Konoha's Own Blue-Eyed Puppet...

By Animalover9

85.3K 2.5K 585

-COMPLETED- Everything is suppose to go smoothly in Akisha's life or at least that's what she wanted... But n... More

The Free Clouds
Graduation & A New Team
A Visit From The Sand Siblings
The Written Exam
The Forest Of Death
Passing The Forest Of Death
Preliminary Battles
Akisha's Fight
The Final Chunin Exam
Truth Revealed
Itachi and Kisame
Knowledge Of The Felines
Meeting Tsunade
The Three Legendary Ninja Reunion
Never A Normal Day
Choji's Decision
For A Comrade
Don't Cry
It's Decided
The Free Clouds

A Day Off?

2.9K 113 25
By Animalover9

Yay, another chappy is here~! ^-^

So, ehm, to the side is a ShikaXKisha pic that I drew... I know it sucks but I tried >-> 

((Edit: 3/17/14 :: Guys I swear I'm better at drawing now, I swear it, this was like a year [or two] ago ;o;))

Also a big thanks to Sasuke_girl28 for always commenting and voting and thanks to the rest of you guys who are commenting and such~!

^.^ Keep it up! Enjoy the chappy!

***Akisha's POV***

"Ugh...What's.. Time?" I barely opened my eyes, searching for my clock. Speech wasn't too much of an option, I was hardly able to say the words I did.

My vision cleared and I saw the familiar numbers.


AM or PM though? I thought about it till I noticed the light shining through my curtains. Wait... Curtains? Clock? Bed? My eye's popped out of my head. "AHH! CHUNIN EXAMS!!" And my speech problem was gone in a snap of time. Falling off my bed from the panic and racing to scramble myself back up, I ran towards my door. Passing by my mirror; flashing of white caught my eyes. I stopped to examine myself. A petite, white night gown was my clothing and I had bandages wrapped every where around my body. Even my hands were wrapped up. I lifted the gown to see my stomach, it was also wrapped all the way to my chest. I smoothed the gown back down turned back to my bed while rubbing my chest.  It's what hurt the most... Damn that Hyuga asshole...

I scoffed at the thought of his cocky looking face and collapsed on my bed. Bad idea. I sprung up with a cry, the injurys's on my back stinging in sharp pain. I side glanced at my closet, knowing it had to be done in order for me to face the rest of the day. With a heavy sigh, I walked over to it and got out a normal everyday kimono. It was plain with a dark blue color. It went down to my knees and had the average long sleeves.

Getting dressed was a bit of a... Shall was say; challenge.

It hurt when I moved certain spots, but it was better than trying to get dressed with my normal ninja clothes. I brushed my hair and tied my headband around my forehead. I walked over the mirror again. Despite bandages down to my hands and up to my neck... I felt good seeing that headband where it belonged. I turned to my door and opened it slowly, stepping out as quiet as possible. I wonder if I can just sprint for the door? ..It's worth a try..

As fast as possible I ran down the steps, hopping off the last one and sprinting to the door, doing my best to ignore the pain of my wounds. I reached for the handle when a tug of my collar held me back. I was spun around and met my mother's glare of death. My hand automatically scratched the back of my head in anxiety. "Eh!... Uh!... I have a mission?... Got to go!!" She crossed her arms, of course not buying my pitiful excuse. "Explanation. Now." I sighed in defeat and walked over to the couch, sitting down. I moved around in my seat until I was comfy and bruises weren't aching from the way I had been first sitting.  My blue eyes met the caramel ones of my mother. "Well... um... See I was-" She cut me off. "GONE. FOR FIVE DAYS!!" I flinched and looked down, knowing it wasn't over. "AND THEN YOU GET HOME UNCONSCIOUS WITH BANDAGES WRAPPED EVERYWHERE ON YOU!! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD AT FIRST, AKISHA!"

I scooted away with every one of her words. Oh Kami please, help me. Anyone, please help, I'll never gamble ag-  "Kisha? Are you home?" Several knocks on the door were heard. My head snapped up. Was that, Kurenai? Thank all the Gods there is to thank. My mother looked at me and then the door, sighing angrily. She walked over opening it and proceeded to welcome who ever was there within our cozy house. Not that surprisingly, Kurenai walked in. I stood up, cringing but then smiling. "Ah! Sensei! Thank Kami!" My sensei gave me a worrisome look, showing she was here on business. "Not really, Kisha.."

I plopped back down, an exasperated look on my face. "Now what?"

My mother stepped infront of me. "You still have some explaining to do!"

I slunk in my seat when Kurenai tapped my mother's shoulder and beckoning her to the kitchen. I could hear Kurenai whispering about the Chunin Exams to my mother. After some time, dramatic gasps, exclamations, and tones of worry, my Sensei and mother walked back. My mother came up to and suffocating me with a hug, a hug that showed off her worry, yet pride. "OH AKISHA! YOU'VE CHANGED SO MUCH! TO THINK YOU STOOD UP FOR YOUR FRIENDS AND ACTUALLY DEFEATED YOUR OWN OPPONENT!" I flailed my arms around, cutting my mother off. "GAH! MOM!! PLEASE!! PAIN!! STOP!!"

She immediately stopped hugging me, letting me fall to the floor. "Right, right, sorry sweetie!" She said with a closed eye smile. I sweat dropped, my mouth dropped open a bit, always amazed at the reactions of this woman. What in the hell did Kurenai even say? "Anyways, we have more important matters to discuss." Kurenai said, sitting down on the couch. I sat back on my spot as well. Kurenai faced me as my mother left the room to go do what ever it is she does, she probably figured it was a matter best left between Kurenai and myself. Although, I could have sworn I saw her standing closer to the open doorway from the kitchen. "Since you defeated your opponent, you now have a spot in the final round of the Chunin Exams which will be in a month from now. You'll be facing a boy from the mist. He was on the same team as the girl you fought."

The palm of my hand smacked my face. Great, he'll be pissed off at me for poisoning his teammate. Exactly what I needed. "But that's not the worst part.. See, his opponent for the preliminaries was his other teammate... And well.. he fought against his own teammate quite merciless.. Poor kid didn't have a chance against him."

So he won't be pissed off at me for poisoning his teammate because he's insane. Perfect. 

" of advice. Work on making your wind chakra stronger and Taijutsu better." I looked up to ask for more information when it appeared that Kurenai vanished after those words. I sighed and heaved myself of the couch. I walked to my door and shouted to my mother, "I'LL BE BACK LATER!!" Quickly, I slammed the door behind me and walked away hastily before she could stop me. Nothing could go wrong with those actions, nothing at all.


I yawned looking up at my destination: Konoha's Hospital. Nervous features began to make their way onto my face. Kurenai would have informed me if anything really bad happened to Hinata, or perhaps Kiba's condition worsened somehow? Maybe he's not okay, maybe Hinata's not going to be alright. What about Shikamaru and Choji? Who'd those two have to fight? I kept my mind focused on the person I was most worried about. That's who I need to see at the moment.

Walking into the hospital, I made my way up to the front desk. "Um.. Excuse me, I'm here to see Hyuga Hinata.." You could hear the anxious feelings in the tone of my voice. The lady nodded, almost condescendingly and got out some paper work, also in a way of sass. She flipped through it, reading fast before shaking her head at me. "I'm sorry, she's in a critical condition. No visitors aloud... Like I said before." Spite to her last mumble of words, but ignored it, chewing on my lip in worry. "How bad is she?" The lady sighed, seemingly annoyed. "Sorry kid, but all you need to know is 'No Visitors'. Okay?" She smiled sweetly at the end of her sentence making me twitch on the inside.

Waving her words off, following the idea in my mind I continued, "Yeah sure, old lady."  At my obnoxious words her eyes bulged out. "AH!? O-O-OLD? I'm only twenty-nine dammit!! What's with you brats calling me old!?" I sucked in air through my teeth. "Oooh... Yikes... Maybe you should try concealing those wrinkles, then?" I smiled at her while she gasped horrified and ran away, no doubt to a bathroom to see her face. Snickering at how well my plan went, I checked around me, seeing no one, I slipped over the counter and grabbed Hinata's papers. I glanced over them quickly, grinning when I found what I was looking for. Room 102.

I slipped the papers back and turned on my heel, whistling. Soon as I was out of any doctor's sight, I ran to Hinata's room.


I took a breath when I found it. Quiet like a mouse, I opened the door and slipped inside. Hinata was laying on a bed with several machines hooked up to her. Her short hair fell around her face. The normal bright color to her cheeks and her normally wide eyes were no where in sight, making the sight rather out of place to me. Poor Hinata... She just wanted to prove herself to everyone. To her father. To her team. To Naruto. It's not fair how these things always happen to people like her... The ''underdog''...

"You know you shouldn't be in here." I jumped around, holding my chest to keep my heart from bursting out. "Holy shi-! Y-You scared me, Kiba!" I cut off my swears with wide eyes. Kiba walked out in front of me. He had bandages everywhere similar to mine.  However he also looked out of character with his arms crossed and a serious frown taking over the usual toothy grin. "Are you stupid?" I shrugged. "Hey, you sneaked in here too so..." I trailed off, my eyes going from the floor to the door, back to Kiba's harden stare. "You know what I'm talking about. Punching Neji." I winced at his tone, but it was mainly his stare that got to me. "Ah... That..." I looked away again, not able to keep the eye contact. "You would have too." I murmured trying to get myself out of this, even though I know I won't.

I heard him sigh, obviously frustrated. "Yeah, but that's me! The one who doesn't think before they act! You do and you know he could have killed you!" His voice got a bit louder with each word. I put my hands up in defense. "Hey, hey. Be quiet or they'll hear us.." He stared to Hinata, me, and then the door. With softer eyes he grabbed my right hand, leading me away from Hinata's bedside. "Come on, let's leave her to rest." He tugged me out of the room. I did try explaining I just got there, but I guess he knew that saying he was there before me. We walked by the front desk. The lady there glared at us, mumbling, "Stupid brats. Saying I'm old..."

I chuckled and walked next to Kiba. "You used the 'you look old' trick as well?"

Kiba nodded with a toothy smirk, the one I had missed seeing more than I thought I would. "Works every time."


Walking around Konoha did build up some what of an appetite, so that does explain how we ended up at a little ramen place, sadly not one that would have taken those coupons I won off of Naruto, but I didn't have any money or those coupons on myself at the moment anyway. While Kiba devoured his ramen, I couldn't help, but to look at him, just simply look at his appearance. He looked different with his hood down, and the jacket unzipped. Almost handsome in a way, rather than looking so brunt. Not to mention Akamaru wasn't with him, perched on top of his head or in his jacket. "Say, where is Akamaru?"  I asked my question and went back to slurping up noodles.

Kiba pointed in some random direction. "Home, resting." I raised an eyebrow. "Shouldn't you be doing that too?" Kiba shrugged. "I wanted to check on you and Hinata." "Oh.." I turned back to my ramen and slurped the last of the noodles up. Kiba let out a satisfied sigh as he finished his own ramen. Someone working here took it as a sign to come and collect our dishes. "That'll be ten ninety-nine, please?" He held out his hand expecting the money from one of us. My face went blank. "Eh, uh.. Kiba.. I accidentally left my wallet at home." Kiba's face went blank as well. "I thought you were paying..."


"HEY-OUCH!! " I landed out in the middle of the street with Kiba right next to me. The guy shook his fist at us, continuing onto threaten, "DON'T COME BACK TIL YOU HAVE THE MONEY!" I sweat dropped, my tone going bland. "Nice going, Kiba." He crossed his arms. "How was I suppose to know you didn't have money!?" I looked up thoughtfully, tapping my chin. "Hm.. That's the best point you've ever made." My response coming out sarcastic. Kiba got a mini vein, showing off his slight anger. "Well as much as I enjoyed getting kicked out of the ramen shop with you, I gotta be heading home to check on Akamaru." Kiba stood up and grabbed my hand helping me up. "Understood... Give my best to him." I said lightly, imagining the poor pup whimpering in his pain.

Kiba nodded he would and ran on home, as he was off in the distance, someone tapped my shoulder, but didn't bring me from my thoughts. Such a strange guy Kiba is... But I like that type of strange. Something about it that keeps me around him. "-ey? Akisha?" I turned and saw Shikamaru standing in his normal lazy stance, a puzzled look on his face at my late responding. I rubbed my head. "Hi Shikamaru!" There was a tiny high pitched guilt to my tune, only for the reason that I ignored him for my thoughts. He looked behind me. "Who was that? The guy you were with?" "Ah, that was Kiba." I said waving in Kiba's direction. Shikamaru frowned, sighing a little. "I don't really like that guy.." "Huh? Why not? " I asked, surprise clearly in my voice. I never saw any reason for those two to dislike each other, they hardly know each other. 

Shikamaru shrugged, almost panicked at my question. "...No reason... Anyway, what's up with the kimono?" I looked down at the blue kimono. "Huh? I didn't want to struggle putting on my normal outfit. With my wounds this was a lot easier." Shikamaru nodded to me, sticking his hands in his pockets. He avoided my eyes, a heavy tune from his words of,  "You know that was stupid, right?" I rubbed my eyes of nonexistent dust. "Yeah, so everyone's saying. 'Punching Neji equals a bad time', I know." Shikamaru gave me a sharp look. I couldn't determine the emotion, but it seemed like a mix of worry with something else... Shikamaru is one of the hardest people to figure out, I swear.

He sighed again for the twentieth time in our five-ten minutes of meeting. He turned around, beckoning me to follow him. "Come on then." I tilted my head to the side slightly. "What do you mean?" Shikamaru sent me a side glance. "Remember? Our deal?" I smacked my forehead. Right! Cloud watching. I ran up next to him. "Sorry! Sorry! I forgot." Shikamaru nodded again. "I know-" "SSHHIIKKAAMMAARRUU!!" I flinched as did Shikamaru. He rubbed his neck in exhaustion. "Awh man..." Ino ran up to us with Choji and Asuma right behind her. "HEY GUYS! " A sweat drop clung to my forehead at her. She's still loud as ever. Ino looked me up and down. "Nice kimono, you guys out on a date or something?" She ended with her hands on her hips and a smirk. Shikamaru's face turned bright red, like mine. I put my hands up, shaking them. "Ah! Uh N-No! I wore this beca-" Ino laughed loudly. "I'm just kidding! " Asuma rubbed his beard. "I don't know. They seem like a good couple to me.."

Shikamaru, and this is Shikamaru were talking about, actually glared at him, before grabbing my hand and pulling me away. "Let's go."  I could hear Asuma laughing loudly in the distance as we traveled away from them.




After some walking we arrived at a nice, familiar hill. Shikamaru laid down and I slowly got into my spot. My back ached but I ignored it, this was too comfy to start complaining over my own stupid injureys. Shikamaru had his hands behind his head and I had my left hand by my side, the other just absently mindly reaching to the sky. I sighed contently, a smile reached my lips. "I've missed this, you know?" Shikamaru nodded in agreement. "Yeah... Me too.." A comfortable silence occurred after that. I guess that's what I've always liked about being with Shikamaru. We don't have to keep talking, but rather we can enjoy each other's company peacefully. He's so easy to get along with despite his odd moments of sexism or laziness, he's a really nice guy to be with..


I nodded to Shikamaru, to let him go on.

"..Promise me this.. You'll forfeit your fight if you know you can't win."

I turned fully to him. His eyes for once didn't show a hint of laziness, rather full unease of what ever he was imagining in his head. "You worry too much, Shikamaru." My voice was soft. He didn't break off the topic. "Promise?" 

"Okay. Same to you too?"

He nodded and sat up, I followed his example. "Good.. And uh.. I have to something to ask-er tell, ah no wait, ask you.." He tripped over his own words and his face lit up red. Shikamaru stuttering? This has to be something... Important? 

***Shikamaru's POV***

Maybe this was a bad idea? Maybe I should wait to tell her? But if I keep waiting for the perfect moment... Kiba will jump at his chance... He likes her, I can tell. But he doesn't fit her... I do. Akisha and I... Go well. It's so hard to explain. I looked up at her blue eyes. A light blue, that matched the sky-No.. Her eyes are brighter than the sky... Those eyes make things seem clearer. "What is it, Shikamaru?" She asked with her soft voice. I rubbed my neck. "I uh.. Well.. Remember how I said there is someone I could see myself with?" She nodded and my blush got hotter when she leaned in, only eager, but she didn't realize how close she had gotten. I continued, "Well, she's uh, that girl-" "HEY! KI!" Kiba  appeared randomly and ran over to Akisha, making me slightly glare at him. Akisha jumped up in surprise. "Kiba!? I thought you said you were checking on Akamaru?"  Kiba nodded. "Yeah, he's doing good so I thought, I'd come find you and-"

I got to my feet. "You know, I was talking to Akisha." I interrupted him, anger hinted in my tone. Kiba crossed his arms, a type of defensive anger on his features. ''She's still here, keep talking if you need to say something." I stepped a bit closer to Kiba, my temper rising. Akisha stepped in between us. "W-whoa guys? Hey, calm down." 

Her voice suddenly brought me back to earth. I spun around, beginning to walk away. "Tsk. I'll talk to you later,Akisha." I never got to hear her reply, I had already walked too fast away from the scene.




My thoughts cleared up as I walked through Konoha.

...What happened back there? I don't lose my temper, I didn't even know I had a temper... But that guy... I just-I just don't like him.

And I sure as hell don't like him near Akisha...

***Akisha's POV***

When Shikamaru walked away, I crossed my arms and stared down Kiba.  He looked at me with confusion. "What?" I smacked him across the head, making him grab his head with a groan of pain. "Ouch..." I put my hands on my hips. "Don't 'what' me! What was that back there!?" Kiba shrugged. "I don't know.... I just don't like that guy.." I face palmed. " I don't get you two..." A sigh left my mouth, looking up at the sky that had started to turn dark. I guess my day off is over... I turned and started walking. "Hey! Where are you going?" Kiba called to me. That's right, he did come find me, but I don't want to hang out with anyone at the moment. Well, I would with Shikamaru, but something tells me I won't find him.

I waved at him while I kept walking forward. "Home." I heard him grunt in a frustrate manor, and he probably walked away. Why must I keep worrying about those two?... I sighed again, following Shikamaru's lead of sighing a thousand times per hour, and looked up at the darkening sky.

The stupid immature, but fun and protective, Kiba.

The lazy laid back, but relaxing and kind, Shikamaru.

What is it about those two?


GUESS WHAT~ VOTES HAVE BEEN CLOSED! (except in the future when there will be a third option, but shushhh about that now.)

It's decided between these two e3e Muhauhaha~ 

Also the next chapter after the upcoming chapter will be her fight!~ *^*

So you know: VOTE, FAN,



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