him?

"You cut your hair. I think it suits you, but why?" Extending his hand, Sugawara swiped up locks of my now, short hair, in a subtle manner.

It did bring pink to my cheeks at how graceful he'd been. It warmed me up a lot. "Y-Yeah! I got into a little trouble... and had to cut it. I'm really glad you like it..."

The pink darkening my cheeks was proof of this. Both smiling and chuckling, he stroked the top of my head. "You're cute."

"Why... Why do you have to be so weird?" Shuffling in place a bit, I awkwardly tugged down at the hem of my skirt while nervously averting my eyes. But this only caused him to chuckle more.

Taking a few steps back, eventually I spun on my heel and darted off. "I-- I've gotta find Daichi! See you!"

I did feel bad for blowing him off, but my face was going to explode... Now, where was Daichi?

Strolling down the hall, I made a visit to the classroom. And after receiving a couple of long stares, his friends admitted to me where he'd had been.

"Geez, are people intentionally embarrassing me...?" I muttered to myself, picking at a few locks of my hair. As I did this, I heard a thud.

Lifting my gaze, I noticed Daichi! He was standing near the vending machines, like his friends had said... but he was staring at me. Staring at me in ways... I did not know how to feel.

"Oh, (Y/N), sorry about that." Grinning bashfully, he bent down to retrieve his canned coffee. "Do you want one? While you're here." He averted his eyes from me, then turned to face the machine.

Smiling, I approached him. "Mhm! That sounds good." I couldn't at all discredit that lovestruck look he'd given me. So now, I was conflicted, and still stuck with blushing cheeks.

"I'll just take a tea." I glanced over, awaiting some sort of response, but he only nodded his head.

Then for a while, there was silence. I felt terribly awkward, but I had a gut feeling there was something he wanted to announce to me. So, I remained silent.

The whirring of the vending machine inevitably broke the silence, then Daichi followed up after it. "(Y/N)..."

At the sound of my name, I quirked a brow with a cheerful, "Yes?" Then went to retrieve the purchased beverage.

"Your hair... I think it looks really good on you..."

That comment alone was enough to make anyone flattered and embarrassed! Flinching, I turned to him. The pink in my cheeks didn't ever fade.

My silence was most likely making him feel awkward... but I was thankful. It looked like it took a lot out of him to even tell me that, because he'd immediately became a blushing mess.

Taking a deep breath, I took a step towards Daichi, pulling my arms behind my back, crossing them. "Oh really? Tell me more~" I was teasing of course. It was my way of getting him to loosen up.

It worked too, because he instantly nudged me away at my closeness. I did all I could to get a glimpse of that expression more, but he continued facing away.

"That was all I wanted to say. Just take your drink and leave." He said this, but he was enjoying himself as much as I were. I moved every time his body pointed away from me.

"Why are you avoiding me? I thought you liked my hairstyle!" Pressing the palms of my hands against my cheeks, I continued to attempt to get in his line of sight.

"Aren't I cute?"

"Not really.
Can you leave me alone now?"

"Wha-- You liar! Look, you're heating up!"

"No I'm no-- Ow, why are you hitting me? Are you crazy?"

━━ 🏐 🏐 🏐 ━━

Standing just on the other side of the vending machines, was Sugawara. His calloused hand gripped a water bottle, tightly. It's crinkle was undetected by us... as well as his bloodlust.

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