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By lemonshiki

39.8K 1.2K 101

"๐„๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ฒ๐จ๐ง๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐ค๐ฌ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐œ๐ก๐š๐ง๐ ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐ฅ๐, ๐›๐ฎ๐ญ ๐ง๐จ ๐จ๐ง๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐ค๐ฌ ๐จ๐Ÿ... More

Information ๆƒ…ๅ ฑ
Escape [Safety Arc Begins]
The Wind Clan
Burning Hair
God's Voice [Safety Arc Ends]
The White Dragon [Dragon Arc Begins]
The Blue Dragon
His Name
Port Awa
The Green Dragon
Dreaming ๅคข่ทฏ
Courage ๅ‹‡ๆฐ—
The Void
History is Made at Night
Him [Dragon Arc Ends]
Meeting [Palace Arc Begins]
Oracle [Palace Arc Ends]
Release [Bandit Arc Begins]
Losing Yourself
Solitude ๅญค็‹ฌ pt 1
Solitude ๅญค็‹ฌ pt 2
1k Special ็‰นๅˆฅ
Natural ๅฝ“ใŸใ‚Šๅ‰
Cloudy Skies
Stars [Bandit Arc Ends]
Rocks [Khai Empire Arc Begins]
Interlude ้–“ๅฅๆ›ฒ
Fields ๅˆ†้‡Ž
Honor ๅ่ช‰
The End? [Khai Empire Arc Ends]
Our World [Finale]


751 20 5
By lemonshiki

reality rē-ăl′ĭ-tē

The quality or state of being actual or true.


Orange flames licking at the air, warming the area around it. It danced and moved, almost as if it was living, the changing colors giving it the appearance of a sunset.

The fire was breathtakingly beautiful tonight. Something about it was different compared to last night, was it the color? Was it maybe the size?

This festival reminded me of home.

It was lively and wonderful, and it brought back memories.

Younger sisters would cling to their siblings' sleeves as they served themselves food. The older siblings would try to push their siblings away, obviously annoyed.

I wondered what it would be like to have a sibling. Maybe a younger brother. I could teach him how to use a sword (father would be proud) or I could take naps with him...

But that was just my fantasy. It probably wouldn't happen.

Despite the number of people at the festival, it was fun. The sun had set, but it was still warm. The warmth was probably from the fire, or maybe it was warm because I hadn't had taken off my haori.

Music can be very inconceivable and hard to describe thanks to its almost magical nature.

Jae-ha's music was weird, but you had to appreciate it. Something snapped in me, and my face began to feel damp. I sat far away from the crowd, letting my tears spill out of my eyes.

Why was I crying? There was no reason nor a need to.

There was some feeling in my chest that hurt, but I wanted to keep feeling the pain. The pain cleansed my body, I enjoyed it.

Then something happened. The music changed, it became a song of sorrow. The birds that were singing their own song stopped. It was as if they wanted to listen to Jae-ha's song.

And in front of the tribal tapestry, someone began to dance. It was Yona, who I hadn't realized was going to dance. She never said a word about dances to me. Even so, she was an experienced dancer. I, on the other hand, was never taught how to dance. Mother had plenty of time to teach me, so why didn't she?

People mumbled insults about her. She was holding a rusty sword instead of a paper fan. Did that matter? Why does someone's gender determine what they can dance with?

Yona leaped from one side of her stage to the other, but it was prettier than that. Her dance was a prayer, it was a sorrowful dance.

I wanted to know from the beginning why this dance had an impact on me.


The town was silent. Some people passed out after drinking too much alcohol, but some people just wanted to hit the hay early.

"Himari, you're still up?" Someone placed their hand on my shoulder. I flinched from their sudden touch but quickly relaxed my shoulders. It was Jae-ha, he wasn't some criminal. He was just someone who I didn't get along with at first.

"Yeah. Why are you here?" I asked. Jae-ha sighed and sat down next to me.

"I saw you sitting here, so I came here. Isn't that obvious?" he replied. He wasn't very flirtatious today, thankfully. But it was a little disturbing.

"You're out of character," I said while standing up.

"Only when I'm with you," he smirked. I cringed at his comment.

"Your sentences are more disappointing than an unsalted pretzel."

"I'm hurt." He bluntly responded. He didn't have a comeback, he just sat on the hill, his erhu leaning on his chest. "Why are you and Hak so mean to me?"

"You're easy to tease." I laughed. "And your reactions are funny."

His smirk faded away and he stared at the small fire. "That sounded wrong."

I said the sentence again in my head.

"You're easy to tease, and your reactions are funny."

I coughed a little. "That sentence wasn't messed up, you're just taking it the wrong way." I sighed. Jae-ha's mind was messed up, I couldn't help but hate him. "Jae-ha, where are you from?"

I could tell that he was hesitant about his response. "Awa. That was where we met as well, right?"

"No, where are you really from? Isn't there a Green Dragon Village?"

"Let's not talk about my past." He immediately said. "What about you? What was your past like?" He looked at me curiously.

Tonight he was different. He wasn't as flirtatious as before, he was calm. Jae-ha didn't come up with anything weird to say, he was simply saying his honest answers tonight.

"I was an orphan," I replied. "I've known Hak for years, maybe since I was a year or two. We lived in the same orphanage. But our relationship back then wasn't very great. He never said 'goodbye' to me when he was adopted, so when we crossed paths again a few years later, it was awkward." I laughed. "He's always been weird though." I tugged on a few strands of my hair. "I was adopted a year after him. I wasn't supposed to learn how to use a sword, but I snuck out one night to practice. My father caught me and decided to teach me after a bit of convincing."

"Is that so?" Jae-ha smiled. "What about that Orange Dragon? How did that happen?"

Suddenly all I see is Jae-ha, literally.

Everything else falls away. I no longer hear the embers or the soft snores of the Khai Empire residents, it's just us.

"Oh." Is all I say.

I'm nervous to say any more, nor do I want to say more.

"'Oh?' What do you mean by, 'oh?'" The green-haired man questions.

"I hate it," I say. "I hate the amount of power flowing through my body, I hate the sound of the dragon, I hate the emptiness..."

I sigh. I could've gone down the entire list of reasons why I shouldn't have accepted the dragon's power.

"What power? Do you feel power? You hear the dragon?"

I nod my head. That's exactly what I feel.

The emptiness of the void is in my heart. I feel empty sometimes, but sometimes I feel lively as well.

Jae-ha didn't ask anything else. "Wipe that frown off your face, smiles look better on you." He tries to win me over again. I crack a smile. I still hated the void and the power. Was I being greedy?

Then something weird happened. Jae-ha stood up and gently placed his erhu on the ground. He turned to look up at me (I was higher up on the hill).

Our eyes met. Time stopped, I didn't want to look away. Have I met someone like him before?

"Himari, come here." Jae-ha motioned me closer, so I took a few steps down the hill and moved a few feet away so we weren't too close. Jae-ha laughed. "You really don't trust me?"

"Of course not, my body is a temple— stay away from me!" I said in between laughs. Soon enough, we were both dying from laughter. Was what I said really that funny?

Once we were done laughing, we stared at each other with smiles on our faces.

"You're not that bad sometimes," I admit.

"You're never bad," Jae-ha says. "I guess that's why I love you."

My heart stops.

"What?" I cough, hoping I misheard him.

"I love you." He repeated. "Do you feel the same? Not that it matters."

I laugh a little. "'Not that it matters,'" I quote.

I never knew how I felt about Jae-ha. He liked all girls, so was I anything special?

No, he felt differently about me. He acted differently, his aura was different when he was around me.

This wasn't like Soo-won's love for me. Jae-ha's was different. He felt differently about me. Soo-won wanted me to secure his place on the throne. Jae-ha loved me for me. Heat rushed to my cheeks as I thought about what Jae-ha had said.

Maybe I did have a small crush on him, but the more I thought about it, my small crush became a huge crush.

Jae-ha doesn't waste any time on my response.

Not knowing when it happened, my lips were suddenly locked with Jae-ha's, kissing him.

The start of the soft-touch sent a strong feeling of warmth spiraling through my system. My eyes closed fearlessly, but the closure didn't let me see darkness, it instead created colors of fondness. My tense nerves soon began to relax, my troubles, my pain began to melt away and the surroundings began to disappear leaving only me, me and Jae-ha. This.

This felt true.

Once he pulled away, I stepped further away from him.

"What's this about, didn't you kiss back?" He asks.

"I did not." I lie.

"What do you think of me now?" Jae-ha questions. I think about our moments together as a smile creeps onto my face.

Maybe I had a ginormous crush on him. Maybe I was a little obsessed with him.

He was my cure to pain, he was my remedy.

From the moment I first laid my eyes on him, I  knew he could never be mine. His amethyst eyes and forest green hair was too perfect for me.

But here he was, confessing his love for me on this cool, summer night.

It was just a kiss, but it was one that made my heart beat a million miles an hour; one that left me weak at the knees; one that made my brain freeze.

"Maybe I do love you," I say, not worrying about what others would think of us. "Because if I was sat here in a different universe, without you by my side, I would have never become complete."

Damn it.

"I love you so fucking much, Jae-ha, you have no idea!"


Words: 1550

I'm sorry, was this chapter cringy?

Day 700 of simping over Haikyuu boys~

I've actually never experienced love before so I was searching up stuff about romance and reading other people's fanfics, but as requested, here's Jae-ha.

I was going to write a live interest chapter, but then I was like, "Jae-ha already is attracted to Himari, so what's the point? Just get to the kiss already, Kire!"

No, but it's been like 30 chapters or so? Finally, here's some romance people.

(☞゚ヮ゚) Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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