(Fem.) Percy meets Spidey

By PokemonDestiny

288K 8.5K 2.8K

Percy Jackson is coming home after a war On her way to her mom and Paul's new apartment she has a chance enc... More



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By PokemonDestiny

I sighed and stretched. "Hey, Karen?"

"Yes, Peter?"

"Is there anything happening?" The night had been calm so far, with only a couple robberies and thankfully no getting stabbed. I didn't know if I could handle Mr Stark's face if that happened again.

"There appears to be a fight occurring a few blocks south, though I cannot pick up a clear reading on what it is. There are possibly people interfering with the camera feed."

"On it." I leapt off of the roof, webbing between building until I arrived at the location Karen guided me to. My eyes went wide. I blinked and rubbed my eyes.

Percy stood in the middle of the street, a baseball bat in hand. Blood dripped from her shirt sleeve. Regardless of that, she didn't seem concerned. Well, not about that at least.

"Will, do you see anymore of them?" she asked.

Will, yes the same Will who had barged into her apartment and lectured me about getting shot, rushed out of an alleyway. "We should probably run. How's your arm?" His hair stuck up at odd angles, and he seemed oddly pale. What made it weirder is I had seen him not too long ago and he looked like he lived at the beach. 

"Hurts, but it's not the worst thing I've suffered. How-" RAAAAAAAWWWWRRR. Percy sighed. Yeah, she sighed. A giant roar just comes out of nowhere in the city and she acts like it's the most normal thing in the world. "We need to end this, Will. We can't keep running."

"Percy, I'm drained. Electric lights don't give me the same boost sun does."

"I always knew there was a reason you and Nico got along. You're both plants." Neither of them noticed me sneaking closer. With her good arm, Percy pulled her hair into a short ponytail. "If you don't think you can keep up, let me handle this. I can hold them off long enough for you to get some energy back. And Spidey-" I fell off the lamppost in surprise. "-stay out of this too."

"Please tell me you have a plan." A bow appeared in Will's hands. "Because I can't cover you for long. I only have a few arrows left."

"Uh, is not dying a plan?"

"Works for me." Will notched an arrow, eyes seeming to glow in the darkness. Lights started blinking along the arrowhead. Maybe a way for him to find them if they missed? "Drop." Without hesitation, Percy dropped to the ground. The arrow streaked through the air above her head. At the same time, a manhole cover shot into the air. An explosion rocked the area. 

Laughter echoed out. From the alley came a buff man, who just had a large wolf trailing after him like its the most normal thing ever. "Father will be so pleased with me. You destroyed the temple I spent so long trying to build, so it's only fitting that your skull is the first to go into the new one."

"Oh, wait. That's why you're trying to kill me? Not because I killed your mom? Man, you do realize he probably hates that you're using skulls to build that thing right? Pretty sure he'd be cool with it if you made it out of stone or something." Percy edged her way in front of Will. "And I see you've gotten yourself a dog. Bit of a runt compared to mine don't you think?"

The man only smirked and let go of the leash. The wolf lunged forward, causing Percy to scurry backward and whack it with her bat. It shook off the attack and batted Percy into a wall. 

"Hey, is that thing licensed?" I webbed the guy up, planning on kicking him in the head while he struggled against the webs. But, you see, he didn't. He ripped through the webs like he was the Hulk or Thor. My eyes went wide. "Are you Asgardian?"

"Did a goddess beat you in a weaving contest?" Percy asked, slowly getting to her feet. More blood flowed from her, a lot of it coming from her head. Will glared at her before shooting at the wolf again. 

"Focus on the fight please." Another arrow hit the black shaggy pelt. "I'm pretty sure this thing isn't normal."

"And what dog have we fought has been?" Percy snarked. She cracked her knuckles. "But, I guess I can make this a little easier." She strode towards the man. A water pipe exploded moments after she passed the wolf. One minute it was there, the next launched into outer space. 

"Up for a rematch, mikrí aderfí?"

"Personally, I'd rather never interact with you again. And it wouldn't be very proper to fight someone who isn't at their strongest now would it? That temple would be built because you attacked those in no condition to fight back. How is that a fitting offering?"


Water shot around his wrists and hoisted him high into the air. Percy yeeted the baseball bat into the air and it hit the guy square in the chest. Out of amazement, I had to blink. When I blinked, the guy disappeared and Percy collapsed.

Will cursed and dropped beside her. His hands quickly moved over her body, taking her pulse and checking each injury. I might've been relieved, had he not started cussing.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm out of bandages," he said. "I can't exactly do much before I pass out." He stared at his blood covered hands. "And this is why I don't fight as much as my siblings do."


"Yes, Peter?"

"Can my webs function as bandages?"

"Would you like for me to activate, Boo-Boo protocol?" Mental note: Change Mr Stark's protocols to something weird. While me conversation with Karen went on, Will mumbled under his breath eyes closed. He frowned and cussed once again. 

"Here," I said, tossing him one of my web shooters. "Instant bandages." 

To his credit, he didn't question it. Will did what he had to do, tossed me my web shooter back, picked up Percy, and walked off. I didn't call after them. I didn't say anything, other than ask Karen to never mention this to anyone, AI's included.

I webbed myself back onto a building, and continued my patrol. I'd think about it later.


When I woke up the next morning, the night's events were hazy. Something important had happened. I knew it had something to do with Percy.

But what was it?

Well, I have some quizzes and homework to do so


Also if you haven't please do the survey I posted on my message board. Remember: if you don't mark something for every book, I won't count your entry since it skews the results for the ones you don't mark.

See yah

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