A New Point of View Boo...

By Torm12

1.1K 33 93

This is my first Transformers Animated fanfic. The characters and the show do not belong to me. It will be... More

Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 9
Ch 10

Ch 8

91 3 11
By Torm12

Morning finally came, the sky was clear, the birds were chirping, the sun was shining brightly, it was so bright that it was bothering Waspinator's sleep.

Waspinator let out an annoyed grunt as he shifted a bit, trying to get away from the evil sunlight, wanting to sleep some more. But sadly, he was starting to wake up.

"Why are mornings so evil?" Waspinator thought as he started to grumble.

    "Oh good, you're awake. I was worried that you wouldn't awake up, or something.  Hmmm, you have quite a bump there, but don't worry, I'm that it will go away soon," Someone said in a kind tone as he took a wet rag off of Waspinator's head.

    "Huh?  Wha?" Waspinator asked sleepily as he tried to sit up, while rubbing his head, trying to soothe the pain away.

    "Whoa!  Hey now, not so fast!  You might have a concussion," The stranger said worriedly as he rushed to Waspinator's side, trying to gently lay Waspinator down.

    "Waspinator is fine," Waspinator said grumpily causing the stranger to back off.  His optics were still closed, but he was trying to open them.

     As he sat up, he noticed that the stranger's voice sounded kind of familiar to him, even if it was a little deep, but he couldn't put his digit on it (for some reason).

     "Hmmm, alright...then.  Wait here and stay still, I'll get you something to eat," The stranger said as he walked off.

    While the stranger was gone, Waspinator rubbed his optics, trying to make them open faster, or to make them less sleepy.  As he finally opened his optics, and actually paid attention to his surroundings, he found that he was laying on a mattress (or berth) that was made out of leaves, twigs, and some other plants (but it was still comfy).

     He saw that he was under some trees, but the shade wasn't thick enough to block out the (evil) sunlight.  He noticed that he was somewhat near a fairly large stream (it would have been a large river to the humans).

He looked down at himself, and saw that his lower half of his body was almost back together. He turned his head to look at his back, only to find that parts of his wings were broken (not cool). Waspinator suddenly gasped as he quickly looked into his sub space pocket, to see if his treasure was still there, and (thankfully) it was. He closed his optics as he sighed in relief.

"Hey, food is ready," The stranger gently said as he handed Waspinator a flat, clean rock (that was ideas as a plate) that has a deer on a stick (well...multiple deer).

Waspinator looked at his soon to be breakfast for a moment, weirded out by it, but he took it anyway.

"Careful, it's hot," The stranger said cautiously.

Waspinator closed his optics for a bit as he turned his head to where he heard the stranger's voice, so that he could look at him in the optics, and thank him (even though he was skeptical of the stranger).

"*sigh* Than- ," Waspinator was about to say, until he got a good look at the stranger.

His optics widened in shock when he saw that that the stranger was....Sentinel Prime; the organic hating jerk, the one who vowed to capture him, the one that took part of ruining his life. Was nursing him, and he was sitting next to him, but that wasn't the most shocking part (well, kind of).

The most shocking part was that Sentinel looked...different, very different. He was covered in fur that was a darker shade of his original colors, he was wearing a hooded fur cape (for some reason), so he couldn't get a clear look at Sentinel's face, but he noticed that his left optic looked a bit duller than his right optic (but the right optic was still the same color as before). He saw that Sentinel's servos has claws (and that they looked pretty sharp), he had ears on where his head fins used to be, but his left ear looked damaged. He noticed that the cape was more longer on the left side of his body, so it covered that side more.

Most of his armor are gone, his pedes were also covered in fur, and they have claws on them, making them look like clawed feet, and he had a smallish, page shaped, black nose. But the biggest change of all (in Waspinator's opinion) was that Sentinel was much larger than him, he was almost as large as Bulkhead (almost).

Waspinator could only open his optics wide, and drop his jaw in shock, he was so shocked that he almost dropped his breakfast.

"So, who is this, 'Waspinator'?" The larger techno organic asked kindly.

     Waspinator was still frozen in shock, but he gently closed his mouth, and slowly pointed to himself.

    "Ooh, so you're Waspinator," The dark blue creature said calmly, understanding what Waspinator meant.

     Waspinator could only nod in reply, still too shocked to speak.

    "Did sarge bot...hit his helm, or did spider bot had something to do with this?  Well, other than sarge bot's new look," Waspinator thought as he kept his shocked expression.

     "Waspinator, it is rube to stare, and plus; your food will get cold if you wait any longer.  Oh, and be careful about the bones," The hairy bot said as he started eating the deer kebab, causing Waspinator to snap out of it.

     Waspinator started to nibble on his breakfast (finding it to be tasty), but he was still staring at the ex-cybertronian.  As he watched Sentinel eat the deer, he noticed that Sentinel's dentas looked...sharper.

     Sentinel senses that Waspinator was still staring at him, so he took a moment to stop eating, and turned to face him.

    "Didn't I told you that staring is rude?" The dark blue creature scolded.

     Waspinator just looked down, focusing on his breakfast, nomming it away.

    "Heh heh.  Well, aren't you a strange creature," Waspinator said as he giggled at Waspinator's antics.

     Waspinator gave him a look that is a combination of "are you serious?" and "are fucking kidding me, right now?!".

    "Look who's taking, hairy bot," Waspinator said accusingly as he glared at Sentinel.

     The dark blue creature gave Waspinator an confused look.  Then, he quickly finished his breakfast, stood up, and headed to the stream.

     When he saw his reflection, he jumped a bit, and yelled out a loud "Gah!".

"Whoa! Is that what I look like!?" Sentinel asked fearfully ask he inspect his reflection.

"Yup," Waspinator said simply as he ate, making sure that he didn't swallow a bone. He was surprised that Sentinel's reaction was...tamed, it was disconcerting, but he just focus on his breakfast and think about this situation.

"Hmmm, it seems that spider bot did something to his processor too," Waspinator thought as he ate. Even though that there is no proof for that theory, and besides; she wouldn't go that far.  Right?

As Waspinator finished eating, he turned to look at Sentinel (who was still looking at his reflection), a question popped into his head; "What type of animal DNA did the spider bot use on sarge bot?".

"Sooo,.... what is hairy bot?" Waspinator asked awkwardly.

Sentinel turned to look at Waspinator with another confused look on his face.

"What do you mean by that?" The dark blue creature asked, not sure on what to ask at the moment.

Waspinator pointed at Sentinel, to make himself clear.

"What is hairy boy's beast mode?" Waspinator asked.

"Well, that's one question answered," Sentinel thought before he could ask another question.

"Umm..., what's a beast mode?" The larger techno organic asked as he started to feel uneasy at the moment.

Waspinator rolled his optics, to a breath, and sighed. Then, he looked at himself again. Some parts of his legs are still missing, his abdomen is intact, and his wings are busted, but he thinks that he is well enough to transform without too much trouble.

"It's best that Waspinator shows hairy bot," Waspinator said as he closed his optics, and concentrate.

And then, he transformed.

"ACK!!!" Sentinel screamed as he saw Waspinator turned into a humongous green wasp, he did not see that coming.

"This is what a beast mode is," Waspinator said simply.

"So, what you're saying that I can turn into...that!?" The dark blue creature screamed, freaking out, but he stood still.

"Yes," Waspinator said in an annoyed tone as he turned back into his bipedal mode (or bot mode).

     "B-But, how!?" He screamed out, causing Waspinator to roll his optics.

     "It's not that hard hairy bot.  All hairy bot have to do is close your optics, focus on your energy, and change.  It's mostly instinctual really," Waspinator explained, but all he got a suspicious stare from the dark blue creature.

    "What makes you think that I could do that," Sentinel said suspiciously, he was still a little freaked out about what happened.

     Waspinator gave him a deadpanned look, his annoyance grew, but he saw nothing at the moment, he just closed his optics, taking a breath, trying to calm down.  After he was done, he opened his optics, and looked at Sentinel in the optics.

    "What makes hairy bot so sure that he couldn't?" Waspinator retorted.  Sentinel opened his mouth to talk back, but he didn't say a word as soon as he realized that Waspinator had a point.

    "Can hairy bot at least try?" Waspinator asked in a tired tone.

     Seeing how frustrated Waspinator was getting, the dark blue creature decided to do what he said, and play along.

    "*sigh* Alright fine.  What do I have to do?" The larger techno organic asked.

    "Waspinator already told hairy bot.  Close your optics, concentrate, and change. It's not that hard," Waspinator said in an annoyed tone.

     Sentinel rolled his optics, but he a few steps away from Waspinator, he closed his optics, and concentrated.

     Suddenly, he felt a surge of energy coursing through his body, and he felt himself change.

     He lunged forward so fast that he almost landed on his face.  Luckily, he pulled his arms out, so he landed on his servos instead.

     He felt his body shift and change, getting bigger, stronger even.  His hearing became so strong that he could almost hear the flaps of an butterfly, and the crunch of grass being devoured by a herd of deer that is far from where they are located.

     His sense of smell had increased as well.  He could smell the sweetness of wildflowers, the peaty scent of decomposing leaves, and...something else that smells...familiar too.

     He found that the transformation process kind of tingles, but not in an uncomfortable way, it felt like getting a really good stretch.  It felt natural, and somewhat familiar too.

     But the form that was he was transforming into felt...off, unnatural even.  He couldn't put his digit on it, but he somehow knew that the form wasn't originally his to begin with.

     When he felt that his transformation was complete, he slowly opened his optics.  He saw that Waspinator was in complete shock (again), Waspinator's optics were opened wide, his mouth was a gap, he sat completely still as he pointed as him.

     Not liking Waspinator's reaction, he stood up, and  slowly walked up to the stream, wanting to see what his new form looked like.  As he walked, he noticed how different his new form felt, it felt stronger, but it also felt heavier too (it's like wearing multiple clothes, but more breathable).

     He started to become very nervous about seeing his reflection, but he was too curious to stop now.

     He finally made it to the stream, but before he could take a look at his reflection, he closed his optics for a moment, and took a deep breath (the sensation of breathing felt odd, but it felt natural at the same time).

Then, he finally quickly opened his optics, and looked at his reflection, but he didn't like what he saw. Instead of showing his bipedal form (or bot form), his reflection showed a gigantic blue bear. That is when he started to freak out, big time.

He gasped and quickly stood up. He started to examine his body closely, fearfully, and quickly too.

He looked at his servos for a moment, and saw that they have been turned into large paws. He looked down at his body, and saw how large and chubby it looked. Then, he quickly stroke his, wanting to be sure if it was real, only to find that it is real, and that he is still wearing the hooded cape (for some reason).

He lifted one of his pedes, and grabbed it, so that he can get a good look at it (causing him to hop around a bit). He saw that it became larger, a little rounder than how it originally was, and his toes formed a wide and soft V formation.

As he examined himself, he kept saying the word "no" in terror, and thinking to himself that this is wrong, or that it wasn't what he was supposed to look like.

Finally, (for what ever reason) he turned his head to look at his behind, and saw that he had a (pretty cute) bears' tail.

When he saw it wag, his panic level went up extremely high, to the point where he did the most logical thing to do.

     He screamed his head off.


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