Just Friends || h.s.

By alostbookworm

213K 4.2K 633

~Nothing is louder than the silence between two people who used to be so in love with each other~ • • • In he... More

Just Friends
Epilogue - 1
Epilogue - 2


2.6K 59 9
By alostbookworm

***Song: I Feel Bad by Blackbear

• • •

"Wakey wakey, my bitches!"

A quiet groan was heard from beside me along with a face nuzzling into my neck, long hair tickling my skin. The body pulled me closer as if it wasn't already half on top of me - not that I was complaining.

"Get out." I grumbled, getting more comfortable in Harry's warm embrace.

"Not gonna happen. Get up."

Suddenly, the duvet covering Harry and I was ripped away from us.

"Jesus. How the fuck are you breathing with him on top of you like that?" He snorted.

With a sigh, I reach up and rub the sleep from my eyes before looking at Nick.

"You're being more fucking irritant than usual. What do you want?" I asked him in annoyance.

He grinned and held up a paper for me to see, but I couldn't read it without my glasses.

"Can't see." I tell him.

He rolls his eyes and jumped up onto the bed. "It's officially summer. You know what that means?"

"That you'll leave me alone?"

"No, silly. The carnival is open!" He excitedly tells me.

"Congratulations. You woke me up for that?" I huffed, reaching over to grab my glasses and put them on, checking the time and groaning when it was barely ten in the morning. "Go away."

"Yes ma'am." He confirmed, putting his hands out in front of him before pushing Harry and I apart, laying between us. Harry was still asleep and had started to cuddle with Nick, and I nearly started laughing when I saw Nick's face.

"Can you tell your human teddy bear to get off of me?" He asked uncomfortably.

"No. You decided to barge in uninvited and lay here, so you can suffer for a little bit." I said, rolling off of the bed and stretching as I stood up to use the bathroom.

After doing my morning bathroom routine, I come back to my room to find Nick and Harry in an even more hilarious position where Harry's head was on Nick's shoulder, arm was across his chest, and leg tangled between his.

Not only that, but Nick didn't look all that uncomfortable anymore.

"Having fun, there?" I asked in amusement, now feeling a little more awake.

Nick look at me before he glanced down at Harry. "He's very...cuddly."

"I know." I nodded. "Want some help?"

"Give it another minute. This is nice."

Chuckling, I grab my phone and sit next to Nick's waist as I checked my emails.

A few minutes into going through them, Harry started to stir again before he froze, patting Nick's chest as if realizing I was no longer the person he was cuddling with.

His eyes opened slowly, meeting mine first while I smiled down at him.

"You comfortable?" I asked teasingly.

He then looked up at the person below him, staring at him for a good second.

"Good morning, baby." Nick greets in the deepest voice he could, and Harry wasted no time in pulling away from him and sitting up, looking confused as hell.

Nick and I started laughing uncontrollably while Harry tried to understand what was happening.

"What is going on?" He mumbled, rubbing his face in exhaustion before looking between the both of us like a cute little puppy.

"You were feeling me up in your sleep." Nick answered him once we settled down.

"Well sorry." He dragged out in displeasure. "I fell asleep next to my girlfriend so I expected to wake up next to her as well."

"It's okay, man. I liked it." Nick winked jokingly, earning a glare from Harry as he fell back onto the bed.

I climbed past Nick and over to the other side of the bed that was against the wall, laying next to Harry and resting my hand on his bicep, rubbing up and down.

"Sorry. He broke in and woke me up. And took my spot." I apologized.

"He's a bloody nuisance." Harry mumbled, a quiet squeak leaving my lips when he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me until I was laying on top of him.

"You get used to it." I whispered and kissed the tip of his nose, making him scrunch it up and smile.

Nick was still laying down on the other side of him, gagging at our position. "I'm still here, you know."

"It's my apartment. You can either suck it up or leave." I shot at him before getting more comfortable, rolling off of Harry and laying next to him once again, his arm around my back to keep me close.

"Fine, I will leave. But we are going to the carnival later. No excuses." Nick finally got up from the bed and walked over to my bedroom door, stopping and pointing at Harry. "Maddie is very lucky. I might have to come cuddle you more often."

"Goodbye!" I shooed him out. He closed my bedroom door behind him and I sighed in relief.

"That was a very interesting way to wake up." Harry murmured,his thumb lifting my shirt and rubbing my side.

"Definitely." I chuckled, turning my body slightly to face him. "Good morning."

"Good morning." He smiled. "Are you still allergic to morning breath?"

"Yes. Yes I am."

"Why?" He whined. "I don't wanna have to wake up, brush my teeth, then come back to bed to kiss you. Why can't I just wake up and kiss you?"

"Fine. I will let you kiss me just this once." I gave in, not even caring. I used to absolutely loath kissing him in the morning before neither of us brushed our teeth, but the more we got comfortable around each other, the less I seemed to care. Now it was just fun to tease him with my hatred.

"Sure." He answered, knowing it was not going to be just this one time. He leaned in and kissed me before I could change my mind, and I let out a surprised hum.

It didn't last long, as he pulled away after a couple of seconds. "You taste like mint."

"Because I already brushed mine." I tell him, remembering something from last night. "And since when can you speak full Italian sentences?"


"Last night before I fell asleep, you answered to what I said to you." I smiled, poking at his dimple when he mirrored my expression in realization.

"I've been, uh, learning Italian for you in my free time." He answered timidly. Fuck my heart. He's learning for me?

"Is that so? Is someone helping, because it was really good."

"Partially, it's self-taught. But a client of mine speaks full Italian so he's been helping me out as well." He grinned, his eyes a very bright green. "You want to marry me, huh?"

"Well, yeah. I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it." I replied humorously, scooting closer and allowing his body heat to warm me up as a I felt a chilly breeze.

"Good. I want to marry you too." He winked, pressing his lips fo my forehead instead of my lips before sitting up. "Let me go brush my teeth before you throw a fit."

"I was joking about the morning breath thing." I scoff, getting back up and grabbing my blanket off of the floor to fix my bed.

"Liar." He sang, walking towards my bathroom.

"Mhm. And how do you plan on brushing your teeth right now?" I asked, knowing that he didn't have a toothbrush here. Yet.

"Toilet brush, obviously."

"I'd rather kiss morning breath." I retorted even though he was joking.

I stepped into my bathroom and pulled a brand new tooth brush still in its packaging from the drawer and holding it up in front of him, leaning on the counter. "These are way better than a toilet brush, in my opinion."

"My very own toothbrush for your apartment?" He gasps dramatically, taking the toothbrush from my hand like it was made of gold. "I might as well move in."

"Brush your teeth, you idiot." I chuckled, leaving him in the bathroom while I went to my closet to find an outfit for today. Since it was fairly hot today, I decided on a pair of grey plaid shirts and black t-shirt along with black vans. Good enough for a stupid fair Nick will drag everyone to.

"Hey, how did Nick get in?" Harry asked as he put toothpaste on the brush.

"He has a copy of my key for emergencies..." I trailed off. "Never uses it for emergencies though."

"I can tell. I still haven't gotten a morning to wake up next to you yet." He says with the toothbrush in his mouth.

"Well, if we go to this fair with him today, he will leave us alone for a good week so then you'd get seven mornings in a row waking up next to me." I tell him, walking back into the bathroom after setting my outfit on the bed.

I grab my contact case from the shelf in my towel closet, removing my glasses from my face to put them in.

He spit into the sink before looking at me through the mirror. "We better go with him then."

"We are. So go home and get ready before he comes back." I tell him, lifting the contact up to my eye with my finger and looking up, placing it in gently before blinking until it sets.

"Trying to get rid of me already?"He asks as he put his toothbrush in my holder on the counter.

"Yes." I said with a straight face before putting my other contact in.

"How in the hell do you do that without poking your eye out? Doesn't it hurt?" Harry winced as he watched me blink my left one in to place before I closed my case and set it aside.

"It does not hurt, and it gets easier the more you do it." I answered, going back into my room to change. "Breakfast?"

"You?" He cheekily asked, sauntering over to me and wrapping his arms around my torso.

I rolled my eyes at his boyish response. "Cereal, bagels, oatmeal, and pancakes are your options."

"What kind of cereal?"

I look at him with a glare. "You have the option of my amazing pancakes and you are asking what cereal I have?"

"Fine. Pancakes sounds great." He smiled down at me, but I decided to play with him.

"You know what? No. It wasn't your first choice so enjoy your cereal. It's honey bunches of oats by the way." I answered, pretending to be annoyed as I stepped out of his arms and added in "with almonds."

I walked over to my door to close it so I could change, taking my shirt off in the process, and Harry followed me.

"No, I'm sorry." He chuckled, grabbing my bare waist from behind and hugging me tightly, resting his chin on my shoulder. "I want your pancakes."

I roll my eyes and throw my head back onto his chest when he snickered, his meaning behind the words entirely different from mine. "Oh dear lord, I'm dating a child."

"You love me." He winked, kissing the top of my forehead. As much as I was acting annoyed, he had to turn cute all of the sudden and make me smile like a teenage girl.

"Can I get dressed now?" I asked nicely, placing my hands over his as he moved them up my torso almost reaching my bra.

"No. In fact, you're still wearing a little too much for my liking." He whispered, kissing my neck and brushing his nose against my jaw. I let out a giggle when his hair tickles the skin of my neck and shoulder.

"Stop! I need to change and you're distracting me." I grinned, pulling hands hands off of me and grabbing my black t-shirt off of the bed.

He fell back onto my bed while I finished getting dressed, just laying still and watching me with a smile, biting his lip.

"What?" I asked, feeling hot under his gaze.

He shook his head and sat up just as I finished buttoning my shorts, pulling me between his legs and laying his chin on my stomach, staring up at me with the same, wide, dimple-y smile. "I'm just really happy."

If he keeps this up, we won't be going anywhere.

"Me too."

• • •

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