Baby Kick | J.JK [Editing]

By Miftahul_Eusha

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"If I say I'm not the same Gguk, will you still accept me?" What happens when chemist Jeon Jungguk becomes a... More

Ep-1 : Found our similarity
Ep-2 : Found Our Similarity 2
Ep-3 : Leaving the hell
Ep-4: Let's cherish each other!
Ep-5: Lost
Ep-6: What are you?
Ep-7: Come Back
Ep-8: Burden
Ep-9: Broken
Ep-11: We are going well
Ep-12: Remedy
Ep-13: Happy Birthday!!
Ep-14: Lustful Him? (M)
Ep-15: Needy Gguk
Ep-16: Cancer?
Ep-17: Sweet Creature
Ep-18: The King
Ep-19: Powers He Got
Ep-20: The Dark Conspiracy
Ep-21: Possession
Ep-22: Murder!!
Ep-23: Please!
Final Episode : Baby Kick
Author's Note

Ep-10: Blue Pea

267 52 132
By Miftahul_Eusha

Something warm was felt. The twittering of birds could be heard. Soft sun rays were felt on the skin too.

What does it mean? Am I alive?  Or I am in heaven ,or what?

I felt a little rumple upon my eyelid. It needed to be opened, so I did that slowly. As I looked over, sun lights rushed into my pupil, slowly I could set my vision. I saw the window being opened, birds flying and weather wasn't that rough as last night. Of course, the room was felt so familiar.

It means I am still alive?

I moved my sight from there and suddenly it locked at the lamp table beside the bed. The same photo frame! With our picture!!

How this thing can be here? I bought it last night for Gguk!

 Meanwhile I felt a lite weight on my waist, a comfortable warmness. I slightly moved a bit and got startled to see his face. He wasn't sleeping but closed his eyes. My throat started to dry up, eyes poured with tears and heart filled with satisfaction .I knew he would come back. I knew...

As I moved, it knocked his conscious. He opened his eyes with a sudden and found me closer to him, deeply staring at him. Though his hand was still on me, but he bowed down to escape my gaze. Few moments went with silence. I was gonna say something, but before that he grabbed me against his chest with a sudden.

My body was trembling in his embrace, with his familiar smell, with his illusive leash, which used to bind me with him. I felt him sniffing my hairs a bit, patting there and kissing on my forehead. 

Me: Gguk !

I whispered. But he didn't reply.

Me: Why did you come back? You didn't want me, right? Why didn't you let me die?

He slowly cupped my cheeks and joined his forehead with mine. His eyes were closed and surrounding was wet. A drop of tear just left from there, rolled over his cheeks and followed it until it reached to my skin. 

Jk: I am-

He inhaled.

Jk: I am not quotable to say sorry! I am NOT! I was gonna-...I-

He couldn't speak.

Me: I ain't mad at you, Gguk. I know you were enough broken, you were messed. So that you lost you conscious. You didn't do anything intentionally.

Though I said that but the scene of him slapping on my face, drinking like a mess kept appearing in my mind. I tried to erase them so badly. 

Jk: Still you are saying that, Koushi? Still? Your this softness hurting me even more, destroying me with guilt. I can't just-

How can I say Koushi? I did everything intentionally! 

Me: I wonder, how this freaking messed boy realize everything-

Jk: No! If Minho wasn't there, I would really lose you then! He...he made me realize...

All he said were like: 

" After you left that room, I felt a beast in me. A beast of guilt. I kept hurting myself to feel pain. You know, when you hurt yourself, and adjust your mental pain and physical pain, it brings you peace, it mitigates. But my mental pain wasn't decreasing even after I completely ruined my hand. I vomited for taking a lots of alcohol. Still my mind was bumping about you. I got out from the room and saw lots of chocolates on floor. It might fall down from your hand. The thing caught my eyes was the photo frame, which you bought for me. Those were making me feel more guilty. I wanted to see you so badly, apologize so badly. But alas! I freaking made you leave! I was so devastated that I was gonna do that again! I went to my lab room to find potassium cyanide. But suddenly, Minho appeared in front of me. He said,

Minho: Jungkook! Don't you wanna think before you do? 

Jk: Leave me please! I lost each of the way of living-

Minho: You didn't lose them, You made them leave. Will you let everything end up here? With a cruel conclusion? Tell me, does she deserve to be hurt? At least from you? 

I moved my sight to ignore him. But he kept saying,

Minho: You can ignore me, but not her. Jungkook, just remember. That girl who witnessed her mother's cruel death by her father's hand, tolerated torture day after day, even she was gonna be raped my the person who made her come to the world.... just believed you, tried to find peace in you, wanted to be loved by you Jungkook. And think what you gave her instead!

Jk: But you see? She's tolerating more because of me! Why I will let my sins being a burden to her?

Minho: Cause, she wants to be happy only with you, not your deeds. Remember? How much determined she was to make you feel normal, make you happy? Cause she lives for your happiness! It doesn't mean she felt you as burden.

Jk: But what about her mental and physical health? She was literally being sick! 

 Minho: It because, you didn't help her ! All you did was blaming yourself. You never thought to start a new life with her! Did you?

I stayed calm, cause he was right! All I did were wrong. WRONG!

Jk: What will I do now Minho? She's now gone!

Minho: You're again doing that. You really think she would leave you that easily?

Jk: What do you mean? Where's she? 

I became hyper.

Minho: If you get a bit late to go to her, she would die causing hyphothermia. Run to the entrance, FAST!

My mind was blank! I couldn't think anything than rushing to you. Going to the entrance, I saw your cold body lying beside the door. You were almost freezing. I couldn't let you go in front of my eyes!"

Jk: This is too little to be heard, but still, I am sorry Koushi! I promise I will never leave you again! I will cherish you from the core of my heart. No matters what! I will! 

Me: How could you think that you could be a burden for me? Just how? You are my whole world, my life! Understand??? I- 

Jk: I really don't want to remember anything without you! I love you- and this is the ultimate truth of my life.

I nodded.

Me: Please let it be! Living without you is tormenting as hell. I thought you really didn't want to see me again...

Jk: That's true. I don't want to see you again...

His gaze became hard. It took a second to understand what he actually said. What did he mean? Then everything was a lie? He really hated me then?

Me: G-Gguk? Ar-are you s-serious? 

Jk: Of course! I don't want to see you as my girlfriend anymore.

He gaze moved at me. That heart-shaking cold gaze...

Jk: Will you marry me Koushi? I want to see you as my wife. I want to be that rightful person in your life!

I dunno how long I didn't blink, I didn't inhale, I didn't move my any single limb. Just looking at his smile. The most beautiful, overwhelming, heart demolishing smile with a bit lark.I could feel a little rumple at the edge of my nose as tears started to blur my vision...

I knew it was so predictable. But still his sudden words melt me so badly.

Me: I- Want you to be that person forever. 

Both of us smiled! After a long days, we brightly smiled without any plaeness.

Suddenly, we heard someone's cough sound.

Minho: Ahm! May I come in? Though I'm disturbing..

Jk: Please come.

Minho: We have lots of things to buy. It's a wedding day, right? Should we get ready?

Jk: Sure!  Koushi, are you feeling well?

Me: I'm good! 

Minho: That's great! 

Jk: Then get up, have breakfast! We have to go for shopping! Lots of works, right? 

Me: But Gguk your-

Jk: I'll be fine! I will use mask and won't put it out. And Minho is here to help us.

Minho: Sure Miss. I'm bound to-

Jk: You call Annie, she will help you buying ladies stuffs. We men are so numb for that. I'm gonna serve the breakfast!

Minho and Gguk left the room.

 It's been a long day I haven't seen him this happy. Please almighty, keep him happy as this! Forever...

It was felt a bit embarrassing to inform anyone about my own wedding! 

Heck! How will I start?

While thinking that, Annie received the call. Thanks to god, I didn't have to embarrassed, she talked to me first-

Annie: What the hell Girl? What are you doing till now? Get ready in 10 minutes. I'll you pick up from there. Don't be late, or else I will eat you! 

I smiled at her behaviour. She was yelling on me as my mom! 

Me: Of course. I will...

Suddenly she calmed her voice,

Annie: Are you happy Koushi?

Me: The MOST!

She left a breath and again went back to yelling-


I laughed and cut the call. An immense happiness poured each corner of my heart! 

Shopping Mall:

We were whirling from shop to shop but Annie couldn't choose any gown. Raeji was in my lap.He made me startled by calling me " KUSHI" with a very immature, cute voice! As we weren't attending the wedding shopping, just playing with each other whereas, Annie kept yelling at us! 

Annie: Koushi, look here! Stop playing with him. You can do that later! LOOK HERE!

Koushi: Anything is Ok! Just pick one! 

Saying that I went back to feed Raeji the remaining fries. Annie just burst in anger and dragged both of us from there.

Annie: NOW, YOU'LL DO WHAT I SAY! Go and dressed up! GO!

I pouted my lips and left a pitiful gaze to Raeji. So he did and said,

Raeji: KUSHI! GUNE! [Gone]

Annie: You'll get lots of time to eye contacting with each other now, go! Gguk and San will be here soon..

I nodded poorly and went to the trial room. 

Men Corner:

Thankfully, Minho obstructed people's gaze to vision something supernatural for few hours. So that Gguk could move without mask.

Jk: Thanks Minho. I feel relieved now!

Minho: Only for 3 hours. Remember-

Jk: Yeah!

San: That's Ok! But since you put out your mask, you're continuously having chocolates! Gimme some-

San was gonna take the chocolates from his hand but Gguk moved from there..

Jk: Go away! They are mine. My wife gave me! Go and ask that bitch...

San: Punk! Get married first, then call her wife-

Jk: Shuu- This won't work. I'm not gonna share my chocolates!

San: You're mean!

Jk : That's why I love to be alone while eating! Go-

They were kinda fighting for a silly chocolates and meanwhile, they entered the shop, joined Annie. 

Jk: Where's she?

Annie: Dressing up! Will be come soon-

She couldn't finish and I showed myself. 

I gulped and saw all of them looking at me with widen eyes...

Me: Ah- Is is ok?

None of them replied.

Me: This isn't, right? Ok, I'm gonna change...

Annie : Nooo! Hey! Look at yourself. GODDESS....

Me: Huh?

San: This suits you the most. You always should wear a wedding gown.

I bowed my head.

Damn! This is so embarrassing

Annie: Gguk, you say something!

San: Why are you calm?

I looked at him. He was still staring at me deeply, was observing every feature of mine. I faced it before, but still my body started to heat up..


San: Ahm! Annie, let's give some spaces to them...

I saw them moving towards a corner and Gguk coming closer to me.

Jk: You look so gorgeous Love! 

He whispered.

Me: Thanks. I'm gonna change now.

I tried so show hurry to get rid of that dangerous gaze. But he held my hands....

Jk: Lemme just see you...

Me: Gosh! Please, I'm still weak to face your eyes!

He giggled and left my hands. 

Jk: Ok. No worries. You're gonna be mine from today, so I can SEE you whenever I want...

I gulped to hear his husky voice and immediately went to change. 

Well, It was then Gguk's turn. He wore some of the black suits but looked too usual.

Annie: Listen Gguk, you used to wear black. Why don't you try white? Both of you would look great in white I guess.

San: How about this? 

Jk: Lemme try it..

He came back with a devilish-angel look. We were so amazed to see him. he was even looking damn good in white.

Annie: So handsome! Every groom should look like this jerk!

Jk: You're insulting me or praising me?

Annie: Both. Koushi what about this? 

Me: Everything is alright unless this-

The price tag was hanging over his ear. I laughed and went to him to remove that. While doing my work, I felt a deep gaze of him. His eyes were intensely burning me.

[ A/N: Finally I used this picture ✊✊]

Jk: Do it slowly...

I smiled and left him as fast as possible. he pouted his lips being unsatisfied.

Me: Hey, It would be great if you try this turtle neck one..

Jk: As your wish...

San: Wedding venue is ready. Annie come with Koushi faster, we will be there. 

Annie: Got it. Koushi, let's go ! 

I nodded. 

Wedding Venue: 

Annie: Are you nervous?

Me: Hmm....

Annie: I can feel. Just know you're gonna be a part of his life from now! Only Jungguk and You! Just think about you two!

I nodded being nervous. Getting out from the car, I saw the venue was arranged with lots of Blue pea. It amazed me immensely. I knew he wouldn't forget about this...

Annie: Let's get in...

Me: Annie, this dress is quite heavy. I can't carry it. We should buy a simple-lite on-

Annie: SHUT UP and walk carefully... Still blabbering? 

I replied her with a smile. Meanwhile we reached to the hall room. Lots of people were staring at me as I was the focus of the event. Congratulating me for being his bride...But no! Entire hall room was empty. How would anyone attend a vampire's wedding? 

As I saw him standing with flowers, waiting for me ...every disappointment got vanished. He was enough for me! I slowly walked through the hall room. He held my hands as I stand against him. Both of our eyes connected each other. The entire world was a lie then, " Koushi and Jungguk"  was the only truth. We smiled and every bad memory got washed from our life...

Our gaze got broken when the Priest called out our name after finishing his holy prayers to god.

Priest: Jeon Jungguk, Do you take Koushi as your lawful wife to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness or in health until death apart you two? 

Jk: I do.

Priest: Hwang Koushi, Do you take Jungkook as your lawful husband to have and hold this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness or in health until death apart you two? 

Me: I do.

Priest: Congratulations! You are now religiously Husband and Wife. You can celebrate your beautiful moment kissing each other! 

He looked at me with a smile. As he was waiting for it. It was gonna be our second kiss after that day, he saved me. It was his right then...And he came closer to fill his right-

His warm hand wrapped my waist, pulled me closer. God! He was too close. I heart was beating crazily...

His eyes were closed, his breathes were hitting my lips which caused my eyes being closed too. I was too ready for that.. And his lips met mine... He was slowly caressing my lips. It was indeed a sweet one. An adorable rub, a little suck and lots of love! Yeah that was what his lips gave me, that was what that kiss endured. Maybe it didn't went more than 10 seconds, but it felt like a decade .Finally we got apart and gift each other our smile. 

Then he attached the ring on my finger so did I. A sign of our bond, love.

Annie: See, how passionately they were kissing? Probably you didn't even hear us clapping , did you?

Jk: You're enough to spoil any sweet moment.

She didn't yell back, she stayed calm and softly said,

Annie: My little bunny has grown. I can't believe it's his wedding! Just few days ago he was crying for my toys...

Gguk smiled and hugged her.

Jk: I'm so grateful to you. You were my second mother! I love you..

Annie: At least you confessed. 

San: Come on! We're gonna have lunch too. Gguk, should I send Koushi's stuffs to your house?

Jk: No. We won't be staying here anymore. Not in this criticism.

Minho: I think he's right. A new life should start without any obstruction.

Annie: When will leave?

Jk: After lunch.

Me: So early?

Jk: Don't worry, Chan will manage everything.

I nodded.

So yeah! We really enjoyed each of the moment together. It was really a great day. It was a bit hurting to leave Seoul. At least we had started our journey here...

We entered to Busan's house at late night. Chan arranged everything and went back to his home so he didn’t see Gguk with fangs. I didn't know what would happen if he sees him being a vampire...

Jk: Koushi, let's go to room. I am much tired.

Me: Me too. I'm already missing everyone! Specially Raeji. You saw how adorably he was calling us? "KUSHI" "JUKU"

He giggled and held my hand.

Jk: I miss him the most...

Gguk immediately went to the washroom to take shower, whereas I was putting out my clothes. I kept the photo frame on the lamp table. I touched the picture and dived in my cogitation..

This day was like a dream for me. I never imagined, we would reach to this consequence after facing so many problems and hardship. I don't want anything else, just a peaceful, simple life with you....

Meanwhile, He went out from the wash room drying his hairs.

Jk: I'm done. Now you go...

I nodded and went to take a shower. A relaxing shower which washed all of my stresses. When I went out, I saw Gguk sitting on the window stool staring out side. He gestured towards me to go to him. I sat beside him.

Jk: Koushi...

Me: Hmm?

Jk: Are you tired?

Me: Yeah. Kinda...

Jk: Come to my lap. Sleep here-

I smiled and hugged him, wrapped my legs around his waist, rested my head on his shoulder. He was patting my back softly...

Me: Gguk?

Jk: Hmm?

Me: You know why Blue Pea means a lot for me?

Jk: No..I wanted to ask even-

Me : Blue pea isn't a highlighted or wanted flower. It blooms here and there without any touch of care. No one even looks at this beautiful thing intensively. Just as me. I was like that unwanted thing. I wanted to be loved, adored, cherished by someone. Loneliness used to ingest me like a beast. I wanted to get rid of this negligence. So I just imagined the blue pea as me and cherished it as I wanted to be.... It represents me. That's why this valueless, little thing means a lot for me.

But then you came to my life, made me feel, I wasn't unwanted. Loved me from the core of your heart....I can't just...

Jk: I love you Koushi.

Will she rply today?

Me: I know Love! Will you sing me a song? I wanna sleep with your melody!

Jk: Anything for you. Sleep peacefully.  You're safe now. For real...

He started to sing with his heart-melting voice. After a long day, I slept without being exhausted.... 

"Your faint voice that brushes past me,
Please call my name one more time,
Though I'm standing under the frozen sunset,I will walk towards you one step at a time,


A/N: So yeah! This update has come in a short time, hasn’t it? Please don’t complain now. Believe me I'm too busy nowdays. One more time,this chapter came unedited 🙂🙂. Whatever please stay tunned with "BABY KICK" if you're liking it. And don’t forget to vote and comment.

Nowdays I'm really feeling exhausted because of poor number of views and votes! It kinda demotivates me☹☹

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